• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 13, 2017
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 151 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 7 out of 151
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  1. Oct 19, 2017
    I have been waiting for an album that could fill my expctations after the excellent previous record "Morning Phase". Although "Colors" is very consistent in lyrics and pleasant, seeing that Beck is one of my favorite songwriters, even with "Pop miscellaneous", "indie rock for teenagers", this album does not pass an liability in Beck's Career. Being unnecessary.

    There are only two
    I have been waiting for an album that could fill my expctations after the excellent previous record "Morning Phase". Although "Colors" is very consistent in lyrics and pleasant, seeing that Beck is one of my favorite songwriters, even with "Pop miscellaneous", "indie rock for teenagers", this album does not pass an liability in Beck's Career. Being unnecessary.

    There are only two musics, in my humble opinion, with good hooks and melodies, being "Colors", even Beck's vocals in the chorus' background remind me "These Paths" from Mosquito by YEAH YEAH YEAHS, and "Fix Me", a melancholic ballad with extreme good intentions and powerful lyrics, perhaps I risk to say this track brought to me back the epoch of Sea Change, exaclty the same vibes in "Paper Tiger".

    A conclusion is, Colors is well-composed, whereas the confusion of genres make me feel upset about it. It is good to listen, but is unpleasant call this an good record seeing amazing albuns as "One Foot In the Grave", "Guero", "Sea Change" and "Morning Phase". Colors is nothing if comparing with other Beck's records. Sorry!

    Fav Tracks: "Colors", "Fix me", "I'm So free".
  2. Oct 18, 2017
    It's always nice to hear an artist who's been around for 25 years not resting on his laurels and choosing to try something new. That said, Colors is not the revelation that many of Beck's previous releases have been. A pretty by the numbers pop rock album, it's easy on the ears but lacks any real flair. Still, it's a good listen if you like Beck, or even if you don't, if what you didn'tIt's always nice to hear an artist who's been around for 25 years not resting on his laurels and choosing to try something new. That said, Colors is not the revelation that many of Beck's previous releases have been. A pretty by the numbers pop rock album, it's easy on the ears but lacks any real flair. Still, it's a good listen if you like Beck, or even if you don't, if what you didn't like about him was his lo-fi/hip-hop/electronic roots. Expand
  3. Nov 17, 2017
    Beck appreciates optimism on youthful, heavy-produced record Colors. He eschew from the simplicity of Morning Phase for a more energetic and youthful record, unburdened by the former album’s success. So much of its freedom, on Wow, the track do sounds like a white guy trying to rap, it’s weirdly likable. And with likability, Up All Night got that first-single-worthy vibe that trulyBeck appreciates optimism on youthful, heavy-produced record Colors. He eschew from the simplicity of Morning Phase for a more energetic and youthful record, unburdened by the former album’s success. So much of its freedom, on Wow, the track do sounds like a white guy trying to rap, it’s weirdly likable. And with likability, Up All Night got that first-single-worthy vibe that truly captures the mood of the whole record, and surprisingly is not the record’s first single. Beck surely wants to showcase a festively good time, and Colors delivers what it should. Expand
  4. Nov 18, 2017
    Beck decides to try to go towards new styles in this album. Sadly there isn't much proper direction or excitement in the album, however his word-play and lyrical structure is very well written along some of the instrumentals. It is quite weak for a usual Beck album though Beck did stretch far and wide to make this album, though if we see what it truly is, it's simply pop rock/synthpop andBeck decides to try to go towards new styles in this album. Sadly there isn't much proper direction or excitement in the album, however his word-play and lyrical structure is very well written along some of the instrumentals. It is quite weak for a usual Beck album though Beck did stretch far and wide to make this album, though if we see what it truly is, it's simply pop rock/synthpop and isn't much more special than a bland record.

    Favourites: Dear Life

    Eh: Colors, Fix Me, Dreams, Square One, No Distraction, Up All Night

    Not my pie: Seventh Heaven, I'm So Free.

    Just my opinion.
  5. Apr 26, 2018
    My least favourite Beck album so far. I am a huge fan ,but this one doesn't resonate much with me. There is something too contrived, cheesy, I'm not sure what! It's creative, but lacking something that I have loved in his other work. Didn't go see him live this time around because I didn't want to sit through these songs! That said, no one is perfect. Definitely staying tuned and stillMy least favourite Beck album so far. I am a huge fan ,but this one doesn't resonate much with me. There is something too contrived, cheesy, I'm not sure what! It's creative, but lacking something that I have loved in his other work. Didn't go see him live this time around because I didn't want to sit through these songs! That said, no one is perfect. Definitely staying tuned and still loving all his other stuff. Expand
  6. Oct 14, 2017
    This album is dull and just lacks the sparkle or substance you get from many other Beck albums. There are some good bits, but the bits that are good are really just sections of songs, or sounds used, which are interesting for a few seconds, but then somehow they do not click into a shape that has power.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Nov 27, 2017
    Charging power-pop anthems like I’m So Free and Dear Life agree with his current stature as an elder statesman who can try to keep it cool, except that when he veers into strummy gloss pop (Up All Night, Square One) it makes him sound out of touch.
  2. Magnet
    Nov 21, 2017
    Save for the grooving, frizzy "Dreams," the ambient alterna-pop/R&B of Colors is sleek, clean and clear. [No. 148, p.53]
  3. Nov 8, 2017
    The problem with Colors is that where once he innovated, Beck now seems to be imitating the slew of fizzing faceless pop clogging the airwaves buried under a mesh of corporate production.