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Universal acclaim- based on 821 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 30 out of 821
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  1. Mar 28, 2023
    This is such a masterpiece touching my heart. Nobody can deny her vocals are amazing. She sings with her soul and I can 100% feel it.
  2. Mar 28, 2023
    amazing was sobbing best album since lust for life and ultraviolence and maybe nfr
  3. Mar 28, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love that her album is so perfect the way she did a perfection instrumentals Expand
  4. Mar 27, 2023
    Perfect reinvention of her iconic sound that perfectly utilisizes features from artists that add their unique sounds which add to the overall experimental atmosphere of the album.
  5. Mar 27, 2023
    Honest, emotional and spiritual. Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard is another great work from Lana Del Rey!
  6. Mar 27, 2023
    Este es probablemente el mejor trabajo discográfico de Lana Del Rey en años, sus sonidos nos recuerdan sus epocas en las qie era bien recibida comercialmente peeo poco aclamada por la crítica de manera injusta. Peppers, Taco Truck X VB, Sweet, Paris, Texas y Let The Light in son canciones que pasaran a la posteridad por su calidad y por todo aquello que nos recuerda.
  7. Mar 27, 2023
    this is the best example of lana being herself and doing her poetry, not for tiktok/charts but because she likes it.
  8. Mar 27, 2023
    Uma explosão artística de uma das maiores compositoras do século. Lana caminha entre o terno e profano de uma forma singular, o misto de sentimentos ouvindo esse álbum é inevitável. Em DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE'S A TUNNEL UNDER OCEAN BLVD Del Rey abre a porta das suas lembranças, dores e desejos. É um grito de liberdade em direção ao caos.
  9. Mar 27, 2023
    Simplesmente perfeito como sempre. Sempre acho que ela não vai se superar, mas ela sempre vem e se supera. É muito bom ser fã de um ser iluminado assim.
  10. Mar 27, 2023
    The album is an ode to Lana's past, present and future. Her most intimate work thus far. Once again she's proven why she's considered the the greatest American songwriter of the 21st century.
  11. Mar 27, 2023
    This album touched my heart and my soul, Lana you are a real poet.All the songs have this unique atmosphere that made some of my deepest feelings come out, only Lana has this power over me.She made me feel beautiful, loved, and sad sometimes,but it's a sadness that made me confortable with who i am. This is a very personal review, maybe i don't know how to technically rate songs, but whenThis album touched my heart and my soul, Lana you are a real poet.All the songs have this unique atmosphere that made some of my deepest feelings come out, only Lana has this power over me.She made me feel beautiful, loved, and sad sometimes,but it's a sadness that made me confortable with who i am. This is a very personal review, maybe i don't know how to technically rate songs, but when a melody or a vocal make me feel home, i know its good (and it's Lana).Sorry my bad english. Expand
  12. Mar 27, 2023
    This album is perfect. The way she uses the metaphor of the “tunnel” throughout the whole album is incredible, especially for how “messy” and experimental it is. She begins the album not hopeful and very sad and dark and then transitions to this idea of “letting the light in” and light in general. (Light at the end of the tunnel) Then, she ends with upbeat, happy feel good songs and aThis album is perfect. The way she uses the metaphor of the “tunnel” throughout the whole album is incredible, especially for how “messy” and experimental it is. She begins the album not hopeful and very sad and dark and then transitions to this idea of “letting the light in” and light in general. (Light at the end of the tunnel) Then, she ends with upbeat, happy feel good songs and a reworked version of one of her most iconic songs ever. It perfectly resembles a journey through a tunnel. It’s amazing. She is the best songwriter ever. The lyrics about life and death are so intense but so intriguing. It is so personal to her but yet so relatable to me. I don’t get how she does it. This is her best album, especially lyrically. Instrumentally, the piano carries this album, but even though piano was popular, it still wasn’t an album full of piano ballads. (Not that I would be mad) There were so many fantastically produced songs. It was messy and chaotic but at the same time, every song made sense on this album. Expand
  13. Mar 27, 2023
    This album feels like shes really trying to experiment to her most authentic sound as well as really trying to expose the inside of her mind. Felt the most personal where she talks about whats going on with her life, like reading her diary. Her writing has never been strongest and she proved thats shes really truly one of our best poet of this generation in this, wishing all the best toThis album feels like shes really trying to experiment to her most authentic sound as well as really trying to expose the inside of her mind. Felt the most personal where she talks about whats going on with her life, like reading her diary. Her writing has never been strongest and she proved thats shes really truly one of our best poet of this generation in this, wishing all the best to her and grateful for sharing a little bit of her arts with us. Expand
  14. Mar 27, 2023
    a melhor de todas q venha o grammy rainha de mais um dos melhores albuns simplesmente perfeito
  15. Mar 27, 2023
    Mother is Mothering, her best album since Norman F*cking Rockwell, I love u Lana del Rey
  16. Mar 27, 2023
    Her best album since NFR!, skipless record, vaporous and regal sound. Personal favorites: Sweet, Fingertips, Let The Light In and Taco Truck.
