• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jan 12, 2018
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  1. Jan 14, 2018
    'CAMILA' is certainly one of the best albums of recent years. The vocals, the lyrics, the beats. You can go from "Never Be The Same" to "Something's Gotta Give" and end up listening to Reggaeton "Inside Out". Not to mention that everyone has that song that is super identifiable.
  2. Jan 14, 2018
    Amazing album. It's great lyrically, vocals are on point and you can feel her emotions thru it. Love it. A masterpiece.
  3. Jan 14, 2018
    the feeling that pervades every song is unexplainable !! incredible, beautiful, intimate, perfect.
    to see that she gave it all and that there is a lot of our camila there. very proud !! love you
  4. Jan 14, 2018
    Great debut album from Camila. So glad she left Fifth Harmony

    Best Song(s): Havana, Into It, In the Dark, She Loves Control, Never Be the Same

    Worst Song(s): Something's Gotta Give
  5. Jan 14, 2018
    AMAZING! Every song is amazing! You did it Camila!! A real masterpiece!!!!
  6. Jan 14, 2018
    "Camila", with all its changes, delays, and ups-and-downs, was such a promising record, and it did deliver a lot of what was promised, just not quite everything. There's no denying the talent of the ex-Fifth-Harmony-member, whose vocals, a bit meddled with auto-tune (which, don't get me wrong, is a highlight), shine all through her debut record, but it's the filler-nature of a couple of"Camila", with all its changes, delays, and ups-and-downs, was such a promising record, and it did deliver a lot of what was promised, just not quite everything. There's no denying the talent of the ex-Fifth-Harmony-member, whose vocals, a bit meddled with auto-tune (which, don't get me wrong, is a highlight), shine all through her debut record, but it's the filler-nature of a couple of songs that is the main, but minor problem with this record. When she was pushing back the release, Ms Cabello promised her fans it was because she "wanted every song to sound like a single", and that she did: there's no song on there that I couldn't imagine being played on the radio. The highlights are pretty clear here: 'Havana' is a huge bop, hence all the success it's getting, and 'Never Be The Same' is a very well-done pop track and a very enjoyable sing-along, 'All These Years' and 'Real Friends' are good laid-back tracks (that both sound a lot like Justin Bieber's 'Love Yourself', by the way), and 'Consequences' and 'Something's Gotta Give' are tender heartbreaking ballads (enlisting the help of Ed-Sheeran-peer co-writer Amy Wadge for the former). The instrumentation and the production all throughout the album are just excellent, leaning on a lot of latin-infused and raggaeton melodies, which work for Camila so not-surprisingly well. However, some other songs just feel... empty; it's not the production, nor the lyrics, nor the vocals, but they just sound like fillers (you might want to skip 'Inside Out' and 'In the Dark' altogether). Another flaw is closing the album with 'Into It', which is a very catchy Selena-Gomez-imprinted track, but that just doesn't fit as a closer to the record at all. In retrospect, maybe she shouldn't have scrapped 'I Have Questions' and 'OMG' (which were two truly powerful tracks).
    That said, let's not forget that this is Camila's first record (which turned out to be pretty solid), and she's allowed to make a couple of mistakes here and there. However, the LP still feels so personal and genuine, and that is what matters the most.
  7. Jan 14, 2018
    "CAMILA" is the definition for dedication, quality and personality. Such a good album I've heard since it launched, literally. Through the songs we can feel everything passed by her, from the desire to want to roll to the floor with She Loves Control until she cries a lot with Conseuqences. I love this album, it's my baby.
  8. Jan 14, 2018
    Look, when I first heard this album, I thought it was great. You have to understand that I had looooow expectations when I went into it - I never liked Camila during her time in 5H. So the fact that I got songs that made me sing along put me on a high.

    Now that I've slept on it and have gotten off that high, I think I can honestly say that this album is...good. I can't say it's
    Look, when I first heard this album, I thought it was great. You have to understand that I had looooow expectations when I went into it - I never liked Camila during her time in 5H. So the fact that I got songs that made me sing along put me on a high.

    Now that I've slept on it and have gotten off that high, I think I can honestly say that this album is...good.

    I can't say it's great. I can't even say it's ambitious. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to forget all these songs by February.

    But I also can't say I didn't enjoy listening to this album. Some of them are bops; the remaining are piano or guitar ballads that I think have some good lyrics. There's no song that I actively hate - but there's no song I actively love, either.

