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Universal acclaim- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 48
  2. Negative: 4 out of 48
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  1. Aug 4, 2015
    Continuing along the same thread as its predecessor 'The Parallax II: Future Sequence', Coma Ecliptic takes the listeners further down BTBAM's road to prog perfection. Another stunning concept album from the 5 piece which sees the band venture further from the older/heavier albums from their past. This albums still boasts the great heavy tech metal riffs from the bands heritage, but allowsContinuing along the same thread as its predecessor 'The Parallax II: Future Sequence', Coma Ecliptic takes the listeners further down BTBAM's road to prog perfection. Another stunning concept album from the 5 piece which sees the band venture further from the older/heavier albums from their past. This albums still boasts the great heavy tech metal riffs from the bands heritage, but allows more time for the band to showcase the many musical styles kept in their tool box. Front man Tommy Rogers exhibits his voice to a greater extent than previous recordings and shows his vocals can be as versatile as the guitars and the drum work is simply stunning. This album is an absolute must have for any prog metal fans. Ignore the negative reviews who claim the band haven't produced anything good since 'Colors'. This is a real prog band, and this album shows just how much they've progressed. Expand
  2. Jul 22, 2015
    This is a great album! Compared to BTBAM's previous works, Coma Ecliptic has a very different sound, but manages to stay within the band's musical style. It's incredibly original and each track feels more complete as a whole than some of the band's older songs.
  3. Jul 16, 2015
    Probably the band's weakest outing since their debut, but as a progressive metal album it's far beyond the norm. Vocals and synths are now at the forefront and overall transitions are smoother; "King Redeem/Queen Serene", "Turn on the Darkness" and "The Coma Machine" are highlights.
  4. Jul 14, 2015
    I liked this album. Just not as much as their previous 4 records which are all fantastic records. This album had many high points but also some low points of weaker sequencing and Tommy's vocals didn't stand out as much as in previous albums for me. The storyline and ending was also very cliche but most of the lyrics are very interesting which really set the record on a right track to notI liked this album. Just not as much as their previous 4 records which are all fantastic records. This album had many high points but also some low points of weaker sequencing and Tommy's vocals didn't stand out as much as in previous albums for me. The storyline and ending was also very cliche but most of the lyrics are very interesting which really set the record on a right track to not give another cliche prog album. Overall good record. 7/10 Expand
  5. Jul 13, 2015
    I never write reviews but I felt compelled to write one for this as the critics' score of 73 doesn't do this album justice. At all! This album is mind-blowing. This band is something else. They continue evolving and changing their sound without selling out or sounding pretentious. This is one of the greatest albums I've heard in the last decade. The inspiration of prog past neverI never write reviews but I felt compelled to write one for this as the critics' score of 73 doesn't do this album justice. At all! This album is mind-blowing. This band is something else. They continue evolving and changing their sound without selling out or sounding pretentious. This is one of the greatest albums I've heard in the last decade. The inspiration of prog past never overwhelms the sound of this album. It all sounds so intricate. "Rapid Calm" absolutely blew my mind. I knew there was something special bound to happen after hearing "The Coma Machine" a while back. It sounds so Dream Theater.... If Dream Theater were more ambitious. These guys always know what they're doing and they do it well. I wish I could sum up how great this album is, but I simply cannot. Just get it and listen. You'll feel like you've transcended reality and moved to the next dimension. Expand
  6. Jul 13, 2015
    Between the Buried and Me have once again created a Prog Metal masterpiece, further cementing themselves as some of the best modern metal musicians. Coma Ecliptic shows just how versatile BTBAM can get with a perfect blend of many genres in a concoction that pleases the ears and mind. Again one of my favorite bands comes together to create something familiar yet wholly original. Easily aBetween the Buried and Me have once again created a Prog Metal masterpiece, further cementing themselves as some of the best modern metal musicians. Coma Ecliptic shows just how versatile BTBAM can get with a perfect blend of many genres in a concoction that pleases the ears and mind. Again one of my favorite bands comes together to create something familiar yet wholly original. Easily a 10 in my book and quite possibly my favorite prog metal/rock opera album ever. Expand
  7. Jul 13, 2015
    The unpredictable BTBAM return with Coma Ecliptic, a mammoth album reminiscent of 90's prog-rock like Dream Theater; even some 70's prog is thrown in the mix with some shades of Rush. Tommy is as versatile as ever with his beautiful singing and shredding screams. The album feels like a relaxed dream state while keeping some of the heaviness of previous albums. I did not give this a 10 as IThe unpredictable BTBAM return with Coma Ecliptic, a mammoth album reminiscent of 90's prog-rock like Dream Theater; even some 70's prog is thrown in the mix with some shades of Rush. Tommy is as versatile as ever with his beautiful singing and shredding screams. The album feels like a relaxed dream state while keeping some of the heaviness of previous albums. I did not give this a 10 as I feel it doesn't quite touch the heights and originality of their landmark album, Colors, but there is a lot A LOT to enjoy and digest in this album. Highly recommended and one of my candidates for AOTY 2015. "King Redeem/Queen Serene" is one of the best songs they've ever done, imo. If curious for the sound that is a wonderful choice. It encompasses the essence of this album

    Edit: Upon multiple listens, I now give it a 10. Spectacular listen!
  8. Jul 11, 2015
    This album is incredible! Between the Buried and Me have done it again! The sound pays homage to the older days of prog-rock but at the same time it feels fresh and original
  9. Jul 10, 2015
    Between the Buried and me keep up their consistent quality of work with their new album ‘Coma Ecliptic’. The album starts off with a nice quietened mellow song and then exceeds in the exuberance of their perfectly crafted progressive metal sound that they now pretty much own. Almost every song on this album hits hard and makes this quite possibly one of the best albums (so far) this year.Between the Buried and me keep up their consistent quality of work with their new album ‘Coma Ecliptic’. The album starts off with a nice quietened mellow song and then exceeds in the exuberance of their perfectly crafted progressive metal sound that they now pretty much own. Almost every song on this album hits hard and makes this quite possibly one of the best albums (so far) this year.
    The strongest songs on this album indefinitely have to be The Coma Machine, Dim ignition, Famine Wolf, ectopic stroll and rapid calm. All of these are just excellently crafted songs that are a joy to listen to. Every other song on the album are just as great and amazing to listen to but those said tracks are the ones that stand out most to me.
    However, I did find one section of Memory palace a bit weak and not as strong as the rest of the album, and a tiny part in King Redeem/Queen Serene had some rather gurgled screams that sound pretty horrible compared to the rest of the vocals on the album but to be honest, neither of these detract from the prowess of the rest of the album.
    I would give this album a 9.5/10 as it is almost perfect but due to Metacritics scoring system looks like I’ll have to give it 10/10. It deserves it though, and this album shows that we should and will continue to be excited to see what BTBAM bring out next.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Jul 10, 2015
    Ultimately, Between the Buried & Me, despite employing many tropes and influences, come off sounding like no one but themselves.
  2. Jul 8, 2015
    While the noticeable shift away from death metal may discourage some, Coma Ecliptic succeeds in pushing Between the Buried and Me's creativity in a new direction, avoiding a simple rehash of their winning formula.
  3. Jul 7, 2015
    Coma Ecliptic is an exquisite masterpiece. As with most opaque works, it takes many listens to fully appreciate everything here.