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  1. May 29, 2020
    Esse álbum é simplesmente perfeito.
    As transação de cada música é muito boa. Chromatica é o álbum que todos estávamos pedido da mother monster, um álbum repleto de pop perfection.
    A minha preferida é Alice, Fun Tonigth e a maravilhosa parceria com o Elton John.
  2. May 29, 2020
    Album do milênio!!!!
    Surpreendeu de todas as formas positivas.
    Free woman, babylon, sine from above... apenas hinos maravilhosos
  3. Aug 29, 2020
    Now thats what we call a bad album
    Instead we can celebrate and buy folklore
  4. Sep 3, 2020
    In my opinion is one of the best albums released this year (2020). It has beautiful lyrics, it’s sad and happy at the same time, the story it tells it’s perfect and it shows how Gaga is a strong and powerful woman that goes through hard times but always get over it!
  5. May 29, 2020
    It is an album with such addictive sounds, pop bible, is the best álbum Of the year
  6. May 30, 2020
    Returning triumphantly to her dance origins, Lady Gaga returns to the 90s and delivers one of the best albums of her career, bringing together a cohesive aesthetic and dance hits with deep lyrics, capable of making their fans dance crying.
  7. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é sólido, maduro e coeso, nos trazendo uma cultura diferente e idades diferentes. Ele vai além do seu tempo e ainda sim se torna atemporal com suas baladas e ritmos contagiantes que só Lady Gaga sabe fazer. Expand
  8. May 29, 2020
    Um dos melhores álbuns que já ouvi em toda minha existência, a Gaga nos ensina a passar por todas as situações da vida com muita sabedoria, amor, paciência e com isso atingir o crescimento individual a metida que enxerga nossos momentos de fraquezas como passageiros. A cantora consegue construir um álbum extremamente coeso do início do fim, contendo músicas com batidas, composições eUm dos melhores álbuns que já ouvi em toda minha existência, a Gaga nos ensina a passar por todas as situações da vida com muita sabedoria, amor, paciência e com isso atingir o crescimento individual a metida que enxerga nossos momentos de fraquezas como passageiros. A cantora consegue construir um álbum extremamente coeso do início do fim, contendo músicas com batidas, composições e sonoridade que cativam às mais variadas gerações de ouvintes ddamúsica pop. Expand
  9. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O problemático lead single Stupid Love era uma música pop perfeita. Talvez não fosse a melhor escolha pra iniciar uma nova Era. A maior insatisfação com Stupid Love foi com o videoclipe. Uma estética Power Ranger bem anos 90, com figurinos bons e ruins. O que eram aqueles dançarinos vestidos de planta, com direito a uma caqueira? E a tribo vermelha? Foram na casa da minha vó e pegaram os lençóis vermelhos do varal. Nem a Gaga ficou livre da péssima escolha do figurino! Com as 6 tribos do mundo Chromatica apresentadas, esperava-se que o segundo single fosse ter alguma continuidade. Rain On Me, com Ariana Grande foi o hit perfeito com o clipe perfeito. Ainda dava pra dizer que era em Chromatica, mas as histórias não se conectavam muito bem. A música quebrou recordes mundiais nas primeiras horas de lançamento. Finalmente o álbum chegou! O que nos permite dizer que o álbum será, muito provavelmente, a melhor coisa da indústria pop, juntamente com Dua Lipa e Billie Eilish, nos últimos 5 anos! Saudades 2010! Voltando ao Chromatica, vale ressaltar as colaborações de peso do álbum. Além da Ariana, teremos Elton John e as K-Pop Black Pink. É sem dúvida mais uma renovação na eclética carreira da Lady Gaga. Este é um álbum coeso, apoiado por grandes nomes da música e com forte influência da cultura oitentista, mas acima de tudo, da cultura dos anos 90. Chromatica soa como as pistas da euro dance do início do século! Adiado devido a pandemia do Coronavírus, o novo álbum da Mother Monster ainda deve enfrentar alguns percalços ao longo de 2020. Um dos principais aliados dos artistas são os palcos. Sem uma performance ao vivo, com super produção épica, muitos dançarinos e tudo o que merece um álbum pop, Chromatica deveria ser relançado quando tudo isso passar. O retorno da diva a sonoridade eletropop que alçou Gaga ao posto de rainha da música no final da primeira década deste milênio é tudo o que queríamos, pedimos e precisávamos. Ninguém esperava ver Gaga sendo Gaga tão cedo. Após o surpreendente filme vencedor do Oscar, Nasce Uma Estrela, achávamos que veríamos mais daquela Gaga do Joanne. Mas a diva provou que sua estrela nasceu mesmo. Nasceu, renasceu do seu jeito, nasceu de novo e renasce a cada capítulo da sua carreira multifacetada.