    I've been a little unfair to poor Camilla in the past. I don't like her voice, but that shouldn't be a problem if she had the tunes to back it up. Her voice is unique, and a lot of iconic singers became iconic because of their unique voices. Cyndi Lauper, for example. And some of these songs really compliment her voice. But then there are tracks like Never Be the Same that just...her voice is really grating at times.

    My biggest problem with this album is how every song reminds me of another song from a different Top 100 artist. Inside Out basically reuses lyrics from The Chainsmokers, Into It sounds a lot like Sober by Lorde, and Never Be the Same will blend in perfectly with every other song on the radio. That doesn't bother me enough to hate it, but it does contribute to the whole 'forgettable' thing.

    So while I wouldn't recommend this album simply because I don't find it interesting enough to recommend to anyone, I wouldn't say no if someone asked me if they should listen to it. I'd probably say maybe.
  9. Jan 14, 2018
    The best album in the world. I love Camila’s voice she is amazing and the lyrics is so intense
  10. Jan 13, 2018
    Este álbum no es malo ,solo digo que le hace falta algo más icónico y. más épico, por que solo tiene una canción épica como Habana y las demás no lo son,por eso le di baja calificacion
  11. Jan 13, 2018
    Absolutely amazing. Her voice sounds perfect in every single song and the lyrics just touch your soul. It feels like she’s telling her story through every track and sharing a piece of her heart with us. Definitely the best debut album I’ve heard in a while.
  12. Jan 13, 2018
    One of my favorite debut album! The songs had a blend of pop - latin vibe that didn't sound forced she really found her own style in this album!

  13. Jan 13, 2018
    Variety of sounds, lyrics that really tell a story, impeccable voice.
    An artist who undoubtedly explores her most creative, sincere and deep side ... She leaves her comfort zone and even the safe area in the charts by making her album a mixture of sounds and lyrics that range from the seductive to the soft
  14. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila Cabello demonstrou mostrar sua raízes latinas nesse debut incível, nota 10. Mal posso esperar para ouvir o próximo.
  15. Jan 13, 2018
    Um dos melhores albuns que ja escutei em toda minha vida e o mais incrível é que esse é seu primero album, então nem posso imaginar o quão incrível vai ser seu crescimente musicalmente de agora para frente.
  16. Jan 13, 2018
    i love the album, the lyrics it's very honest, she do it, and im very happy from her, she deserves all success.
  17. Jan 13, 2018
    um dos melhores,não da para pular nenhuma faixa,uma surpresa agradavel o camila.AMEI.
  18. Jan 13, 2018
    The album CAMILA is simply perfect, with its precious and precise vocals, exalting its talent, is an album that goes from the emotive one there is a dancing pop. incredible h The album CAMILA is simply perfect, with its precious and precise vocals, exalting its talent, is an album that goes from the emotive one there is a dancing pop. incredible. The best.
  19. Jan 13, 2018
    O álbum é simplesmente uma obra de arte, divino. Não tem uma música ruim, todas as letras são significativas e até mesmo bem pessoais de alguma forma. O álbum é um retrato de Camila, mas não impede que todas as pessoas que o escutam possam se identificar com pelo menos uma das músicas. O instrumental é diversificado, as melodias e batidas contagiantes e sua voz é linda e suave de um formaO álbum é simplesmente uma obra de arte, divino. Não tem uma música ruim, todas as letras são significativas e até mesmo bem pessoais de alguma forma. O álbum é um retrato de Camila, mas não impede que todas as pessoas que o escutam possam se identificar com pelo menos uma das músicas. O instrumental é diversificado, as melodias e batidas contagiantes e sua voz é linda e suave de um forma única. PERFEITO. Expand
  20. Jan 13, 2018
    Lyrically the best pop album in such a long time. It is like 10 songs out of Cabello's diary. Not only does it have the hits, but also the deep cuts. Already a runner for AOTY on the Grammy's
  21. Jan 13, 2018
    Tá perfeito esse álbum, os brasileiros estão surtando com cada música e com essa obra de arte que é o CAMILA.
  22. Jan 13, 2018
    the album CAMILA is simply fantastic. I can not stop listening to him. The songs that are part of it have a certain magic, which leads to all who listen to float. Makes us lighter. It makes us happy. WONDERFUL, it's the right word to describe it.
  23. Jan 13, 2018
    Stand outs are Havana, Never Be The Same, and Inside Out. Otherwise, there is nothing special on this album. Meh.
  24. Jan 13, 2018
    'CAMILA' is by far one of the best debut albums I have ever encountered, it's a lyrical masterpiece with a phenomenal production that showcases Camila's vocals perfectly in every single song.

