• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 3, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 476 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 34 out of 476

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  1. HansF
    Jan 29, 2006
    This c.d. is awful! Please, I beg each of you who gave this c.d. a positive review to find a Strokes fan site. I will then ask you to read the lyrics for each song. Then once your emberassment subsides, then write an updated review. I will now give my review with the same thoughfulness contained in the lyrics of this album, " This is one steaming pile of boring crap."
  2. Alex
    Jan 28, 2006
    I've listened to this album about 10 times now and I must say it keeps getting better. When I first listened to it, I was disapointed. It did not sound like The Strokes I knew and was expecting. After I forced myself to listen to them more, hoping there was something more here, I was pleasantly suprised. The songs grow on you, well for the most part. "On the Other Side" is pretty I've listened to this album about 10 times now and I must say it keeps getting better. When I first listened to it, I was disapointed. It did not sound like The Strokes I knew and was expecting. After I forced myself to listen to them more, hoping there was something more here, I was pleasantly suprised. The songs grow on you, well for the most part. "On the Other Side" is pretty weak, as well as "Ask Me Anything". The rest of the songs are pretty good. "Heart In A Cage", "Vision of Division", and "Fear Of Sleep" are the top tracks on the album. Overall there are far more strong tracks than weak. Overall, it is worth the buy, if you have the patience. Expand
  3. RichardR
    Jan 28, 2006
    Yo, forget how cool they are or aren't, in your opinion, which, yes, matters as much as anyone else's; it all comes down to the songs. It always does. That's why the Stones are better than the Beatles, the Sex Pistols better than the Clash, the Psychedelic Furs better than Depeche Mode, Radiohead better than... This album is full of freakin' great rock songs, Yo, forget how cool they are or aren't, in your opinion, which, yes, matters as much as anyone else's; it all comes down to the songs. It always does. That's why the Stones are better than the Beatles, the Sex Pistols better than the Clash, the Psychedelic Furs better than Depeche Mode, Radiohead better than... This album is full of freakin' great rock songs, flawlessly conceived and executed. Great instrumentals, singing, and lyrics. We're all lucky guys like this are around to carry the torch. Expand
  4. [Anonymous]
    Jan 27, 2006
    Pretty much the best cd of all time. You get completely rocked out from the first 3 tracks and still have 11 solid hits to go. This album also contains at least a dozen of the best lines ever heard on cd, mp3, vinyl, whatever
  5. PeterP
    Jan 26, 2006
    The first six songs on this album are fantastic. "You Only Live Once" is one of the best songs they have ever written. "Juicebox" is an ourstanding song, "razorblade" is great with a chorus nicked from Berry Manilow's "mandy", "On the other Side" is another favorite. but After "Vision of Division", the album trails off. the only real standout in the 2nd half is "Ize of the World".
  6. vjason
    Jan 25, 2006
    I will not do a critic as a journalist but just express how much I love this album. In first time, before it was on the stores I had some songs like "razorblade" or "you only live once". I loved them ,the way they were going to, the guitars' sounds =>it made me feel better because they are the type of songs that strike you.And after a while I had "juicebox".I was so surprised because I will not do a critic as a journalist but just express how much I love this album. In first time, before it was on the stores I had some songs like "razorblade" or "you only live once". I loved them ,the way they were going to, the guitars' sounds =>it made me feel better because they are the type of songs that strike you.And after a while I had "juicebox".I was so surprised because of the intro , I don't really appreciated it(the intro).But the rest of the track don't deceive me. Finally I had three songs really cool : the strokes don't changed a lot finally , there was the same spirit in the songs:" the strokes'touch" was there.The melodies were worked ("razorblade", "you only live once"). So, now I have the album I can say that Julian really impressed me==> whoah! what an evolution! Julian control his voice it's awesome!(I don't say he was bad before but now he is very good) what an album! I can almost feel Julian's feelings , it's fantastic! "vision of division", "fear of sleep"==>those songs show the changement.the voice and the instruments are perfect. "electricityscape"=> I adore the way where Julian sing and the guitars..so beautiful when Julian stop.Fabrizio is fantastic in,with a cool entry. "heart in a cage"=>one of the tracks that resort from this album.There is a passage who make me think to "radiohead".=>like the album,fresh and well done "on the other side" is a cry Expand
  7. RobK
    Jan 25, 2006
    oh god no
  8. M.Lewis
    Jan 23, 2006
    The single sounds like the theme song from The Munsters. How can anyone enjoy this?
