• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 5, 2006
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 722 Ratings

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  1. TerryO
    Oct 7, 2006
    Ok. I'm a hater for saying this, I know, die hard Beyonce fans (get real). But like it or not, Beyonce has not shown any maturity on this album (not as an artist or as a woman). Just nymphomania, materialism, and a lack of personal maturity. Just because she did something different and challenged herself, does not automatically make it a good thing. What did she accomplish here? What Ok. I'm a hater for saying this, I know, die hard Beyonce fans (get real). But like it or not, Beyonce has not shown any maturity on this album (not as an artist or as a woman). Just nymphomania, materialism, and a lack of personal maturity. Just because she did something different and challenged herself, does not automatically make it a good thing. What did she accomplish here? What about the quality of music. Really listen to it. Yeah, it rhymes good, but is there anything meaningful here. Read on before you comment and call me a hater. Do not get me wrong now, I really like Beyonce overall (besides the latest lyrics that have no depth, the overexposure and immense hype). I think she has a great voice, and a great on-stage presence. I always have liked her, although I'm not a die-hard fan. I like the album overall, and I give the album 2 1/2 out of 5 stars, but I'm way too real to ignore the facts surrounding this latest project. Now, if I was the average music consumer, I would absolutely love this album, but I am not. I don't just look at how hot the beats are and whats hot right now. I look at the whole picture. Being a person interested in the music business, there is more to music than beats and melodies. What do the lyrics say? What does this music say about her as a person, verses who she wants us to believe she is? Because she's showing us 2 different people. In interviews,she leads us to believe, she is this wholesome woman, who has a good head on her shoulders, which she probably is, but her music reflect this woman who has compromised her morals and sense for her man and the materialistic things he has to offer her. Which one is it? Why spend your own money on something if a man with more money can buy it for you, right B, compromise your so-called christianity, regardless of your young fans who are listening and watching? I would not like my young daughter to look up to Beyonce. Lets get real. This album is average (good, but nothing beyond that). Because its Beyonce, its getting all of this hype (and the hype is never over her vocals, believe that). And with the hype, I expected more. You notice her album sales went down 70 percent after the first week. That's huge! After the hype boiled down, it all relied on word of mouth, which resulted in a horrendous decrease in sales. There's a reason for that, so apparently, it ain't just me! Now, you guys are talking about progression? Try, digression. You don't go from singing songs that mean something and stand for something, like Dangerously In Love, Independent Women, Survivor, Me Myself & I, and Happy Face to "Kitty Kat" and "Upgrade U". How do you tell your man that you are going to miss the house on the coast, the chinchilla coats, vvs stones and mention nothing about missing him(Ring the Alarm)? Now if Beyonce is a Christian girl, she would carry herself as such. If you look at her thank you's, she doesn't even mention God (like she used to). But always claims to be a Christian, but is cursing in her music now and talking about sex like some sex-crazed maniac. She is going downhill musically. She has not matured lyrically--vocally, yes. Her vocabulary is that of a 10 year old (she didn't go to high school beyond half of the 9th grade--what does that say about her character?). All she talks about is her body and the material things her and Jay have. That is not growth. She is too old to be talking about the things she talks about. There's more to life than looks and things B. Again, I do like her overall, but she's just a singer, nothing spectacular. We need to stop putting her on a pedestal--thats all I'm saying. She is average, lyrically. Now vocally and in other ways, she is above average. However, she has too many hands in the pot, and no one objective to tell her this. Lets not forget that the majority of her solo success was in songs that were collaborations. I personally like music that makes me feel something. Yeah, I like to bop my head and dance, and that's all this album is good for. For all the hype, you would expect more from this so-called amazing artist. Get Off Her Tits People!! She's a mediocre artist. Again, I like Beyonce's voice, and her songs that say something, but this latest project, is just sad. I guarantee, if Ashanti came out with the same tracks, it would not be as hyped up. Its insanity! 700,000 pre-order sales. I guarantee most of them hadn't listened to it first. You all may say "I'm thinking too much about it, its just music". But its not just music. Music is supposed to have a life of its own. What kind of life would this music have? Meaningless, shallowness (for an artist of her caliber). I am an aspiring artist myself, so its hard to see the real music getting ignored for half-ass music. It sold 650,000+ its first week, b/c of the hype. Again, went down 70% after the first week. Why do you think that is? You figure it out... Expand
  2. mikes.
