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Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Sep 19, 2023
    Plucking some personal emotional strings and cultivated from the spectrum of human emotions, End of the Day is a mix of poignant and moving instrumental tracks that make a fine film score and can stand-alone as a demonstrative instrumental album.
  2. 78
    Some, like musician Dean Evenson, believe that nature itself has a tone, a vibration. It’s low, hushed, almost imperceptible. But Barnett’s new LP seems to bring those sensibilities to the light, to the cultural forefront. Whether Barnett has studied the theory that Evenson espouses or not, the truth is that it’s in her work here. Clear as day.
  3. Sep 12, 2023
    As a soundtrack, End of the Day will ultimately be a minor work in Barnett’s catalog. However, it does illuminate her capacity to lower the volume and explore a different register of ambient frequencies in her ongoing sound. This LP is fascinating for its introspective character, even if the key elements that have defined Barnett’s popular appeal are missing.