
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Hesketh can write a damn good pop song, and whether that’s what caused the initial buzz, it's something hard to deny when presented with the cold, hard proof of Hands.
  2. Rather then shy away behind tricksy, overtly difficult melodies or instrumentation, Little Boots has created a pop record in the truest sense of the word; not only does it fizz by in no time at all, it also doesn't alienate or discriminate.
  3. Perfect pop is not something you can design; it’s an alchemical accident resulting from a freakish alignment of melody, words and rhythm that unifies all who hear it, an H1N1 strain of music. That Little Boots so nearly achieves the ultimate chart-slaying, cerebral-cortex tickling, Bradford-hen-party-and-Shoreditch-rave-soundtracking album is, frankly, amazing.
  4. Hands is both exciting and inconsistent, an uncertain step in very much the right direction.
  5. It’s the type of near-perfect, swooning synth-pop rush that Oakey was riding with the Human League in the ’80s.
  6. Sure, there are special treats like a guest vocal from Phil Oakey (the Human League), but overall, if you like Little Boots, you will love Hands. And not liking Little Boots is like not liking fun.
  7. The vintage futurism that drapes Hesketh's songs has stayed in vogue, and there's fun to be had here.
  8. For an album with crowded electro-pop instrumentation, the music isn't overbearing, and Little Boots' cheeky lyrics never lose any of their dry attitude.
  9. On Hands, musically she's great?at taking superstar glamour to the streets: It's megaclub gold for the broke-ass rest of us.
  10. The directness and consistency of the album's production, vocals, and stylistic approach leave a great deal of the focus on the songs themselves, which is good, because songs are arguably Hands greatest asset.
  11. Filter
    A shimmering collection of sonic treats that delights even the slightest of spectators, England-import Little Boots has exhibited her augur ability through song with a wonderous debut LP. [Winter 2010, p.103]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 50
  2. Negative: 5 out of 50
  1. Aug 24, 2011
    Uma voz simples mas eficiente, o uso MUITO bem elaborado de um instrumento novo chamado Tenori-On e conhecimento musical. Ã
  2. Nov 14, 2019
    Slayed! slayed! slayed! good in 2009. Good in 2019. Okay, thanks, im'cant and crying
  3. Dec 3, 2013
    Little Boots delivers on her debut album. This serves as a starting point for what I hope to be a exciting and long career. Download:Little Boots delivers on her debut album. This serves as a starting point for what I hope to be a exciting and long career. Download: Remedy, Earthquake, Mathematics, Ghost Full Review »