    Sep 9, 2006
    A horrible album. Beyonce has great talent, the problem with this album is that it is unfocused and lacks modern production. The production is so lackluster and the producer failed to modernize beyonce with the times. Instead the album sounds exactly like her previous album except not as good or as fresh.
  3. SandersC
    Sep 2, 2006
    The production is weak. A couple more weeks of recording could of made this album a masterpiece.
  4. BiancaD
    Sep 5, 2006
    It's pretty cool but not enough... Dangerously In Love is alot better...
  5. QT
    Sep 6, 2006
    I thought the album would have been much better. I think she needs to stick to ballads. I dislike most of the album and it's definitely no comparison to Dangerously In Love. I expected much more but she's still my girl.
  6. MsTish
    Sep 7, 2006
    I expected more out of this CD. She's yelling and screaming and hollering all of this chin chilla this and that. She has more class than that. I'm very disappointed.
  7. RachelG
    Sep 8, 2006
    Definately not even close to something that I would expect from B. I'm a big fan of hers, but I really wish she would have treated this project with the same respect she gave to her Dream Girls movie role in the sense that that was her main focus. She should have made her second album a seperate focus after she wrapped up the filming of that movie so she could have dedicated more Definately not even close to something that I would expect from B. I'm a big fan of hers, but I really wish she would have treated this project with the same respect she gave to her Dream Girls movie role in the sense that that was her main focus. She should have made her second album a seperate focus after she wrapped up the filming of that movie so she could have dedicated more than a mere 2 weeks on this project. With a voice like hers, she could have delivered something so much better than this crap. Expand
  8. MiguelS
    Sep 8, 2006
    Wow, what a diss-apointment! The songs just don't have the kick or the fire of her previious work. This is almost as bad as Outkast's bizarre piece 'o crap, Idlewild!
  9. danielles
    Sep 15, 2006
    The album seems rushed, and a far cry from the Dangerously in Love. I don't see any growth in this album. The songs lack the maturity of her debut album.
  10. nashiya
    Sep 5, 2006
    it could have been alot better, i herd better from her
  11. JanisS
    Sep 5, 2006
    Erratic, talentless and bland album. Although veru anticipated Beyonce fails to convince.
  12. ArmenS
    Sep 6, 2006
    At 10 songs it is way too short of an album, and most of the songs sound the same! It sounds like a rushed project... Beyonce could have made a much better album. This is bland and repetitive.
  13. Aug 29, 2020
    Carece de mensajes y letra, sonidos y ritmos muy parecidos casi lo mismo cre que podria haber echo algo mejor
  14. CyH
    Sep 6, 2006
    Are you guys serious? These songs blend together and sound alike. I can gather two decent songs. This shyt sucks. I thought she would have matured in her lyrics not flat-linned. Her voice is cool I wish she just had better songs. These songs are like all the rest of the gibberish you herare on the radio.
  15. JamarO
    Sep 20, 2006
    Weak album. Boring, rushed, and definitely forgettable. I think Beyonce is under the impression the public will lap up anything she puts out, and in some ways she is right. Still doesnt change the fact that the album is barely listenable the whole way through, even though it is short. Even 10 minutes of this is too much.
  16. KashMoney
    Sep 7, 2006
    I really need her to go back into the studio and do this album over I keep thinking that it is a part 2 or I can just flip the cd over and there is an apology!! Beyonce I feel let down and also it looks like you took more time taking pictures then picking great songs. Beyonce I love you but right now you are on timeout! However the songs that I love I adore! Freakum Dress-- cute Upgrade I really need her to go back into the studio and do this album over I keep thinking that it is a part 2 or I can just flip the cd over and there is an apology!! Beyonce I feel let down and also it looks like you took more time taking pictures then picking great songs. Beyonce I love you but right now you are on timeout! However the songs that I love I adore! Freakum Dress-- cute Upgrade U---that crack and Kitty Kat- Sexy and Nasty I love it!!! CD not what I expected!! I love B Expand
  17. WilliamsL
    Sep 11, 2006
    The only good song on the whole CD is Irreplacaple. I feel that for B to be 25 she sounds like she is 18 the Cd sounds childish and everything is about trying to keep a man. If you have to work that hard to keep and please your man than baby you have a problem. To me it seems like you are trying to send a message to little miss Rihanna who must have something to do with "Ring the Alarm". The only good song on the whole CD is Irreplacaple. I feel that for B to be 25 she sounds like she is 18 the Cd sounds childish and everything is about trying to keep a man. If you have to work that hard to keep and please your man than baby you have a problem. To me it seems like you are trying to send a message to little miss Rihanna who must have something to do with "Ring the Alarm". I am sorry but I am very disappointed with this CD and I feel that B is overrated because it's like find your own sound not everybody else's. Besides Victoria Beckham's version of "Resentment" sounds better you can feel the pain in her voice. Expand
  18. RandyB
    Sep 17, 2006
    Coming from a AAA star like Beyonce, the album as a whole is rather weak. There are a few good songs, but this album is very forgettable.
