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  1. May 29, 2020
    parece um álbum de remix, esperava mais do retorno da gaga pro pop, as farofas são boas mas o resto é esquecível
  2. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga se mostra simples e dançante no Chromatica. É um disco que não inova, nem é visionário. Mas é um disco alegre, porém longe de ser um marco. As musicas soam muito parecidas umas com as outras. Risco que se corre ao fazer um disco com uma unica sonoridade como fonte. As composicoes são um dado a parte, são um primor. Toda criatividade ficou na parte visual. Mas é um disco dançanteLady Gaga se mostra simples e dançante no Chromatica. É um disco que não inova, nem é visionário. Mas é um disco alegre, porém longe de ser um marco. As musicas soam muito parecidas umas com as outras. Risco que se corre ao fazer um disco com uma unica sonoridade como fonte. As composicoes são um dado a parte, são um primor. Toda criatividade ficou na parte visual. Mas é um disco dançante e acho que foi isso que ela quis passar e nisso ela se saiu bem. Ela é otima pra pista de dança. Tem influências da Madonna, Cher, George Michael. Ou seja, ela esta bem acompanhada. As intros sao perfeitas e Babylon é a joia do disco. Expand
  3. May 29, 2020
    This album is perfection. Nobody can do this like Lady Gaga. She is so talented and amazing. I really love Chromatica.
  4. Dec 9, 2020
    Me encantan los ritmos que posee, lástima que todo el disco se escuche igual, bueno pero plano.
  5. May 29, 2020
    The interludes mixed with pop music are a fantastic idea, literally died listening chromatica II and 911! Enigma and Replay, now words, it's everything! The singles from the album are good as well.
  6. Nov 21, 2021
    Um retorno triunfal de Gaga, com as influências dos tempos de ouro do pop dos anos 80.
  7. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 10 points from RUSSIA! Very good album. Duet with Elton John fire! Gaga is back! Pop music at her feet Expand
  8. May 29, 2020
    I don't want to say much cuz for me, just one word can say everything about this masterpiece: Cohesion
  9. Aug 28, 2020
  10. Aug 28, 2020
    perfeiro e maravilhoso, melhor album da carreira, uma musica melhor que a outra, pura perfeição
  11. Dec 3, 2020
    I miss Gagas first album kind of music. This is very generic. For a real good dance album just listen to Jessie Ware and Rina Sawayana
  12. Aug 28, 2020
    Her most cohesive and focused album. Deeply personal and vulnerable. I love it so much
  13. May 29, 2020
    Excelente de inicio a fin (siento que sobran Chromática l, ll & lll ) Es para bailar demasiado.
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un buen á encantan muchos de los sonidos y ritmos, mi favorita es solo la segunda y sus colaboraciones...eso es lo que hace funcionar este álbum. Un intento desesperado por volver a los charts. Expand
  15. Sep 7, 2020
    Another production creating an imaginary world that only happens in the mind of a Lady Gaga. Several possible illnesses that she insists on saying she has by doing self-pity in public as a way to get attention. To ensure success, of course you should count on the help of Ariana Grande on the track Rain on Me, which has nothing captivating lyrically or melodically. The k-pop band that stillAnother production creating an imaginary world that only happens in the mind of a Lady Gaga. Several possible illnesses that she insists on saying she has by doing self-pity in public as a way to get attention. To ensure success, of course you should count on the help of Ariana Grande on the track Rain on Me, which has nothing captivating lyrically or melodically. The k-pop band that still force us to swallow on an unoriginal track with a repeated sample used in 2017 by another singer. And his friend, Elton Jhon, who needed 12 composers to write a mushy overcoming track. Other than that the album is more of the same and ends with another attempt by Lady to create her own Vogue. Keep trying someday. Expand
  16. Jun 15, 2020
    Gaga gave us her best all entro-dance pop to the world. All tracks seems amazing and I can have difficult to choice which one of them is better.
  17. May 29, 2020
    Álbum perfeito, madgefãs não tumultuar.
    Coeso do início ao fim , músicas q vão criar tendência novamente como aconteceu com o antigo testamento The Fame Monster.
  18. May 29, 2020
    Just...Perfection! Every single track stands out in Gaga’s discography. She’s living proof that growth can be proven through music.
