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  1. Dec 15, 2019
    Fine Line is not a bad album, but it seems like Harry isn't quite sure of his musical direction (no pun intended). His surprising, self-titled debut album combined different influences and sounds as well, but they were held together by their similar instrumentation, consistent tone and high-quality, but understated production. The sound of Fine Line on the other hand seems all over theFine Line is not a bad album, but it seems like Harry isn't quite sure of his musical direction (no pun intended). His surprising, self-titled debut album combined different influences and sounds as well, but they were held together by their similar instrumentation, consistent tone and high-quality, but understated production. The sound of Fine Line on the other hand seems all over the place, there's not much common ground between the radio friendly, but lightweight pop songs, introspective, acoustic guitar songs, psychedelic reggae, campfire country etc. What's missing though are any good, fast rock numbers that were a highlight on his debut album (and in live concerts) or a timeless hit like Sign of the Times. Instead he included a track called Treat People With Kindness, that appears involuntarily comical in its Kumbaya anthem attempt.

    All in all there are some really good elements on this album, where Harry can definitely show his versatility and vocal prowess, but against his biggest competition - himself on his previous album - it appears confusing, of less consistent quality and falls ultimately (both musically and lyrically) short.
  2. Dec 15, 2019
    It’s an amazing perfect album. He has grown so much as an artist. He’s not going anywhere.
  3. Dec 15, 2019
    such a wide range of musical genres within one album! pretty damn good in terms of modern pop music!!!
  4. Dec 13, 2019
    Incredible album, very uniqe, very spacial and catchy. Was surprised for the best!! Every track is perfect, no skips.
  5. Dec 15, 2019
    Incredible album! I can't stop stearming! The best album of 2019. It deserves a try!
  6. Dec 15, 2019
    There are no words. I want this album played at my funurel and I want it to follow me into the afterlife so I can always listen to it. I think EVERYONE should give this album a listen because it’s SO different from anything I’ve ever heard. This album is not special. It’s extraordinary.
  7. Dec 15, 2019
    The brilliant album of 2019. He's already proven in his debut album, but he's getting better ever. The flow from top to bottom of this album is perfect. He's gonna make us expect it. Please keep your own style. That's it.
  8. Dec 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best if not the best album of the year. Rich in sound and wonderful vocals. Serious work showing the artist’s growth. Curated to detail. Varied and versatile. Listen to it. You will love it. Never boring. She, Fine Line and Falling are the best songs for me. But the rest is so sunny, vivid and energetic. Harry’s voice is superb Expand
  9. Dec 13, 2019
    an amazing album with every detail perfectly polished, it's innovative, orginal and completely his, i love it.
  10. Dec 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is timeless and one of a kind. Harry is an old soul with writing ability far beyond his years. Musical genius with an open heart and mind. Expand
  11. Dec 15, 2019
    The way Harry opened to us with his music and lyrics is just beautiful. They’re all so honest. Also Fine Line is one of the best tracks in his career. Stream for clear skin!
  12. Dec 14, 2019
    As an answer to that guy that said that Harry is confused because his songs has totaly different feelings in a same album, I am answer that this is the real part of that album is that we loved... the different emations... because he wrote it in a year and on this year he nature had more that one emotion... if you have only one emotion this could be strange.... so, he is real person withAs an answer to that guy that said that Harry is confused because his songs has totaly different feelings in a same album, I am answer that this is the real part of that album is that we loved... the different emations... because he wrote it in a year and on this year he nature had more that one emotion... if you have only one emotion this could be strange.... so, he is real person with more that one emotions.... ok??? Fine!!! So 10 out 10!!!! Expand
  13. Dec 14, 2019
    Àbsolutely love this album, from start to finish
    .No skips. It takes you on an emotional rollercoaster ride, starting with the joyous, then coming down to the heartbreak and loneliness, and then uplifts you with the hopeful. Harry is the genuine artist of the decade, no question.
  14. Dec 14, 2019
    It's amazing♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️It's amazing♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  15. Dec 14, 2019
    This man is aiming for longevity rather than one hit wonders who will make noise a few months and then get forgotten in humanity’s collective memory. And he’s doing an excellent job at it! The album is full of bangers, certainly being only his sophomore album there are still place for improvement but since he’s here to stay, no doubt the next ones will only get better and better. All hailThis man is aiming for longevity rather than one hit wonders who will make noise a few months and then get forgotten in humanity’s collective memory. And he’s doing an excellent job at it! The album is full of bangers, certainly being only his sophomore album there are still place for improvement but since he’s here to stay, no doubt the next ones will only get better and better. All hail the new king of music. Expand