  17. Mar 27, 2023
    Absolutely stunning album, even after the 9th she doesn’t seem to be slowing down creatively.
  18. Mar 27, 2023
    Such an honest album with unconventional and flowy tracks which almost feels like a stream of consciousness. This is Lana at her most authentic self. Fingertips is a career highlight and one of its kind with its spoken word like structure. Can't wait to see where she goes from here.
  19. Mar 27, 2023
    Lana is really on of a kind. There's NOBODY like her. I would like to remind you that this is her ninth studio album and she still manages to reinvent her sound and aehestic. She was able to pave the way for so many artists, being able to keep her uniqueness that none of them could replicate.
    With this album, for me, she brings her best body of work, since 2019's Norman **** Rockwell.
    Lana is really on of a kind. There's NOBODY like her. I would like to remind you that this is her ninth studio album and she still manages to reinvent her sound and aehestic. She was able to pave the way for so many artists, being able to keep her uniqueness that none of them could replicate.
    With this album, for me, she brings her best body of work, since 2019's Norman **** Rockwell. It's impressive, shocking at times, beautifully well written and, most of all, touching. Definitely an highlight in her impressive career.
  20. Mar 27, 2023
    A beautiful masterpiece from Lana, bringing her back to her earlier albums such as Lust For Life and NFR!

    All tracks are beautifully cultivated and arranged in an amazing way, with meaningful lyrics, beautiful production ETC.
  21. Mar 27, 2023
    This ninth album by lana takes us into masterful sounds, with her clearest and most angelic voice. Lyrics where she shows us her ability as a writer and poet, where she tells us about her family and her personal feelings, her legacy is her love and her poetry.
  22. Mar 27, 2023
    Boring. 6hu7. Yvhyh7 uhuh7h7. Yhyv. Gvtct. Ybyhyh6gt ygyhuhh7hy ybyhuhuh6h7hf
  23. Mar 27, 2023
    Uma verdadeira obra de arte como tudo que Lana Del Rey faz. Simplesmente incrível, ela sempre me surpreende!!!
  24. Mar 27, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. she slayed the house down with this what can i say. one could say it’s another lana del slay xx Expand
  25. Mar 27, 2023
    completamente obcecado por esse álbum, o melhor dela desde o apoteótico Norman F Rockwell
  26. Mar 27, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Another masterpiece from a person who has the ability to describe every feeling in a unique way. Expand
  27. Mar 27, 2023
    Ocean blvd is an amazing and unique experience... Such an amazing album... Lana truly is an artist!
  28. Mar 27, 2023
    This album is a complete experience, made me cry, dance and made me thoughtful
  29. Mar 24, 2023
    ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!!! Lana del rey never misses, shes the greatest songwriter for a reason
  30. Mar 27, 2023
    Another brilliant album by Lana del Rey. This one might be slightly different because it’s challenging the listener and if you except the challenge it truly is on the same level as Norman or Honeymoon.
  31. Mar 27, 2023
    The flow of the entire album is beautiful. Like a tunnel with kintsugi and Fingertips being her most vulnerable and at the darkest point in the tunnel. She flows from there out into the light ending with Venice **** but better
  32. Mar 24, 2023
    this is literally the best thing she ever made, i love her and everything that she put on her music, album of the year, no words
  33. Mar 27, 2023
    LDR fans are divided in three camps: those that prefer early era Lana (marked by collaborations with Rick Nowels), those that prefer more recent piano ballad, Americana folk music Lana (marked by collaborations with Jack Antonoff), and those that find total bliss in both. I'm in the former camp. I still enjoy all her albums. This one is her most piano-driven and clocking at anLDR fans are divided in three camps: those that prefer early era Lana (marked by collaborations with Rick Nowels), those that prefer more recent piano ballad, Americana folk music Lana (marked by collaborations with Jack Antonoff), and those that find total bliss in both. I'm in the former camp. I still enjoy all her albums. This one is her most piano-driven and clocking at an overlwhelming 1 hour 17 minutes, it drags in the middle. Also baffling are the additions of not one, but two Christian "sermon" interludes. The first one feels too preachy and totally out of place for this formerly religious fan, and the other one showcases Jon Baptiste's laugh and a Pink Floyd-ish instrumental reminiscent of the Great Gig in the Sky. That one I can live with. The album ends with a strange remix of 2019's Venice B. VB was my favorite track from Norman F Rockwell, but seems to be inserted here to boost ratings for the album from people that haven't heard NFR (which is the superior album, in my opinion).

