
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Jun 10, 2013
    If you're a free agent in the market for a band that delivers some serious melodic death metal without feeling the need to take itself too seriously, Halo of Blood is an album that you should definitely check out.
  2. Jun 10, 2013
    This is a deeply enjoyable, satisfying and fun slab of melodic heaviness.
  3. Kerrang!
    Jun 26, 2013
    This is a bloody good CoB album. [8 Jun 2013, p.54]
  4. Jun 19, 2013
    Death metal could very well re-enter mainstream consciousness through Halo of Blood, the most accessible Children of Bodom release yet.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Jan 23, 2015
    A true return to form after the disappointing RRF, Halo of Blood has an old-school bodom feel to it, and trademark dual-solo-battles and aA true return to form after the disappointing RRF, Halo of Blood has an old-school bodom feel to it, and trademark dual-solo-battles and a myriad of catchy riffs and moments. Songwriting and musicianship are top-notch and the production is crystal clear. Features strong songs from start to finish, highlights for me would have to be Waste of Skin, Scream for Silence, Bodom Blue Moon, Your days are Numbered and the title track. Full Review »
  2. Sep 10, 2013
    Unlike some bands it seems COB manage to get better with every album they release. While this doesn't have the same level of ferocity as HCDRUnlike some bands it seems COB manage to get better with every album they release. While this doesn't have the same level of ferocity as HCDR it's still a very enjoyable listen and something I'd personally could leave on repeat for countless hours. A definite candidate for metal album of the year, along with TBDM, Carcass and Exhumed. Full Review »
  3. Jun 17, 2013
    This album sucks and it's not surprising at all the last two albums by CoB suck too, I didn't expect much. While listening to it, I felt likeThis album sucks and it's not surprising at all the last two albums by CoB suck too, I didn't expect much. While listening to it, I felt like the band lost all its creativity. The riffs are cheap, drums are boring, bass guitar follows the rhythm guitar all the time, and the solos... They all follow the same pattern they're fast and chaotic and they would be cool, if the pattern didn't repeat in every song. This album was supposed to be more close to older stuff, but unfortunately it isn't. I'm afraid they sold out. Full Review »