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  1. Dec 22, 2019
    loved this so much. every song is so different from the other its a beautiful journey. im really holding on to the song fine line, it made me feel a mix of happy and sad, but mostly hopeful at the end. and his voice always brings me comfort when im feeling down.
  2. Dec 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Truly the best album. Every song is so different and yet it’s all cohesive. Falling makes me cry every time. Fine Line is a masterpiece. She goes hard as hell! Expand
  3. Dec 22, 2019
    Great album from start to finish. Incredibly personal, passionate with a well constructed, brutally honest narrative. Perfect balance of heartbreak and fun. A story about redemption, and life-the good and the bad. Highly recommend everyone, no matter age, race, gender- give this album a listen. There really is something for everyone to enjoy or gain from.
  4. Dec 22, 2019
    Stevie Nicks was right when she said it was a great album. If you want music that actually sounds unique, and not like the same five songs they play on the radio ad nauseam, give this album a listen. Each song sounds different and unique, and if you listen to the songs in order, the way the artist intended, it genuinely tells a story. I loved it.
  5. Dec 22, 2019
    Very good album. Worth the listen. Honest and open compared to his first album
  6. Dec 22, 2019
    Fine line is an amazing album. All the tracks are different and and special. In this way, Harry Styles turned his second album into one of the best of 2019, and it certainly showed talent and potential to be the biggest star of the next decade.
  7. Dec 21, 2019
    It's an album that actually defines modern chill rock sound. Lushly produced, nicely vocalized and creatively written, it is one of the best albums of the decade.
  8. Dec 21, 2019
    Un álbum puro, honesto, eso es justo lo que espero de un artista. Un gran álbum, las influencias de este disco me gustan mucho también, sumado al talento de Styles, espero que siga así.
  9. Dec 21, 2019
    ................................................ Incrível...................................................
  10. Dec 21, 2019
    Magnífico, una obra maestra.
    Los mejores sonidos, letras y sentimientos, con inspiración de los grandes.
  11. Dec 21, 2019
    It’s art. In this album you can tell how much he has growth since Harry Styles. It’s honest, it shows his vulnerability and it has impact. I love it.
  12. Dec 21, 2019
    A good album, overhyped by media and fans. For me, his debut album is better than this one.
  13. Dec 14, 2019
    all the tracks are really good and you can notice a clear growth from his debut album.
  14. Dec 20, 2019
    In terms of songwriting, Styles takes a step back from his self-titled record, his first. But in terms of aesthetic and vision, it’s leagues ahead. It’s a shame the songs aren’t stellar, because the vibe certainly is, but luckily, it’s got a few absolute hits — namely, “Adore You” and “Lights Up” — to serve as highlights and permanent playlist fixtures.
  15. Dec 19, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In my Point View, this album is better than the first. He tries to make many styles and it has a good work in him. Harry makes me love this kind of music. Expand
  16. Dec 19, 2019
    The best Album that I have heard this year! It is on repeat from day one ...
  17. Dec 19, 2019
    Se os Beatles acabasse ontem o álbum solo de um deles seria assim.
    Surtei com essa sonoridade 70s.
  18. Dec 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum é completamente coeso, do início ao fim. Golden como uma introdução e Fine Line o fechamento perfeito. O álbum não é sobre sexo e se sentir triste. O álbum é mais sobre relacionamentos e ter o coração partido, só que, de alguma forma, ele te da esperança de que tudo vai ficar bem. O instrumental é maravilhoso, os vocais dele estão melhores do que nunca, e é realmente difícil escolher a melhor música.
    Para quem está acostumado com o pop genérico farofa, realmente não vai gostar do album. Mas, se você preza por qualidade, recomendo escutar.
  19. Dec 19, 2019
    Essa reflexão e análise lírica tem como objetivo apresentar uma nova ou esclarecida forma de interpretação das faixas mais subjetivas e também mais romântico-sentimentais escritas por Harry Styles e seus co-compositores. A visão de Styles entra no mundo da subjetividade e cabe ao público sua melhor interpretação, então, como sou o público alvo do próprio estou aqui para interpretar suasEssa reflexão e análise lírica tem como objetivo apresentar uma nova ou esclarecida forma de interpretação das faixas mais subjetivas e também mais romântico-sentimentais escritas por Harry Styles e seus co-compositores. A visão de Styles entra no mundo da subjetividade e cabe ao público sua melhor interpretação, então, como sou o público alvo do próprio estou aqui para interpretar suas faixas que muitas vezes parecem poesias que ganharam melodias e grandes produções.