    Outros destaques do álbum são a música Free Woman, Fun Tonight e Babylon. A falta de uma balada romântica digna de Lady Gaga só nos faz torcer para que Chromatica, que é dividido em 3 atos, ganhe um 4º, trazendo mais daquela Lady Gaga que nos apaixonamos ao longo dos últimos 12 anos!
    Gaga is Back, ****
  10. May 29, 2020
    This is a beautiful way to return... I’m very happy and I can’t stop listening
  11. Aug 31, 2020
    omg yas, an album full of bops, serves and all the things that gays wanted the most. thank you for returning to POP MUSIC that you really never should get off
  12. May 29, 2020
    Gaga’s most cohesive album to date! It is truly what the world needed in this moment: music to dance through the pain.
  13. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga really brought out an amazing new dance album, the world needs to dance right now even though we can’t we can get joy from CHROMATICA.
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    Chromatica is an album to dance and cry, I love your strength to introduce this universe created by gaga, the album has many strengths, many, Alice, Rain On Me, Fun Tonight, 911, Enigma, Replay and Babylon. The other songs are also good but not as bright as these. There are so many details in the songs that I am discovering after months of release. My tip is to put on a headset and letChromatica is an album to dance and cry, I love your strength to introduce this universe created by gaga, the album has many strengths, many, Alice, Rain On Me, Fun Tonight, 911, Enigma, Replay and Babylon. The other songs are also good but not as bright as these. There are so many details in the songs that I am discovering after months of release. My tip is to put on a headset and let yourself go, it's very worth it. Expand
  15. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El inicio de Chromatica cuenta un trayecto en el amor.
    Desde que lo oyes hasta que lo terminas no dejas de pensar en la letra, cada pista lucha por ser mejor; es uno de esos álbumes que convierten el dolor en música de modo sincronizado que sea hasta danzablem
  16. Mar 22, 2021
    Its a well made album, coesive, good productions, beautiful lyrics, one of the best piece of art made by Lady Gaga
  17. May 29, 2020
    It has been 7 since Pop album and this was a real COMEBACK. Welcomea Chromatica also as known as Album of the year
  18. May 30, 2020
    This album is just amazing!!! Chromatica is the music that the world needs right now!!!
  19. Aug 28, 2020
    Beautiful album, the order of the songs is perfect, I traveled to 2000's with the rhythms, the lyrics are beautiful and deep but you want to dance to every song. She's definitely back and we all glad
  20. May 29, 2020
    Incrivel ,maguinifico , aclamacao do meu ser adoro com todas as forcas esse album ,gaga rainha de tudo...Incrivel ,maguinifico , aclamacao do meu ser adoro com todas as forcas esse album ,gaga rainha de tudo...Incrivel ,maguinifico , aclamacao do meu ser adoro com todas as forcas esse album ,gaga rainha de tudo...
  21. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga se alto superou dessa vez, o álbum está fantástico, uma verdadeira obra de arte
  22. May 29, 2020
    Gaga returns to the perfect pop with and incredible album As she said she is the disco queen and she fought for it
  23. May 29, 2020
    Eletric and powerful! Gaga gives the better side of the pop music and the 80's groove on Chromatica.
  24. May 29, 2020
    Words can’t explain the beauty of this album. THIS IS PURE POP EXCELLENCE!! BEST GAGA ALBUM
  25. May 29, 2020
    Chromatica is an artistic act that shows that an artist's pain turns into a masterpiece. Perfect musical transitions, well punctuated lyrics. This album is só AMAZING!!