  9. StephenC
    Jan 23, 2006
    Not as cool as This IS It, but much cooler than Room On Fire. The opener is probably the best song I've heard from the strokes and Juice box is contagious. It seems as though they haven't tried to make a hit, they've just made an album which they wanted to do and the resulrts are great. Cassablacas' (Don't know how to spell it but you know who i mean) voice Not as cool as This IS It, but much cooler than Room On Fire. The opener is probably the best song I've heard from the strokes and Juice box is contagious. It seems as though they haven't tried to make a hit, they've just made an album which they wanted to do and the resulrts are great. Cassablacas' (Don't know how to spell it but you know who i mean) voice isn't perfect and that what makes it perfect and what make up the Strokes sound. Who wants to sound like a pop star anyway? Not these guys. Expand
  10. paulr
    Jan 22, 2006
    This album proves the band to be the best in the buisness.3/3 and more juice to come.
  11. whiteskin
    Jan 21, 2006
    just take it or leave it...:)
  12. joshoh
    Jan 20, 2006
    La neta esta bien chido este disco !!!
  13. JotaP
    Jan 19, 2006
    My vote is in fact a 5,5. I consider the Strokes a 3 time "one hit wonder", with one hit per album. After Las Nite and 12:51 they give us Juicebox now. It's a great song, followed by far by the rest of the songs in the album, clearly bellow avarage.
  14. andreas
    Jan 19, 2006
    Actually this album has 4 songs ( juicebox, ask me nothing, razorblade,vision division ) that are so fresh...contagious...that only cold hearted poor guys can rate a 2 or 3. We live hard times for music...there is a general lack of ideas...and entertainment is a component so precious that a grouop like strokes should be blessed, instead of being awaited for a CRITICS killing... Gorgeous Actually this album has 4 songs ( juicebox, ask me nothing, razorblade,vision division ) that are so fresh...contagious...that only cold hearted poor guys can rate a 2 or 3. We live hard times for music...there is a general lack of ideas...and entertainment is a component so precious that a grouop like strokes should be blessed, instead of being awaited for a CRITICS killing... Gorgeous album anyhow ! Expand
  15. LorenzoG
    Jan 18, 2006
    Some people think there always right, and I
  16. DX
    Jan 18, 2006
    pure drooling sensation. if that makes sense. but you know what i mean. they rock.
  17. AukeM
    Jan 17, 2006
    It's perfect!!!
  18. BaldvinE
    Jan 17, 2006
    I´m a fan of the Strokes. Not their best work, but it works.
  19. SK
    Jan 17, 2006
    the more i hear it , the more i love it. another great release from the NY guys. it s good to have them back.love it.
  20. DavidH
    Jan 17, 2006
    A pretty solid 3rd offering in my opinion.
  21. ChrisD
    Jan 16, 2006
    I must admit i'm not the biggest Strokes fan. I dont dislike them they have never grabbed me the way they have done to so many others. I stiil acknowledge thought that the band is taleneted and that Last Night will remain an anthem for years to come. So we come to their third album. after two albums which sounded excatly the same. With the lead single Juicebox offering so much and I must admit i'm not the biggest Strokes fan. I dont dislike them they have never grabbed me the way they have done to so many others. I stiil acknowledge thought that the band is taleneted and that Last Night will remain an anthem for years to come. So we come to their third album. after two albums which sounded excatly the same. With the lead single Juicebox offering so much and hinting in new directions i was overall disapoinited. The first three tracks promising and catchy biut by the 8th track i got bored. And dont even get me started on Track 7- Ask Me Anything. I can only hope that after a few more listens it will grow on me and I will appreciate the album like so many others seemed to have. Not for me I'm afraid. the repetive guitar and drony vocals just dont grab me but if you are a Strokes fan i suppose you will like it as all my friends who adore them seem to love it. Expand
  22. GeoffS
    Jan 15, 2006
    The problem with this album is consistancy. The first five songs (yes, even Juicebox), are catchy, melodically complex, and even moving (see On the Other Side). But when the album transitions back to off-kilter songs like Ize of the World, we begin to see the limitations of The Strokes. Some songs like Evening Sun have fantastic verses, but morose and hookless chorus lines. Other songs, The problem with this album is consistancy. The first five songs (yes, even Juicebox), are catchy, melodically complex, and even moving (see On the Other Side). But when the album transitions back to off-kilter songs like Ize of the World, we begin to see the limitations of The Strokes. Some songs like Evening Sun have fantastic verses, but morose and hookless chorus lines. Other songs, notably Juicebox and Red Light, catch you after the third listen, ("You're so coooooold!") In all, I miss Is This It?, but the album shows improvement from Room on Fire; it seems that The Strokes have evolved from those lanky N.Y. kids to more realistic, fame-struck adults; a step up in the extent of Julian's songwriting, and a solid 7. Expand
  23. ronanl
    Jan 15, 2006
    I would agree that the strokes have sacrificed some of their catchiness in terms of tunes in order to progress musically on the album. Everyone says this like its an awful thing - since when have radiohead been amazingly catchy? But they still write amazing music, and that's what first impressions of earth is.
