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  1. Jun 18, 2023
    Не то чтобы этот альбом прямо ГРЕЙТЕСТ!!! Альбом не плохой, я б даже сказал хороший. Он достаточно легко слушается, но есть в нем и огрооомный минус. По факту альбом строится вокруг 4х треков, и это даже не скрывается (они называются одинаково, нейборхудами). Все остальные треки будто были накиданы для заполнения времени, чтобы альбом можно было назвать полноформатником. Некоторые из этихНе то чтобы этот альбом прямо ГРЕЙТЕСТ!!! Альбом не плохой, я б даже сказал хороший. Он достаточно легко слушается, но есть в нем и огрооомный минус. По факту альбом строится вокруг 4х треков, и это даже не скрывается (они называются одинаково, нейборхудами). Все остальные треки будто были накиданы для заполнения времени, чтобы альбом можно было назвать полноформатником. Некоторые из этих треков неплохие, но например шестой (crown of love) звучит как будто пьяный бомж у падика решил рассказать душераздирающюю историю о его сложной лайв. Седьмой трек тоже нудень с каким то закосам под филасофею. Из за двух откровенно слабых треков подряд я думал скипнуть альбом, хотя на нейборхудах я такой: "хм а крута". Последние два трека исправляют нудный муд, но осадочек остается.
    В принципе, можно оставить только нейборхуды и получится охуенное еп.
    Звучит альбом, как что-то между Боуи и Блек Кейс. Если кратко, то начало крутое(1-5), середина ...(6-7), конец(8-10) исправляется, но до первой части не дотягивает.
    Альбом в медиатеку добавил, ставлю лайк 8/10
    Лучший треки: Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels), Neighborhood #2 (Laïka)
    Худшие: Crown of Love, Wake Up
  2. Jun 7, 2022
    Overrated for all the right reasons . Instant icon. A great album that suffers from keeping a few songs that shouldn't be included and disrupting their own momentum in sequencing.
  3. May 13, 2022
    So good. Individually the songs are excellent and it flows as an album.
    Tunnels and Laika set the scene perfectly.
    Une Année Sans Lumiere and 7 Kettles a great bit of respite either side of the brilliant Power Out (the name is very contradictory to the energy!) Crown of Love and Wake Up both good they both have side mood shifts. And the transition between Haiti and Rebellion!!!!
    So good. Individually the songs are excellent and it flows as an album.
    Tunnels and Laika set the scene perfectly.
    Une Année Sans Lumiere and 7 Kettles a great bit of respite either side of the brilliant Power Out (the name is very contradictory to the energy!)
    Crown of Love and Wake Up both good they both have side mood shifts.
    And the transition between Haiti and Rebellion!!!! Rebellion the best song on the album and In The Backseat a fitting ending.
  4. Apr 12, 2022
    Arcade Fire’s debut studio album "Funeral" – 8 out of 10.

    My favorites:
    "Rebellion (Lies)"
    "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)"
    "Wake Up"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    April 12, 2022
  5. Dec 25, 2021
    Funeral in a unique and touching album that is perfection from start to finish. This has been a constant part of my playlist from the moment I first listened to it over a decade ago.
  6. Aug 20, 2021
    Arcade Fire should run a candy store with this album. I feel spoiled listening to this. Fantastic debut album.
  7. Fnn
    Jun 5, 2020
    Perfection. All the songs are amazing. win butlers vocal performance is just stunning, and the opening track is one of the best songs ever written.
  8. Oct 3, 2018
    To be honest, it's hard for me to give any descriptors on how compelling and brilliant this LP is. Many are better than I am in describing this, though. And are there a lot of people that thing this LP is pure heaven. Which is true.
  9. Aug 20, 2018
    Punk's energy and post-punk's sophistication at the same time which exhale beauty. Beautiful, intense and charming
  10. Feb 5, 2018
    This is a debut most bands should be proud of. Its songs are mostly good. It influenced most modern indie groups (unfortunately) and will stand as one of the best albums of the decade. Unfortunately, they're just a bit too annoying to love on this album
    GRADE: B+
    Favorite Songs: Neighborhood #1-4, Crown of Love, Rebellion (Lies) - ehh, it's a stretch, In The Backseat Least Favorite
    This is a debut most bands should be proud of. Its songs are mostly good. It influenced most modern indie groups (unfortunately) and will stand as one of the best albums of the decade. Unfortunately, they're just a bit too annoying to love on this album
    GRADE: B+
    Favorite Songs: Neighborhood #1-4, Crown of Love, Rebellion (Lies) - ehh, it's a stretch, In The Backseat
    Least Favorite Songs: Une annee sans lumiere
  11. Jan 29, 2018
    Arcade Fire's best. One of the greatest albums of the new millennium thus far.
