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Generally favorable reviews- based on 195 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 195
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  1. Feb 17, 2022
    so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  2. Mar 22, 2021
    And here we go for the second famous studio album and first installment of a trilogy of the Migos band. I'm not a fan of their 'work' in general but I amdit that I expected worst from them. I can't actually believe that these guys are earning (a lot of) money for things they do like this project. If the production and beats shine by their attractive sides the three 'lyricists' almostAnd here we go for the second famous studio album and first installment of a trilogy of the Migos band. I'm not a fan of their 'work' in general but I amdit that I expected worst from them. I can't actually believe that these guys are earning (a lot of) money for things they do like this project. If the production and beats shine by their attractive sides the three 'lyricists' almost always manage to ruin it all. This kind of music is truly for entertainment only. The content never goes further than money, guns, drugs, wh*es and luxury. A lot of verses are laughable at, some in a good way, way more in a bad ridiculous way. I actually don't know anything dumber than Takeoff shouting his own name out of nowhere in 'Slippery'. Autotune and lyrics delivery make this album sound surprisingly so shallow and effortless. Anyway this lyrics delivery, if original (for the two first tracks), quickly becomes redundant and uninspired. Migos simply copy-pasted the same formula over and over. The few guests fortunately bring a bit more depth and variety. According to me only two tracks (out of thirteen) are worth the detour: 'Bad and Boujee' (let's call it less bad than the rest) and 'Deadz' (which benefits from an impressive production and a surpringly good alchemy between the trio and 2 Chainz). Travis Scott's presence is a blessing despite the fact that the song 'Kelly Price' does not match his flow and charisma at all. I guess we can thank the gang not to have made it too long here. Can't say the same about 'Culture II'. Expand
  3. Jun 10, 2020
    This album is a great length, Quavo is on his A+ game on the hooks, they are all shine at certain point on the album, They bounce differently with Features, showing great picks in matching geusts with the right song,,, BEsT sONG that everyone shined on is DEADZ Quavo showing his hooks abilities, very powerful hook, a good feature, THE BEAT GETs powerful when Takeoff joins making greatThis album is a great length, Quavo is on his A+ game on the hooks, they are all shine at certain point on the album, They bounce differently with Features, showing great picks in matching geusts with the right song,,, BEsT sONG that everyone shined on is DEADZ Quavo showing his hooks abilities, very powerful hook, a good feature, THE BEAT GETs powerful when Takeoff joins making great production, showing layers to match the crazy power Takeoff is bringing, Just so Offset can catch the ball before the hooks takes the heat down,, GREAT song. Expand
  4. May 28, 2020
    Culture is a significantly good album, enriched by some banger-tracks such as Bad and Boujee, Slippery and Deadz, thanks to the good quality of the featured artists too. It has to be said, however, that some tracks are quite weak, especially dealing with flow-variations (saying this I'm thinking about T-Shirt, or Get Right Witcha). In these cases, you may sometimes get the feeling ofCulture is a significantly good album, enriched by some banger-tracks such as Bad and Boujee, Slippery and Deadz, thanks to the good quality of the featured artists too. It has to be said, however, that some tracks are quite weak, especially dealing with flow-variations (saying this I'm thinking about T-Shirt, or Get Right Witcha). In these cases, you may sometimes get the feeling of willing that some tracks won't last as long as they're gonna last Expand
  5. Dec 29, 2019
    One of the best trap albums of all time and definitely top ten albums of 2017. Every song on this album is a banger. And the flows are just magnificent
  6. Sep 26, 2019
    This is a great mixtape. They finally tried out something new with their flows and it worked out perfectly.
    Rich ***** timeline and No label 2 were great and this is great too.
  7. Jun 27, 2018
    Culture really does help the culture tbh, it started the trend of the migos three flow and showed how the migos could go from hip-hop artists to hip-pop without losing any of their energy.
  8. Apr 7, 2018