  16. Dec 14, 2019
    Simply a masterpiece. Harry really takes you on a journey with this album. I can only imagine how amazing his live shows are going to be. Record of the year for me!
  17. Dec 14, 2019
    I just cant describe this heavenly masterpiece through mere words its awesome just keep streaming it haters gonna hate but people with great music taste would love it
  18. Dec 14, 2019
    Compleramente perfeito, coeso e completo!! Harry surpreendeu muito com esse álbum, onde da para notar sua personalidade e honestidade em cada música.
  19. Dec 14, 2019
    Just like its creator, Fine Line is a a colorful cover in a world of nothing with real substance. This album feels more like a rushed assortment of cute titles and promo marketing than actual artistic growth or genuine creativity and imagination. Harry Styles needs to put more effort in song writing and lyrical development instead of trying so hard to sell his image. That image being a ripJust like its creator, Fine Line is a a colorful cover in a world of nothing with real substance. This album feels more like a rushed assortment of cute titles and promo marketing than actual artistic growth or genuine creativity and imagination. Harry Styles needs to put more effort in song writing and lyrical development instead of trying so hard to sell his image. That image being a rip off of David Bowie, Elton John and Mick Jagger. For someone who looks highly of them, the listener would be confused if Harry was emulating or making a mockery of them. How drab and repetitive many tracks off the album come and go, building up to absolute nothing. Even the title track and the infamous motto of TPWK echo as uninspired. What seemed like a promising good start with Lights Up, you are left with an empty feeling as the album comes to a close. How did someone with the privilege and urge to be that different to his male counterparts miss the mark that hard? You think if only had Styles spent less time replaying Bowie videos and spent more time fostering his own artistic passion and vision, this album would have delivered something of interest. Frankly, I'm not buying what Harry Styles is selling. Collapse
  20. Dec 14, 2019
    This is truly the best album I’ve heard in a while, listening to it feels like being on a roller coaster and I can’t stop listening to it. By now I’m still thinking about everything that this album represents. Harry’s doing such a great job with his music and we all are so proud of him.
  21. Dec 14, 2019
    The album itself shows a side of Harry i never thought i would see, absolutely brilliant.
  22. Dec 14, 2019
    Grandioso magnifico cósmico es un álbum irresistible y muy hermoso día pero no sale exámenes de laboratorio solicitados por usted ha recibido este mensaje por error por favor es urgente que no te haya ido todo el país factura de los que se les hizo que no me hace el evento del sábado pasado de pedo que se les diga si no hay mensajes nuevos que están pendientes por facturar y despachar laGrandioso magnifico cósmico es un álbum irresistible y muy hermoso día pero no sale exámenes de laboratorio solicitados por usted ha recibido este mensaje por error por favor es urgente que no te haya ido todo el país factura de los que se les hizo que no me hace el evento del sábado pasado de pedo que se les diga si no hay mensajes nuevos que están pendientes por facturar y despachar la iglesia de santa María la real se ha producido un grupo privado para que la extrañaba no se puede ver que luego se me olvidó de mi vida se paga en efectivo que se les hizo a nombre del grupo me parece que se me ha te mando un abrazo muy fuerte para ti te gusta más Harry y tú Camille lo triste es el envío es confidencial siendo de gran ayuda para la iglesia de San Valentín y la iglesia me gustaría de saber de usted es la primera vez en cuando a mi prima es el mejor de los exámenes estraordinarios por favor es que no te la creas conveniente de la iglesia de San Pedro garza y no sorry por no haber recibido este mensaje y no le dan el que se me ha te envío el archivo adjunto envío en archivo anexo son los que les combiene no me duele la cabeza y cuello de cisne de los exámenes de laboratorio que se les diga por qué no se preocupe por eso me da la sensación que me quede muy claro que el evento se llevará a mi ex novia a las ranas y no le entregaron el certificado del banco depositaste el evento en la iglesia me gustaría saber si es que me quede tranquila que ya no es el mejor precio del artículo incorrecta la iglesia católica y no sorry and México DF cp es el destinatario del presente año a las andadas no me gusta más la participación de la iglesia me olvidó de decirte algo de lo mejor es el destinatario de esta manera se me olvidó de mi parte no se puede en cualquier momento espera de sus argumentos que se les hizo que se me olvidó de mi vida te quiero decir es que me quede tranquila yehjwuwuwjwhwhwhwl que se les diga si le interesa a los chicos de enormes ojos jdjdjdkssjsjdjdjsjsjdjbdbd de jdjdjdkssjsjdjdjsjsjdjbdbd jjlksjsjsjsjsjjss ajjajakajajakakakakaja ajjajakajajakakakakaja jajajakakakak jajajakakakak kajakakaj jkjk no e tenido en el que se me ha te envío es el destinatario de esta manera el día pero u u need de la empresa y el pito no me duele que no me gusta más Harry Potter A las generaciones de 2000, 2001 y 2002:

