• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 5, 2010

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 18
  2. Negative: 3 out of 18
  1. Each song will become the soundtrack for Mean Girls soccer moms and pre-teen pre-sluts everywhere.
  2. Animal teems with choruses that stick with the listener for days, from the blissful "Your Love Is My Drug" to the catty "Backstabber." Equally prevalent, however, are heavily processed vocals, which make it hard to tell whether the California cutie can actually sing.
  3. Here he frames her Valley Girl sneer with electro-glam arrangements that make brushing one's teeth ''with a bottle of Jack'' sound like an awesome way to kill the morning-after blues.
  4. Ke$ha's tipsy lilt allows her to effortlessly shift from half-singing to half-talking, a technique that makes her vocals carom like shiny pinballs against the crazy beats and sound effects that make up these tracks. She never gets bogged down or sounds like she's trying too hard.
  5. Arguments of purpose and meaning aside, Animal is an infectiously good dance-pop album, and by all meaningful estimations, a towering triumph
  6. Animal is a clear subversion of pop norms amid a sea of synth stabbing and whisky guzzling, a kick in the groin on a dark dance floor.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 319 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 90 out of 319
  1. ManuelK
    Jan 18, 2010
    Definitely a contender in the run for Best Album of 2010. The beats are sick (thanks to the genius that is Dr.Luke). The lyrics are sicker. Definitely a contender in the run for Best Album of 2010. The beats are sick (thanks to the genius that is Dr.Luke). The lyrics are sicker. Her voice is so autotuned it's ridiculous...But it all makes for a fun album. A MUST-HEAR album for parties to come. I was ready to write her off as jst another white-trash Britney wannabe...but this girl has BALLS...and i mean BALLS! Songs like "Boots & Boys" & "Take it Off" are basically Britney songs sung in Ke$ha's voice. But the songs have HIT written alll ove them. Full Review »
  2. Apr 11, 2013
    A lot of just pop filler, but overall this is a good debut from Ke$ha. "Your Love Is My Drug" "Take It Off" and "Animal" are my standoutA lot of just pop filler, but overall this is a good debut from Ke$ha. "Your Love Is My Drug" "Take It Off" and "Animal" are my standout tracks on the album. Full Review »
  3. May 24, 2011
    No amount of autotune can turn Ke$ha from glittery train wreck into a bona fide Britney competitor cause lets face it - thats all Ke$hasNo amount of autotune can turn Ke$ha from glittery train wreck into a bona fide Britney competitor cause lets face it - thats all Ke$has after. Take it off and V.I.P are the only great tracks. Full Review »