    All in all it's a short, but refreshing album, definitely worth a listen!
  25. Jan 13, 2018
    This is one of the bestest album I've heard so far. Every song of this album is just flawless.
  26. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila Cabello puts out one of the best debut albums in a very long time. In this album Camila really strives to stand out but also she makes sure to be likeable enough by pop radio. Havana was such an in your face bombastic lead so it was weird going into an album with mostly piano songs. Songs like "She Loves Control" and "Consequences" stand out because of their fantastic lyrics andCamila Cabello puts out one of the best debut albums in a very long time. In this album Camila really strives to stand out but also she makes sure to be likeable enough by pop radio. Havana was such an in your face bombastic lead so it was weird going into an album with mostly piano songs. Songs like "She Loves Control" and "Consequences" stand out because of their fantastic lyrics and pretty beats. Most of the other songs on the album are cute but nothing that were really eye catching. Overall this album felt like a fancy restaurant meal. It has a good taste but there just simply isn't enough. Expand
  27. Jan 13, 2018
    El album es demasiado bueno, las melodías, las letras y la voz con la que canta Camila hace que este album sea perfecto y único; se nota el talento que tiene en la composición y lo vemos expresado en cada canción, es realmente impresionante que sea capaz de eso con tan solo 20 años, Camila tiene un gran futuro en la industria musical y puedo decir que este album es el mejor del 2018 porEl album es demasiado bueno, las melodías, las letras y la voz con la que canta Camila hace que este album sea perfecto y único; se nota el talento que tiene en la composición y lo vemos expresado en cada canción, es realmente impresionante que sea capaz de eso con tan solo 20 años, Camila tiene un gran futuro en la industria musical y puedo decir que este album es el mejor del 2018 por ser innovadora e interesante, te atrapa a la primera cuando la escuchas, Camila logro expresar su arte y lo máximo de su individualidad en este album. Expand
  28. Jan 13, 2018
    This album screams perfection, one of the most inspirational and a very personal album anyone has ever made. I literally cried at some of the songs because they are so beautifully writen and sang. You can see Camila has put her heart and soul into this album and you can see it
  29. Jan 13, 2018
    What a debut album!! There's not a bad song on this, her voice's everything. I'm in love.
  30. Jan 13, 2018
    In the words of Billboard, Camila was always mean to to be simply Camila. Her long awaited album consisted of amazing vocals and productions. She has delivered with hit after hit.
  31. Jan 13, 2018
    'CAMILA' is an album that I loved all the songs, their vocals, the emotion and the intesity that she spends with each song is incredible. It's an album that I would listen for a long time and never tire of, no matter how many times I listen I always feel the same feelings as when I first heard it.
  32. Jan 13, 2018
    Amazing. I do not think I ever heard an album where I didn't have to skip a song. Very good debut Camila Cabello. Love her voice.
  33. Jan 13, 2018
    INCREDIBLE! the album contains everything, music to cry, to dance, to reflect...incredible lyrics and better melodies still, surely one of the best albums I've ever heard
  34. Jan 13, 2018
    CAMILA is a awesome album, the energy what Camila Cabello used to make this album is glorious, her voice is sweet and the album is literally perfect
  35. Jan 13, 2018
    the "CAMILA" for sure and one of the most wonderful albums I've ever had the pleasure of listening has songs that make us cry so beautiful that e, camila has a voice that calms people the vocals of her in the songs are From another world I only have to say that she racked up this album. Very proud, I'm fan.
  36. Jan 13, 2018
    Just amazing! Everything is so perfect in her album. your
    lyrics and angelical voice makes me feel so good. I love this album sooo **** much!
  37. Jan 13, 2018
    CAMILA is the most wonderful debut album i've heard since Guns N Roses' ''Appetite x Destruction'' (of course, you can't compare them), but the Cuban girl prooved she is better than a small girl band.
  38. Jan 13, 2018
    If you want to listen an album that has a huge variety of songs and styles that's the one.Camila slays in all the songs with smooth vocals and high notes. You can dance with the caribbean beat in Inside Out, with a latin one in Havana and she loves control, and the sexy and eletronic beat of into it and think a little bit about life with all these years, something's gotta give, never beIf you want to listen an album that has a huge variety of songs and styles that's the one.Camila slays in all the songs with smooth vocals and high notes. You can dance with the caribbean beat in Inside Out, with a latin one in Havana and she loves control, and the sexy and eletronic beat of into it and think a little bit about life with all these years, something's gotta give, never be the same and consequences. It's an album that the whole family can listen and have fun. And Camila showed to be a complete artist, who knows the right time and has a beautiful way of thinking. Expand
  39. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila Cabello a nova Rainha do pop! esse álbum mostra que talento para ela é pouco, porque a mulher é um fenomeno.
  40. Jan 13, 2018
    One of the few albums that I can hear without skipping any track. Camila exceeded my expectations and I'm very glad about it.