    Favorite tracks: A&W, Grandfather please stand..., Did You Know That There's a Tunnel...
  34. Mar 27, 2023
    So good! Kintsugi is my fav track! I cried so much definitely an AOTY contender.
  35. Mar 27, 2023
    this is pure art. the album is literally a masterpiece. this shows people her cohesiveness but also her capability of reinvent herself.
  36. Mar 27, 2023
    This is Lanita, I love it, thank you God for her and thank you Lana for sharing with us
  37. Mar 27, 2023
    Um dos melhores lançamentos do ano! Lana como sempre entregando músicas incríveis e super bem produzidas. Artista da década com toda certeza é ela, faz música para tocar nossos corações e sentir um êxtase em nossa alma!
  38. Mar 27, 2023
    Album of the year. It starts off so well with the grants, a song about her family and the afterlife. It shows you the themes of this album and what’s to come. Then the interludes to candy necklace to kintsugi and fingertips (very personal and beautifully written and produced) then she switches the album theme with Paris, Texas. A beautiful piano ballad with amazing storytelling.Album of the year. It starts off so well with the grants, a song about her family and the afterlife. It shows you the themes of this album and what’s to come. Then the interludes to candy necklace to kintsugi and fingertips (very personal and beautifully written and produced) then she switches the album theme with Paris, Texas. A beautiful piano ballad with amazing storytelling. Grandfather song with a great theme and then to the amazingly produced last 5 songs on the album. One about her friend’s fiance. definitely a must listen and her greatest work yet. Expand
  39. Mar 27, 2023
    Once again Lana Del Rey brings a wonderful album with perfect instrumentals, impeccable vocals and very well written lyrics
  40. Mar 27, 2023
    Ocean Blvd brings all the amazing elements of Lana's career. The trap sounds, the piano, and even the comeback of all the strings. She encases you in her trance of personal stories, familial traveities and critics' harsh words towards her. She does not care about making a hit, she wants to tell her story and leave people to listen and learn from her lessons of life.
  41. Mar 27, 2023
    Lana is the most versatile artist of today. The album has it all and there’s nothing much more to say than it’s absolute perfection at Lana‘s most vulnerable.
  42. Mar 27, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. On her ninth album, Lana manages to create a concept through the family message and her failed love relationships. With a new mix of musical subgenres and even using her original musicality, she managed to deliver something spectacularly original and atmospheric. Expand
  43. Mar 27, 2023
    mother came and mother served all the **** in the world i love her so much. this is her third best (after nfr and uv). i love u lanita
  44. Mar 27, 2023
    Lana Del Rey's Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd cleverly frames family dynamic and individual existentialism through a nuanced, and at times, purposefully chaotic lense. "Ocean Blvd." finds Del Rey exploring uncharted territory, whilst also fleshing out her previous works, most notably in Taco Truck x VB. Del Rey provides a reminiscent but vibrant take on Venice ****Lana Del Rey's Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd cleverly frames family dynamic and individual existentialism through a nuanced, and at times, purposefully chaotic lense. "Ocean Blvd." finds Del Rey exploring uncharted territory, whilst also fleshing out her previous works, most notably in Taco Truck x VB. Del Rey provides a reminiscent but vibrant take on Venice **** (Norman **** Rockwell!). Del Rey's interchangeable and versatile approach to her work shines through this masterpiece, and reaffirms her unchallenged abilities as a dominating singer/songwriter of this generation, and truly a force to be reckoned with. Expand
  45. Mar 26, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album feels like Lana Del Rey's very own "The Eras Tour". The lyrics, the vibe, and the production gave me a short but memorable trip down the memory lane starting from Born to Die down to this album. It's very raw and personal. Expand
  46. Mar 26, 2023
    this album makes you travel through lana's reality, an album that talks about her life, family, her legacy and how she wants to be remembered. She immerses you in sadness through poetry and then forget about it with her last three songs and return to her reality of the moment. It's like watching a movie and you can imagine everything.