    Nuestra década está a punto de terminar.
    Comenzamos esta década siendo niños y ahora estamos en nuestros 19, 18 o a punto de cumplirlos.

    Estamos a punto de entrar a la universidad si no es que ya lo hicimos.
    Estamos en la etapa más importante de nuestras vidas.

    Se vienen muchos cambios.

    Han pasado tantas cosas, tantas que no tenemos ni idea de cómo pasaron tan rápido.
    Y en todo ese largo camino, en algún momento dejamos de ser niños.

    Comenzamos a preocuparnos más por el futuro en lugar de disfrutar el presente.
    Dejamos de esperar la película de las 7:00 p.m. Cada vez nos daba menos tiempo de verla, hasta que un día decidimos cambiar de canal. Dejamos de quejarnos por tener que ir a dormir temprano. En realidad, ahora no está tan mal. Nos empezó a gustar recibir ropa en vez de juguetes en Navidad.

    Comenzó a estar bien si nos quedamos en casa.

    Dejamos de ver la tele antes de la escuela, porque ya íbamos tarde.

    Dejamos de usar el internet para juegos y lo empezamos a usar para tareas. Cambió nuestra música.
    Cambiaron nuestros intereses. Cambiaron nuestras amistades, algunas se quedaron. Cambió nuestra forma de pensar. Cambió nuestra forma de ver al mundo. Cambiamos.

    Crecimos. Dejamos de ser esos niños pequeños sin preocupaciones.

    Ahora, al menos para los ojos del mundo, somos adultos.
    Pero no para los nuestros. Todo está cambiando tan rápido.
    Todo está sucediendo tan rápido.

    Queremos aferrarnos a esos niños pequeños pero ellos ya no se aferran a nosotros.


    Nos dicen que está bien.
    Que nada malo va a pasar. Que podemos dejar ir.
    Que nunca se irán.
    Que siempre estarán con nosotros siempre y cuando los recordemos.

    Y lo haremos.
    Podemos dejar ir.
    Está bien.
    Estaremos bien.

    Ahora, tenemos un gran futuro por delante.

    Todo un mundo por descubrir.

    Un lienzo blanco para pintar sobre la marcha.

