• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jul 24, 2001
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 45
  2. Negative: 2 out of 45

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  1. Jan 24, 2021
    Oh man I wish I could give this masterpiece an 11! I will never understand people who doesn't love Cake. My name is Dosh Javis not Josh Davis ok, #cakeisbetterthanthebeatles
  2. Mar 27, 2020
    Comfort Eagle by CAKE: 7.46

    Opera Singer: 1 Meanwhile, Rick James…: 0.75 Shadow Stabbing: 1 Short Skirt/Long Jacket: 1 :) Commissioning a Symphony In C: 1 Arco Arena - Instrumental: 1 Comfort Eagle: 1 :) Long Line Of Cars: 1 :) Love You Madly: 1 :) Pretty Pink Ribbon: 0.5 World Of Two: 0.25 9.5/11 ~ .864 -> 7.46 CAKE is a very unusual band, and that is one of the
    Comfort Eagle by CAKE: 7.46

    Opera Singer: 1
    Meanwhile, Rick James…: 0.75
    Shadow Stabbing: 1
    Short Skirt/Long Jacket: 1 :)
    Commissioning a Symphony In C: 1
    Arco Arena - Instrumental: 1
    Comfort Eagle: 1 :)
    Long Line Of Cars: 1 :)
    Love You Madly: 1 :)
    Pretty Pink Ribbon: 0.5
    World Of Two: 0.25

    9.5/11 ~ .864 -> 7.46

    CAKE is a very unusual band, and that is one of the reasons why Comfort Eagle is so fun to listen to. A lot of my favorite CAKE songs come from this album, like Long Line of Cars and Love You Madly. Most of Comfort Eagle is filled with really unique and catchy songs, with very quirky yet fun lyrics to go along with them. The only couple songs that I wasn’t super fond of were Pretty Pink Ribbon and World Of Two, since I didn’t really like the lyrics as much in Ribbon, and World Of Two just didn’t work for me musically. It was a little bland. That being said, I absolutely loved all the other songs. A lot of really good music came out of Comfort Eagle. “We are now accepting callers for these, beautiful, pendant key-chains”. So good! All music lovers should listen to Comfort Eagle, such a great album. Highlights: Opera Singer, Shadow Stabbing, Short Skirt/Long Jacket, Commissioning a Symphony In C, Arco Arena - Instrumental, Comfort Eagle, Long Line Of Cars, and Love You Madly.
  3. AyshL.
    May 1, 2008
  4. AlexD
    Oct 3, 2006
    I think this album is dignified and pretty, especially pretty pink ribbon. The baritone part was awesome!
  5. PedroF
    Aug 10, 2006
    It's just great! nuff said.
  6. JulieH
    May 3, 2006
    I became a fan of CAKE late in their history; this album was not new when I discovered it, but it is one of my favorites!!
  7. ExecutionerJones
    Apr 15, 2006
    The funkyest tightest rockers ever!
  8. MatthewP
    Apr 2, 2006
    This album is smart and actually has depth.
  9. AlbertP
    Sep 11, 2005
    Saw Cake in Portland. Owned Fashion Nugget for years....now I have 4 Cd's of Cake....This one is unbelievable...Almost feel guilty having a burned copy of it.
  10. yomomma
    May 28, 2005
    really good CD
  11. JoePat
    Jan 9, 2005
    holy crap. This is one of the best albums i've ever heard. I gotta say, for a rock band, that isn't influenced or even listen to rock, they oviously rock.
  12. NicolasT
    Jun 8, 2004
    An incredibly catchy album that is a perfect mix of trumpet and guitar that just blew me away. I LOVED IT!
  13. BobM
    Jan 10, 2004
    great CD, I have always loved Cake. their music is good for all occasions. thanks.
  14. JoshuaH
    Apr 30, 2003
    it rocks!
  15. karlk
    Nov 14, 2002
    I first heard this cd when my bro was playing it in his car. I didnt like it at first but it was all he played so Cake bacame my favorite band after i heard it a few times. Cake is a great band. i like comfort eagle the best.
  16. PaulK.
    Oct 14, 2002
    This album was the first cake i ever bought, i have them all now, and it is still my favorite
  17. TraceyC.
    Sep 29, 2002
    i had never heard cake before i went to canada cos their not out here in ireland but wen i heard dem i luved dem & now my pen pal has 2 burn it 4 me because u cant get it here. we want more cake!
  18. Susieno
    Sep 4, 2002
    Cake has the most unique sound going. Pair that with clever, biting lyrics and you've got the CD you want in your car stereo every day. The only thing I miss from the earlier records is the clever juxtaposition of musical style and subject matter that characterized such early gems as "Pentagram."
  19. Michael
    Nov 20, 2001
    Fun for the Whole Family Cake keeps getting better and better. It's catchy pop music, but the lyrics are smarter and funnier than just about anything in pop music. At first, there were maybe two or three songs on this CD that I really liked, but the whole thing has really grown on me, and it's hard to go without it. I have to fight over this disk with my wife, 12-year-old son, Fun for the Whole Family Cake keeps getting better and better. It's catchy pop music, but the lyrics are smarter and funnier than just about anything in pop music. At first, there were maybe two or three songs on this CD that I really liked, but the whole thing has really grown on me, and it's hard to go without it. I have to fight over this disk with my wife, 12-year-old son, and 6-year-old daughter. Expand
  20. LarryD.
    Sep 7, 2001
    This is the best Cake record yet. Once again, Vince Di Fiore's excellent trumpet sound sets Cake apart as the best alternative rock band going.
  21. JeffR
    Aug 10, 2001
    I'm a hardcore Cake fan but had to listen to this album five or six times to really start to appreciate it. Now that I have, it's primo stuff.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Alternative Press
    Comfort Eagle is infinitely smarter, smarmier and catchier than Weezer's Green Album. [Oct 2001, p.79]
  2. The best songs, particularly "Long Line of Cars" and "Pretty Pink Ribbon," exhibit a modern pop that is both mechanized and organic.
  3. It's mostly funny, but it also gets kind of same-y as these average Joes embrace their marching-band backgrounds and revel in self-deprecating humor.