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Generally favorable reviews- based on 373 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 40 out of 373
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  1. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  2. Aug 31, 2022
    Personally I like this album. The critic wise it feels like misses it mark especially if you tried to listen each song as a single like revolt or defector. I think as a concept album Muse was going in the right direction even though I think would have been better as a rock opera like Pink Floyd’s The Wall or The Who’s Tommy.
  3. Aug 28, 2020
    Es mi álbum favorito, me encanta que sea mas rock, tiene unas excelentes canciones, dead inside es hermosa y the globalist wow!
  4. Aug 3, 2020
    One of muse's best album if not the best! This three piece band shines in the dark tone that carries that album by telling the story of a dystopian world that our our is turning too. From the beginning of the album by the powerful Dead Inside, to the mind-blowing Reapers that à and up until the last sonh, that album is a true masterpiece.
  5. Nov 10, 2018
    Es una álbum muy completo de los mejores de muse empezamos con dead inside una canción excitante a la vez pesada psycho muy pesada estilo Muse mercy hay algo quizás el intro del piano reapers también estilo que los caracteriza junto con the handler y detector aftermath muy relajante con un solo de dioses para terminar de las mejores del disco the globalist es simplemente una obra conEs una álbum muy completo de los mejores de muse empezamos con dead inside una canción excitante a la vez pesada psycho muy pesada estilo Muse mercy hay algo quizás el intro del piano reapers también estilo que los caracteriza junto con the handler y detector aftermath muy relajante con un solo de dioses para terminar de las mejores del disco the globalist es simplemente una obra con drones pareciendo que Matt canta opera muy buen disco Expand
  6. May 18, 2018
    the only song I can't stand from this album is mercy, it's kind like starlight but with a bad and unispiring chorus. but this problem is overshadowed by the rest of the album. songs like reapers, aftermath and the handler simply and all the others are near perfetc like 9.510. it's a shame that's its graded that low.
  7. Apr 6, 2017
    When I heard Psycho I thought: "Alright, it's weird. Bad lyrics but good overall". None of that changed with the rest of the album, except some of the the songs got worse. There's the annoying whine in Dead Inside, the overall just being kinda bad in Mercy, the too long, lyrically and musically EH song that is Reapers, and the a large bit of the rest of the album is pretty **** except forWhen I heard Psycho I thought: "Alright, it's weird. Bad lyrics but good overall". None of that changed with the rest of the album, except some of the the songs got worse. There's the annoying whine in Dead Inside, the overall just being kinda bad in Mercy, the too long, lyrically and musically EH song that is Reapers, and the a large bit of the rest of the album is pretty **** except for Drones, which is decent. All of these problems bother me, but I can kinda look past them, and see it as a semi-decent Muse album. Expand
  8. Dec 5, 2016
    Muse learned from their mistakes with 'The Resistance' and 'The 2nd Law'. They returned to their rock roots. They hired the legend - Mr Mutt Lange to help return to this raw sound. Did it work? For the most part yes. Still one too many Queen-esque stadium basics, but overall it's a proper rock record. It'll never quite reach the heights of Origin of Symmetry or Black Holes and RevelationsMuse learned from their mistakes with 'The Resistance' and 'The 2nd Law'. They returned to their rock roots. They hired the legend - Mr Mutt Lange to help return to this raw sound. Did it work? For the most part yes. Still one too many Queen-esque stadium basics, but overall it's a proper rock record. It'll never quite reach the heights of Origin of Symmetry or Black Holes and Revelations in terms of grandeur, but it's good to know they can still deliver a cracking riff instead of a synth. Expand
  9. Dec 4, 2016
    Dead Inside: 4.1 / 5
    Psycho + (Drill Sergeant): 3.5 / 5
    Mercy: 4.1 / 5 Reapers: 4.6 / 5 The Handler: 4.0 / 5 The Defector + (JFK): 3.7 / 5 Revolt: 3.0 / 5 Aftermath: 4.1 / 5 The Globalist: 4.0 / 5 I was so hyped for this album even though Muse released most of the songs on Youtube. I love everything in this album from the tone to the face-melting solo of Reapers apart from one
    Dead Inside: 4.1 / 5
    Psycho + (Drill Sergeant): 3.5 / 5
    Mercy: 4.1 / 5
    Reapers: 4.6 / 5
    The Handler: 4.0 / 5
    The Defector + (JFK): 3.7 / 5
    Revolt: 3.0 / 5
    Aftermath: 4.1 / 5
    The Globalist: 4.0 / 5