    I'm already waiting her next work.
  41. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila is wonderful as much as singer and songwriter, this album is proof of that.
  42. Jan 13, 2018
    Album was amazing!!! Couldn't be any more proud of her and all the accomplishments she has made with her music
  43. Jan 13, 2018
    'CAMILA' is great for a first solo career album. With each track I was surprised more, Camila Cabello definitely exceeded my expectations. The songs matched perfectly with her remarkable voice, and all have the potential to become hits.
  44. Jan 13, 2018
    When I clicked the play and Camila's album began to play, tears began to roll down my face. I'm not joking. I felt everything in that moment. Relief, pride, happiness and love. This album is the result of an insane journey from an incredible person. And we have followed everything so closely that I feel we have a part in it, even if at a distance. Camila is already one of the best albumsWhen I clicked the play and Camila's album began to play, tears began to roll down my face. I'm not joking. I felt everything in that moment. Relief, pride, happiness and love. This album is the result of an insane journey from an incredible person. And we have followed everything so closely that I feel we have a part in it, even if at a distance. Camila is already one of the best albums of my life. She did it. She did it, guys. "CAMILA" is an incredible job. Expand
  45. Jan 13, 2018
    This is one of the best albums I've heard in a very long time. The lyrics to each song has something special, she makes you feel her lyrics. For the first time i found an album where I can't find my favorite song because every song is really good.
  46. Jan 13, 2018
    Iconic and memorable. Took everyone by surprise I loveeeee it. I can't choose between All these years and In the dark they are my two favorites so I could never. I'm so proud of this girl!!
  47. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. es un album genuino, con sonidos divertidos y melancólicos. Es tanta la energía que te trasmite, su voz no sera la mejor pero es tan dulce y angelical. Me Encanto Expand
  48. Jan 13, 2018
    I AM INLOVE WITH THIS ALBUM... You could tell she worked so hard on this aw❤️
  49. Jan 13, 2018
    “CAMILA” is the BEST ALBUM OF 2018!!!!! I am soooo proud of her she has come so far in this music industry
  50. Jan 13, 2018
    Very good, intimate without revealing much. In tracks like "consequences", "all these years" and "something's gotta give", it's possible to feel the pain and the emotion in every sentence. Amazing singer with a wonderful voice.
  51. Jan 13, 2018
    Amazing!! this album is about to kill, very intimate representing the artist who created this masterpiece simply a spectacular album that represents this incredibly talented artist showing the type of artist and camila and its Latin roots
  52. Jan 13, 2018
    her voice just lacks. very bubble gum. it's a catchy one, but doesn't mean it has power.
  53. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila Cabello é a dona do melhor album do mundo
  54. Jan 13, 2018
    What an album! She served vocals, lyrics, instruments, background vocals and everything else. A masterpiece.
  55. Jan 13, 2018
    Cabello has a genuine soul and she brings it on 'CAMILA'. It's a strong masterpiece, every song is catchy on a singular way and Camila vocals are consistent and powerful, showing us her musical evolution. 'She loves control' by far is one of my favorites 'cause I feel like I'm free, I feel the latin "earthquake". She's growing up lyrically and it's a satisfying album to my ears. Amazing debut!!!
  56. Jan 13, 2018
    those lyrics, vocals, and ad-libs make the whole album amazing, " CAMILA" is the bestest album I've heard so far, it´s a masterpiece.
  57. Jan 13, 2018
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
  58. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. camila did that in this album. the latin culture are exposed in many songs. i am in love Expand
  59. Jan 13, 2018
    'CAMILA' is by far one of the best debut albums I have ever encountered, it's a lyrical masterpiece with a phenomenal production that showcases Camila's vocals perfectly in every single song
  60. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 'CAMILA' exceeded my expectations, best debut album without doubt. Melody, vocal control, lyrics, background, instruments so perfect. Camila Cabello is coming to change the concept of pop and goes very far. Queen. Expand
  61. Jan 13, 2018
    El Album debut de Camila, es muy hermoso, las letras y su voz transmite tanto que te identificas completamente con cada letra y canción, lo sientes real, lo sientes cercano a ti, a diferencia de otras artistas, que te sientes muy lejano a sus vidas, Camila nos regala una gran parte de ella, y lejos de hacerla vulnerable la hace fuerte y con ella nosotros nos sentimos fuertes al escuchar suEl Album debut de Camila, es muy hermoso, las letras y su voz transmite tanto que te identificas completamente con cada letra y canción, lo sientes real, lo sientes cercano a ti, a diferencia de otras artistas, que te sientes muy lejano a sus vidas, Camila nos regala una gran parte de ella, y lejos de hacerla vulnerable la hace fuerte y con ella nosotros nos sentimos fuertes al escuchar su música, simplemente adictiva. Expand
  62. Jan 13, 2018
    omg, what a wonderful album, just got anthem. the voice, the instruments, the form that she gives herself to each music I love.
  63. Jan 13, 2018
    This album is simply amazing. Camila did a beautiful job. The lyrics and instrumental of the songs are perfect. I can feel Camila in every song, her emotions, her desires, her sufferings. It is a true expression of who she is. Wonderful songwriter and singer! This album is already my favorite. I loved all the songs. I'm proud of her.
  64. Jan 13, 2018
    okay, i'm so in love with her voice and i cant stop listen this album... this is a masterpiece, seriously... her voice is amazing. i cant even choose one for favorite cause all of them are so good...