    Em suas entrevistas o cantor obviamente recebeu vários questionamentos como “sobre o que o álbum fala?”, “sobre quem?”, entre outras, que são perguntas que todo e qualquer cantor recebe antes e após o lançamento de seu álbum. As respostas que tivemos então foram: O Álbum fala sobre sexo e se sentir triste, e também, sobre seu ex-relacionamento com a modelo Camille Rowe. Sem deixar de fora o fato de Harry ter comentado muito sobre ter feito uso de cogumelos durante a produção de Fine Line.
    Dado esses fatos, simples fatos ditos pelo próprio Harry, já podemos dizer que sua atitude em torno da mídia e até de si mesmo mudou durante esses anos de resguardo e produção e acabou claramente atingindo sua arte. A liberdade e expressionismo que recebemos do artista nos palcos parece agora ter um pano de fundo mais explícito e ainda mais convidativo.
  20. Dec 18, 2019
    amazing album, all the songs are very unique and heartfelt. Just makes it even better knowing most the songs, if not all, are written by styles. Songs like Cherry and Falling are so heartfelt and amazing.
  21. Dec 18, 2019
    FINE LINE is not necessarily a bad album...there are some tracks that are actually good and are worth listening over again. The issues I encountered were the lyrics on some of the songs. They can come off vapid. I also don’t feel like he stepped outside of his comfort zone. Lastly, all of the songs sound almost identical, I really wish the production could have done a better job atFINE LINE is not necessarily a bad album...there are some tracks that are actually good and are worth listening over again. The issues I encountered were the lyrics on some of the songs. They can come off vapid. I also don’t feel like he stepped outside of his comfort zone. Lastly, all of the songs sound almost identical, I really wish the production could have done a better job at distinguishing them. Bottom line: FINE LINE is okay....definitely not a bad record but it’s also nothing groundbreaking. Fans of Harry Styles will enjoy it and because of them this album will make a fortune. Here’s hoping that his next album is a bigger step than this since he actually have a talented voice. Expand
  22. Dec 18, 2019
    It’s just amazing how Harry express himself in a musical way, ‘Fine Line’ is purely incredible and also a good recommendation for those who want to find a light in life.
  23. Dec 18, 2019
    The songs are great and have deep lyrics. If you want to dance you have songs to do it. If you want to cry you have songs to do it.
    If you want to do both I can assure you there are songs to do them.
  24. Dec 13, 2019
    It's amazing Harry's artistic revolution on this new album, the lyrics, the way he sings, it all got together and very good to hear. Surely this is one of the best album coming out this year.
  25. Dec 17, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incrível como Harry vem se superando mais a cada album, sem duvida ele é um dos melhores artistas masculinos./RT Expand
  26. Dec 18, 2019
    Maravilloso, es un álbum lleno de sentimientos y que te hace analizar si estás viviendo tu vida de la manera correcta, te hace llegar a ver a Harry como la persona que realmente es.
  27. Dec 17, 2019
    Pretty good sonically but lordt the navel gazing lyrics, which were probably the part Styles was responsible for.
  28. Dec 17, 2019
    All the songs were made with different emotions that we can relate to. Beautiful voice and music. Love it
  29. Dec 17, 2019
    A roller coaster of emotions. Honest, innovative and beautifully done. She is definitely a song that will be played for years to come. No skips - loved everything about this album.
  30. Dec 17, 2019
    This album its like touch the sky whit angels, so beautiful. Hallucinogenic mushrooms are noticeable in the song she, I like a lot "to be so lonely".

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 17, 2019
    Free of the shackles that hobbled his debut, Styles manages to show more of his personality here, especially on the Vampire Weekend-style Sunflower, Vol. 6. It's just a shame he can't quite keep up with his ambition. [Feb 2020, p.110]
  2. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line is entirely inoffensive, but it’s also open-ended, and maybe those questions are the reward. Maybe Harry Styles just wants to keep us guessing.
  3. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line proves that the musician has absorbed the best lesson passed down by California’s great musicians: Don’t be afraid to take chances within a folk- or pop-rock framework, as that’s how you create iconoclastic music that endures.