    I was so hyped for this album even though Muse released most of the songs on Youtube. I love everything in this album from the tone to the face-melting solo of Reapers apart from one thing... the lyrics... my god are the lyrics terrible in this album. Would've been a perfect score had Bellamy not decided to sing about "Yellow Bellies".
  10. Sep 29, 2016
    Muse really improved on this album. More guitar riffs, more meaningful lyrics, more rock album. Matt said in interview : "we back to traditional rock from electronic rock". He's right
  11. Jul 27, 2016
    "Drones" has Muse looking to recover from a low point of their career which saw the albums 2009's "The Resistance" and 2012's "The Second Law" released during a period where the band embraced self indulgence and channelled their inner Queen to the extreme. For me, "Drones" is a return to form and is a successful attempt at the concept album idea. "Drones" is arguably the bands most"Drones" has Muse looking to recover from a low point of their career which saw the albums 2009's "The Resistance" and 2012's "The Second Law" released during a period where the band embraced self indulgence and channelled their inner Queen to the extreme. For me, "Drones" is a return to form and is a successful attempt at the concept album idea. "Drones" is arguably the bands most consistent effort, if not necessarily their best, since their debut. Musically, Muse are rocking out in all their glory for the most part and when they stick to this everything swims along nicely. "Psycho", "The Handler", "Defector" and my own favourite "Revolt" see Bellamy and co raid the riff cupboard, take everything mix it all together. Muse haven't sounded so comfortable playing rock music in nearly a decade. This makes the style of the closing and title track "Drones" a real let down. Thematically, the military ideas, paranoid concepts and overall conspiracy theories on which the album is based is becoming less and less wacky in this era of Snowden and the like. A return to form and the bands best work since "Black Holes and Revelations". Expand
  12. Jul 16, 2016
    Despite occasionally preachy lyrics, Drones narrates a compelling and thought provoking idea while sporadically unleashing deadly anthems and strong tunes.
  13. Apr 24, 2016
    A few songs stand out (Psycho, Mercy, Dead Inside, Mercy, Reapers), but the others were not that special. They have blown a 'Coldplay' and went pop with 'Aftermath' and 'Revolt', and 'The Globalist' was a failed-sequel to 'Citizen Erased'
  14. Jan 31, 2016
    To really appreciate this album and Muse as a band, you HAVE to see them live. I just saw the Drones tour in Newark, and I was so blown away. It was so amazingly performed, and you can truly hear the resonance of their sound. The message of this album is also so timeless and especially so perfect for the current state of the world. With a rich and heavy rock sound, and a clear meaning,To really appreciate this album and Muse as a band, you HAVE to see them live. I just saw the Drones tour in Newark, and I was so blown away. It was so amazingly performed, and you can truly hear the resonance of their sound. The message of this album is also so timeless and especially so perfect for the current state of the world. With a rich and heavy rock sound, and a clear meaning, this album honestly topped so many other albums for me. Love. Expand
  15. Nov 13, 2015
    A very respectable album. It's a mixed bag, but when you get something good, you dig out gems that are sure to be new classics. The Handler, The Globalist, Reapers - there are plenty of good songs intertwined with some mediocre songs (Revolt, especially - to a lesser extent, Mercy and Defector).

    However, I do enjoy this album for what it is. It's certainly better than The 2nd Law, and
    A very respectable album. It's a mixed bag, but when you get something good, you dig out gems that are sure to be new classics. The Handler, The Globalist, Reapers - there are plenty of good songs intertwined with some mediocre songs (Revolt, especially - to a lesser extent, Mercy and Defector).

    However, I do enjoy this album for what it is. It's certainly better than The 2nd Law, and it is more serious in tone compared to previous works. If I had to describe it compared to other albums, I think it mixes the angst of their earlier works with the sophistication of The Resistance.

    A step in the right direction, and definitely worth a purchase for a Muse fan.
  16. Sep 25, 2015
    Their fourth best album. I love concept albums in general, but this doesn't quite feel like a real concept album, more like the songs have the same ideas and themes
  17. Jun 27, 2015
    Despite occasionally preachy lyrics, Drones narrates a compelling and thought provoking idea while sporadically unleashing deadly anthems and strong tunes.
  18. Jun 26, 2015
    Quite a musical journey. Certainly an album to buy if you liked the last two.

