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Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13

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  1. ToddW.
    Oct 25, 2007
    Every time Neil Young releases a new album I wait in excited anticipation for...what? I don't know if my disappointment is a manifestation of age, both his and mine, or the fact that Neil simply hasn't put out a decent album since 'Sleeps with Angels.' This album sounds like the cover looks. Hoary, dusty, and tired in hues of gray. I know he's an icon who has Every time Neil Young releases a new album I wait in excited anticipation for...what? I don't know if my disappointment is a manifestation of age, both his and mine, or the fact that Neil simply hasn't put out a decent album since 'Sleeps with Angels.' This album sounds like the cover looks. Hoary, dusty, and tired in hues of gray. I know he's an icon who has earned some slack, but it is alarming that his latter day musical offerings should seem so, well, insignificant for someone of his talent and stature. Maybe I'm expecting too much from him. Maybe he has finally rusted. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. What we have here is easily Mr. Young's finest work in years, one that erases the memory of his well-intentioned but anemic 2006 protest album, "Living with War."
  2. The veteran rock 'n' roller manages a few neat tricks on this sprawling head-spinner.
  3. It is his most enjoyable and well-rounded one in, like, an eternity.