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Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16
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  1. Mar 26, 2023
    This pushes the boundaries of traditional folk music but the songs are not that great. The best part of this album are the more abstract compositions, which sometime degenerate into just noise. Ultimately, I won't be listening to this again. The second-best rated album of the year? No way!
  2. May 29, 2023
    This is an absolutely extraordinary album. It took me quite a while to take to Lankum's sound over the years but witnessing in person the power of their live performances got me hooked. I've not heard an album like "False Lankum" before. The mix of tradition with the haunting screech of drones, its a genuine soundtrack to a edgy trip through a nightmare celtic underworld. The fact that theThis is an absolutely extraordinary album. It took me quite a while to take to Lankum's sound over the years but witnessing in person the power of their live performances got me hooked. I've not heard an album like "False Lankum" before. The mix of tradition with the haunting screech of drones, its a genuine soundtrack to a edgy trip through a nightmare celtic underworld. The fact that the songs are based on historical and everyday real life events make this totally relateable and at times harrowing. It's like music taken from the deep past and given a dousing of futuristic dystopia. A captivating listen where each song brings you further into the mire. The "fugue" pieces are a bit mad but fit in to the overall album seemlessly. "Go Dig My Grave" and "The New York Trader" are highlights amongst a collection of sharp diamonds. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. The Wire
    Jun 7, 2023
    A sense of foreboding and emotional struggle is expertly crafted, so much so that at times it can feel like there’s little air and no escape. Outside of the songs, there’s a more uncanny, ineffable sense of power on the instrumental jig or reel passages of “Master Crowley’s” and “The New York Trader”. [Jul 2023, p.55]
  2. Mar 24, 2023
    At 70 minutes, False Lankum is definitely a demanding listen, but an extraordinary one.
  3. Mar 24, 2023
    A difficult, but defining statement, made at the height of their powers.