    ¿Y esos niños pequeños? Estarán con nosotros cada paso del camino.
    Infancia, por ti somos lo que somos ahora. Gracias. Ahora, a tomar el mundo. A las generaciones de 2000, 2001 y 2002: Nuestra década está a punto de terminar. Comenzamos esta década siendo niños y ahora estamos en nuestros 19, 18 o a punto de cumplirlos. Estamos a punto de entrar a la universidad si no es que ya lo hicimos. Estamos en la etapa más importante de nuestras vidas. Se vienen muchos cambios. Han pasado tantas cosas, tantas que no tenemos ni idea de cómo pasaron tan rápido. Y en todo ese largo camino, en algún momento kaskskslslksksskskajjahs que a su apoyo al respecto a a la a a a a a a a a la a a la a de juguetes y rega de juguetes
  23. Dec 14, 2019
    Its a nealry perfect pop record the instrumentals are creative and catchy and fit the track harrys voice is beautiful there are happy songs and melancholic songs both of which are equally great
    Favorite tracks:
    2.Sunflower, vol 6
    3.Lights up
  24. Dec 14, 2019
    Harry Styles’ follow up to his eponymous debut record is a major improvement on all fronts.
  25. Dec 13, 2019
    Harry takes us into the most personal, beautiful, intimate, exciting shroom trip in HISTORY!!! It’s just so amazing. He’s amazing. This album is perfect.
  26. Dec 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Everyone on twitter was hyping this album up like crazy but I listened to the leak and there was one good song. The songwriting is bland and boring. Falling is great but the lyrics could have had deeper meaning with more metaphors. Tpwk is horrible and sounds like a 80s rock influenced kids bop song. Sunflower had so much potential but the weird sounds in the bridge completely ruined the song. White male mediocrity strikes again Expand
  27. Dec 14, 2019
    It's amazing to see Harry's musical evolution manifested in the way he feels comfortable putting his feelings into his music. Definitely harry gave us a super personal and cohesive album.
  28. Dec 14, 2019
    Amazing album!!!! Thematically, sonically n vocally. Lyrically was a lil repetitive!!!!
  29. Dec 14, 2019
    i don’t understand why he is so overhyped. his music is not good. this album is unlistenable for me.
  30. Dec 14, 2019
    O álbum é bom. Indiscutível. Agora, as temáticas trabalhadas e, mais especificamente, a forma em que foram trabalhadas não fugiram dos cenários óbvios. Vocalmente incrível. Sonoramente agradável (ponto positivo para o coral em Treat People With Kindness e a instrumentalização em Cherry ). Liricamente ok, porém previsível. Em suma, a gente se diverte.
  31. Dec 14, 2019
    Sublime, showstopping, honest and vulnerable but joyous. Harry is on a path to greatness.
  32. Dec 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sinceramente eh escuchado mejores ... El esta muy sobrevalorado ................ Expand
  33. Dec 14, 2019
    Harry has just outdone himself in this album this is a masterpiece I have no words to say I just love his voice
  34. Dec 14, 2019
    Album of the year,, every song is good, i liked she, falling and golden my fav tracks!!!!!!!!!!!
  35. Dec 14, 2019
    Excellent album by far of 2019 besides lover, He is growing and improvising which is really good
  36. Dec 14, 2019
    He once again proved that he is the most talented one from One Direction, Such a raw and elegant album in love with it
  37. Dec 14, 2019
    A masterpiece from a legend, I have no words.... Every track is unique and the production level, effort and everything is just perfect
  38. Dec 13, 2019
    soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOoooooooo good
  39. Dec 14, 2019
    The album is ok nothing interesting, i find his songwriting pretty repetitive. Its over-hyped in my opinion.
  40. Dec 14, 2019
    **** it’s amazing, i cry, i laugh, i long... harry outdid himself i stan a king
  41. Dec 14, 2019
    The sound throughout the album is new for Harry Styles. Quite different from his debut album.
  42. Dec 14, 2019
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  43. Dec 14, 2019
    Loved Harry’s first solo album (especially Sign of the Times and Meet me in the hallway) but Fine Line is truly special. The songs are evocative. She and Fine Line are probably my stand outs right now, but I could easily add any of the others! Truly a perfect album in my books
  44. Dec 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fine Line is such an amazing album. Totally better than the self-titled. In this one, Harry opens up to us about how he felt after his breakup with his ex-girlfriend and shows his vulnerable self. It's so well produced and the vocals... OH MY GOD THE VOCALS, especially in "She" and "Falling" - which are personally my favorites are to die for. Also, a special shout out to Mitch for his amazing guitar solo in "She", gave me goosebumps. Expand
  45. Dec 14, 2019