  47. Mar 26, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I’ve been listening to Lana since 2010. I’ve loved almost all of her albums but unfortunately this one is by far the worst. Her last 3 albums seem extremely repetitive. With this album, the songs all sound EXACTLY the same. They are, in my opinion, plain boring. Don’t get me wrong, most of her lyrics are great but just the way they are sang and the tracks produced are not good. Instead of singing it’s like she’s whispering. There’s no beat, no rhythm, no catch. It’s just piano. I wish she would stop singing like this and add instruments to her songs. I was so excited for this album. I am unbelievably disappointed. Expand
  48. Mar 26, 2023
    Im in loveeee
  49. Mar 26, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Одним словом - шедевр. Альбом очень разносторонний, глубокий, теплый, а вокал Ланы просто нечто неописуемое. Я в восторге! Expand
  50. Mar 26, 2023
    Incrível demais! Um de seus maiores trabalhos já feito! Lana conseguiu se superar e lançou oficialmente o sucessor de NFR!
  51. Mar 26, 2023
    this album is so good and has so many emotions within it. Her voice and lyrics are beautiful.
  52. Mar 26, 2023
    Her strongest, boldest, and most personal album yet. Love the diverse music and melody styles as well. This album is a great addition to her already strong discography.
  53. Mar 26, 2023
    O álbum mais pessoal e mais sensível da carreira de Del Rey. Nesse álbum, viajamos pela mente em ruínas de Lana e descobrimos coisas do seu passado que deixa tudo mais forte. As melodias delicadas que arranham seus ouvidos (no bom sentido) e as letras pesadas como rock, faz com que o álbum se transforme em uma emoção. O único álbum dela que consegue olhar nos olhos de "Norman F******O álbum mais pessoal e mais sensível da carreira de Del Rey. Nesse álbum, viajamos pela mente em ruínas de Lana e descobrimos coisas do seu passado que deixa tudo mais forte. As melodias delicadas que arranham seus ouvidos (no bom sentido) e as letras pesadas como rock, faz com que o álbum se transforme em uma emoção. O único álbum dela que consegue olhar nos olhos de "Norman F****** Rockwell!". Se o Grammy esnobar esse álbum, podemos começar o fim do mundo. Expand
  54. Mar 26, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é uma obra prima, mais uma inovação de del rey que cada faixa trouxe um toque sombrio, triste e curioso tornando o álbum super coerente e belíssimo. Expand
  55. Mar 26, 2023
    Lana most dark album. The topics she travel on the songs remain one of the highlights of the album. Album of the year by far. Fingertips her most personal song to date and Peppers her most fun and chaotic
  56. Mar 26, 2023
    Um álbum delicioso e muito sensível. As letras retratam o íntimo da cantora e as melodias conseguem acompanhar o sentimento que Lana quer passar.
  57. Mar 26, 2023
    Lana Del Rey delivers once again. What a masterpiece. The way she samples her own music and the music of other artists transforms her songs into art.
  58. Mar 26, 2023
    Lana does never disappoint. Amazing melodies, fantastic vocals and wonderful lyrics. It took me a few listens, but now it’s in my top 3 of her albums.
  59. Mar 26, 2023
    This album really deserves the grammy, this is by far the best album released this year and deserves literally everything. I love it so much.
  60. Mar 26, 2023
    WOW !! This album is pure and vulnerable and ONE OF THE BEST ALBUMS SHES DONE TO DATE. Truly a unique and talented artist. Great job !!
  61. Mar 26, 2023
    Perfection this changes from the last two albums
    I hope that soon we will have the right to a hip-hop - indie album like the last music of the album
  62. Mar 25, 2023
    I can’t bring myself to give this album a 9 because even with the random sermons mid-album, we do not encounter a bad song. There is also not a 9.5 option which is what I would rate it.
  63. Mar 25, 2023
    Incredible, jaw-dropping, amazing and everything similar to this words. Best Album of The Year.
  64. Mar 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Te amo Lanita ❤️
    gracias por tu música, eres parte de mi día 10/10
    Sigo tu música desde el 2017, me emociona haberte conocido en ese momento y llevarte hasta ahora, gracias
  65. Mar 25, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece. Lana did that again! As good as NFR, the level of intimacy, poetry… she’s the greatest songwriter in our generation and her angelic voice just match with her lyrics to create an unique atmosphere. Again, she’s the greatest.
