• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jan 7, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 1131 Ratings

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  1. Apr 15, 2022
    super dynamically sounding album from Abel and Jim Carrey. The meaning of this album is super interesting as its a very dark follow up to After Hours
  2. Mar 14, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Make better music + sound same as hisl ast album,overrated artist rn....... Expand
  3. Jan 10, 2022
    I am beyond confused by all of these great ratings. I think this is The Weeknd’s worst and most generic sounding album of his career. Only one or two songs stick out. Very, very underwhelming.
  4. Feb 22, 2022
    The music doesn't speak to me and the topics are quite trite. I wish this wouldn't be promoted as much.
  5. Feb 5, 2022
    This **** is so boring its the weeknd but with less energy it’s just so disappointing to see the man who carried 2020
  6. Jan 16, 2022
    Interesting concept.
    Just good songs.
    Less than zero: the best song of the album, a tribute to Future Islands’ sound.
  7. Jan 11, 2022
    What a disappointment after the incredibly impactful “After Hours.” The album, outside of 2-3 tracks, is just boring. Songs all sound the same and never reach any kind of peak. There is no real vibe or emotion to feel when listening to these tracks. It’s not party enough to be a feel good fun album. Not emotional enough to make you reflect. It just kind of is there. A weak, monotonousWhat a disappointment after the incredibly impactful “After Hours.” The album, outside of 2-3 tracks, is just boring. Songs all sound the same and never reach any kind of peak. There is no real vibe or emotion to feel when listening to these tracks. It’s not party enough to be a feel good fun album. Not emotional enough to make you reflect. It just kind of is there. A weak, monotonous effort overall. Just add the small handful of songs you like to your library and dump the rest because it’s mostly filler. Expand
  8. Jan 10, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Pra mim The weekend está desde o After Hours lançando o mesmo álbum, mesmos singles… As música do novo álbum estão todas soando igual, a mesma imagem, ele não preocupou em se reinventar, pegou os descartes do álbum passado e resolveu lançar mais um álbum de estúdio, de qualquer forma, qualquer jeito! Expand
  9. Jan 10, 2022
    I think he can do better than that, the best thing in this album is the transition and the song “ take my breath “ the rest are expected and similar to his previous album “ after hours “ , he just copy the 80s sound and just stuck in this sound, if you want to make music don’t repeat the past and do something different than the others , be unique
  10. Jan 9, 2022
    Siento que se está sobrevalorando demasiado este album. Le daría menor puntuación …
  11. Jan 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I'm gonna start this with the fact I'm a fan of 80's synth music, vapourwave music and the weeknd but, this is not good let alone like how people are talking about it. Can you enjoy it? Yes but the ideas it display aren't done well especially in the lyrics, the production makes it not uncommon to think that your music is on shuffle or loop and there's albums much better. With similar ideas (DAMN. By Kendrick Lamar for life and death/reflecting on life and other weeknd albums for the other concepts [drugs, love, sex, etc...] for example) and production (anything by whitewoods, IGOR by Tyler, the creator some songs off swimming by Mac Miller) Expand
  12. Jan 8, 2022
    I love The Weeknd but this album just isn’t it. I can’t think of a single track on this record that wouldn’t sound completely out of place on the radio. Once again, I am a huge fan, but it disappoints me that an album can receive so much hype despite the subject matter just because of the name that is attached. I presume the hype will die rather quickly though as there are no standoutI love The Weeknd but this album just isn’t it. I can’t think of a single track on this record that wouldn’t sound completely out of place on the radio. Once again, I am a huge fan, but it disappoints me that an album can receive so much hype despite the subject matter just because of the name that is attached. I presume the hype will die rather quickly though as there are no standout tracks or moments even on the album. Out of Time is the closest thing.

    The entire album feels like one run-on song consisting of boring arpeggios accompanied by ineffective soft pads that lazily repeat a pattern. I felt like I was listening to Abel sing over funky elevator music for most of the listen. The beats lack the variety and punch that we have grown accustomed to with The Weeknd. I understand it’s necessary to mix things up sometimes, but this album just drones on and never makes any statements musically, and just when you think it may, some stupid radio static and voice line interrupts.