    Absolutely horrible. Mediocre men and the pick me girls worshipping them for doing the bare minimum will be the downfall of the music industry.
  46. Dec 14, 2019
    perfeito,leve e temperado!
    um álbum brilhante sim ,me fez querer muito pedalar feliz e sem rumo
  47. Dec 14, 2019
    Todas as faixas são maravilhosas, as letras são ótimas, a interpretação é maravilhosa
  48. Dec 14, 2019
    An album with lots of feelings, with songs like fine line and cherry that can make you cry
  49. Dec 14, 2019
    I generally disliked 1d, but hs has really evolved into a real artist (unlike lp, you might say)
    Really liked his debut album, but this one is next level. Loved it.
  50. Dec 14, 2019
    um hino, um hino de album, um hino de homem, tudo perfeito, não tem um erro
  51. Dec 14, 2019
    Harry failed to step aside of his comfort zone in terms of exploring different themes on this album. Like his last body of work it seems like his writing consist of using the same phrases to try and explain his heartache about a certain breakup. In songs where he does try to dabble in some different teritory like TPWK he fails to lyricly bring out the essence of the song. There is also aHarry failed to step aside of his comfort zone in terms of exploring different themes on this album. Like his last body of work it seems like his writing consist of using the same phrases to try and explain his heartache about a certain breakup. In songs where he does try to dabble in some different teritory like TPWK he fails to lyricly bring out the essence of the song. There is also a lot of unecessary long outros and boring sequences of instrumentals. On the bright side his vocal arrengments are really nicely done and songs like Lights up make up for the lack of thematic diversitality on the album. All in all a solid album that has a lot to offer but it certainly isnt a record that will be remembered for a long time. Expand
  52. Dec 14, 2019
    Fine Line is an impressive album. Incredible atmosphere, great instrumentals with wind instruments, beautiful corals and touching lyrics. Going from a classic rock (I noticed things that resemble Beatles and the like), psychedelic to a soul, trying folk and even Indie. Each track has something unique, special, the touch that only Harry Styles has and gives us. Seeing him increasinglyFine Line is an impressive album. Incredible atmosphere, great instrumentals with wind instruments, beautiful corals and touching lyrics. Going from a classic rock (I noticed things that resemble Beatles and the like), psychedelic to a soul, trying folk and even Indie. Each track has something unique, special, the touch that only Harry Styles has and gives us. Seeing him increasingly loose as an artist and who he really is makes me very proud. Congratulations H. Expand
  53. Dec 14, 2019
    I love this album, I still have to learn the songs but you can see the new Harry Styles era but also mixed with the old one its amazing
  54. Dec 14, 2019
    The album is a Masterpiece, the best album of 2019. It has amazing vocals and amazing production. It is something I've never heard before.
  55. Dec 14, 2019
    Harry share his magical heart with true lyrics and true melodies. He is genius!
  56. Dec 13, 2019
    Harry is slowly growing into his own sound as an artist. Fine Line is so delicately handled sonically and lyrically. The production is beyond fantastic, and everything is very... Well, him. It’s a psychedelic trip and emotional rollercoaster with subtle but yet, faithful influences from a variety of genres from the latter part of the 20th century. This album is a promising start for theHarry is slowly growing into his own sound as an artist. Fine Line is so delicately handled sonically and lyrically. The production is beyond fantastic, and everything is very... Well, him. It’s a psychedelic trip and emotional rollercoaster with subtle but yet, faithful influences from a variety of genres from the latter part of the 20th century. This album is a promising start for the music to come in the next decade. Harry Styles IS the real deal. Expand
  57. Dec 13, 2019
    One of the best albums of the decade! 2021 grammy’s are yours Harry Styles!
  58. Dec 13, 2019
    Album muy repetitivo,no tiene innovación,por que siempre tiene que hablar de lo mismo?,no me gusto en lo absoluto mi calificación es 0
  59. Dec 13, 2019
    The Harry Styles debut album was a great start for his solo carreer, but Fine Line is one of those few albums that you don’t skip any song, all of them are unique and fits for every emotion available. The genre for this album is something I personally love, 60’s and 79’s pop rock and kind of psychedelic. The song Fine Line is the best close for the album and he knew it. Freddy MercuryThe Harry Styles debut album was a great start for his solo carreer, but Fine Line is one of those few albums that you don’t skip any song, all of them are unique and fits for every emotion available. The genre for this album is something I personally love, 60’s and 79’s pop rock and kind of psychedelic. The song Fine Line is the best close for the album and he knew it. Freddy Mercury would’ve been so happy with Harry Styles. Expand