  19. May 29, 2020
    It’s perfect in every single way the beat the tricks the collaborations just perfection
  20. May 29, 2020
    Esse álbum soa épico, coeso do início ao fim. Lady Gaga entrega um álbum 100% para as pistas de dança! 10/10
  21. May 29, 2020
    Amazing album. I can't stop listening to it. Production on points, personal lyrics. I love it!
  22. Jun 2, 2020
    Finally THE Lady Gaga we know is back!! Her music is better than ever, it’s what I needed since 2012. Thank you
  23. May 29, 2020
    Perfeita em tudo o que se propõe! Não vejo a hora de acabar a quarentena e ir pra balada dançar
  24. May 29, 2020
    For start to finish there is an exhilarating ride and only Lady Gaga can give us the journey from earth to chromatica
  25. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga never fails to reinvent herself, she reinvented herself into an otherworldly dance music alien and it works so damn well
  26. May 29, 2020
    To the opening to the closing Gaga doesn’t give us a chance to let up and it’s the most thrilling ride I’ve ever had from an album
  27. Aug 29, 2020
    Seems one of her best albums, a gret return on the dancefloor. A work that express artistic maturity and very cohesive in themes and sounds.
  28. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The gag is Mother Monster is back to show how the pop genre reigns supreme when she leads the gang, every songs an emotional roller coaster. One of her best albums yet... Expand
  29. May 29, 2020
    Amazing album! Fun to listen to. Such an enjoyable experience. Lady Gaga going back to her pop roots is the best thing happened in 2020, not to mention the interludes blend perfectly with the tracks! It’s great to see an artist still making innovations a decade into her career. Kudos to that!
  30. May 29, 2020
    the transition between chromatica ii and 911 is one of the best transitions i’ve ever heard. the album has a futuristic yet 70s-80s disco vibe, it’s phenomenal.
  31. May 29, 2020
    Her best since BTW. It is cohesive and has a great concept. I'm also pretty impressed by her courage because it is quite risky to release an EDM/House album while Hip-Hop dominating the charts. Vocals, lyrics and production is on point too.
  32. May 29, 2020
    A explosion of fellings the way lady gaga Make his sadness and problems into a work of art is just amazing
    An album that's for me is dance,cry and survive the worst moments our life's
    A truly artist
  33. May 29, 2020
    I love this album ❤️ My favorite is replay, is different, is pop but not generic pop, is everything the gays wanted
  34. Aug 29, 2020
    maravilhoso, lúdico, empolgante e teatral, amei a parte clássica das introduções
  35. Jul 20, 2020
    Chromatica é espetacular, uma verdadeira jornada de descobertas, perdas e aceitação, trazendo as dores mais íntimas de Gaga, mas sem perder o ritmo house e dançante que é marcante em todo o álbum. Os interludes dão um toque especial e um ar cinematográfico na experiência, e todos se encaixam perfeitamente com as faixas que os precedem. O ponto alto do álbum é o terceiro álbum, que já abreChromatica é espetacular, uma verdadeira jornada de descobertas, perdas e aceitação, trazendo as dores mais íntimas de Gaga, mas sem perder o ritmo house e dançante que é marcante em todo o álbum. Os interludes dão um toque especial e um ar cinematográfico na experiência, e todos se encaixam perfeitamente com as faixas que os precedem. O ponto alto do álbum é o terceiro álbum, que já abre com o poderoso interlude Chromatica III fazendo uma transição espetacular para Sine From Above, que na minha opinião, é a melhor e mais trabalhada canção do álbum, a parceria com Elton John é surreal. 100 Doves e Babylon também são faixas poderosas em
    que Gaga abusa dos vocais, Enigma e Replay são outras duas faixas excelentes, dão um toque interessante na composição do segundo ato. 911 possui uma composição muito boa e uma ótima transição com o interlude Chromatica II, a melhor transição de faixa, porém a música ao meu ver perde a empolgação com batidas muito monótonas, e da uma desacelerada quebrando o ritmo que vinha sendo construído desde a espetacular abertura com a canção Alice, falando em Alice essa é a canção que abre o álbum de maneira monumental e excelente, a minha segunda faixa favorita do registro.