    Lyrically the songs feel generic. Even my favorite, Out of Time, states things in such a literal way that it feels corny at times. The entire thing is a beckon to get Bella back again, but it feels like he ran out of things to say to her after After Hours. The radio concept made no sense whatsoever and didn’t even add to the efficacy of the music. I feel like someone decided it would be cool to have a radio themed album, so they just did it with no actual vision of how it would further express the album’s message. Altogether I just felt robbed of almost everything I expect from The Weeknd. The vocals were talented and clean as usual, I mean come on, it’s Abel. But the leads that grab your attention, the melodies that get stuck in your head, the mind-bending transitions, the cryptic lyricism that leaves a little room for interpretation; those are all missing from this album. Listen to Faith, that song alone contains more complexity and raw soul than the entirety of Dawn FM. I suppose eventually Abel had to release a *miss* album. He’s been killing it since Trilogy, but I really don’t see this album making waves where it truly counts: the listeners. Idk give it a month or two until the album is basically forgotten and people start anticipating the next.

    One positive is that the sexy R&B vibe actually really excited me at the beginning, but then it never really toon it anywhere. But after the initial excitement, the whole album is just a bunch of syncopated noise with very little variety.
  13. Jan 8, 2022
    It was like hearing Take My Breath in different but similar fonts. Although kept his recurring theme of sex, hookup culture, and commitment issues through lyrics, the audios did not connect with the lyrics. The use of pop beats is a good approach from The Weeknd, but the lack of versatility is what made it predictable and hard to keep me entertained.
  14. Jan 7, 2022
    Dawn FM is flat, the songs all sound the same, Abel sings in the same key the whole time. Maybe it’ll grow on me but it’s kind of boring.

    I’m gunna get trashed for this opinion but i’m not really into this album. It’s got a couple good songs but nothing really blew me away. Most of the songs have that same 80s rhythm that gets real repetitive and bland
  15. Jan 7, 2022
    I was disappointed w all the tracks sounding alike w the same electronic beat. After a few songs in, it lost my attention. His last album is still superior
  16. Jan 7, 2022
    I’ve always loved The Weeknd’s music and artistry, so when it comes to Dawn Fm I wasn’t disappointed by the concept, But when it comes to execution, Abel’s failed. Sonically speaking, the album is somehow boring, especially because of the choice to use the same drum kit in most of the songs, in which makes them all sound repetitive and the same. They’re not all bad songs! A few of themI’ve always loved The Weeknd’s music and artistry, so when it comes to Dawn Fm I wasn’t disappointed by the concept, But when it comes to execution, Abel’s failed. Sonically speaking, the album is somehow boring, especially because of the choice to use the same drum kit in most of the songs, in which makes them all sound repetitive and the same. They’re not all bad songs! A few of them such as Less than zero, Is there someone else? And Out of time are some (if not) the best tracks on the album. Also, I must say that even with most of the tracks having a length of about 3 minutes, the songs never achieve a peak, they are not as smooth as most of the tracks on after hours, they aren’t catchy, they aren’t very dynamic either. I know that these aren’t the only factor to take in consideration in order to say that a song is good, but for an album called “Dawn (FM)” I would expect a project very radio friendly - with some bangers that would do really well on the radio. I still respect the effort he put into doing something reminiscent, but at the some time modern, but I must admit that “DAWN FM” is one of his weakest albums. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 24
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 24
  3. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Jan 24, 2022
    It's invigorating, vulnerable and, at times, uncomfortably raw.
  2. Jan 18, 2022
    Musically, Dawn FM mirrors Tesfaye’s disquiet, its buffed electronic sheen ruptured by moments of discord, as when ballad Starry Eyes teeters on the brink of implosion. It’s a state that Tesfaye seems to relish, with often stunning results.
  3. Jan 14, 2022
    The Canadian megastar avoids the pitfalls of cheap, nostalgia bait by earnestly repurposing and breathing life into deep cuts from a bygone era.