  12. Nov 20, 2017
    Безусловно удачный дебют канадской рок-группы.Энергетика и ритм всегда были и остаются главным плюсом Arcade Fire,что и отличает их от других инди-рок артистов.
  13. Oct 19, 2017
    This has to be classed as one of the greatest albums of all time. For a debut album, it has unbelievable scope and depth not to mention maturity. While it has the freshness and urgency of a debut, the different layers of instruments going on, the production and general song writing are of a band who sound like they are completely comfortable with each other. Love this album and it's oneThis has to be classed as one of the greatest albums of all time. For a debut album, it has unbelievable scope and depth not to mention maturity. While it has the freshness and urgency of a debut, the different layers of instruments going on, the production and general song writing are of a band who sound like they are completely comfortable with each other. Love this album and it's one that everyone should listen to at some point in their lives. Too many highlights to mention. Expand
  14. Jun 29, 2017
    Not sure who I dislike more. The Fans saying this is the best band in the world (they are good but not especially influential or different.) or the people rating this low just because it's over-rated.
  15. Mar 22, 2017
    A beautifully melancholic album. Just as it brings you down, it picks you back up again. Plenty of variety and a lot of memorable moments; easily one of the best albums in its genre.
  16. Sep 4, 2016
    Love at first sight. I usually judge books by their title and albums by their cover. Since I first look at this I knew it would be great. And so it is and now I keep listening at it. I'm really involved in Crown of love but I honestly say that every single track is very enjoyable althought melancholic.
  17. Aug 16, 2015
    Putting aside modern cliches in favor of inventing them, Arcade Fire join contemporaries such as the Strokes in defining the future of modern music. 9.5/10
  18. Jul 22, 2015
    This is my favorite album ever. After probably over hundreds of listens, I still don't get tired of it. Everything is perfectly placed. It amazes me that a group of humans actually made something so perfect. It's so emotional and moving, I can't help but have goosebumps every time I listen to it. Neighborhoods #1 sparkling pianos and coda are so nostalgic, it's unreal. Wake Up is so goddamThis is my favorite album ever. After probably over hundreds of listens, I still don't get tired of it. Everything is perfectly placed. It amazes me that a group of humans actually made something so perfect. It's so emotional and moving, I can't help but have goosebumps every time I listen to it. Neighborhoods #1 sparkling pianos and coda are so nostalgic, it's unreal. Wake Up is so goddam true and epic. Nothing more anthemic than the chorus in that one. Win Butler's screams on Neighborhoods #3 are just awesome and so poignant. Regine's howls to it out In the Backseat is the most emotional and bone-tingling thing in all of music. I can't even begin to describe the emotion off of that. The guitar race at the end Une Sans Lumiere is one of the most perfectly placed moments. Rebellion (Lies) is so refreshing and true.This album has ruined listening to other albums for me. I just keep comparing them to Funeral and nothing even comes close and I believe nothing ever will. Every song is so perfect and they balance each other out so well. This album shines with a golden beauty. Expand
  19. Mar 11, 2015
    Lush, unique, beautiful, and has immediate replay value. One of the best albums of the 2000's, hands down. An absolute must-have for those who enjoy indie rock/alternative. It's a journey that can't be taken away.
  20. Feb 4, 2015
    This is one of the greatest albums of all time. It explores childhood, love, death, and the crisis in Haiti. The 7 part band at times sounds more like an orchestra than a rock band.
  21. Jan 22, 2015
    The very best album I have ever listened to. Period. The emotions, the heart of this music, it's like nothing I've ever listened to. If you don't own it already, you better buy it now. Like, now, right right now. Like, right this very second.