  19. louc
    Sep 6, 2006
    Was really looking foward to this after hearing Ring The Alarm (Deja Poo doesn't count), but alas B'day is nothing worth celebrating about. Don't know whether it's the production, lyrics, or vocals, but the album as a whole seemed lazy, seemed as if they just threw the whole album together without even breaking a sweat. I guess I was just expecting something different, Was really looking foward to this after hearing Ring The Alarm (Deja Poo doesn't count), but alas B'day is nothing worth celebrating about. Don't know whether it's the production, lyrics, or vocals, but the album as a whole seemed lazy, seemed as if they just threw the whole album together without even breaking a sweat. I guess I was just expecting something different, something freash. This has to be the biggest let down of the year for me. Expand
  20. AimeeH
    Sep 7, 2006
    Very disappointed, definitely a sophmore slump. I'm not hating on Beyonce' because she's very talented but the CD will do well because the people like her and because of all the "HYPE" surrounding it's release but not because it's a good CD.
  21. PRock
    Oct 11, 2006
    Agree with Terry O: She has a great voice, but the lyrics suck. And why is she always writing about Sex? Right now her intellect or lack-of-intellect is hurting her.
  22. ValuableMusic
    Nov 9, 2006
    This effort, like her pathetically trite others, scream "throw this from your driver's-side window." Someone in the Beyonce camp needs to explain that Whitney Houston and Mary J. Blige never intended their music to be melded, further commercialized, overproduced, repackaged, and vomited into the public eye. Beyonce needs to stick with her acting which, while incapable and This effort, like her pathetically trite others, scream "throw this from your driver's-side window." Someone in the Beyonce camp needs to explain that Whitney Houston and Mary J. Blige never intended their music to be melded, further commercialized, overproduced, repackaged, and vomited into the public eye. Beyonce needs to stick with her acting which, while incapable and ever-shallow, at least allows her audience to choose to entreat her. Essentially, Beyonce productions (they're not albums at all) mean only that folks who appreciate valuable, substantive expression must be constantly primed to turn the radio dial right when she hits the first extended Whitney-pitch (intro of every song). Expand
  23. reds
    Oct 10, 2006
    i find it rather irritating that beyonce has done to her sophomore album.... its like so... over rated, and its not even good....
  24. SofiaG
    Mar 25, 2007
    B'day is the first cd I have ever purchased that I actually GAVE AWAY because it was so horrible! Besides maybe TWO songs (and that is reaching) on this cd, the rest is garbage garbage garbage. And what was with that un-dance-able 'Ring the Alarm' crap? Dare I say that Beyonce has sold out? She cares more about money and her bling bling bullshi* than her MUSIC. I loved B'day is the first cd I have ever purchased that I actually GAVE AWAY because it was so horrible! Besides maybe TWO songs (and that is reaching) on this cd, the rest is garbage garbage garbage. And what was with that un-dance-able 'Ring the Alarm' crap? Dare I say that Beyonce has sold out? She cares more about money and her bling bling bullshi* than her MUSIC. I loved loved loved her first cd! I played that cd out so much - she had passion and had something to sing about! B'day's songs are half-assed. I mean, if you have nothing of value to sing about AT LEAST have some dope beats to make up for it. She is great to look at, but there are hundreds of other fine ass women with just as much talent out there! As a young woman, i was SO inpired by her past music. Independent Woman made a STRONG statement: a woman doesn't NEED a man to get what she wants. Dangerously In Love was moving. Yes, B, we all know u are swimming in money and material shit. Who cares? Is that what defines YOU? Is that what is important to YOU? If it is, thats sad. Expand
  25. EricaF
    Sep 11, 2006
    This CD is nothing compared to her first. I don't like it at all. Beyonce could have done a better job on this CD.
  26. WiliamV
    Sep 13, 2006
    the extreme. the excess. the boring. the horror.
