• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Mar 11, 2013

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
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  1. Mar 19, 2013
    What's clear about Hurts on Exile is how skilled Hutchcraft and Anderson are at seamlessly incorporating their influences, so you can hear the bands' inspirations in every line even as you marvel that this album is like nothing you've heard before.
  2. Mar 8, 2013
    This is a second album that genuinely builds upon its predecessor. Exile reinforces the feeling in modern pop that no other group sounds quite as hurt as Hurts.
  3. Mar 12, 2013
    A chilling example of naked ambition prioritising production style over songwriting substance.
  4. Mar 11, 2013
    While the relentless realisation of their film-ready stylings may not be to everyone's tastes, the fact they're here at all in the first place is a cause worth celebrating in itself.
  5. Mar 27, 2013
    This is an album that maintains the joyless musical brand Hutchcraft and Anderson crystallised with their two million selling debut.
  6. Mojo
    Mar 8, 2013
    It's more showbiz than authentic, being knee-deep in the kind of epic balladry that wouldn't be out of place at Eurovision. [Apr 2013, p.91]
  7. Mar 8, 2013
    Exile is found wanting when they try too much to be the stadium band rather than allowing the drama to play out.
  8. 70
    Because a grand and fabulous mode of theatre pervades everything about this band, you’re often a few degrees off completely connecting.
  9. Mar 19, 2013
    No matter how many dark subjects are nested throughout, too often the music on Exile falls back into the same old tricks of bells-and-whistles pop choruses and obvious hooks.
  10. Q Magazine
    Mar 11, 2013
    Ultimately, there's something delicious and monumental about Hurts.[Apr 2013, p.106]
  11. Mar 8, 2013
    Luckily, Hutchcraft and keyboardist Adam Anderson are also endowed with that other pomp-rock characteristic--a gift for striding, anthemic choruses that turn even the most overwrought songs into unshakeable earworms.
  12. 20
    Innovation, clearly, is not the highest of their priorities. In truth, everything comes a distant second to style.
  13. It's on close personal terms with magnificence.
  14. 75
    If you’re able to look past the campy facade and accept that this is purely a record of glimmering pop, it’ll be something you’ll cherish.
  15. Mar 11, 2013
    The songwriting isn't sturdy enough to hold it all up.
  16. Uncut
    Mar 12, 2013
    Sadly, torrid synthesiser and billowing melodrama make it impossible to see any wry glances cast by Exile. [Apr 2013, p.73]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55
  1. Jul 22, 2013
    They change their sound to a darker/heavier scenario. But the deep songs are still here. The album is divided with the following scheme:They change their sound to a darker/heavier scenario. But the deep songs are still here. The album is divided with the following scheme:
    Track 1: Open the album
    Tracks 2-5: Pop songs (the one that could hit the radio)
    Tracks 6-8: The experiments they tried. The dark/heavy songs.
    Tracks 9-12: Beautiful deep songs.

    Highlights: Somebody To Die For, Blind, The Rope, Help, The Crow.
    Actually, all tracks are excellent, I just tried to reduce the list from 12 to 5. Buy it ASAP.
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 16, 2013
    great album. big departure from thei first work, happiness. it is somewhat funny that the critics continue to criticise hurts while they aregreat album. big departure from thei first work, happiness. it is somewhat funny that the critics continue to criticise hurts while they are full of praises of such bands as one direction. to me this is because today it is better to praise music you perfectly know will sale more than original bands that perhaps are not everybody's cup of tea. it is a little frustrating because inspiration is ignored in favour of market sales Full Review »
  3. Dec 11, 2016
    A little dark for the sake of being dark at times, but the electro-haunt production is so rich, you can't help but admire it. Hurts haveA little dark for the sake of being dark at times, but the electro-haunt production is so rich, you can't help but admire it. Hurts have selected their style and stuck to it. A cracking and interesting follow up to the incredible 'Happiness'. Full Review »