    I'm so happy for her... she worked so hard for making a good album and she just did that!
  65. Jan 13, 2018
    "CAMILA" can be considered a masterpiece of the pop music. is full of energy and love, what shows all Camila's talent.
  66. Jan 13, 2018
    Incredible vocals and amazing lyrics. I have been waiting so much for this album and I can't be more happier and proud for the final result. Camila is so talented, I love her so much!!
  67. Jan 13, 2018
    She knows how to put all your emotions to the fullest, it is a record with a lot of variety and I love it, this album is not just for a commercial purpose, she really shared a part of her being.
  68. Jan 13, 2018
    A lyrical masterpiece. You can tell that she put her everything in her when writing these lyrics. Her vocals throughout each song were incredible, unique and oh so beautiful. The production behind...I have no words. Worth listening to over and over and over again.
  69. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila managed to make a really perfect album, surprising me from beginning to end. Your voice and vocals are really unbelievable, the beats are amazing. The album is for anyone looking for something joyful and dancing, but also reflective and emotional.
  70. Jan 13, 2018
    ¨CAMILA¨ exceeded all my expectations, without a doubt it is one of the best albums I've heard in a long time, her voice is beautiful, the lyrics and the rhythms of the songs are perfect, I can not stop playing it. It is not the typical pop album, she is not the typical teen idol and it shows in her talent and in her hard work. I just loved the album.
  71. Jan 13, 2018
    Perfect in all its facets.
    Thank you, Camila, for making me feel such wonderful emotions.
    I love you!
  72. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila é definitivamente o melhor albúm, chega a ser impossivel escolher uma música favorita, é autentico!
  73. Jan 13, 2018
    incredible, amazing, brilliant!!! I'm so proud of camila, she's here to stay, it's just the beginning. aoty 2018.
  74. Jan 13, 2018
    This album is just perfect! I LOVED IT! All the songs is amazing, the melody, the rhythm, the beat... out of my mind. I can't wait for the next one. Perfect debut album. Cangrats Camila
  75. Jan 13, 2018
    This album is amazing. I can’t describe everything I felt when I heard it. The melodies, the lyrics, Camila’s voice... Everything is just perfect.
  76. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. My words aren't enough to describe "CAMILA". It's a mix of music to dance and music to cry. Camila Cabello finally show us the real of that's inside her heart. It's the most beautiful album the I've ever hear. CAMILA take us to "Havana", make us dance "inside out" and let us really on fire "into it". It's the kind of music that I personally want to hear all day. Expand
  77. Jan 13, 2018
    It's one of my favorite albums, it shows the roots of Camila and her great voice
  78. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila's voice goes straight to your heart, makes you feel her happiness and heart-aches from verse to verse. Listen to her and you will be part of her story! CAMILA EU TE AMO
  79. Jan 13, 2018
    all work and dedication paid off, Camila is a great singer and an excellent songwriter. the album did not leave anything to be desired, it is simply WONDERFUL.
  80. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well this album is the best thing i’ve never heard, literally this album will be the best of this year, the vibes of this album make me feel the same feelings of the artist feelings when she was writing her own album Expand
  81. Jan 13, 2018
    it is inevitable not to identify with each song the lyrics can touch your heart and that few artists can achieve it
  82. Jan 13, 2018
    "CAMILA" is definitely one of the best albums I ever listened to. I am so proud of Camila and all she has achieved since she went solo. Hoping to get more and more of her!
  83. Jan 13, 2018
    Cara, melhor album concerteza, as músicas são muito boas, na vdd são todas
  84. Jan 13, 2018
    No one can describe this album, it's simply from another world, all the songs are perfect!!!!!!!
  85. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum maravilhoso Camila.... Muito obrigado Te amo ta! Cada música é possível te sentir e saber os sentimentos que existem dentro do seu coração. Expand
  86. Jan 13, 2018
    the "Camila" is simply amazing, all the songs on this album have a lot of potential to be single. The voice of Camila Cabello fits perfectly into each song. I really do not have words to say, but it's a great album and great songs.
  87. Jan 13, 2018
    'CAMILA' is totally addictive. From the moment you begin to listen you travel to another dimension. Her voice, the lyrics, the rhythm, everything is totally flawless. You can see how much she worked and put her heart there.