    It's not a bad album but it's not good. The best songs on here are the ones with quavo on the hook and travis scott. It's like they don't understand the concept of songwriting. They need to start talking about something besides, "going back to the pot." I understand that it is a part of the trap lifestyle but we need more honesty. This is why DS2 is the best trap album of all-time so far.It's not a bad album but it's not good. The best songs on here are the ones with quavo on the hook and travis scott. It's like they don't understand the concept of songwriting. They need to start talking about something besides, "going back to the pot." I understand that it is a part of the trap lifestyle but we need more honesty. This is why DS2 is the best trap album of all-time so far. Future raps about the same thing as migos sometimes but he turns it down a notch while adding emotion. and struggle. Where are the trials and tribulations on this album? Break ups with the love of your life? Thoughts of failure? It's not here. They are flexing throughout the whole album and it gets boring. Bad and Boujee, T-Shirt, and Kelly Price are standouts because the rest of the album is very mediocre. Production is pretty solid throughout but it is lacking through some parts. It's not worth the money to be honest because after the adrenaline rush of the first time listen, this album is very mediocre at best. Expand
  9. Feb 19, 2018
    Banger after banger, the Migos have outdone themselves with this album. Keep it up!!!
  10. Feb 2, 2018
    Having listened to the whole album for two to three times now, I'm really enjoying it. Excellent beat selections for the most part, and endless fun energy from the trio. "T-Shirt", "Bad and Boujee", "Get Right Witcha" and "Slippery" are all bangers. The lyrical themes are nothing special, and when you're listening to lyrics about jewelry, women and drugs for 13 tracks, it gets a bit staleHaving listened to the whole album for two to three times now, I'm really enjoying it. Excellent beat selections for the most part, and endless fun energy from the trio. "T-Shirt", "Bad and Boujee", "Get Right Witcha" and "Slippery" are all bangers. The lyrical themes are nothing special, and when you're listening to lyrics about jewelry, women and drugs for 13 tracks, it gets a bit stale and doesn't exactly demand my attention. Also in some of the tracks literally everyone raps with the same flow and sound identical. But the constant ad libs, fun hooks and mostly fitting flows keep the album enjoyable. Expand
  11. Nov 9, 2017
    Migos выпустили хороший трэп релиз.В нём нет ничего сверхъестественного-это просто надо послушать.Не напряжная музыка,но не напряжная в хорошом смысле этого слова.
  12. Oct 24, 2017
    Every track is a good, and quality banger. The best songs are Deadz, Kelly Price, Get Right Witcha, What The Price, Call Casting, Bad and Boujee, and Culture. I hope that in their next album they keep up with the fire bangers.
  13. Sep 30, 2017
    Their debut album ("Yung Rich Nation") was a disappointment to say the least, I was excited for the follow up a tad bit tbh but wasn't really paying attention until "Bad and Boujee". I checked out he album when it dropped and let me tell you it felt like a real Migos album! "Slippery", "Deadz", "Kelly Price", "T-Shirt", and "Get Right Witcha" are the stand outs to the album they all soundTheir debut album ("Yung Rich Nation") was a disappointment to say the least, I was excited for the follow up a tad bit tbh but wasn't really paying attention until "Bad and Boujee". I checked out he album when it dropped and let me tell you it felt like a real Migos album! "Slippery", "Deadz", "Kelly Price", "T-Shirt", and "Get Right Witcha" are the stand outs to the album they all sound like they could be hits on the radio and that's why I fell in love with this project. Hope Culture 2 is just as good as this, I still play this frequently. Expand
  14. Sep 20, 2017
    Migos's sophomore studio album is an epic that is full of stylish and perfectly layered club bangers, and it shows us that they can do much better than 2015's "Yung Rich Nation". The reason "Culture" is a standout is how sharp every single song is. There are obviously stronger songs, such as "Out Yo Way" and the album's big hit, "Bad and Boujee", but none of them are bad. And what makes itMigos's sophomore studio album is an epic that is full of stylish and perfectly layered club bangers, and it shows us that they can do much better than 2015's "Yung Rich Nation". The reason "Culture" is a standout is how sharp every single song is. There are obviously stronger songs, such as "Out Yo Way" and the album's big hit, "Bad and Boujee", but none of them are bad. And what makes it such an enjoyable experience is that it seems as if they are putting their all into every song on the album. They show effort, unlike some other rappers in the game that just shrug off singles (Ex. Future). They care about their art, and that is what cements Migos as some of the best rappers around. Expand
  15. Sep 3, 2017
    only bad & boujees was fire, rest & left tracks were suck
    they too depended on featuring artists lol :(
    IOP, Ace Hood's all starvation series were better dan their albums n tracks, definetely
    I wonder why south location listeners spittin' fire in their fence haha :) :(
  16. Jul 20, 2017
    mini review