  60. Dec 13, 2019
    Boring, repetitive lyrics, a waste of time. Even Niall can do better than this.
  61. Dec 13, 2019
    Amazing album love every second. From Golden to Treat People With Kindess that I know for sute it's a track that was made to sing on shows with the crowd. Perfect just perfect
  62. Dec 13, 2019
    Great album, great lyrics, great voice, great instrumental, amanzing 10/10,
  63. Dec 13, 2019
    This is one of the best albums of the year. He really outdone himself and all its tracks are brillant. Not a single bad song... Harry is one of the most talented guys out there and we should be thankful for living in his generation. Thank u, Harry. I will be listening to this masterpiece for years.
  64. Dec 13, 2019
    Excellent album. Each song sound so different yet the album as a whole is very great. I love this album vocally and lyrically. Songs like falling cherry, Adore You, Lights up, ,Sunflower vol.6 are definitely my most favorite.
  65. Dec 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a masterpiece! Harry Styles is an incredible artist and is very talented. Expand
  66. Dec 13, 2019
    I am so in love with this album! I was kinda scared for HS2 era, because I left my heart for Harry Styles debut album already. But there was nothing to worry about! I'm not dissapointed by sophomore longplay of this true Sweetheart. It is different than the first album, of course, but Harry made sure to prepare us for this fact. Harry takes us for a journey through his feelings andI am so in love with this album! I was kinda scared for HS2 era, because I left my heart for Harry Styles debut album already. But there was nothing to worry about! I'm not dissapointed by sophomore longplay of this true Sweetheart. It is different than the first album, of course, but Harry made sure to prepare us for this fact. Harry takes us for a journey through his feelings and emotions and I let him kidnap my heart with him. There is one song which tears my heart on tiny pieces and there are tracks which are giving me so much joy by just a rythm! I never knew I needed so summer album right before Christmas. But now I know. Can't wait to hear all of those fantastic tunes on "Love On Tour" in 2020! Expand
  67. Dec 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The opener for "Fine Line" is one of the boldest and brightest ways to begin an album. "Golden" is a very summer-driven song as is it's following track, "Watermelon Sugar." While the second track isn't as huge as the first (or any of the following), the brassiness of the two share the closeness and comfortableness to come throughout the record. Following is the 80's synth-like"Adore You" which is one of the best tracks from the album. This latest single and "Lights Up" play off one another well in the track-list and really bring out some of the psychedelia on the album. Starting at "Cherry" is where it really begins to get good. Harry talks about his previous lover leaving him for someone else which is a huge move. This beautiful acoustic-ambient track does really well and is followed by the heartbreaking ballad, "Falling." "Falling" is a song many people will fall in love with and not only due to its very home-hitting lyrics. The gangster-theme (ish) track, "To Be So Lonely" follows in three minutes where Harry owns up to more of his antics but also showcases his sassy side. Something about this track strikes me wonderfully. The first six-minute track, "She" comes after and paints a pretty sexual picture. This song is very Prince like with hints of Pink Floyd and Bowie - as did his first album. "Sunflower, Vol. 6," the arguably most psychedelic song on this album tells a pretty cute story where Harry personifies a lover as a sunflower. Follows is the indie folk "Canyon Moon" which seems to follow up on "She," telling of the "kids at school." "Treat People With Kindness," which seems like The Temptations and The Beatles collaborated, is a pretty pop-rock anthem with a nice telling, dark message. Finally, the album concludes with another 6-minute jam. Title track "Fine Line" leaves Harry - and listeners - with hope in following relationships. The "We'll be a fine line / We'll be alright" refrain is said many times throughout, forcing one to believe it -will- be okay. Overall, "Fine Line" is an indie-psychedelic breakup album with insight into Harry Styles' personal life which is the perfect way to end 2019, and the decade. Expand
  68. Dec 13, 2019