    Stupid love, Rain on Me (parceria com Ariana Grande), Free Woman e Fun Tonight são excelentes canções, todas dançantes e envolventes em
    Um estilo que mistura o Haus e o eletrônico, com elementos que lembram as canções do anos 70 e 80. Para mim o ponto baixo do álbum são as canções 911, Plastic Dool e Sour Candy (parceria com Blackpink).
    O álbum é marcante, vibrante e coerente, um dos melhores registros da carreira da Gaga e com certeza um dos melhores álbuns de 2020.
  36. Jun 13, 2020
    Chromatica is pop perfection, and easily Gaga's most coherent album to date. Listening to Chromatica in full takes you on a journey through Gaga's brilliant, wacky, once-damaged, and now optimistic mind. Every song is so undeniably Gaga, yet also so unique. The album is so thoughtfully and beautifully produced in whole, and the interludes are a wonderful inclusion. The epitome of danceChromatica is pop perfection, and easily Gaga's most coherent album to date. Listening to Chromatica in full takes you on a journey through Gaga's brilliant, wacky, once-damaged, and now optimistic mind. Every song is so undeniably Gaga, yet also so unique. The album is so thoughtfully and beautifully produced in whole, and the interludes are a wonderful inclusion. The epitome of dance music for healing, as songs like "Fun Tonight" and "1000 Doves" will have you crying on the dance floor, while highlights including "Alice" and "Enigma" will have you screaming at the top of your lungs. The dark subject matter often serves in contrast to the upbeat production, like in "911" which deals with a substance addiction and "Free Woman" which is an anthem to overcoming trauma from sexual assault, yet it works so perfectly. Even the “more questionable” moments like the drum and bass outro on the beautiful "Sine From Above" with Elton John are iconic. There really is not a bad song on this album, and I say this confidently after having listened to it at least 30 times. Expand
  37. May 29, 2020
    this album is a true masterpiece, i love it! thanks gaga for that!
  38. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Impecável!!! Sem dúvidas Gaga trouxe um dos trabalhos mais coesos do ano e da sua carreira com Chromatica. Esse álbum é tão impecável e majestoso, consegue ser maior que o Born This Way. Expand
  39. May 29, 2020
    I lost 10lbs listening to Alice.

    This album has returned me to my natural state of skinny after quarantine.
  40. Aug 28, 2020
    This has been my most played album this year. I have the cd in my car and i love it.
  41. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chromatica chega a ser exagerado mas de uma forma boa, na qual sempre vamos querer dançar em todas as faixas, até mesmo nas letras mais tristes. Retomando seu lugar de volta nas pistas de danças Gaga mostra neste álbum que mesmo que seus últimos trabalhos podem ter dividido opiniões, ela sabe muito bem o que faz. Ouça o Chromatica é fique pronto para experimentar novas sensações da música pop e não se esqueça de preparar o Vogue nas coreográficas. Expand
  42. Aug 28, 2020
    A piece of crap, one of the most overrated artists these days. Lady Gaga stopped being interesting or creative since Artpop and that’s a fact.
  43. May 29, 2020
    one of the best releases without a doubt, this is magnificent!
    Love Gaga!

  44. Aug 30, 2020
    It seems that I am listening to the same song throughout the album, extremely basic and dated production, I can no longer hear this album.
  45. Aug 29, 2020
    Dando 0 por causa dos lirous que não tem o que fazer e vão encher o saco da fav dos outros, vão tudo se f*d*r seus lixos.
  46. Jun 2, 2020
    Альбом достаточно неплох, есть несколько филлеров, однако Alice, 911 и Replay перекрывают данные недостатки. Лид-сингл по-прежнему ужасен.
  47. Aug 29, 2020
    swiftie here to up the score, we love supporting a strong woman in the music industry
  48. Aug 29, 2020
    Get the **** off! Chinese Katycats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  49. Nov 15, 2020
    a good album but sadly it is only that, it is not necessary to explain more although it has good collaborations and good sounds it stays in that, well going towards a regular album and we are talking about lady gaga
  50. Aug 29, 2020
    Não é um album ruim, mas chega a ser enjoativo depois de umas três vezes que voc ouve, mais do mesmo.
