
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Sep 17, 2013
    The way he mixes sounds, styles, and moods on the album is, like it was on To the Sea, a nice step in the right direction; the songs are typically strong; and the whole thing goes down as easily as ice-cold soda pop on a hot summer day.
  2. Sep 17, 2013
    He continues to deliver enough melodic flair to support his earnest reflections on life’s little epiphanies.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Sep 25, 2013
    A wonderfully satisfying return to the simple-sounding yet intricate melodies and lyrics of Jack Johnson that impressed me so much when IA wonderfully satisfying return to the simple-sounding yet intricate melodies and lyrics of Jack Johnson that impressed me so much when I first heard On and On and In Between Dreams Full Review »
  2. Apr 4, 2021
    Home is one of the prettiest songs ever! And JJ is one of the most consistent artists ever! Another beautiful album!!
  3. Apr 14, 2014
    I could write an intricate review defining why it deserves the rating I gave it..
    ..but I do not have to.
    Jack Johnson has created his own
    I could write an intricate review defining why it deserves the rating I gave it..
    ..but I do not have to.

    Jack Johnson has created his own sound over the ages. The music he creates is its own genre now. It has truly become a league of its own. When I think of folk, guitar and ukulele music that creates an atmosphere that sounds as if I am drifting to shore on a beach in a location I both do not know and do not care, it is Jack Johnson. From Here to Now to You does not submit any groundbreaking vibes, but it is more than worthy to take the Johnson torch.

    Keep on keeping on, Jack.
    Full Review »