
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Cosmic Egg [is] a mature sophomore effort, particularly if it's just judged on all the sonic textures Wolfmorther serves up, but as the album closes with a series of meandering mysticism it's hard not to miss Stockdale's previous reliance on nasty repetitive riffs.
  2. 80
    Despite the classic rock pastiche, Cosmic Egg somehow manages to strike a balance between being a carbon copy of a legendary rock album and a tribute to an era--call them the Quentin Tarantino of hard rock.
  3. Some tunes are catchier than others.
  4. The resultant record should reinforce Wolfmother’s eclectic big-tent fanbase while simultaneously shoring up their odd teleological balancing act.
  5. Rolling Stone
    There isn't a boring moment--when's the last time you could say that about an album with Cosmic in the title?
  6. On this album, Wolfmother becomes a band worth paying attention to.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 44
  2. Negative: 2 out of 44
  1. Dec 5, 2016
    As a follow up, this album really does lack. Although there are certain tracks that remind you why you love Wolfmother ('Cosmic Egg' , '10,000As a follow up, this album really does lack. Although there are certain tracks that remind you why you love Wolfmother ('Cosmic Egg' , '10,000 Feet'), personally, I feel the whole album seems a little bland, a little drowned in noise. It's more like a collection of B-Sides. All in all, disappointing, but by no means bad. Full Review »
  2. Apr 5, 2013
    .Cosmic Egg is a great follow up to Wolfmother's debut album. Andrew Stockdale is promising. The whole band is awesome. They always remind me.Cosmic Egg is a great follow up to Wolfmother's debut album. Andrew Stockdale is promising. The whole band is awesome. They always remind me of great bands, especially Led Zep. The album as a whole is cool. Eyes Open, Back Round and Violence Of The Sun are not that good, for me. Aside from those songs, the album is awesome. It's not creative or innovating but it is acclaimed as a classic awesome rock album. I especially enjoy New Moon Rising, Sundial, 10000 Feet and In The Morning. It is great. Full Review »
  3. Jan 5, 2011
    At first it doesnt sound brilliant, but it turns out to be pretty good. Oh and its pretty funny how the only person who rated this low isAt first it doesnt sound brilliant, but it turns out to be pretty good. Oh and its pretty funny how the only person who rated this low is named MikP obviously a brainwashed fanboy who rates things without listening to them and just follow what Patton says blindly. Full Review »