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Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16
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  1. Apr 23, 2015
    The best Cribs album since New Fellas. Definitely poppy, but still raw and rough around the edges. Ocasek seems to have been a good match for the band and this sounds very fresh.
  2. Mar 24, 2015
    Its a great album by an amazing band that still s gettin better n better,keeping the spirit of real indie music alive. Probably one of the most underrated bands around.
  3. Aug 8, 2015
    Highly enjoyed this album. Lots of great tracks such as Finally Free, An Ivory Hand and Different Angle. The Cribs offer a fresh indie sound when compared to other similar bands which are popular at the moment. Definitely give this album a listen. You won't be disappointed.
  4. Jun 12, 2015
    "Ivory Hand" "Pink Snow" & "Different Angle" are all good songs. But it just seems a bit lackluster and a few too many similar drum beats and melodies in comparison to other cribs album. I like that the cribs have an exploratory poppy angle to them, however, i believe a more alternative rock stance is their real forte. I don't think this album really compares with their previous e.g. "The"Ivory Hand" "Pink Snow" & "Different Angle" are all good songs. But it just seems a bit lackluster and a few too many similar drum beats and melodies in comparison to other cribs album. I like that the cribs have an exploratory poppy angle to them, however, i believe a more alternative rock stance is their real forte. I don't think this album really compares with their previous e.g. "The New Fellas" & "Men's needs, women's needs, whatever" if i'm honest with you.

    It's alright, nothing to shout about.
  5. Mar 27, 2015
    We have good music and good instrumental, but "For My Sisters" never finds the right tone, walking for 12 tracks, there are few that stand out one under the other, since many of them look alike, and many have no attractive.
    They play too much save.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    May 7, 2015
    Opener Finally Free is the instant crowd pleaser, but slow-burners Diamond Girl and Pink Snow find them in ambitious new album rock territory. [Jun 2015, p.89]
  2. DIY Magazine
    Apr 24, 2015
    For everything that's come before, For All My Sisters feels like another step up. [Mar 2015, p.71]
  3. 70
    A couple tracks too long, one or two tracks too bland but overall, it's another album from The Cribs that's more than worth a couple listens.