    Although the second-to-last track entitled "The Globalist" has been reported as not part of the main story, I like to imagine it as an alternative, much more darker ending to the story.
  19. Jun 25, 2015
    This is Muse's best album to date. They stay true to their Prog-Rock roots with the "concept" album, without getting too sappy or overdrawn with 13 minute songs like Genesis or Rush would do. Most of the songs have a certain flavor reminiscent of other bands (Van Halen on "Reapers", Depeche Mode on "Psycho", etc), and there are minimal dead spots, with the exception of the speakingThis is Muse's best album to date. They stay true to their Prog-Rock roots with the "concept" album, without getting too sappy or overdrawn with 13 minute songs like Genesis or Rush would do. Most of the songs have a certain flavor reminiscent of other bands (Van Halen on "Reapers", Depeche Mode on "Psycho", etc), and there are minimal dead spots, with the exception of the speaking interludes (Drill Sargent and JFK). This one rocks, but it also has the right feeling for the story of someone who starts out soul-less, becomes a tool of the system, and then realizes what they've done and rebels. The vocals are amazing, as always, and the guitar work on this is some of the best I've heard in a few years. I'm a drums and guitar rock kind of guy, and this album brings it. Expand
  20. Jun 23, 2015
    More than a back to basics, Drones is a tribute to all their previous work, and also is a step forward. Maybe the last four songs sound a little flat the fist time you listen to them, but if you hear them more focused, its just the final that the album deserves.
  21. Jun 22, 2015
    I like more the second part of the album then the first (except "dead inside"). It brings to mind Exogenesis from Resistance. Reapers and Defector are from the instrumental improvisations of the past, and don' t really like them/ The guitar is brilliant as usual, orcestra joys, with electro it creates powerful sound effects. The Globalist and Drones are very original and memorable. InI like more the second part of the album then the first (except "dead inside"). It brings to mind Exogenesis from Resistance. Reapers and Defector are from the instrumental improvisations of the past, and don' t really like them/ The guitar is brilliant as usual, orcestra joys, with electro it creates powerful sound effects. The Globalist and Drones are very original and memorable. In two words, interesting work,that listened with pleasure. Expand
  22. DL1
    Jun 21, 2015
    I loved the new album. emotionally charged, amazing meaning behind every word and note. I enjoyed every second, I love Handlers, and Dead Inside probably the most. It is a story telling album. For those who hate on the album and say it's garbage - don't listen. Maybe it's time for you to find another band to trash.
  23. Jun 18, 2015
    Ok I admit it: when I listen to a new MUSE album I'm a bit biased. I think that most MUSE's albums, even the successful ones, suffer a lack of completeness. Half the songs are really good and a third of the remaining sound generally mediocre. This is true for Absolution as well as for TSL and OOS, IMHO. This "Drones" has a good average quality, even if the theme of the album isOk I admit it: when I listen to a new MUSE album I'm a bit biased. I think that most MUSE's albums, even the successful ones, suffer a lack of completeness. Half the songs are really good and a third of the remaining sound generally mediocre. This is true for Absolution as well as for TSL and OOS, IMHO. This "Drones" has a good average quality, even if the theme of the album is kaleidoscopic: it goes from Depeche Mode electro wave atmospheres, to Marilyn Manson's (yes HIM), or, better, John5's heaviest riffs, from the Queen and Bowie's glam ando prog style to Bacalov's and Morricone soundtracking. Bellamy's lyrics are a bit childish and the concept becames weaker and confusing as the songs go by. But "Drones" satisfies me more and more each time that I listen to it. It's catchy and heavy, melodramatic and rude, even prolix (read: the Globalist). That's exactly what I expect from MUSE. Expand
  24. Jun 17, 2015
    Drones does indeed rock, but in addition, as usual, we get a bit of classical: the "Nimrod" finale of "The Globalist" and the final cut (Pink Floyd pun intended--war themes & all) "Drones" offer up surprisingly cathartic musical majesty. Muse is simply THE Bomb, whether they be Droning, exploding, or imploding...
  25. Jun 17, 2015
    This is the best Muse album in a while. It has a legit 4 to 5 singles on it. Psycho, the Handler, Reapers, Dead Inside, even Mercy has certain thing about it I like. Too me, this sounds like a greatest hits album with all news songs, but represents a lot of sounds from all the albums they have put out. Mutt Lang production slicks it all up. Upon 1st listen, I was not overly excited, butThis is the best Muse album in a while. It has a legit 4 to 5 singles on it. Psycho, the Handler, Reapers, Dead Inside, even Mercy has certain thing about it I like. Too me, this sounds like a greatest hits album with all news songs, but represents a lot of sounds from all the albums they have put out. Mutt Lang production slicks it all up. Upon 1st listen, I was not overly excited, but the more you listen to this you realize it is a great LP. Aftermath is a decent slow one and the Globalist pays off if you can get through the entire 10min song. 9/10 for me and only thing that I would say is lyrically its not always great. Expand
  26. Jun 15, 2015
    Let me get this straight first. This record is a great piece of music, but it is not a return to form or an improvement lyrically. Muse have basically ruined this album for many reviewers by building up so much hype that people didn't really think straight anymore. And that's a shame, I'm sure many would appreciate it for what it is if it weren't this hyped. Put the album out as aLet me get this straight first. This record is a great piece of music, but it is not a return to form or an improvement lyrically. Muse have basically ruined this album for many reviewers by building up so much hype that people didn't really think straight anymore. And that's a shame, I'm sure many would appreciate it for what it is if it weren't this hyped. Put the album out as a surprise, without any mention of a release, and people would be happier with the record.