  51. Aug 29, 2020
    Nada de impressionante, parece uma reciclagem do Born This Way misturada com a diarréia do ARTPOP
  52. May 29, 2020
    she has done it again. there is not one bad track on this amazing dance pop album and i better see y'all streaming period.
  53. Aug 28, 2020
    Ficou perfeito, o mais coeso dos álbuns, o house e deep house presentes no álbum o deixa enérgico e não deixa você ficar parado
  54. Aug 28, 2020
    Hmmm how many words do i need to rate this? Album is ok, her fans is not. Lalalala
  55. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's so good, catchy and enjoyable but it sounds familiar... Maybe inspired by other songs given it her own touch. Expand
  56. Jul 28, 2020
    Really disappointed after listening to this album. I love Lady Gaga so much and we all know how much she is talented and it's just sad to see her not using that talent. The only good tracks are interludes and collaborations. So many weird sounds, I think we should just make a whole genre for white gays.
  57. May 29, 2020
    All the album is conducted by a story. A sad story that is focused on learning from it and move on. You can always learn from your mistakes and bad moments and dance with them and focus on the future
  58. Aug 29, 2020
    female artists didn't come to play, they slay in 2020 and so did gaga with this album
  59. May 30, 2020
    Álbum extremamente coerente do início ao fim. A história que Lady Gaga nos conta é muito linda e viver em Chromatica é uma sensação maravilhosa e nostálgica. Obrigado por nos dar motivos pra ficarmos animados nesse momento de quarentena. Eu te amo.
  60. Jun 3, 2020
    Es un álbum medianamente bueno, aunque algunas canciones suenan igual y me hace pensar que es un reciclado de Artpop.
  61. Aug 29, 2020
    THIS HER BAD ALBUM, omfg. i cant even say anything but ari and bp saved the album. all the other track really really bad. skip album of the years.
  62. Jul 27, 2020
    Probably her worst album yet. As it goes on, it gets more boring. I feel like I wasted my time
  63. May 31, 2020
    Wonderful and amazing from start to finish, Lady Gaga made an electronic album with 1990s music influences. One of the best albums of the year for sure, congratulations Gaga for this Masterpiece for the parties alone in your home, plus the lyrics with themes very important to all of us!
  64. Sep 1, 2020
    I really liked this album, it's my favourite of hers and probably one of my favourites of all time. I think its her most cohesive work so far. All the songs feel different, yet have a similar enough sound to give them a collective identity. The lyrics are simple but really beautiful,
  65. Jul 24, 2020
    Album apenas com intenção de hit, sem muita personalidade ou inovações musicais.
  66. Aug 28, 2020
    nao apoio esse álbum em nada. a gaga prometeu uma coisa e deu outra. coitado desses fãs
  67. May 29, 2020
  68. May 28, 2020
    Is a really good and interesring álbum, the power full GAGA is back in the game.
  69. Dec 27, 2020
    O que falar desse álbum? Bom... de início podemos dizer que é um grito de desespero por charts. Por que? Simplesmente por ter feat com a Ariana Grande que atualmente está huge, e também com o girlgroup BLACKPINK que todos sabem que é o maior da atualidade. Lady Gaga também traz nesse álbum uma sonoridade pop/edm que após ouvir umas 3 faixas você já saturou. Nada de inovação, só mais doO que falar desse álbum? Bom... de início podemos dizer que é um grito de desespero por charts. Por que? Simplesmente por ter feat com a Ariana Grande que atualmente está huge, e também com o girlgroup BLACKPINK que todos sabem que é o maior da atualidade. Lady Gaga também traz nesse álbum uma sonoridade pop/edm que após ouvir umas 3 faixas você já saturou. Nada de inovação, só mais do mesmo que ela lançou há cerca de uma década. Expand
  70. May 29, 2020
  71. Aug 28, 2020
    Es pura perfección pop gaga logro encontrar su sonido en su propio mundo chromatica
  72. May 29, 2020
    This is the album os the millennium! Definitely one of the best things I've heard in the past 7 years. Lady Gaga just did THAT!
  73. Jan 11, 2021
    Sem dúvidas o melhor álbum da carreira dela, álbum super bem produzido, participações incríveis sem contar com os vocais e as letras tão íntimas mas que de alguma forma todos se identificam
  74. May 29, 2020
    This album looks like a celebration of a brilliant career. It's a cohesive and dense combination of the changes and growths that she presented through her discography with beautiful and personal lyrics. Loved it.