    this album reminds me of a mountain range. some parts are very high but others are extremely low culture: 4/10 forgettable t shirt: 6/10 quavo kinda sucks call casting: 8/10 woww bad and boujee: 4/10 get right whicha: 6.5/10 ok slippery: 4/10 gucci sucks big on big: 4/10 eh what the price: 2/10 stop brown paper bag: 4/10 eh deadz: 5/10 why is he even on here all
    mini review

    this album reminds me of a mountain range. some parts are very high but others are extremely low

    culture: 4/10 forgettable
    t shirt: 6/10 quavo kinda sucks
    call casting: 8/10 woww
    bad and boujee: 4/10
    get right whicha: 6.5/10 ok
    slippery: 4/10 gucci sucks
    big on big: 4/10 eh
    what the price: 2/10 stop
    brown paper bag: 4/10 eh
    deadz: 5/10 why is he even on here
    all ass: 1.5/10 why
    kelly price: 0/10
    out yo way: 4/10 eh

    worst: kelly price, all ass, what the price
    best: call casting, get right wicha, t shirt


    light 5
  17. Jul 18, 2017
    Good album...............................................................................................................................................
  18. Jun 9, 2017
    While I'm not a fan of the rappers behind Migos, I will say that they made a hell of a record. This album sounds like the personification of pop culture today. "Bad and Boujee" is my favorite and a clear standout.
  19. May 16, 2017
    It’s a nice, fun example of slow hip-hop, but the work as a whole showed only one real rapping technique that got old after a while, and trying to rally around the success of one single may have hindered their creativity. My Score: 117/180 (Good) = 6.5/10
  20. Apr 16, 2017
    Overall a decent project, I was pleasantly surprised by many of the singles and was relatively excited to see how this album played out. The highlights of this album are very impressive, songs such as 'Slippery' and 'Get Right Witcha' are excellent, hooks are catchy and verses are entertaining enough to compliment. However this album just lacks consistency, the songs particularly towardsOverall a decent project, I was pleasantly surprised by many of the singles and was relatively excited to see how this album played out. The highlights of this album are very impressive, songs such as 'Slippery' and 'Get Right Witcha' are excellent, hooks are catchy and verses are entertaining enough to compliment. However this album just lacks consistency, the songs particularly towards the end of the project become weaker and the hooks less imaginative. Overall, this album is far from perfect, but it has some great songs and pretty much meets expectations. Expand
  21. Mar 26, 2017
    This is a fantastic trap album. The lyricism presented by Migos is above average, while their cadences and flows are top tier. The way they use autotune is very melodic, and is done well without going over the top with it. The beats are interesting, eerie sometimes, and just flat out fun to listen to.
  22. Mar 22, 2017
    I've honestly never been able to stand Migos.... but I actually really like this album.

    The album is an overall commentary on black culture, and why it is the way it is, and how hip hop is representative of it, and it serves as a thoroughly entertaining middle finger in the face of those who complain about hip hop's explicit content. The instrumentals are beautiful, albeit sometimes
    I've honestly never been able to stand Migos.... but I actually really like this album.

    The album is an overall commentary on black culture, and why it is the way it is, and how hip hop is representative of it, and it serves as a thoroughly entertaining middle finger in the face of those who complain about hip hop's explicit content.

    The instrumentals are beautiful, albeit sometimes formulaic, and the lyrics manage to simultaneously be funny and poignant.

    Overall, it's an enjoyable experience.

    -Justin Howell
  23. Mar 6, 2017
    it's so average overall, the beat selection gets old after 3/4 songs, there are some catchy and nice tunes like Bad and Boujee, Brown Paper Bag and Kelly Price, but the rest is just so average, it's good that i actually went to this álbum with low expectations, would have been way worse otherwise
  24. Feb 5, 2017
    Even though this is their best work yet, I think this album has quite a few flaws. When I listen to the album now (after 5+ spins) I skip through more than half of the tracks. You can hear quite a lot of Travis Scott influences over this whole album (melody-wise in the ad-libs, for example). I kinda like that, but it's not really original.

    All the tracks with a feature are really good
    Even though this is their best work yet, I think this album has quite a few flaws. When I listen to the album now (after 5+ spins) I skip through more than half of the tracks. You can hear quite a lot of Travis Scott influences over this whole album (melody-wise in the ad-libs, for example). I kinda like that, but it's not really original.

    All the tracks with a feature are really good IMO (except for the annoying screams on the intro off course). The features itself are not that special but it seems Migos are more focused on these tracks. BIg on Big, What The Price, Brown Paper Bag, All Ass and Out Yo Way are 100% skip-tracks for me. But overall it's an enjoyable project and I do love their energy, especially on the ad-libs (BRRR!!)
  25. Feb 4, 2017
    this is fire. its their best work to date, and the sound is very different from their previous mixtapes and album. theres not one song on this album that i don't like. keep it up migos.
  26. Jan 30, 2017
    I hate trap music. So much. With that said, I don't understand how I like this album so much. I honestly don't. But it's perfect. Musically beautiful, with eerie beats and melodic (dare I say) autotune. Lyrically amazing. Especially "Out Yo Way" (A beautiful track straying away from normal rap objectifying of women and talking about the women who are beautiful people and go out of theirI hate trap music. So much. With that said, I don't understand how I like this album so much. I honestly don't. But it's perfect. Musically beautiful, with eerie beats and melodic (dare I say) autotune. Lyrically amazing. Especially "Out Yo Way" (A beautiful track straying away from normal rap objectifying of women and talking about the women who are beautiful people and go out of their ways to help people), "Deadz" (Pure flames, a cypher rap for the ages) and "What the Price" (Describes their history of dealing drugs). With other hot singles such as "Bad and Boujee" and "T Shirt", this album has everything, and vibing to every infectious track is a given. Starts of 2017 on a beautifully hot note. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Feb 21, 2017
    Releasing a handful of incredible singles ahead of an album sets a pretty lofty standard that the rest of the LP doesn’t always meet. In spite of its drawbacks, Culture showcases Migos at the top of their artistry and there’s no indication that it’s their peak either.
  2. Feb 14, 2017
    CULTURE may be limited in its scope, but it delivers in spades everything one might have hoped for from “the Beatles of this generation.”
  3. Feb 13, 2017
    It’s impressive in small doses, but as Culture progresses you get a strong sense of deja vu, where each track upends the next with a petty familiarity that is just frustratingly repetitive.