
Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jul 13, 2018
    Automata II achieves three feats at once: it ranks as its own triumph while simultaneously recontextualizing--and elevating--Automata as a whole and strengthening Between the Buried and Me's place as the king of the genre.
  2. Jul 13, 2018
    Automata II can be listened to on its own, but it holds much greater power when taken together with its predecessor. It is easily the more musically adventurous of the two recordings, making it an indispensable part of Between the Buried and Me's provocative catalog.
  3. Jul 13, 2018
    The transition between blasting drums and metal riffs on "Blot" from Automata I into "The Proverbial Bellow" is surprisingly smooth without feeling like there is any disconnect between records. Overall, splitting up the release made it much easier to digest a full Between the Buried and Me album, which is never an easy task.
  4. Kerrang!
    Jul 13, 2018
    The Proverbial Bellow could almost be all that this chapter comprised and not irk their faithful. The other three tracks deliver too, but were destined to always pale by comparison. [14 Jul 2018, p.55]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Jul 14, 2018
    This is amazing, a must buy!
    Voice of Trespass is a great song!
    10/10 for me :)
  2. Jul 20, 2018
    BTBAM never fail to disappoint. A band who are constantly pushing the boundaries of modern music, "Voice Of Trespass" is certainly theBTBAM never fail to disappoint. A band who are constantly pushing the boundaries of modern music, "Voice Of Trespass" is certainly the highlight of the album. Full Review »
  3. Jul 14, 2018
    Longtime BTAM fan here. This album is hands down garbage. Seriously disappointing. RIP BTBAM, July 13, 2018. Automata I was a warningLongtime BTAM fan here. This album is hands down garbage. Seriously disappointing. RIP BTBAM, July 13, 2018. Automata I was a warning shot. Automata II seals the deal.
    PS. Porcupine Tree fans will probably dig it. I have taken more enjoyable **** than this!
    Full Review »