• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 4, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 298 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 298
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  1. Jun 4, 2021
    Went into this album with a "I thought their last stuff was 'good' not 'great'." attitude. I was ready to be let down. Well... I was wrong. So good. Love every track. It's hard to even nitpick. I'm sure some will. This album exceeded every expectation I held. Each track exudes confidence, and you know exactly what they are trying to do, yet it manages to surprise at the same time. Great record.
  2. Jun 10, 2021
    A winner! It hits every note and will be a huge crowd pleaser especially for followers of Wolf Alice. A delicious 10! Slow or fast tempo it doesn't matter just try to keep up. You will want to have repeat listens to catch every morsel.
  3. Jun 5, 2021
    This band only gets better, Ellie's voice is captivating and lovely....Best album of this and the last two years!!
  4. Sep 3, 2021
    Amazing album, it gets better on every listen. The singles are good, but this is meant to be listened to as an album. Wolf Alice are the epitome of cool, so confident and stylish in every song.
  5. Jun 5, 2021
    Exceptional… They sure didn’t disappoint their patient fans… It was well worth the wait…
  6. Jun 15, 2021
    Every song is delightful, and they manage to do so much while all making it sound so put together. One of the best albums of the year by far.
  7. Jun 9, 2021
    On their previous two albums, Wolf Alice were one of the best contemporary purveyors of Britpop-style tunes (see Bros, Delete the Kisses, Beautifully Unconventional). Something about them reminded me of Radiohead too - see for example Planet Hunter - in terms of ambition and scale. This new album seems to build on that aspect of the band. They've mentioned Kate Bush as an influence, andOn their previous two albums, Wolf Alice were one of the best contemporary purveyors of Britpop-style tunes (see Bros, Delete the Kisses, Beautifully Unconventional). Something about them reminded me of Radiohead too - see for example Planet Hunter - in terms of ambition and scale. This new album seems to build on that aspect of the band. They've mentioned Kate Bush as an influence, and one detects 4AD/Cocteau Twins vocal soundscapes too, which are glorious. This is their most diverse-sounding album yet, full of variety that will keep listeners engaged. In short, I love this album to pieces, and I really hope great things for this band and their future. Expand
  8. Jun 4, 2021
    Every song packs some sort of emotional punch. There is no filler in here.
    Great Lyrics, production, instrumentation. What a great moment for UK rock. Who'd know? We have Squid, Black Country, New Road, and Black midi making awesome, boundaries-breaking music.
    But what about Wolf Alice? With Blue Weekend It makes the 90's feel like 5 years ago. There are shades of pop, punk, surf
    Every song packs some sort of emotional punch. There is no filler in here.
    Great Lyrics, production, instrumentation. What a great moment for UK rock. Who'd know? We have Squid, Black Country, New Road, and Black midi making awesome, boundaries-breaking music.

