• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Jul 20, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 147 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 91 out of 147
  2. Negative: 50 out of 147

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  1. Jul 16, 2016
    "Autobiography" was an edgy debut from Ashlee Simpson. It had its high moments with "Pieces of Me," "Shadow," "Better Off," "Love Me For Me," and "Giving It All Away," and though it did have a few weak songs, the album was, overall, spectacular.
  2. Mar 17, 2015
    Track by track review:
    1. Autobiography 9.5/10
    2. Pieces of Me 8/10
    3. Shadow 5.5/10
    4. La La 10/10
    5. Love Makes the World Go Round 9.5/10
    6. Better Off 9/10
    7. Love Me for Me 10/10
    8. Surrender 9/10
    9. Unreachable 8.5/10
    10. Nothing New 9.5/10
    11. Giving It All Away 9.5/10
    12. Undiscovered 7.5/10

    Highlight: Love Me for Me
    Potential singles: Autobiography, Pieces of Me, La La
  3. Apr 26, 2012
    Hmm pretty cool for Jessica's little sister. Most of the songs are not believable here. That's the problem. No, she doesn't write her own songs or music. She is just another typical pop singer. Too bad.
  4. Jun 7, 2011
    I think she is quite OK, with certain tracks such as "Pieces of Me" and "Love Me For Me" being rather good, although she obviously can't sing others such as "Lala", and no offense, but it sounds like a dying cat, especially when she sings it live. Overall it's a decent album, but nothing too spectacular.
  5. DaphneH.
    Sep 19, 2007
    Her best album yet.
  6. DanF.
    Sep 4, 2007
  7. AndieV.
    Jul 2, 2007
    Puh-leeze, people give her a break. i think she has some real talent, she knows how to rock and her songs are quite catchy, autobiography kicks some ass, she may not seem who she may seem to be.
  8. EdwardH
    Apr 10, 2007
    Y'all all hatin' on this one 4 sure. Its so damn good, it bitch slaps every album till 2007 cept "I am Me" which is tied with it. Ash has reel talant unlike sum foolz I have head before. plus she is honest in her songs and she makes em all fun 2 listen 2. u go girl!
  9. ixata
    Dec 22, 2006
    its an okay album... 7 cuz honestly she can't sing as well as jessica does.. she cant hit the high note... and the reason this album sold 450000+ copies in its first week is becoz she had some popularity from jessica and her mtv show and this is john shank's creature. She rocks, yes, but to little kids... she'll never gonna be alanis, unless she writes and produces her own its an okay album... 7 cuz honestly she can't sing as well as jessica does.. she cant hit the high note... and the reason this album sold 450000+ copies in its first week is becoz she had some popularity from jessica and her mtv show and this is john shank's creature. She rocks, yes, but to little kids... she'll never gonna be alanis, unless she writes and produces her own record, that it can be considered. but all in all, this album is catchy and worthwhile. But dont get me wrong, im not her fan... Expand
  10. oliviam
    Nov 5, 2006
    this is like the best cd ever but wat does the track shadow mean
  11. izata
    Oct 15, 2006
    not quite good.. iprefer jess over her
  12. AlexN
    Jan 28, 2006
    This album is really good, people who say she is bad need to turn up their hearing coz she is fantastic. My fav songs on the album are Autobiography and Lala
  13. ChristianV
    Nov 19, 2005
    Come 'on, this cd is the best ever, i mean, shes great, and she has a lot of talent, and more that Avril Lavigne and Pink togheter, i mean,. c'mon man, the album isnt that bad, she yeelss in some of her songs, but there is no other way to say the words, i mean, the lyrics are great!!, catchy and bubble gumy, ok, but it isnt mediocre, thats my thought.
  14. ChrisW
    Sep 6, 2005
    Ashlee has...earthy vocals to say the least. She wants to be rock but to be fair is leaning slightly more to the pop genre. Her album is brim full of emotion and consistently in keeping with her own life 'trauma's' as all of her songs are near enough from her own life experiences. All in all a decent debut album from Ashlee and I would recommend it to most people who fall Ashlee has...earthy vocals to say the least. She wants to be rock but to be fair is leaning slightly more to the pop genre. Her album is brim full of emotion and consistently in keeping with her own life 'trauma's' as all of her songs are near enough from her own life experiences. All in all a decent debut album from Ashlee and I would recommend it to most people who fall into the rock/pop genre fans. Dont rate her on the SNL snaffu, she is a good artist who has done herself justice. Expand
  15. Joey
    Jun 9, 2005
    Reading the comments here I can't believe people are calling her talentless! Ashlee Simpson proves them wrong in her debut album 'Autobiography.' My favourite tracks are 'Shadow' and 'Autobiography' and I used to really dislike 'Lala' but it has grown on me. So the people who gave this album a bad review, I don't think we were listening to Reading the comments here I can't believe people are calling her talentless! Ashlee Simpson proves them wrong in her debut album 'Autobiography.' My favourite tracks are 'Shadow' and 'Autobiography' and I used to really dislike 'Lala' but it has grown on me. So the people who gave this album a bad review, I don't think we were listening to the same CD! Expand
  16. JohnY
    May 9, 2005