  22. Jan 9, 2015
    Arcade Fire siempre me pareció un grupo un tanto interesante, y cuando me di el tiempo de oír Funeral, ahí es cuando me di cuenta del porqué. En este álbum oirás canciones con trasfondos no muy comunes, tanto lírica como de forma melódica, destacando canciones como Haiti, Crown of Love, Rebellion (Lies).
  23. Aug 17, 2014
    A revolution, a monument and landmark, in the music industry. In all the aspects: songwriting, production, Funeral raises the bar for indie music, and for music as a whole.
  24. Jul 23, 2014
    A truly masterpiece that shows beauty, style, passion and suffering better than any single other indie piece of work. A tremendously fantastic journey I would never like to get off of.
  25. May 9, 2014
    As beautiful as this album is it thrives on its recurrent themes of a lost souls as it matches its title. It's stand out tracks are hard to identify Neighborhood #3 (Power Out), Rebellion, and Wake Up are anthems to indie tracks for days to remember. Funeral embarks on this wonderful story filled with sounds and silence.
  26. May 1, 2014
    Arcade Fire has delivered us a perfect, relaxing masterpiece, that is unlike anything you will ever experience, with unforgettable, emotionally touching songs.
  27. Apr 9, 2014
    Damn! What a great album. This really made a breakout in the music scene. After ''Funeral'' had come out, nothing was the same. All the album is built in order to reach ''Rebellion (lies)'', the masterpiece, THE song. Goosebumps. These are Arcade Fire. Great great album.
  28. Feb 15, 2014
    Arcade Fire didn’t redefine indie music with their 2004 debut Funeral, but immediately rose up to be one of the most talented acts in the scene due to this multifaceted debut improving with every listen. The seven-member-band from Canada masterfully compounds congenial riffs, interesting sound experiments, poetic verses, and sing-along choruses in the album’s ten tracks and not once failsArcade Fire didn’t redefine indie music with their 2004 debut Funeral, but immediately rose up to be one of the most talented acts in the scene due to this multifaceted debut improving with every listen. The seven-member-band from Canada masterfully compounds congenial riffs, interesting sound experiments, poetic verses, and sing-along choruses in the album’s ten tracks and not once fails to make a song stick in your head. It’s mostly dark subjects and sad stories the lyrics deal with, yet they still achieve to induce an uplifting sentiment in the listener – most notably in “Crown of Love”, a song about unrequited love that raises hopes by shifting into an upbeat finale I’d love to hop around to on one of Arcade Fire’s concerts. This is, amongst other things, playing a part in Funeral’s uniqueness and makes it one of the greatest releases of the 21st century, although I actually wouldn’t name any single track of the album on such a list. It is the collective product that is absolutely outstanding, combining dulcet campfire tunes, anthems, symphonies, and raw social criticism into a phenomenal whole. Expand
  29. Nov 16, 2013
    Funeral is probably not my favourite Arcade Fire album, that honour would go to The Suburbs, but it is hauntingly brilliant nonetheless and a great introduction to one of the best bands around.
  30. Nov 14, 2013
    A modern masterpiece and one of the crowning achievements of indie rock and baroque pop. "Neighbourhood #1 (Tunnels)" is a heartbreaking tale of separation played to a soundtrack of sensitive piano and chiming guitars. "Power Out" is an invigorating tale, "Wake Up" is a rousing stadium anthem on childhood, "Haiti" blends in Regine's foreign heritage with the English language perfectly, andA modern masterpiece and one of the crowning achievements of indie rock and baroque pop. "Neighbourhood #1 (Tunnels)" is a heartbreaking tale of separation played to a soundtrack of sensitive piano and chiming guitars. "Power Out" is an invigorating tale, "Wake Up" is a rousing stadium anthem on childhood, "Haiti" blends in Regine's foreign heritage with the English language perfectly, and "Rebellion (Lies)" is probably one of the singles of the decade. A must-own. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. If I were to have just heard the first half of the disc, I probably would have proclaimed it the best of the year as well.
  2. So long as we're unable or unwilling to fully recognize the healing aspect of embracing honest emotion in popular music, we will always approach the sincerity of an album like Funeral from a clinical distance. Still, that it's so easy to embrace this album's operatic proclamation of love and redemption speaks to the scope of The Arcade Fire's vision.
  3. Marred by indie-rock clichés and occasional over-effort, it remains frustrating.