  66. Mar 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Monumental Expand
  67. Mar 25, 2023
    lana is the best songwriter of our generation, literally she could do an album without any hard work, she is the best
  68. Mar 25, 2023
    Sorry I doubted you Lana, first rating was 1, second was 6 and now unequivocally 10, that let’s me know that it is as divisive as it should be as a global artistic statement in this climate, whilst I am inclined to agree that some songs could do with a little pruning, no one would have told Leonard Cohen to trim a track, and the moments of genius are what secures a legacy and a reputationSorry I doubted you Lana, first rating was 1, second was 6 and now unequivocally 10, that let’s me know that it is as divisive as it should be as a global artistic statement in this climate, whilst I am inclined to agree that some songs could do with a little pruning, no one would have told Leonard Cohen to trim a track, and the moments of genius are what secures a legacy and a reputation for greatness, in this case particularly on ‘A&W’ which stands with her finest works and the hook “This is the experience of being an American Whore” has given Taylor Swift’s “Karma is a cat purring in my lap cos it loves me” a run for it’s money as lyric of the year, the melodramatically orchestrated title track is a grower, ‘The Grants’ with it’s beautiful refrain “I’m gonna take mine of you with me” and the whimsical ‘Paris, Texas’ with SYML of ‘Where’s My Love’ fame. Rock on Lana. Expand
  69. Mar 25, 2023
    love this album, definitely one of her best. Cool melodies, lyrics and topics.
  70. Mar 25, 2023
    This album is pure genius. It's a Masterpiece.
    There's so much detail to each song and the vocals are so ethereal, bold and rich say the same time. It's like she poured herself out in every song.
  71. Mar 24, 2023
    An extremely wise album, very charismatic. Lana is an absolute powerhouse and for an album this deep in her career to be so incredible truly speaks volumes about how timeless her music is. It's experimental, complex, and unlike anything I've heard before. She is also very strategic with her features; particularly Fr. John Misty and Tommy Genesis stood out to me a lot, as they brought a lotAn extremely wise album, very charismatic. Lana is an absolute powerhouse and for an album this deep in her career to be so incredible truly speaks volumes about how timeless her music is. It's experimental, complex, and unlike anything I've heard before. She is also very strategic with her features; particularly Fr. John Misty and Tommy Genesis stood out to me a lot, as they brought a lot to the songs they were featured in. Also, I love that she's continuing to do whatever she wants, she doesn't conform to basic song titles, formulatic hits, or forgettable pop just so she can be on the charts for a few weeks only to be completely forgotten. She is actively making art. This album is a masterpiece and I hope you love it as much as I did. Expand
  72. Mar 25, 2023
    Another beautiful and very personal album from Lana Del Rey, she can't do wrong.
  73. Mar 25, 2023
    Once again, Lana has made and incredible magical album. Just her is capable of create that atmosphere through the journey that hear this album is.
  74. Mar 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lana es un icono desde hace casi 13 años y nos demuestra con Did You Know Than There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd que fue elaborado de una manera exquisita en todos los sentidos, instrumental, arreglos, melodías, puentes y por supuesto la magnífica e inigualable voz Lana del Rey. Expand
  75. Mar 25, 2023
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. LANA MADE A MASTERPIECE.
  76. Mar 25, 2023
    The album starts dark and gritty with gospel elements that draw you in like a shadow deeply inside of Lana del Rey’s mind. Her 9th studio album contains themes of family, heartbreak, healing, and ultimately tragedy or better said the tragedy to come. Lana is able to combine these themes with lyrics and sonics that get you emotional from the second the songs begin to play. One of theThe album starts dark and gritty with gospel elements that draw you in like a shadow deeply inside of Lana del Rey’s mind. Her 9th studio album contains themes of family, heartbreak, healing, and ultimately tragedy or better said the tragedy to come. Lana is able to combine these themes with lyrics and sonics that get you emotional from the second the songs begin to play. One of the biggest stand out tracks for me personally was track 9 ‘fingertips.’ Del Rey writes her soul on paper, she speaks on criticisms she has been subjected to in the past whilst also speaks about the things that torment her in the present, although sometimes it can get a little confusing as the song barely follows any pop structure, through and through the song is our insight to the healing process that lana is going through in her life right now and as always where things might seem grey and dull the light will always find a way to shine in. Expand
  77. Mar 25, 2023
    I didn't know exactly what was the idea of the album, but as long as I'm hearing it's so good!! Lana really knows how to make a great album! "Peppers" it's one of the best song on the album a long together "A&W"
  78. Mar 25, 2023
    Profundo, Sombrio, Perturbador. Profano

    Magnífico. isso é um trabalho artístico, o resto é conversa.