    It seems that the votes are either love or hate her. I can say that over-all that CD is very good. I qualified it for my 8 year old daughter, who we took to Ashlee's concert. Everybody wants to get on the "She's such a fraud" because of SNL. But she was very good in concert, and made a small show big. My review on all the people who gave her a 0, is... show me your media... It seems that the votes are either love or hate her. I can say that over-all that CD is very good. I qualified it for my 8 year old daughter, who we took to Ashlee's concert. Everybody wants to get on the "She's such a fraud" because of SNL. But she was very good in concert, and made a small show big. My review on all the people who gave her a 0, is... show me your media... because it appears you have not taken the time to listen. I am 42 and family man, but I like it. Despite the band wagon's shallow views. I hope my daughter keeps listening and singing her songs, because they speak about self actualization. Even if the music was written by someone else, the lyrics seem personal. Song writters don't always have to speak about real life, just enough to remind us of how distorted things can be. Expand
  17. RobertR
    Mar 17, 2005
    It makes me laugh when people think they know what REAL music is supposed to be. Come to think of it, why aren't Beethoven or Chopin (the actual genuises) being played on the radio anymore? But, I digress. "Autobiography" is entertaining and meaningful. Ashlee does not have the best voice, but is an intruiging and emotional vocalist. This album is disturbingly underrated, and people It makes me laugh when people think they know what REAL music is supposed to be. Come to think of it, why aren't Beethoven or Chopin (the actual genuises) being played on the radio anymore? But, I digress. "Autobiography" is entertaining and meaningful. Ashlee does not have the best voice, but is an intruiging and emotional vocalist. This album is disturbingly underrated, and people will realize it, in time. Expand
  18. dawn
    Mar 7, 2005
    i think she sucks. everything about her sucks. her looks, her music, her ways.. and her feet are ugly! did you see them? if you just saw her feet, you would think they were feet of a 80 year old woman. i dont know why people thinks she is so great. the only thing good about her is that she has big boobs.
  19. JohnC
    Mar 2, 2005
    It is awesome! Undiscovered will make you cry and Surrender will make you mad! Full of emotion...I love it!
  20. JordanE
    Feb 28, 2005
    Shes a talenless fraud who got into the buisness only because of her older sister. Im not surprised that the media, for the most part, supports her. Theres enough people in this world who are blind/retarded enough to buy this garbage so the "industry" will make more money.
  21. Metallika
    Feb 27, 2005
    She SUCKS big time!!!!!..she can't sing!!!..I hate her crappy voice...her music's a piece of trash..her music is terrible,,,.and her reality show makes me SICK!!!! WHATS WRONG WITH MUSIC THIS DAYS????!!!!!!
  22. biancav
    Feb 24, 2005
    I wonder when people will wake up and smell the roses....... she is NOT talented!
  23. bree
    Feb 21, 2005
    its awful
  24. bruce
    Feb 21, 2005
    she can't sing
  25. BobD
    Feb 21, 2005
    it sucks!
  26. DesB
    Feb 17, 2005
    she has no talant
  27. Paul
    Feb 17, 2005
    Ashlee is a has been that never was. She's a one hit wonder who never had a hit worth wondering about. She is riding on another talentless Simpson that is her sister Jessica. Parents: If you can Just say no to drugs, then please Just say no to Ashlee. She is every bit as detrimental as drugs are
  28. HarrisH
    Feb 14, 2005
    I just don't get it. She gets booed of stage , got caught for lip synching on SNL , is a shadow of her sister in terms of vocal talents and she STILL CONTINUES? The selection of songs in her album are mundane and yet is able to sell loads of copies? At least William Hung knows he's a joke but this..
  29. Talya
    Feb 11, 2005
    Ashlee Simpson is great. This is one of those albums that you can listen to the whole way through, unlike some albums that you end up skipping half the songs because they suck. I think people who don't like her because she's apparently a 'poser' are being way too picky- everyone in the industry is like that no matter how much you try to deny it. Her voice isn't Ashlee Simpson is great. This is one of those albums that you can listen to the whole way through, unlike some albums that you end up skipping half the songs because they suck. I think people who don't like her because she's apparently a 'poser' are being way too picky- everyone in the industry is like that no matter how much you try to deny it. Her voice isn't crap- it's so different and interesting. I hate artists whose voices you can't recognise- how are they the talented ones? It's just the same old voice with different tunes that are written by other people. Everyone who hates her should wake up and realise that she's an incredibly talented singer and artist. Expand
  30. brittanyw
    Feb 9, 2005
    this cd rocks ashlee is the best

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Chock-full of catchy songs.
  2. Blender
    There isn't a song on her debut that doesn't paint in huge strokes. [Sep 2004, p.143]
  3. She sounds like she’s adopting characters and singing their songs, rather than her own. And, for a record with the name Autobiography, it seems like no bigger criticism could be leveled.