• Record Label: Sire
  • Release Date: Apr 5, 2005

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Hot Hot Heat sound like they're playing scared and playing it safe, and in doing so fall through the cracks between their established fans and their imagined ones.
  2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the kind of music Hot Hot Heat makes. Nevertheless, bands have done it better.
  3. With the absence of dance rhythms, though, the album could use some more grit than it has.
  4. I guess whether or not Elevator is worth picking up for you depends on just what you want from Hot Hot Heat. If you liked Make Up the Breakdown, still like it, and want more of the Hot Hot Heat you've come to know and love, then knock that rating up another .5 or so and walk briskly to the nearest record store to buy it.
  5. Uncut
    The emphasis tends to be on hooks, not heart. [May 2005, p.100]
  6. While it's far from being truly bad, Elevator is a disappointment, and a perplexing one: everything seems to be more or less in the right place, but still doesn't quite fit together.
  7. One battering, no-big impression album.
  8. Elevator suggests the band isn't willing to take risks now that they've got a big-label home.
  9. Mojo
    There are so many tricks twirling for your attention that the effect is a little like wearing all your clothes at once. [Jun 2005, p.100]
  10. The songs here are resolutely pop, almost bubblegum, and though they're sometimes buoyant, hyperkinetic, even fun, they have almost no depth or resonance to them.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 3 out of 31
  1. AshlieW.
    Aug 3, 2007
    Elevator is the latest album from the band Hot Hot Heat. With many fun beats, unique tracks, and beautiful vocals you're bound to fall Elevator is the latest album from the band Hot Hot Heat. With many fun beats, unique tracks, and beautiful vocals you're bound to fall in love with the album. The album art is very neat, and it's funny because there is no track 13, and the album is called Elevator. Anyways, it starts with a short intro then follows with a great track called, "Running Out of Time." Next comes their first single from the album called "Goodnight Goodnight." Then is a song with very witty lyrics called "Ladies and Gentleman," and then "You Owe Me an IOU" which seems to be a favorite of many fans. Then is a short instrumental song called "No Jokes, Facts" then "Jingle Jangle" which is a much slower song compared to all the others but very beautiful. The next two tracks are "Pickin it Up," and "Island of the Honest Man." Following that is "Middle of Nowhere" which is the second single and a song that attracted many people to the band Hot Hot Heat. Then another slower song called "Dirty Mouth," then a song who will touch anybody with a heart called "Soldier in a Box." Then comes a very fast, fun song that is one of my personal favorites called "Shame on You." The last song on the album is called "Elevator." The album is general is very unique and beautiful and is a great album to have while you're waiting for the release of the new, and very improved album Happiness Ltd.! Full Review »
  2. Andy
    Mar 23, 2007
    I love the last album but this one is such a huge disappointment. The dance-synth has all but disappeared and it's been replaced with I love the last album but this one is such a huge disappointment. The dance-synth has all but disappeared and it's been replaced with some really lame attempts at '50's and '60's pop. Full Review »
  3. MeganS
    Jul 25, 2006
    Hot Hot Heat's album Elevator is incredible. It's packed with catchy songs that'll have you singing right along, including Hot Hot Heat's album Elevator is incredible. It's packed with catchy songs that'll have you singing right along, including Running Out of Time, Goodnight Goodnight, You Owe Me an IOU, Pickin' It Up, Island of the Honest Man, Middle of Nowhere, Elevator... there is no bad song on this album! It's definently worth your money, and HHH's other music is surely worth checking out. Full Review »