    Congratulations, Camila!
  88. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila is the best album just incredible. amazing. I don't have words, i just love.
  89. Jan 13, 2018
    honestly, I love it. CAMILA is one of the best pop debut album i listened in the past 5 years. You can relate to every lyrics and it's well produced. Eventhough, it only has 10 tracks it still give me satisfaction. kudos to Camila and her team
  90. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 'CAMILA' é um álbum de estréia de respeito,superou todas as expectativas. Letras melodiosas e que mostram os vocais perfeitos da Camila a cada música,um álbum que você escuta direto sem pular uma música sequer. Expand
  91. Jan 13, 2018
    Her voice range and ability really shows up in this album. Lyrics that you can relate and feel something. Great production
  92. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um dos melhores albums que eu ja escutei. Fico feliz em poder escutar musicas com letras com significado de verdade, mostrando que ainda há musicas lindas e com significado. Parabens, Camila! Expand
  93. Jan 13, 2018
    i have no other words apart from- musical genius. this album is pure perfection, you can listen to it from start till the end and not get bored at a single track. every song has its own story and concept, not to mention that she co-wrote every single one of them. new sound, new rhythms, new lyrics, and new artist who actually writes her own music just what the pop industry needed.
  94. Jan 13, 2018
    It's impossible to choose only a favorite song, all the songs are perfects!! This album is amazing!! As always Camila is slaying.
  95. Jan 13, 2018
    I loved this album, so incredible! I love Camila so much. Camila's album saved my life! I am so thankful for this. "CAMILA" is the definition of quality and concept.
    Congratulations camila for this amazing album !!
  96. Jan 13, 2018
    Best album that my ears were lucky to hear go ahead and dare you will not regret
  97. Jan 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the album is incredible, the songs are magic, the lyrics are deep and very well written and the productions are wonderful. best album of all!!! that's it. Expand
  98. Jan 13, 2018
    An incredible debut album, with perfect vocals and lyrics that play you, there is not a song that you could skip. Simply perfect
  99. Jan 13, 2018
    this is the best album that i've ever heard.

    seriously, I was amazed, every song I felt closer to the camila and as an international fan, feeling close to the idol is one of the best and greatest blessings.
  100. Jan 13, 2018
    'CAMILA' is an incredible album, an impressive vocal control and admirable lyrics. I can definitely guarantee that this album demonstrates all the dedication she has had, resulting in a perfect and balanced discography.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Oct 5, 2018
    Living between two cultures can be alienating, but Camila Cabello packages her experience as a Cuban-American seamlessly into pure pop perfection.
  2. Apr 5, 2018
    “Never Be the Same” proves that Cabello doesn’t need a mammoth voice. The love-is-a-drug lyric she’s singing is dumb, but she sells it so joyfully that you don’t even notice, and its wonderfully breathy, high-register hook ensures “Havana” won’t be her last solo hit.
  3. 80
    While Cabello stands out on the more fiery tracks, she also shines in subtlety.