  75. May 29, 2020
    This is a F**king masterpiece, Album of the year, Queen of pop, yassss Gaga♡.
  76. May 29, 2020
    The album is a real masterpiece, it’s an iconic dance electro pop pice of art, we’ve got no choice but to stan
  77. Aug 28, 2020
    this is the worst thing I ever heard in my entire life. Piece of shot just like little monsters.
  78. May 31, 2020
    Bestest pop record of year. The sound, the vocals and orchestral interludes that transit between every tracks is so amazing. Great work.
  79. May 29, 2020
    Well done , great album , a little bit repetitive but innovative at the same time
  80. May 31, 2020
    perfect, amazing album. album of the year. stream and buy chromatica everywhere.
  81. Jun 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 10/10 best pop album of the year! Alice is favorite techno dance. Gaga's voice is incredible! Sound is so sweet. This work is perfect. Flashback to 90-th. Expand
  82. May 29, 2020
    As intro Chromatica são ótimas. Adorei a Bridge de Enigma. 911, Alice, Babylon ( numa pegada bem David Bowie e Vogue da Madonna) são minhas preferidas. Sour Candy se tornou uma parceria muito mais deleitosa de ouvir do que Rain on me. Mas, Ariana Grande deu um charme incrível ao álbum. O feat com Elton é um Às Maravilhoso ao álbum
  83. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Definitivamente se cagó en taypodrida dejándola mas lover de lo que estaba... no te merecemos reina del pop Expand
  84. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best Comeback & masterpiece album. Glad to see her back to pop root again. Period Expand
  85. May 29, 2020
    This is one of the best Gaga’s album, the sounds, the lyrics are so f
  86. Jul 24, 2020
    Descargué el álbum por que tenía muchas expectativas por la publicidad en exceso, pero lo escuché una vez y lo eliminé de mi computadora, y también de la papelera de reciclaje.
  87. May 30, 2020
    Just amazing! GAGA ha vuelto, los sonidos del álbum son perfectos. Felicidades mother monster.
  88. May 29, 2020
    We need Babylon with Haus Lab Instrumental,
    Simplemente perfección POP

    Lo mejor... CHROMATICA II... 911
  89. Aug 29, 2020
    her previous work which is Joanne is amazing but now her new album is sound generic and sound the same. not worth to listen it
  90. Aug 28, 2020
    A beautiful euphoric album from start to finish. Gaga has truly outdone herself and she wasn't kidding when she said you'll be dancing through the pain. Which is relatable in so many ways.
  91. May 31, 2020
    Apenas memorável,porém achei a parte final um pouco fraca demais para coincidir com o resto do álbum,mas tirando isso acredito que seja um ápice para Gaga.
  92. Jul 3, 2020
    Gaga takes a look at herself with this album, a journey inside of her with sad lyrics and fun beats. In my opinion it's one of her best albums, my only complains are that some songs fall short compared to the others and the songs as a whole (specially Sour Candy and Rain On Me) are a little too short
  93. Aug 29, 2020
    swiftie,katycat and little monster .Please stop rating 0 to each other album because this 3 women had put so much effort and hard work to create their own masterpiece. rate 10/10 to all 3 woman instead to appreciate their work and hard work because they all are queen
  94. Aug 29, 2020
    If there are 100 people in the room, and 99 don't believe in you, all you need is one person to believe in you.
  95. May 29, 2020
    This is the best album, it’s built up so amazingly and the transitions are wig snatching. Truly the best album of the year and her best record in years.
  96. May 29, 2020
    BEST ALBUM OF 2020
    The transitions between songs are just perfect, especially between Chromatica two and 911.
  97. Jun 3, 2020
    Madonna is well and truly dead and Lady Gaga is the new supreme. Amazing album, madonna could only dream of making an album this good. Her fans crying because she has a number 1 album and single. Exactly what I love to see.
  98. May 29, 2020
    Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano Album do ano
  99. May 29, 2020

    Favorite Tracks: - Alice - Rain On Me
    - 911
    - Sour Candy
    - Sine From Above

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.