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  1. Sep 8, 2023
    Blue banisters is a underrated masterpiece. Yall forget about this and sleep!!!! This is top lana album!
  2. Aug 1, 2023
    Lana del Rey’s best album to date. Blue banisters is almost like her diary entries at the time she was recording
  3. Jun 27, 2023
    Beautiful album, everything about it was great. Production, lyrics and vocals
  4. Apr 14, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A Lana criou sua obra mais crua até hoje e de forma linda, artística, letras honestas, narrativas cheias de detalhes e faixas cinematográficas. Expand
  5. Apr 11, 2023
    This is my favourite Lana album and is sadly so misunderstood as being boring. It's just a masterpiece and is fully no-skips which is honestly something I very rarely say about an album. It's some of her best songwriting and is more personal than ever before. It's just a delight from start to finish with a clear and cohesive vibe and yet has a few surprises like Dealer in the midst of someThis is my favourite Lana album and is sadly so misunderstood as being boring. It's just a masterpiece and is fully no-skips which is honestly something I very rarely say about an album. It's some of her best songwriting and is more personal than ever before. It's just a delight from start to finish with a clear and cohesive vibe and yet has a few surprises like Dealer in the midst of some beautiful piano ballads Expand
  6. Mar 29, 2023
    Chemtrails Vol. 2 but still so good. Two albums in one year is just excellent. Truly awesome album.
  7. Mar 29, 2023
    Brillant! It's Lana on the top of her game. It's very simple but its brillant!
  8. Aug 20, 2022
    best and most personal album to date. instrumentals, voice, lyrics, everything.
  9. Mar 27, 2023
    Melhor álbum de 2021. Melhor álbum de 2021. Melhor álbum de 2021. Melhor álbum de 2021.
  10. Mar 26, 2023
    Um dos mais sensíveis e delicados de Del Rey. É um álbum que consegue transmitir emoções através das letras e das melodias.
  11. Oct 24, 2021
    What an excellent album as always! Such a good work in it lyrically and musically!
  12. Mar 24, 2023
    Lana presents a record full of sentimental moments and incidental masterpieces.
  13. Mar 24, 2023
  14. Mar 20, 2023
    blue banisters this is so beautiful album, lana queen ✨
  15. Mar 19, 2023
    M A S T E R P I E C E

    A Living Legend.

    Best music ever.
    Greatest poet ever.
    Greatest songwriter ever.

    Lana Del Rey is the God!
  16. Aug 21, 2022
    flopsey has been really quiet since this came out… zjsbzusnzjejsnjsnsjssjjs
  17. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Terrible se me hace tan sonmifero y aburrido, sorry. Te urge reinvención Lana. Expand
  18. Feb 3, 2023
    This album is so calming everytime I’d go back on this album it’s always make me feel so calm every track is so wonderfully made by hers.
  19. Aug 22, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i love lana but is not my favorite album of her! i think norman **** rockwell is better than this. Expand
  20. Dec 4, 2022
    Blue Banisters, pra mim, é o álbum mais maduro artisticamente de Lana Del Rey. Um álbum pessoal, que traz vivências da cantora e de suas pessoas mais próximas. Sua composição é o seu ponto mais forte. Destaque para as faixas Thunder, Living Legend, Violet for Roses, Dealer e Sweet Carolina, que mostram a grande capacidade vocal da cantora e interpretação de um personagem na composição. ABlue Banisters, pra mim, é o álbum mais maduro artisticamente de Lana Del Rey. Um álbum pessoal, que traz vivências da cantora e de suas pessoas mais próximas. Sua composição é o seu ponto mais forte. Destaque para as faixas Thunder, Living Legend, Violet for Roses, Dealer e Sweet Carolina, que mostram a grande capacidade vocal da cantora e interpretação de um personagem na composição. A produção do álbum talvez não tenha sido a melhor, oque é decepcionante visto a grande capacidade do mesmo. A falta de investimento em divulgação fez com que o álbum tenha sido imemorável diante de outros trabalhos da cantora, repetindo o mesmo erro que vimos em Chemtrails Over The Country Club, antecessor do Blue Banisters. Expand
  21. Oct 24, 2022
    This albums is truly amazing and severely underrated. It delivers amazing songs such as "text book" and "black bathing suit"
  22. Aug 20, 2022
    I didn’t like this , but I love Lana she deserves the best and deserve make a better album because for me this is the worst from her
  23. Oct 22, 2021
    sure that one of Lana del rey's best albums, so unique is so special, Lana is unique in the industry and deserves the world
  24. Oct 22, 2021
    Genuinely amazing. Her vocals, the writing, the production, everything was on point
  25. Sep 5, 2022
    Legendary masterpiece really, crazy how it only took a couple of months to deliver music from this album after Cotcc.
  26. Sep 2, 2022
    even tho its one of her weaker albums its still a 10 because all of her albums are 10s
  27. Sep 2, 2022
    I usually like Lana's albums but this one right here, not really my cup of tea. I liked a few songs but overall wasn't solid as a project
  28. Aug 30, 2022
    amazing album it is like nothing that’s out right now she put her everything into this album i mean seriously no one is doing it like her this album changed lives. people dropped dead when this was released she truly is one of kind
  29. Aug 30, 2022
    It's a "raw" album full of emotions and feelings, it's possible to see Lana's maturation as a person and as an artist, even more if compared to Lana from "Born to Die"
  30. Aug 25, 2022
    lana del rey never disappoints, she always delivers the best ballads and the vibe of her is immaculate. i love the kevin song

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Mojo
    Nov 16, 2021
    A lyrically strong album. [Jan 2022, p.82]
  2. Uncut
    Nov 16, 2021
    A set of drifting piano ballads that allow her rich and profane lyrics to hit home. [Jan 2022, p.22]
  3. Nov 4, 2021
    While the days of Born to Die have long since passed, Lana Del Rey is still seeking paradise, closer now than ever as she turns her search inward, seemingly recognizing that paradise is ultimately found within the best of oneself. Still, if there is indeed a physical Arcadia to be revealed, it has not emerged in its entirety on Blue Banisters. That said, its intoxicating hints are enough to keep seekers thirsty.