  26. May 30, 2020
    Salvou o pop novamente essa álbum é maravilhoso, já vejo o pop se remoldando a sonoridade que ele trouxe nessa era
  27. May 29, 2020
    Maior álbum da carreira, a Lady Gaga transformando a vida das pessoas através da música, melhor coisa que ela poderia ter feito.
  28. May 29, 2020
    Masterpiece. Pure pop music with deep and personal lyrics. Gaga did it, showed us she's never the when it comes to her music and artistry.... Again. She's one of a kind.
  29. May 30, 2020
    Gaga ha conseguido volver ha sonar diferente, la producción del álbum es perfecta, así como su voz, los interludios son un gran acierto que dan una nueva experiencia a la escucha del disco, las colaboraciones son espectaculares (muy bien desarrolladas musicalmente), nunca habíamos escuchado a Elton John en este rango musical, pero suena perfecto. El disco en conjunto es como una fiesta queGaga ha conseguido volver ha sonar diferente, la producción del álbum es perfecta, así como su voz, los interludios son un gran acierto que dan una nueva experiencia a la escucha del disco, las colaboraciones son espectaculares (muy bien desarrolladas musicalmente), nunca habíamos escuchado a Elton John en este rango musical, pero suena perfecto. El disco en conjunto es como una fiesta que no para y tu cuerpo tampoco quiere parar de bailar. Lady Gaga nos ofrece su disco más personal hasta la fecha; las letras están llenas de dolor que tratan sobre la valentía y la curación, pero ella transforma las canciones en rompe-pistas. Recupero una frase de Metro UK en su review sobre Chromatica: "Lady Gaga entiende la música pop como nadie" y así lo lleva demostrando desde su primer disco, la obra maestra de The Fame.

    Chromatica es un disco profundo y pegadizo que afianza, aún más, a Mother Monster como la gran artista del siglo XXI.
  30. May 29, 2020
    Chromatica is Lady Gaga's return to pop origins. With collaborations with big names in the music industry such as: Mr. Elton John; Ariana Grande; and the rising phenomenon of K-pop, BLACKPINK.
    Containing giant vocals, phenomenal beats and wonderful lyrics, Lady Gaga was very insightful and will certainly be a favorite at musical awards.
  31. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Apesar de ser um álbum feito para as pistas ele transmite uma emoção muito forte, em diversos momentos eu senti como se eu tivesse tido as experiências da gaga. Um destaque para sine from above que me emociona todas as vezes que dou play. O pop precisa da gaga, a música precisa da gaga. Expand
  32. May 29, 2020
    This is the best album from 2020 year. I loved it! All the pop music stans should apreciate this!!
  33. May 29, 2020
    This album is the perfect comeback of gaga to her pop roots. Full of little surprises that makes us want to dive deeper each listen. Transitions that make the songs flow like no other, dance beats that makes us get off the couch, meaningful lyrics that give us chills... such a successful body of work.
  34. Aug 28, 2020
    Excelent album. I love All songs. Stupid Love is the Best single. Rain On Me is the Best song. This Dance album is perfect.
  35. May 30, 2020
    Álbum coeso e aclamado, mais uma vez Gaga provando ser DEUS e entregando um trabalho bem feito
  36. May 29, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
  37. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chromatica is an album that makes you invite your pain to the dance floor. The pain of uncertainty, the pain of obstacles, the pain of love, the pain of isolation. Gaga gave us a gift to dance with our impotence inside our houses while we cannot devour the dance floors with the rain of hits that she offers us. Expand
  38. May 29, 2020
    Produção, lírica, vocais, transições tudo muito bom. Ela realmente lançou o álbum do ano
  39. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's fantastic, Gaga coming back to POP was everything we asked, praise be. Expand
  40. May 29, 2020
    Muito bem construído, mixado, editado e produzido. Que álbum maravilhoso!!! Deus, obrigado!!! Esse álbum nessa época de pandemia veio para nos fazer dançar, para cantar e reviver a pista de dance pop da Rainha the one and only, LADY GAGA!
  41. May 29, 2020
    a Lady Gaga serviu tudo em cada faixa, album do ano e nada mais importa a não ser minha opinião, deserves AOTY
  42. May 29, 2020
    I Love the New album of Gaga, Alice this amazing and my favorite sonho this sine from above.