  24. Elliott
    Jan 14, 2006
    The modern culture and press would never allow for a great rock band to permeate and dominate music for a long span of time. And this is precisely what The Strokes were saying (among many other things) in "Ize Of The World" and "Juicebox". Lyrically their most substantive and poweful album, it is nothing short of a generational wake-up call to this generation of rock fans, dressed up in The modern culture and press would never allow for a great rock band to permeate and dominate music for a long span of time. And this is precisely what The Strokes were saying (among many other things) in "Ize Of The World" and "Juicebox". Lyrically their most substantive and poweful album, it is nothing short of a generational wake-up call to this generation of rock fans, dressed up in the shortcomings, insecurities, and restrictive affluence of modern day society. That most rock critics are unwilling to sit down and truly listen to the sarcasm, irony, dialogue and philosophy of songs like "Ask Me Anything", "15 Minutes", or "Red Light" is proof that Strokes-haters had their opinions formed before the first chord on the album. But even ignoring everything about the lyrics, this was as much of a musical triumph as any rock record since I was born (1984), with the brilliant guitar interplay of "Razorblade", the uncanny masterpiece solo in "Vision Of Division" and the rhytmic tightness that is present in every single Strokes song ever written as highlights. Critics unwilling and truly understand this album are yet-again depriving fans of hearing the greatest band in the world. Expand
  25. JohnK
    Jan 13, 2006
    wiked album, well worth it. only 1 song i hate ,"ask me anything"....... :@
  26. Tony
    Jan 12, 2006
    Very good, a definate leap forward from room on fire. The problem is, they run out of steam. It seems like after they wrote such awesome artsy intense crowd-pleasers as You Only Live Once, Juicebox, Razorblade, Heart in a Cage, Ize of the World, and Electricityscape they just wanted to fill up time. Julian needs to chill with the low, long mumbling and keep going with his kick-ass rock scream.
  27. RobD.
    Jan 12, 2006
    This is a damn good album, it is promising and i think it is the best yet and the next will be even better probably. Critics always complain that they dont want a is this it 3 but when the album comes out and its not an is this it 3 they hate it. Critics dont know shit so dont listen to them its a good album.
  28. AndrewN
    Jan 12, 2006
    Absolute class, this is my favourite Strokes album, so it has to be a 10.
  29. Johno
    Jan 12, 2006
    I wanna be honest as I can about this, and despite a lukewarm reception in the press, I really think this album rocks. The press were just waiting to knock them down (imagine the difference if this was the album by a NEW band). Not only did the Strokes kick the doors open for hundreds of bands 5 years ago, but they manage to sound fresh today. Typically for the Strokes, they wear their I wanna be honest as I can about this, and despite a lukewarm reception in the press, I really think this album rocks. The press were just waiting to knock them down (imagine the difference if this was the album by a NEW band). Not only did the Strokes kick the doors open for hundreds of bands 5 years ago, but they manage to sound fresh today. Typically for the Strokes, they wear their influences on their sleeves, Television, early U2, Magnetic Fields, etc. They sound remarkably like their former outfit (for some of them) the Walkmen, on some the songs. Some great ideas here, some blinding solos that inspire me to plug in again, and some very, very exciting songs that will sound great live or on the dancefloor. A few throwaway tracks that I will delete from my ipod but the rest are outstanding. Well done chaps. Expand
  30. codyb
    Jan 12, 2006
    i think its a refreshing album that shows the pain in julians voice. it also shows how they experimented with new sounds. all in all, the more i listen to it, the more i fall in love with it. its not as catchy as "is this it" or "room on fire", but as a true strokes fan, i think it is an amazing album. good job fellahs.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. Blender
    Earth is the sound of a band coming to that inevitable realization: five patrician perfectionists who've resolved to sound sloppy, even (or especially) at the risk of fucking up. [Jan/Feb 2006, p.98]
  2. Turns out what the world was waiting for really was those that saved guitars finally making a record that truly reaped the rewards of their efforts. Is this it? OH GOD YES!
  3. First Impressions introduces some subtle new colors to the band's musical palette... but the pervasive sense of inert boredom, which has been noted as a strength in the past, is difficult to shake.