  27. tatianah
    Sep 15, 2006
    Horrends work.. This album was made in 2 weeks but sounds like it was made in 2 days.. terrible work
  28. KrisL
    Sep 17, 2006
    Apart from a couple of catchy singles, Beyonce's first album was overrated, and this one is even worse. One word comes to mind: uninspired. The fact that it was written and recorded in two weeks is blatantly obvious. Recycling "what worked" the first time does not equal artistic growth. It just shows laziness and a lack of creativity. Screaming and flailing your way through tracks Apart from a couple of catchy singles, Beyonce's first album was overrated, and this one is even worse. One word comes to mind: uninspired. The fact that it was written and recorded in two weeks is blatantly obvious. Recycling "what worked" the first time does not equal artistic growth. It just shows laziness and a lack of creativity. Screaming and flailing your way through tracks doesn't convey emotional depth, it just makes you sound shrill and annoys the listener. Expand
  29. kimw
    Sep 5, 2006
    Beyonce is very overrated. I can't believe they push Kelly Album back for this. However, she has alot of people promoting her.
  30. CharlesN
    Sep 6, 2006
    This album truly could have been better,, I gave it a change , a listen and it gave me a refund..
  31. laurenC
    Apr 10, 2007
    Definately her worst album yet. I liked her other ones but this one just didn't cut it. Is she trying to be Thalia now or what?
  32. JennyC
    Sep 16, 2006
    This album is such a disappointment! If you want a Beyonce album, buy Dangerously In Love instead! Don't waste your money on this garbage! There is not one good song, sad.
  33. PhoebeM
    Sep 16, 2006
    Far from the maturity of Dangerously in Love, this incredible vocalist appears to have regressed to the days when shouting through a song and wailing incomprehensibly were acceptable. Beyonce needs to learn fast that she is mistaken. Most of the tracks, with the exception of singles Deja Vu and Ring the Alarm, and down-beat potential single Irreplaceable, are impossible to understand, Far from the maturity of Dangerously in Love, this incredible vocalist appears to have regressed to the days when shouting through a song and wailing incomprehensibly were acceptable. Beyonce needs to learn fast that she is mistaken. Most of the tracks, with the exception of singles Deja Vu and Ring the Alarm, and down-beat potential single Irreplaceable, are impossible to understand, with Beyonce alternately mumbling and screaming her words to no good effect. Most of the songs, even with the lyrics on screen to read from, are nonsensical and pointless at best, silly lyrics with bad vocals over alternately dull and migraine inducing repetitive beats. Her vocals, then, are sub-par too. She knocked this album up in a matter of a few weeks, and it shows. Songs like Ring the Alarm, Suga Mamma, Freakum Dress and the like could easily have been performed by a vocalist of Ashanti or Britney's calibre, and while Beyonce would of course sound better singing them than they would, the fact remains that she is wasting the incredible voice that she was so gifted to have. In the days when her contemporaries are producing major release double disc albums, Beyonce's ten sub-par tunes just aren't going to cut it. Expand
  34. Sep 16, 2020
    Este álbum no se merece tener tan buenas criticas porque es un álbum normal sus letras y mensajes repetitivos y nada innovador sus melodías y sonidos igual.
  35. RamesesP
    Sep 15, 2006
    Garbage.. this album sucks..WTF happend to beyonce, she used to be good!!!!!!!!!
  36. Jack
    Sep 5, 2006
    My sister recently bought this album and won't stop listening to at full volume. I can easily say without a doubt that my ears haven't been so fully raped since her last atrocity. Beyonce just another celeb with no talent and only gets by on looks. Avoid this cd at all costs.
  37. GalrothP
    Sep 15, 2006
    In the history of her carreer I have yet to hear such garbage!!
  38. jeff
    Sep 25, 2006
    its sad that this album got good reviews.. since when did syncopated beats and tuneless melodies become music?
  39. CurrentOptions
    Sep 2, 2006
    This album recycles a bunch of old stuff. The album is not creative at all/
  40. lionelb
    Sep 6, 2006
    a terrible album
  41. cleaner
    Sep 6, 2006
    The first thing that grabed me about this album is the name. B-DAY just reminds me of that european bathroom Accessory the Bidet ( pronounced BDAY here in the UK, and they are for washing your bum hole) and strangly enough the album also has the same effect as a BDAY
  42. KatieG
    Oct 3, 2006
    May I give this a double ZERO!!! Horrible album, all that damn screaming, and for what??? Please get a creative side of your own and stop bitting off Janet... I saw you "try" a re-create her rhythm nation routine at the '06 VMA, booo and now you're using the same sound on that ring the alram crap as Janet did on her velvet rope album... Move around and stop swinging on Jay May I give this a double ZERO!!! Horrible album, all that damn screaming, and for what??? Please get a creative side of your own and stop bitting off Janet... I saw you "try" a re-create her rhythm nation routine at the '06 VMA, booo and now you're using the same sound on that ring the alram crap as Janet did on her velvet rope album... Move around and stop swinging on Jay Z's nutts and do something yourself. PS... you fired your dad just like Janet did around the same age.... do your own thing girl and stop bittin' Expand
  43. ElrondR
    Sep 15, 2006
    Weak.. this album is horrid and shouldnt be purchased.