  43. Oct 8, 2021
    Chromatica is one Gaga's best works since Born This Way. She's getting back to what she knows best dance-pop bops that will be played at gay bars for the rest of the century. It has been more than a year and many of the songs like Rain on Me and Enigma still sound as fresh as the day they were released. This is what high-brow pop albums should sound like.
  44. May 29, 2020
    This is truly a MASTERPIECE. Clearly the album of the year if not of the century.
  45. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfect album, perfect transition, perfect vocals. A queen is not the one who is wearing the crown, but who is sitting on the throne. Expand
  46. Jun 2, 2020
    Her best album since Born This Way. The lyrics, oh my god, so real. Duet with Sir. Elton John is her best song since The Edge of Glory, a true masterpiece. And lets not forget about the transicion between Chromatica II and 911, pop perfection!
  47. May 31, 2020
    esse é o álbum do ano pra mim, sem defeitos e a transições são perfeitas dms, só vem aoty!
  48. May 29, 2020
  49. May 29, 2020
    Probably her most cohesive album, full energy, dance beats, incredibly well written lyrics and a constant sense of joy, this album it's a pleasure since the begging to the end.
  50. May 29, 2020
    Her best one in years!! Thank you mother monster for this master piece! #PawsUp
  51. May 29, 2020
    Amazing!!! Gaga manages to surprise us after all this years with a one of a kind album.
  52. May 29, 2020
    You can't stop listening to the album. Even with a sad premise, each song fits perfectly into an addictive, passionate and exciting musical sequence. Another great work by Gaga that brings concept, art and inspiration. Congratulations Lady Gaga, with Chromatica the days in the middle of the pandemic will be much more psychedelic.
  53. May 29, 2020
    In this album there are songs that make us reflect that it is possible to overcome all our pains and disappointments, that we can get good things out of it. The old lady Gaga of the dance is back and will stay for a long time
  54. May 31, 2020
    Excelente obra de arte, Lady Gaga demuestra nuevamente porque es la REINA DEL POP con Chromatica. Definitivamente es el ÁLBUM DEL AÑO. Con Chromatica gaga logra resurgir de una forma MARAVILLOSA la música propia de los años 90s.
  55. May 29, 2020
    Chromatica is Lady Gaga’s more cohesive work, I love it but is not my favorite. The first listen to me was weird, even thought I was enjoying the production there wasn’t connexion with the first listen on my stereo, at the second one with earphones I felt it more, I understood the concept and story behind it. I think all the songs are good, but none of them has a powerful chorus, all theChromatica is Lady Gaga’s more cohesive work, I love it but is not my favorite. The first listen to me was weird, even thought I was enjoying the production there wasn’t connexion with the first listen on my stereo, at the second one with earphones I felt it more, I understood the concept and story behind it. I think all the songs are good, but none of them has a powerful chorus, all the songs have a drop and they tend to feel the same over and over in the whole album, there are the exceptions and those are the ones chosen as singles Stupid Love, Rain On Me and the promotional one Sour Candy. Also the album is lack of epic melodies as she gave us once with BornThis Way. Chromatica is what she wasn’t able to do with ARTPOP, even though ARTPOP still gave us memorable melodies to sing. The concept is terrific, the transitions between the songs are interesting and the Interludes are great specially Chromatica II with the awesome transition to 911. The album all alone would be an 8 but because the concept I give it a 9. Expand
  56. May 31, 2020
    For me, this is my favorite Gaga album since ARTPOP. This is the original sound of Gaga and the lyrics are amazing, so pure and Gaga is better than ever. Great album, everyone needs to listen.
  57. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chromatica es un viaje a través de la mente de Gaga, dónde nos lleva a derramar lágrimas en la pista de baile. En sonido y lírica es su álbum más cohesionado. Sus referencias a la música disco de los 70s, con los sonidos physco de los 80s y house de los 90s lo hace un disco atemporal y disfrutarle para quienes amamos la música. Todas las canciones son BOP, mis favorita ahora son Enigma, Replay y Babylon. 10/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Expand
  58. May 29, 2020
    Her best album to date. An amazing EDM/house/funk/disco record. Her most cohesive album as well. Every song is a BANGER! Sine From Above, Fun Tonight, Babylon, Enigma, Replay, and Alice are just *SOME* of her career highlights on this album. Truly spectacular!