    It's not perfect though. Mercy only gets from "meh" to "great" in the last fifteen seconds, Revolt is just too cheesy (coming from someone who absolutely loves Survival, even as a guilty pleasure, it just had more depth), and the middle section with that gorgeous guitar solo in The Globalist (best few seconds on the record by far) just stops right where it should climax and goes into United Explorers of Eurasia — it's not a bad ending, it's just "pretty" and should've been so much more. This is frustrating.

    Contrary to a lot of people I still love Psycho, the drill sergeant interludes can go jump in a lake but the track itself is just such a headbang-inducing jam. And the title track is, well, unique. My favourite track on the album should've been The Globalist but is Reapers, it's fantastic, it gives such a Black Holes & Revelations feel and the outro is fantastic, also this is one of the best guitar solos they've ever done.

    This record is not disappointing for me overall, I like it a lot. It has its flaws, but there's a lot of strong stuff to mostly make up for it. But damn, The Globalist is a missed chance.
  27. Jun 15, 2015
    in my opinion, Muse's best album ever. Great work by Bellamy and company! I'll just ignore the negative reviews, 'cause after reading them, I was shocked for seeing how can they be so false... I'm sure that they just criticise this album just because they don't usually know the hard work that they had by producing the album, and the don't know HOW TO APPRECIATE REAL MUSIC
  28. Jun 14, 2015
    They clearly made this album for the live shows. Great to see the guitar solos coming back. Favourite tracks in the album: Dead Inside, Psycho, Mercy, Reapers, The Handler, Defector, Aftermath, The Globalist. The theme is quite repetitive (it is about Drones after all) but all in all it is still a solid album. I liked it better than The 2nd Law.
  29. Jun 14, 2015
    As a huge Muse fan I have really enjoyed Drones. Just following and exploring the story of this protagonist was an exciting experience. The mayor complaint lies in their conventionality. While I do notice this, I don't see it as something bad. Muse has stepped away from their previous albums, while still remaining the good elements of these albums. The scale from The Resistance and The 2ndAs a huge Muse fan I have really enjoyed Drones. Just following and exploring the story of this protagonist was an exciting experience. The mayor complaint lies in their conventionality. While I do notice this, I don't see it as something bad. Muse has stepped away from their previous albums, while still remaining the good elements of these albums. The scale from The Resistance and The 2nd Law is still present, it's just more focused, tighter and tells the listener a story. Add the several endings to the formula and Muse had put together a solid and awesome record. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 25
  2. Negative: 3 out of 25
  1. Jul 21, 2015
    Muse have always been ridiculous and overblown, but at least they used to be a ton of fun.
  2. Mojo
    Jul 6, 2015
    This feels like production line Muse: big riffs, bass squelches, conspiratorial dialogue, but few new ideas. [Aug 2015, p.88]
  3. Jun 30, 2015
    Aside from a few crunching riffs and a smattering of neat melodies, there’s very little to recommend within Drones.