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Generally favorable reviews- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 30
  2. Negative: 4 out of 30
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  1. Jul 8, 2016
    There is a clear divide in the Biffy Clyro fanbase between pre-Puzzle purists, and post-Puzzle converts. This album, like Puzzle, seems likely to create another divide within the fanbase.

    All credit goes to Biffy for trying to evolve, explore, and experiment with new tones, unfortunately though, the end product comes off as lackluster, and in need of more Boss MT-2 driven guitar anthems
    There is a clear divide in the Biffy Clyro fanbase between pre-Puzzle purists, and post-Puzzle converts. This album, like Puzzle, seems likely to create another divide within the fanbase.

    All credit goes to Biffy for trying to evolve, explore, and experiment with new tones, unfortunately though, the end product comes off as lackluster, and in need of more Boss MT-2 driven guitar anthems to make up for the amount of resistant, and reserved tracks, such as "Re-arrange" and "People."
  2. Jul 12, 2016
    Tomskaaar's review is one of the most spot-on critiques of a piece of media I've ever read. The band themselves have discussed the trilogy approach they take to their albums, and it's extremely clear from Ellipsis that this is the case.

    I wasn't too much of a fan of Biffy pre-Puzzle, then the trio of that, Only Revolutions and Opposites (their best effort yet, IMO) blew me away. They
    Tomskaaar's review is one of the most spot-on critiques of a piece of media I've ever read. The band themselves have discussed the trilogy approach they take to their albums, and it's extremely clear from Ellipsis that this is the case.

    I wasn't too much of a fan of Biffy pre-Puzzle, then the trio of that, Only Revolutions and Opposites (their best effort yet, IMO) blew me away. They are now one of my favourite bands, especially live. Unfortunately, Ellipsis does not live up to this.

    When I first heard Wolves of Winter, I thought "Here we go again, good old modern Biffy", then I heard Animal Style and I was even more convinced -- they were moving in a new direction whilst continuing to highlight their past. Fantastic.

    However, when you listen to the rest of the album I believe you will be disappointed. There are some decent songs, but even the best on Ellipsis (aside from Wolves of Winter and Animal Style) are worse than the worst of Opposites and Only Revolutions. I'll take Picture a Knife Fight over Friends and Enemies any day.

    This album also contains some of the very worst Biffy Clyro songs I've ever heard. Re-Arrange is absolutely abhorrent -- a poor attempt at Nickelback, which is saying a lot (I say that as a fan of Nickelback, BTW). Medicine is a shameless attempt at a follow-up to Machines. Flammable is decent, as are the two bonus tracks (why are they bonus tracks though?!).

    tl;dr -- Not a good Biffy Clyro album, but still a decent-ish pop-rock album. Not impressed, I'm afraid. Disappointed.
  3. Jul 19, 2016
    As a long time fan (since Infinity Land) i feel... very disappointed.

    As Andrepussey1 told in his(her) review, this album doesnt live up to what Opposites is or even Only Revolution is. I consider personally Puzzle and Opposites to be the best of their seven albums so far. But here's the thing, Biffy is getting old. The rage is gone, the poetry in the lyrics is gone as well. When i
    As a long time fan (since Infinity Land) i feel... very disappointed.

    As Andrepussey1 told in his(her) review, this album doesnt live up to what Opposites is or even Only Revolution is.

    I consider personally Puzzle and Opposites to be the best of their seven albums so far. But here's the thing, Biffy is getting old.
    The rage is gone, the poetry in the lyrics is gone as well. When i first heard "Wolfes of winter" i was confused, because it sounded like "Stingin Belle" and "The Captain" had a child together. But it was still ok. The Animal style came out and it is a pretty good track, still the biffy we love in a more accessible way. And then you listen to the album and... oh boy.

    It seems like their trip to california have blew up their mind because Ellipsis sound more like Blink 182 or any other californian punk band than Biffy. The lyrics are very poor, cheesy as hell sometimes ("Re-arrange", "Friends and enemies" sounds like One Direction... "People"), the riffs are a bit mediocre, and too many songs on the album are "power chords songs".

    There is some good tracks : "Herex" got that nice composition, "On a Bang" and "Animal Style" are what i'm seeking in Biffy Clyro : cool lyrics, powerfull riff, great arrangement... Unfortunately, the best track of the album "In The Name of the Wee Man" isnt on the album because... it's a bonus track !

    After a few listening i can tell that the album is below average. I was excepting a lot from this, well, i'm disappointed and sad to see such a talent wasted !

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jul 26, 2016
    While there are highlights, the album often feels very safe.
  2. Jul 25, 2016
    Ellipsis has an air of Moving Pictures about it; an amalgamation of everything that came before it into a cohesive whole, with a couple of new bits added in. It's still Biffy, but it sounds a little new.
  3. Jul 15, 2016
    Occasionally you find yourself flinching at how closely Biffy Clyro have adhered to the uplifting radio-rock format.