  59. May 29, 2020
    the best, i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it
  60. May 31, 2020
  61. May 29, 2020
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing. This album has no skips absolutely the album of the year. Alice and 911 are just out of this world, well the whole album is.
  62. May 29, 2020
    ALBUM DO MILENIO!!! Quando Gaga disse isso não imaginava que ela estava falando de Chromatica. Album dance que traz tudo o que ls fãs pediram. Foi certeira em nao colocar nenhuma balada que poderia estragar o clima dance do album. O som é diferente do que ela ja fez antes, mais uma vez ela chega inovando e nao surpreende ninguem, lenda faz assim!!
  63. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Desde seu último trabalho mais pessoal “Joanne” ela vem dando provas de que é muito além do que uma cantora pop, ela canta, atua, produz, ela faz tudo com a maestria mais linda. Chromatica é um álbum com músicas incríveis e se tornou impossível de escolher uma favorita, posso arriscar talvez que 911 seja uma delas. Lady Gaga nos entregou o álbum do ano finalizando com Babylon. Expand
  64. May 29, 2020
    Stand-out tracks for me are Babylon, Sine From Above and Alice. The interludes also really fit the album.
  65. Sep 6, 2020
    ( 87/100 )

    El respeto que le tengo al Pop es escéptico. Ante la masiva voluntad de reciclar formulas, letras y conceptos musicales, esta industria ha perdido mi seriedad. Sin embargo, son proyectos breves y escasos como "Chromatica" que sorprenden y llenan el cuerpo de energía. Este año Lady Gaga, a quien sigo muy de lejos, me permitió acercarme directamente a ella a través de este
    ( 87/100 )

    El respeto que le tengo al Pop es escéptico. Ante la masiva voluntad de reciclar formulas, letras y conceptos musicales, esta industria ha perdido mi seriedad. Sin embargo, son proyectos breves y escasos como "Chromatica" que sorprenden y llenan el cuerpo de energía. Este año Lady Gaga, a quien sigo muy de lejos, me permitió acercarme directamente a ella a través de este álbum y recibí una grata sorpresa. "Chromatica" no es la diferencia en el Pop, pero sí se corona como el cliché mejor producido, fresco y emotivo. Con grandes créditos a BloodPop, BURNS y Axwell, quienes producen los mejores tracks, "Chromatica" es un éxito Pop que simplemente eleva humores, explota emociones, vulnerable con las letras y poderosa con su propia voz. Nadie dejará de hablar de Gaga en demasiado tiempo y sinceramente no solo participaré en esa platica, sino que estaré orgulloso de que se hable de ella y la representación que se ha ganado.
    The respect that I have to Pop is skeptical. Because of the massive intention of recycling formulas, lyrics, and musical concepts, this industry has lost my seriousness. Nevertheless, brief and scarce projects like "Chromatica" surprise and fill the body with energy. This year Lady Gaga, who I follow from really afar, allowed me to approach directly to her through this album and I got a really pleasant surprise. "Chromatica" is not the difference in Pop, but it does take the crown as the best produced, fresh, and emotive cliche. With plenty of merits to BloodPop, BURNS, and Axwell, who produce the best tracks, "Chromatica" is a Pop success that simply elevates moods, exploits emotions, and is lyrically vulnerable and vocally powerful. No one will stop talking about Gaga in a long time and, sincerely, I'll be in the conversation as much as be proud of a conversation to exist and the representation she has won.
  66. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sendo bem sincero, o pop andava meio "sem graça" nos últimos anos. Obrigado pela volta, Gaga. Expand
  67. May 29, 2020
    "I heard one Sine and it healed my heart." Lady Gaga proves yet again that she is an icon that everyone will remember.