  79. Mar 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hermoso álbum una de las Mejores álbumes que lana del rey ha sacado ella jamás ha decepcionado con su música la amo mucho Expand
  80. Mar 25, 2023
    Its 10000 album, Lana never disappointed, but also I'm gonna ask why the interludes... anyways love the album its a masterpiece, the production and one of the most raw lyrics, Lana you're crazy!!!! And I'm crazy with you. Love u and I'm sending the best blessings to you
  81. Mar 25, 2023
    This is not an original thought - but it’s her most exciting work since NFR, perhaps one of her most confident records. “The Grants” and “Kintsugi” contain some of the most stunning work Del Rey has ever done. The album harkens back to each of her eras — the Lennonesque duets of Lust for Life, the jazziness of Honeymoon, the baroque Americana of NFR.
  82. Mar 25, 2023
    That"s more an incredible Lana's album. This time, more challenging and innovative!
  83. Mar 24, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Boring. Bloated. Repetitive. Overrated. She copied Lorde once again. So sick of this overrated fad Expand
  84. Mar 25, 2023
    The best American songwriter! Lana Del Rey keeps proving to be an unmatched talent
  85. Mar 25, 2023
    Lana is at her best. Mixed genres and powerful songwriting. New sounds and older ones. One of her best works to date.
  86. Mar 25, 2023
    in my opinion, blue banisters and chemtrails weren't that good, so I wasn't really expecting anything from this album, but it's so good. her best since nfr. it's a masterpiece, i love it sm. it's expressive, emotional, vulnerable, and versatile.
  87. Mar 25, 2023
    Amazing piece of work. Lana is on top of her game, her voice and lyricism absolutely shines on this record. Thank you Lana for this masterpiece.
  88. Mar 25, 2023
    Lana Del Rey simply won't fail delivering one of the best albums of the year. This is the most introspective album she has ever released and it feels like the most personal. A second close to NFR.
  89. Mar 25, 2023
    This album is so mesmerizing. Every song is special and sounds amazing, it is really personal and deep, which I love about it. This is her best album
  90. Mar 25, 2023
    Just a masterpiece, every single song has something to say and know how to do it. Is just the opposite to a simple and basic album
  91. Mar 25, 2023
    The second album in a row with only piano and almost no drums. Listening is very boring, you fall asleep to the songs. There are some good songs on the album, the rest I didn't like. Soon she will switch to a whisper and will sing like that. I'm a Lana fan, but the last 2 albums suck. I need drums, it would be much better that way. Some songs have them, and they are very good.
  92. Mar 25, 2023
    love this album so much, everything is perfect with it
  93. Mar 25, 2023
    The instrumentals of Fishtail and Taco Truck x VB are INSANEEEEE, one of her best worksssss
  94. Mar 25, 2023
    Her best and most diverse album since NFR! Every song is perfection and her lyricism is at its finest.
  95. Mar 24, 2023
    intelligent and amazing music. this is a perfect example from an artist who continue to delivers.
  96. Mar 24, 2023
    Esse álbum é divino! Desde as composições, até o instrumental delicado e a voz ainda mais perfeita da Lana. Um dos trabalhos mais corajosos e bem feitos da dela, com letras marcantes e emocionantes. Assim como NFR, esse álbum vai se destacar cada vez mais na discografia como um dos pilares da carreira.
  97. Mar 24, 2023
    This will go down in history as one of the greatest written albums in history. Along with NFR
  98. Mar 24, 2023
    beautiful album. lana strikes once again. carefully crafted, whilst catering to her long lasting fans.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. May 31, 2023
    Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd is a 16-track, 78-minute album, and some of it will lose even her most ardent fans. Track eight is where it regains itself through the extended metaphor of “Kintsugi”: a Japanese term for a pottery repair technique that calls attention to the crack rather than hides it. .... [After “Margaret”] There are three more tracks, though.
  2. Uncut
    Apr 13, 2023
    If you've not already bought into the LDR mythos, it's like joining a long-form TV show midway through its difficult fourth season. [Jun 2023, p.26]
  3. Apr 12, 2023
    So while Del Rey is still the same sepia-tinted, sun-soaked American aesthete that she once was, there are real lifetime stamps all over Did you know that conjure a biographical sincerity, instigating a personal closeness.