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Generally favorable reviews- based on 195 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 195
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  1. Feb 5, 2017
    Even though this is their best work yet, I think this album has quite a few flaws. When I listen to the album now (after 5+ spins) I skip through more than half of the tracks. You can hear quite a lot of Travis Scott influences over this whole album (melody-wise in the ad-libs, for example). I kinda like that, but it's not really original.

    All the tracks with a feature are really good
    Even though this is their best work yet, I think this album has quite a few flaws. When I listen to the album now (after 5+ spins) I skip through more than half of the tracks. You can hear quite a lot of Travis Scott influences over this whole album (melody-wise in the ad-libs, for example). I kinda like that, but it's not really original.

    All the tracks with a feature are really good IMO (except for the annoying screams on the intro off course). The features itself are not that special but it seems Migos are more focused on these tracks. BIg on Big, What The Price, Brown Paper Bag, All Ass and Out Yo Way are 100% skip-tracks for me. But overall it's an enjoyable project and I do love their energy, especially on the ad-libs (BRRR!!)
  2. Apr 7, 2018
    It's not a bad album but it's not good. The best songs on here are the ones with quavo on the hook and travis scott. It's like they don't understand the concept of songwriting. They need to start talking about something besides, "going back to the pot." I understand that it is a part of the trap lifestyle but we need more honesty. This is why DS2 is the best trap album of all-time so far.It's not a bad album but it's not good. The best songs on here are the ones with quavo on the hook and travis scott. It's like they don't understand the concept of songwriting. They need to start talking about something besides, "going back to the pot." I understand that it is a part of the trap lifestyle but we need more honesty. This is why DS2 is the best trap album of all-time so far. Future raps about the same thing as migos sometimes but he turns it down a notch while adding emotion. and struggle. Where are the trials and tribulations on this album? Break ups with the love of your life? Thoughts of failure? It's not here. They are flexing throughout the whole album and it gets boring. Bad and Boujee, T-Shirt, and Kelly Price are standouts because the rest of the album is very mediocre. Production is pretty solid throughout but it is lacking through some parts. It's not worth the money to be honest because after the adrenaline rush of the first time listen, this album is very mediocre at best. Expand
  3. Mar 6, 2017
    it's so average overall, the beat selection gets old after 3/4 songs, there are some catchy and nice tunes like Bad and Boujee, Brown Paper Bag and Kelly Price, but the rest is just so average, it's good that i actually went to this álbum with low expectations, would have been way worse otherwise

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Feb 21, 2017
    Releasing a handful of incredible singles ahead of an album sets a pretty lofty standard that the rest of the LP doesn’t always meet. In spite of its drawbacks, Culture showcases Migos at the top of their artistry and there’s no indication that it’s their peak either.
  2. Feb 14, 2017
    CULTURE may be limited in its scope, but it delivers in spades everything one might have hoped for from “the Beatles of this generation.”
  3. Feb 13, 2017
    It’s impressive in small doses, but as Culture progresses you get a strong sense of deja vu, where each track upends the next with a petty familiarity that is just frustratingly repetitive.