  68. Feb 4, 2021
    I did not enjoy this album,unfortunately. It felt pretentious, rushed,indulgent and repetitive. As a fan of dance music,pop,electronic and house this felt like a grave disappointment. I had been so excited for it as "Joanna " had left alot to be desired and" Artpop" was confused. After "a star is born OST" i thought gaga had remembered her "The Fame " greatness but that is lost on thisI did not enjoy this album,unfortunately. It felt pretentious, rushed,indulgent and repetitive. As a fan of dance music,pop,electronic and house this felt like a grave disappointment. I had been so excited for it as "Joanna " had left alot to be desired and" Artpop" was confused. After "a star is born OST" i thought gaga had remembered her "The Fame " greatness but that is lost on this release. It feels like a copy of what dance music is expected to sound like. Favourites:rain on me. Expand
  69. May 30, 2020
    An extremely cohesive album from miss gagz! Loving the vulnerability of the album. Alice, Enigma, Babylon, Free Woman, Sour Candy and the beautiful interludes are my favorites as of now.
  70. May 29, 2020
    Pop perfection. Fresh and epic at the same time. Album of the year without a doubt.
  71. Jun 2, 2020
    Gaga recupero mucho de la chispa que la hizo famosa en primer lugar, encontro nuevamente el sonido y la estetica que funcionan perfecto con ella. La unica razon por la que no le doy un 10 es por que algunas de las canciones se sienten como si no se comprometieran al 100% con el sonido que tratan de conseguir, siento que pudo haber explotado mucho mas el genero house de los 90s y en uno deGaga recupero mucho de la chispa que la hizo famosa en primer lugar, encontro nuevamente el sonido y la estetica que funcionan perfecto con ella. La unica razon por la que no le doy un 10 es por que algunas de las canciones se sienten como si no se comprometieran al 100% con el sonido que tratan de conseguir, siento que pudo haber explotado mucho mas el genero house de los 90s y en uno de lo puntos altos del album (Chromatica II y 911) pudo haber tirado la casa por la ventana pero a pesar de que 911 es una muy buena cancion, estilo clasico de Gaga, el coro es un poco decepcionante. En resumen, este disco es un gran paso en la direccion correcta. Esperemos que su siguiente album sea muchisimo mejor. Expand
  72. May 29, 2020
    THE QUEEN IS BACK!!! This is what you call POP MUSIC. I’m so overwhelmed by listening to CHROMATICA. Lady Gaga is so talented and she always reinvent herself!
  73. May 29, 2020
    tudo perfeito e choca katycats que apostavam no fracasso da lenda............
  74. Oct 1, 2021
    One of her best album that'll end up as a dance pop all-time classic! Gaga pays tribute to her Little Monster with this immaculate EDM record.
  75. May 29, 2020
    One of best gaga's albums ,its pure pop dance record,is majestic and dance every song is better that the last one.
  76. Jun 1, 2020
    De longe um dos melhores álbuns da Gaga lançados até agora, acredito que seja tão pessoal quanto o Joanne e ao mesmo tempo não deixa de ser dançante. Suas letras são marcantes demais, replay é uma das mais dolorosas e também uma das minhas preferidas.
  77. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor disco de Gaga en años, nos trae música pop que tanto pedíamos, nos demuestra que es una artista que se reinventa. Expand
  78. Jun 7, 2020
    É muto bom ver a Gaga de novo no pop, mas com letras pessoais que representam quem ela é agora. Alice, Rain on me, Sour candy, 1000 Doves,... Difícil escolher qual a melhor!
  79. May 30, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  80. May 29, 2020
    A complete Electropop masterpiece. Lady Gaga gave us 13 songs to dance and 3 songs to take a breathe and keep dancing. From the peacefully beginning with Chromatica I to the astonishing end with Babylon this album creates a revolution for pop music.
  81. May 29, 2020
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. 10/10
  82. Aug 28, 2020
    Ela não é mais como antes, tudo parece forçado e sem graça. Os fãs que lutem
  83. May 29, 2020
    gaga returns her roots with mastery and nobility, living up to the title of pop ambassador
  84. May 29, 2020
    Album of the year wbk, in the same stage with future nostalgia and sawayama. Thank you Gaga.