    Harry Styles proves he is the bold singer from the former boy band, One Direction. His self titled debut album was something great, he has grown even more as a singer and songwriter. On Fine Line, Harry Styles puts out his best material to date. The songwriting is some of the best of the year and a few song are honestly some of the best songs of 2019. Some slight electric dance soundsHarry Styles proves he is the bold singer from the former boy band, One Direction. His self titled debut album was something great, he has grown even more as a singer and songwriter. On Fine Line, Harry Styles puts out his best material to date. The songwriting is some of the best of the year and a few song are honestly some of the best songs of 2019. Some slight electric dance sounds mixed with rock influenced production. From the opening song, “Cherry” to the closing track, “Fine Line”, there are no weak moments on the album. Even “Treat People With Kindness” is a really strong track even though it’s probably the weakest song on the entire album. There is zero filler anywhere. Not one moment of boredom. Harry’s vocals have got gotten more versatile and interesting. His gorgeous voice mixed with his catchy hooks keep carrying the project over and over. There is no question that this is his best album. A strongly incredible and beautiful album. The absolute best male pop record of 2019 that deserves many awards when it becomes eligible in 2021. A strong 10. Expand
  69. Dec 13, 2019
    Amazing best album to end the decade. Listening all day. You can hear how genuine he is being I loved it
  70. Dec 13, 2019
    Loved Harry’s first solo album (especially Sign of the Times and Meet me in the hallway) but Fine Line is truly special. The songs are evocative. She and Fine Line are probably my stand outs right now, but I could easily add any of the others! Truly a perfect album in my books
  71. Dec 13, 2019
    Brilliant, exquisite piece of art. I already knew that it would be a magical record, but it really did exceed all expectations I thought I had. As a lover of Classic Rock from the 60s and 70s, I love the old sound I get when I hear every song. I relate to each song differently - they each touch me in a unique way. Absolutely cannot wait to see Harry on tour. Thank you for sharing theseBrilliant, exquisite piece of art. I already knew that it would be a magical record, but it really did exceed all expectations I thought I had. As a lover of Classic Rock from the 60s and 70s, I love the old sound I get when I hear every song. I relate to each song differently - they each touch me in a unique way. Absolutely cannot wait to see Harry on tour. Thank you for sharing these emotions, words, feelings with us. Xoxo Expand
  72. Dec 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. As a lover of 60s and 70s music, I can tell that this man gives me goosebumps and a nostalgia feeling that remembers me how I grew up listening to Beatles, Queen, Nirvana, Fleetwood Mac with my father.
    In SHE, Styles shows a psychedelic vibe + this air of dreaming so well represented in my head by Beatles; not forgetting to add a special thanks to Mr. Mitch that rocked his guitar solo.
    In falling, he talks about his broken heart because he is in love with someone again but is afraid the person no longer feels the same.
    In fine line, we have that closure feeling telling you how it is ok to feel sad, but that everything is gonna be fine while his marvelous band makes you feel that in your bones, absolutely AMAZING!
  73. Dec 13, 2019
    He is absolutely brilliant. Such a great album with surprising songs, lyrics and vocals, too.
  74. Dec 13, 2019
    Parece un muy buen soundtrack de alguna película, creo que tiene armonías increíbles y fáciles de digerir. Tiene su encanto y no esperaba menos que esto.
  75. Dec 13, 2019
    every song in this album act like was made for you, is probably the best album of the year. Harry Styles never disappointed disappoints
  76. Dec 13, 2019
    Such a beautiful album. I felt everything he had to say on this album. It’s like I was falling in love with him and then getting heartbroken with him. That’s how much emotion he put on this album. 100% would recommend
  77. Dec 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Первые впечатления после прослушивания — не того материала мы ждали. Альбом радикально другой нежели предыдущая работа Гарри. Второе впечатление — очень достойно! Но, треков уровня Sign of the Times, больше нет и не будет:( Expand
  78. Dec 13, 2019
    This album is amazing. Harry is one of the most creative people in the music industry. He isnt afraid of experiment and doesn't care on following trends. he is just making music he loves, and he is killing it.
  79. Dec 13, 2019
    The album brings me back so many emotions and the songs are all so different yet they all tell a story. I am very proud of Harry, for being so innovative and honest. My favorite track is between She and To be so lonely. They are unique. Like nothing you have ever heard. Thanks Harry for sharing such a special work with us.