    But what about Wolf Alice? With Blue Weekend It makes the 90's feel like 5 years ago.
    There are shades of pop, punk, surf rock, shoegaze, neo-psychedelic but it feels cohesive somehow, making each song its history through the album.
    Ellie's voice is as alive and emotive as ever, full of emotion that varies from angry, sarcastic moments to dreamy, astounding ethereal melodies.
    The band's display is so confident.
    I think it'll soon be recognized as a milestone in modern rock music.
    It's a 10 for me because I simply liked every direction and risk taken here.
  9. Jun 12, 2021
    Absolutely loved it! It for sure gets to be one of the best albums of 2021! Hoping for big Grammy wins, as well.
  10. Jun 4, 2021
    Ellie really defines herself as the premier alternative vocalist in the world on this album. Really creative song writing and vocal arrangements. This album really showcases Ellies world class abilities. Shes one of the biggest rock stars in the world and this album really demonstrates that. She's truly an iconic and generational talent. The production is very layered and intricate.Ellie really defines herself as the premier alternative vocalist in the world on this album. Really creative song writing and vocal arrangements. This album really showcases Ellies world class abilities. Shes one of the biggest rock stars in the world and this album really demonstrates that. She's truly an iconic and generational talent. The production is very layered and intricate. Freddy Mercury would be proud of this album Expand
  11. Jun 13, 2021
    I cannot believe how well this album turned out! As much as I enjoyed Visions of a Life and was glad it got the Mercury Prize, I still felt there were better things to come from the band - and Blue Weekend delivers on my hopes and then some. They have previously struggled a little with making a consistent album front to back, given their tendency to write anything from dream pop to all-outI cannot believe how well this album turned out! As much as I enjoyed Visions of a Life and was glad it got the Mercury Prize, I still felt there were better things to come from the band - and Blue Weekend delivers on my hopes and then some. They have previously struggled a little with making a consistent album front to back, given their tendency to write anything from dream pop to all-out punk rock, but they manage to pull it off the third time round, with Markus Dravs' production giving the whole thing a beautifully cinematic sheen and getting the best possible performances from the band, whose' writing efforts are already a step up from before. I struggle to write a list of tracks I'd recommend because I recommend the whole thing; this demands to be heard from front to back. Expand
  12. Jun 11, 2021
    Brilliant! Another Mercury-Prize deserving work for Wolf Alice. Why do Brits always create the best music?
  13. Jun 4, 2021
    breathtaking, emotional, energetic, fresh, and beautiful, this album hits hard in every way.
  14. Jun 4, 2021
    La mejor banda de la pasada década y, potencialmente, de esta tambien. Un clarísimo ejemplo de que versatilidad y personalidad pueden hacer un gran equipo cuando hay excelentes músicos detras. Cada canción esta repleta de tantos detalles y arreglos que es muy dificil agotarse de escucharlas una y otra vez. Cualquiera que haya escuchado Wolf Alice hasta hoy sabrá que es muy dificilLa mejor banda de la pasada década y, potencialmente, de esta tambien. Un clarísimo ejemplo de que versatilidad y personalidad pueden hacer un gran equipo cuando hay excelentes músicos detras. Cada canción esta repleta de tantos detalles y arreglos que es muy dificil agotarse de escucharlas una y otra vez. Cualquiera que haya escuchado Wolf Alice hasta hoy sabrá que es muy dificil encontrar 2 canciones muy parecidas en su discografía, y este disco continua con esta tendencia: distintos estilos e intensidades fluctuan para consolidar lo que parece ser el mejor album del año. Expand
  15. Sep 18, 2021
    Album of the year, this is a gift that Wolf Alice gave to us in 2021. With this album, the band is establishing itself as one of the biggest alternative rock bands today.
  16. Jun 17, 2021
    The best album in the Wolf Alice career. The first 6 songs are incredible. Ellie sometimes sings like Liz Fraser Cocteau Twins. Best songs for me How can I make it ok?, Delicious things, Smile, The Last man on earth. GREAT!!
  17. Jun 5, 2021
    increíbles texturas a lo largo del LP, un juego de voces muy gratificante, y un acompañamiento sonoro digno de estar en los mejores discos de lo que queda de esta larga década. Candidato, de momento, sin competencia, al mejor disco del año.
  18. Jun 7, 2021
    Huge album. A stunning musical pearl. Discovered last night and this morning I could already be at the twelfth reproduction. Or something like that.
  19. Jun 4, 2021
    Such at atmospheric yet gutteral rock album. Ellie's voice is tremendous throughout the album. In usual Wolf Alice fashion, plenty of textures and sounds explored here.
  20. Jul 4, 2021
    Pure perfection! This album is among the best albums of the last 5 years…
  21. Jun 7, 2021
    I had never heard of this band before but I am completely blown away by this record...just incredible.
  22. Jun 6, 2021
    Album of the year im calling it Theres absolutely nothing i dont like about this album it switches between genres while not once losing track of cohesion. Every track is great.
  23. Feb 17, 2022
    Uno de los mejores álbumes que escuche en los últimos tiempos!!! Ahora soy fan. Espero que sigan así y obtengan más reconocimiento, se lo merecen.
  24. Jun 7, 2021
    In reality, it's a 97/100. But indeed, it's a really, really beautiful album. The intensity with which every song is executed is mesmerizing. I never imagined records of this kind could be so powerful in meaning, song writing, structure and production.
  25. Jun 5, 2021
    A sold album throughout. A solid pinch and a beacon of light for guitar music
  26. Feb 13, 2022
    From the lyrics to the beats, guitar and mesmerizing voice work by Ellie Rowsell, everything sounds brilliant. An album that will be remembered forever.
  27. Jun 5, 2021
    this is magnificent, aoty, no doubt
    form top to bottom, what an impeccable album
  28. Jun 14, 2021
    Wolf Alice continues to perfect the sound they have practiced over the years
  29. Jul 26, 2023
    one of the best albums of my life and I'm not even kidding
    I mean, the score should be 100 wtf
  30. Aug 20, 2022
    the best album of 2021

    including many subgenres of 70s rock, this album is so soft

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jun 18, 2021
    Blue Weekend isn’t a perfect record, with the folky No Hard Feelings and Safe From Heartbreak (If You’ve Never Been In Love) a little whimsical next to everything else going on. It matters little, though. Rowsell’s rallying cry in Smile that “I ain’t afraid of the fact that I’m sensitive” is borne out in a wild and tender third album.
  2. Uncut
    Jun 18, 2021
    Blue Weekend is a collection of songs that immediately dazzle, with a relentless array of strong hooks, nestled within a sea of diverse sonic colours. [Aug 2021, p.35]
  3. Jun 17, 2021
    Blue Weekend always nails the vibe, they nail everything, but often in a way that sounds micromanaged.