  85. Jun 24, 2020
    I unstanned Gaga in 2014 when she got too boring for me. A jazz album, a country album, a generic buzz single and a mediocre soundtrack album didn’t interest me that much. I was waiting for her to return to her dance pop roots and that’s what she did with "Chromatica". Unfortunately, the results don’t impress me much at all. If you leave out the three (amazing) interludes I like half ofI unstanned Gaga in 2014 when she got too boring for me. A jazz album, a country album, a generic buzz single and a mediocre soundtrack album didn’t interest me that much. I was waiting for her to return to her dance pop roots and that’s what she did with "Chromatica". Unfortunately, the results don’t impress me much at all. If you leave out the three (amazing) interludes I like half of the album. Six to be exact; "Alice", "Stupid Love", "911", "Sour Candy", "Sine From Above" and "Babylon". "Stupid Love" sounded messy and dated at first but it grew on me and now it’s fun. "911" is the only song that immediately clicked with me. I love the dark pop sound and the deep lyrics. It reminds me of her best album "The Fame Monster" (2009). "Babylon" is a nice fun track but it reminds me a lot of Madonna's "Vogue". A LOT. "Sine From Above" could’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for that awful outro and the 2013 EDM dance breaks. The rest of the song is so beautiful. The other half of the ain’t it. "Free Woman" sounds generic as hell, literally nothing is happening in "1000 Doves", "Plastic Doll" and "Replay" are okay but nothing special and kinda dated, "Enigma" is so 2014 and I don’t even know what that dated mess "Fun Tonight" is. "Rain On Me" didn’t impress me either and it wouldn’t have been such a big hit without Ariana Grande. Very mediocre. Overall, this album is probably my least favorite of hers. I thought her return to dance pop would be great but it’s a disappointment. Half of the songs sound dated and uninspired. Even in the songs that I like there are parts that mess them up a bit. It's not terrible but terribly dated. "Chromatica" is only an okay album even though its concept (and artwork) could’ve made it great. Too bad. Favorites: 911, Sine From Above, Alice & Stupid Love Expand
  86. May 31, 2020
    este es el verdadero album POP que estaba esperando. musica puramente pop, super original y dandole a sus fans lo que quieren... POP DE VERDAD PURO Y REAL.
  87. May 29, 2020
    O filho de The Fame com o Artpop é lindíssimo! É o álbum pra você dançar do começo ao fim. As parcerias estão na medida certa! Lady Gaga mostra, mais uma vez, que consegue ser versátil com vários estilos e fazer tudo certo!
  88. May 30, 2020
    completely cohesive album follows perfectly in its three acts, and leaves you breathless at home, certainly deserves to be the album of the year winning the 2021 grammy. Lady Gaga delivered the purest pop we needed in this pandemic moment, we will be strong and dance in chromatics.
  89. Jun 2, 2020
    It's an amazing album, with a lot of dancing musics and good lyrics. The proof that good pop music is not dead, neither is gaga.
  90. May 29, 2020
    Un álbum Pop correcto aunque algo lineal, con producciónes cuidadas, colaboraciónes sorprendentes de mucha calidad y unas letras repletas de monstruos que soltar en la pista de baile. Un aprobado para la Gaga.
  91. May 29, 2020
    This is her most cohesive and well produced album yet. This is definitely an album of the year contender!
  92. May 29, 2020
    ALBUM OF THE YEARS BEST POP ALBUM OF THE DECADE periodt.. yall faves wish they could make this pop masterpiece
  93. May 31, 2020
  94. Jun 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. wow what an album! her 3rd best album right behind btw and tfm! my top 3 is replay, 911 and sour candy! Expand
  95. Jun 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Its no a good Mature job . Es un pastiche que suena todo igual. Esperaba un trabajo superior o más experimental . Me descepciono Expand
  96. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing album made by an amazing artist I loved it from tack to track and was reminiscent of her older albums but definitely more elevated and current Expand
  97. May 29, 2020
    Um álbum com narrativa, conceito e... dançante! Dá pra reunir tudo isso em um álbum só, tá vendo?
  98. Jun 1, 2020
    Álbum magnífico, nos leva a uma viagem ao planeta Chromatica de uma forma coesa e agradável de ouvir
  99. Jun 6, 2020
    Um album pra dança no meio ao caos, um album que celebra o amor no meio de tanta dor, Gaga é incrível!
  100. Jun 6, 2020
    DANCE MUSIC BY NUMBERS. We've heard it all before, we've heard it all before

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.