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  1. Oct 7, 2011
    Yikes - autotune on a Human League album?? they are supposed to be trend SETTERS not followers. That said, never let me go is not bad. Night People sounds like weird science...a little cheezy. Sky is a good track. I think the new wave bands releasing new material in the old style should be rated as if the album was released during the heyday...with that I would say this is an also ranYikes - autotune on a Human League album?? they are supposed to be trend SETTERS not followers. That said, never let me go is not bad. Night People sounds like weird science...a little cheezy. Sky is a good track. I think the new wave bands releasing new material in the old style should be rated as if the album was released during the heyday...with that I would say this is an also ran in their pantheon of albums. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Sep 30, 2011
    Credo could have been the perfect opportunity to prove to their devotees that they haven't lost their touch, but although there are a few flashes of their heyday's magic, it's a strangely low-key affair which is unlikely to inspire any future synth pop maestros.
  2. Aug 15, 2011
    You won't find a "Don't You Want Me" on this disc, but you will find a band that's aged a lot better than many of their contemporaries, as well as a few tracks that will stand up well alongside those of their modern-day followers.
  3. Aug 15, 2011
    The lack of memorable choruses and melodies is made all the more frustrating by the surprisingly decent production.