  44. tarajih
    Sep 16, 2006
    awful pathtic and horrible
  45. keishad
    Sep 16, 2006
    This was a waste of money, there is nothing impressive about this album. My buddys bought the cd before me and told me it was garbage, next time i will listen to them and save my money for something that is worth it.
  46. despor
    Sep 17, 2006
    This album is bad, no good songs and way to rushed. Dont bother getting it when there are far better cd's out that you can get.
  47. Emmanuel
    Sep 21, 2006
    horrible i want my 10.99 back
  48. PostmanP
    Sep 25, 2006
  49. anthonyhildreth
    Sep 5, 2006
    i want my money back KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
  50. DarylM
    Sep 6, 2006
    Word of mouth on this album has been dreadful. Press screening and reviews HAVE BEEN KIND to this album with hopes that it could at least stablize the already dwindling market and 2006 record sales. Also please aquire the correct information , because from what I'm hearing industry experts, and radio stations both think this album is detestable. For instance yesterday on Word of mouth on this album has been dreadful. Press screening and reviews HAVE BEEN KIND to this album with hopes that it could at least stablize the already dwindling market and 2006 record sales. Also please aquire the correct information , because from what I'm hearing industry experts, and radio stations both think this album is detestable. For instance yesterday on Amazon.com(US) Beyonce Bday album was rated at 5 stars(highest rating) with over 30 reviews(Primarly Fan reviews with little or no comment besides "It's Hot" or "I love Deja Vu".) After a 24 hr period on Amazon her album has slipped to 3.5 stars and will be lucky to maintain that,(at the rate of decline it is facing). True fans of Beyonce really should acknowlege this album is rushed and the overall content is atrocious. If not Beyonce may fall into the same hole Mariaih fell into in the med 90's - early 2000 period. Don't get me wrong Beyonce WILL SELL ALOT OF RECORDS, because in the U.S all you need is alittle sex appeal and a large fan-base to go platnium..Record companies manuplaite the public into thinking that their music is marvelous, superb, and praiseworthy!! Realizing the deplorable quality of this album they(Columbia Records & Rodeny Jerkins)are attempting to market it as "Beyonce growth as an artist", "Beyonce's change of style or genre" or the wider known "Beyonce's crossing the musical confines of contempery R&B and Hip-Hop". This is just a commenplace marketing scheme. You listen to it for yourself and youll relaize her eariler work is far superior and more distinguished, then this rubbish. Don't allow yourself to become a mindless victim of pop marketing, you have your own brain(USE IT). Expand
  51. lianac
    Sep 11, 2006
    Doesn't come close to her debut album. She rushed BDay and it shows
  52. database
    Nov 11, 2007
    Garbage. if beyonce weighed three hundred pounds, and was not good looking, we wouldn't even be having this conversation
  53. Dec 15, 2013
    Incorporating elements of Candomblé in his music, Beyoncé makes another major disaster, poorly produced songs and lackluster lyrics, B'Day souounds like an album that Janet Jackson could do when were with diarrhea.
  54. Nov 11, 2015
    a clear copy of which she had already been doing since his time of the group with their backs, dancing scolding wig and fan, nothing innovative to deserve a green note, all I see is too bright and little content.
  55. Mar 19, 2021
    It's still a career high, but B'Day could have been released at any point in the last three-and-a-half years and, in a year which has given us tracks like Justin Timberlake's 'SexyBack', it already sounds stale.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Whereas Beyoncé's debut was accomplished in its diversity, albeit a sure sign of a new solo artist trying to find her voice, B'Day sounds like the album "Crazy In Love" initially forecasted.
  2. Blender
    B'Day never cools down, and swaety up-tempo numbers prove the best platform for Beyonce's rapperly phrasing and pipe-flaunting fireballs. [Sep 2006, p.138]
  3. Apart from a few pop-R&B space-fillers, there's not much to dislike about B'Day.