  80. Dec 13, 2019
    The album is a masterpiece. Harry describes it as being about sex and being sad and it’s true. But from my point of view there’s a whole storyline behind it. Side A is about falling in love, while Side B is about suffering a heartbreak. Side C is about healing and feeling happy again, and finally, Side D is about acceptance. The most cohesive album I have ever seen.
  81. Dec 13, 2019
    Styles did a really great job with this album. We can feel his feelings throught the songs and lyrics. The choice of songs order was made very well. Fine Line really was the best song to end the album and also the best way to end the decade. It’s a masterpiece that nor so many new artists could give. It’s amazing.
  82. Dec 13, 2019
    Such a distinct sound, and does not resemble mainstream music with meaningless lyrics. this is an incredible album that should be praised for being different and musically exceptional all around!
  83. Dec 13, 2019
    This album is so different than his first album but it completely blew me away. Fine Line is probably my favourite. That build up is incredible. I don’t get how someone could gove this a bad review
  84. Dec 13, 2019
    best album of the decade. golden, canyon moon and fine line are my favs. especially fine line is just something else. it's like mixed of sign of the times and meet me in the hallway.
  85. Dec 13, 2019
    The most amazing album of the decade! So beautifully produced, lyrically and musically. Harry Styles really did it again! A truly legend.
  86. Dec 13, 2019
    Perfect balance of sound. He really expanded genres from HS1 and showcased an album where he makes you want to dance, to cry!
  87. Dec 13, 2019
    Absolutely amazing! Not one song that is bad, all of them are beautiful in their own unique ways. Definitely worth the two year wait, can’t wait to hear the songs live!
  88. Dec 13, 2019
    every track is unique and perfect!!!!! he is a talented guy with a lot in his hands. he is perfect just like the album.
  89. Dec 13, 2019
    Definitely not what I expected but it's brilliant, fresh and different in the best way.
  90. Dec 13, 2019
    a truly masterpiece talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  91. Dec 13, 2019
    nice album, nice artist
    harry styles is one of the biggest names artists of this generation, he deserves all suport.
    there's a fell songs which i don't like cause it's not my kind of music, but there's amazing songs too
  92. Dec 13, 2019
    um álbum sensível, sincero, único e que será lembrado por gerações. obrigada por isso harry
  93. Dec 13, 2019
    In love with this masterpiece, you can feel all of his emotions when he’s singing, especially in “Falling”.
  94. Dec 13, 2019
    It almost feels as if we are peeping into his deep thoughts and emotions. Some lines are so intimate. What a masterpiece.
  95. Dec 13, 2019
    A masterpiece in all its greatness. Harry really outdid himself on this album.
  96. Dec 13, 2019
    Pretty weak album, Golden and Watermelon Sugar are the 2 songs that stand out in a relatively boring attempt of an album to come off as both sweet but weird at the same time.
    Love Harry but I'll wait for his next album
  97. Dec 13, 2019
    its good, i want to dance around and sing my heart out. it reminds me of a happy time
  98. Dec 13, 2019
    Perfectt is amazinggggg..I'm so proud of harry...the man he has 10 minute sin topped UK Chart at harry.
  99. Dec 13, 2019
    In Fine Line there is much more honesty than in his self titled, the listener is persuaded to believe in every word he says due to how intimate everything feels. The melodies are absolutely mature and seem to be the focus of the album, which explains why he kept the lyrics minimalistic, way more than he did in his previous work. The album is overall very well constructed
  100. Dec 13, 2019
    great album, cohesive, amazing sound and lyrics too, better than the debut album no doubt I'm happy with harry's artistic growth

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 17, 2019
    Free of the shackles that hobbled his debut, Styles manages to show more of his personality here, especially on the Vampire Weekend-style Sunflower, Vol. 6. It's just a shame he can't quite keep up with his ambition. [Feb 2020, p.110]
  2. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line is entirely inoffensive, but it’s also open-ended, and maybe those questions are the reward. Maybe Harry Styles just wants to keep us guessing.
  3. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line proves that the musician has absorbed the best lesson passed down by California’s great musicians: Don’t be afraid to take chances within a folk- or pop-rock framework, as that’s how you create iconoclastic music that endures.