
Mixed or average reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 26
  2. Negative: 4 out of 26
  1. Urb
    We can't blame it all on the puzzling guest appearances because back in the day, J5 would've saved those slip-ups. [Jul/Aug 2006, p.124]
  2. For the most part Feedback is old-hat and predictable, a watered-down facsimile of their previous work.
  3. Bloated on the rotting corpses of hackneyed scratching, hackneyed drums, hackneyed sampling technique and hackneyed key work (all that in hackneyed combinations), Feedback makes it difficult to differentiate the acceptable from the tired.
  4. By making a bad album that also tries so assiduously to distance themselves from the backpacker movement that they unintentionally pioneered, they may have cut off their most fervent and loyal supporters and the chance of gaining a mainstream audience.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 31
  2. Negative: 10 out of 31
  1. ColbyC
    Mar 1, 2007
    A bit short, but I love their track "Word it Out" with Dave Matthews Band. There are only a couple of songs on this album that I don't A bit short, but I love their track "Word it Out" with Dave Matthews Band. There are only a couple of songs on this album that I don't like. This was the first J5 album that I ever bought and listened to though, so maybe thats why i'm giving it a higher rating than the rest of you. I guess i'll check out their older stuff. Full Review »
  2. DJJimiN
    Oct 31, 2006
    Jurassic 5
  3. TylerrM
    Oct 20, 2006
    I had thought this album was going to be about dinosaurs or something, but it isn't. Maybe an album where the band members pretend to be I had thought this album was going to be about dinosaurs or something, but it isn't. Maybe an album where the band members pretend to be dinosaurs and sing about like prehistoric stuff and have a good time. I was very dissapointed when I realized this is basically just some guys rapping and not like dinosaur rapping or saber tooth tiger rapping either. I don't want to call false advertising or anything, but I think a lot of kids might be dissapointed when they get this under their stocking come christmas morning if you know what you mean. :-( Full Review »