
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. It's the sort of album which reaches back and forward in equal measure, applying what's known about past songwriting to invigorate the present day.
  2. Black City overall is lean and upbeat, and Dear's gift for making an arrangement jump within snug confines continues to evolve.
  3. Black City is his thesis on how he's capable of delivering a dark, lustful album just as easy as he can mine more bubbly, melodic sounds. Beyond this, he's delivered one of the more cohesive and thematically sound albums of the year so far.
  4. Mojo
    Black City is the devil leering over Asa Breed's shoulder, a seedy, dirty place--but a fascinating one, too. [Sep 2010, p.99]
  5. It's predictably brilliant; another display of Dear's dazzling musical imagination.
  6. Black City doesn't reveal all its treasures on the first spin. Or the second. Matthew Dear, now more than ever, rewards you for devoted listening, with vocal tracks, minor melodies, and atmospheric shimmers that lay buried, waiting to be found.
  7. He continues to chart new territory, using his latest album to highlight sonic textures and what they seem to suggest about a metaphorical city. Working within those constraints, he's captured the nuance of living in many real cities and, in so doing, has crafted one of the stronger releases you'll hear this year.
  8. The lyrics themselves--overstocked with darkness, paranoia, and bodily fluids--are as indecipherable as the vocals are buried. They're scene-setters. It's the death-disco groove that intoxicates and defines this City.
  9. It's sonically peculiar, coolly melodic, relentlessly detailed and, frequently, exhilarating.
  10. Not surprisingly, disorientation is his leitmotif, and it can border on the oppressive, especially given his blunt limitations as a singer (and his habit of multitracking himself across two or more octaves). But the bass lines and beats sound great, and the passing textures--robotic percussion, synthesizer drones, sampled sounds--feel right, and carefully determined.
  11. The resulting record is, given time to grow on you, really rather loveable. Like someone taking all of your favourite Eighties 12-inches, remastering them and making you your own extra special mixtape.
  12. 70
    A firmer grasp of his limited range would have been welcome (i.e., "I Can't Feel"), but the N.Y.C. artist still manages to peek further out from his twitchy drum machines like an impish agent of darkness.
  13. That Black City is Dear's most creative and individual album is not, however, up for debate.
  14. The lyrical immediacy and intimacy lift Black City leagues above much of the disassociated drivel that's labeled vocal house.
  15. The production is as inventive and immersive as ever, but what separates this album from the last is that Dear mostly sticks with one theme all the way through.
  16. Dear's tempos here are mostly slow, never rising above moderate, and the result is an anxious but exhilarating journey through the night.
  17. Uncut
    That a curdled, unifying groove undulates throughout this perverse collection is testament to Dear's abundant skills. [Sep 2010, p.91]
  18. 100
    The cumulative results of his efforts are a masterpiece both dark and striking. Dear is putting forth an open invitation to tour these shadowed places of his imagination, and this is one offer too good to miss.
  19. Q Magazine
    An assemblage of electro-pop, affecting melodies and Dear's sonorous voice, Black City variously recalls Talking Heads, LCD Soundsystem and The Magnetic Fields. [Sept. 2010, p. 114]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Feb 26, 2014
    The tracks on their own have enough poignancy to warrant multiple listens, and although Dear's production shows prowess in establishingThe tracks on their own have enough poignancy to warrant multiple listens, and although Dear's production shows prowess in establishing synchronicity, the lyrical component does not match, leaving itself to feel like forced conceptual catharsis. If it wasn't for the release of 'Headcage', 'Slowdance' would be the lone unforgettable standout of Dear's ambitious catalogue. Full Review »
  2. Sep 15, 2010
    This album provides a skillful level of cohesion throughout its tracks. The multiple layering of vocals creates ambient lyrical environment.This album provides a skillful level of cohesion throughout its tracks. The multiple layering of vocals creates ambient lyrical environment. Musically, the album contains interesting percussive details, and comparisons aside, at times spans popular genres. While "Dark City" is certainly a dark album, its turning point comes during 'Monkey", a slightly humorous pick-me-up before the end. Replay value: 3/5. Full Review »