
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    This stuff certainly satisfies. What it doesn't do is thrill. [13 June 2008, p.70]
  2. Eighteen months touring and producing themselves at home have toughened the bands sound. And broadened it.
  3. The Frat pack are back with the impressive, Here We Stand, a confident, storming, guitar-driven rollercoaster of an album with more hooks than the North Sea fishing fleet, all bobbing along on a blitzkreig of overdriven, pop guitars.
  4. Q Magazine
    Rather than sounding like musical magpies, The Fratellis are always their own men. [July 2008, p.100]
  5. Throughout, the joyfulness and invention, a marvel of pop craft, make Here We Stand hit the spot.
  6. If the band's found inventive ways to stretch out its melodies, lad-in-chief Jon Fratelli delivers best on soused songs illuminating how love has gone wrong. Party on.
  7. Like a lot of second albums that aren't exactly a slump, Here We Stand is more accomplished than dynamic, but there are still quite a few enjoyable moments here.
  8. Back for round two, sophomore album Here We Stand doesn't quite bring anything new to the table, but does carry on in the same fun, brash rock tradition of the debut.
  9. They've produced a solid second album that is sure to succeed for them as long as they can maintain a good level of exposure.
  10. If you look at it as a Grand Guignol of rock cheese, this album is huge fun.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 35
  2. Negative: 8 out of 35
  1. Aug 13, 2021
    Overall this album isn't quite as successful as Costello Music, but its highs are VERY high. Some of my favorite songs of the band's entireOverall this album isn't quite as successful as Costello Music, but its highs are VERY high. Some of my favorite songs of the band's entire discography are on this album, including: A Heady Tale, Look Out Sunshine!, Acid Jazz Singer, Lupe Brown, and Milk and Money. Full Review »
  2. Sep 1, 2010
    Although not as amazing as "Costello Music", this album makes its own mark. Rather than being The Fratellis second album, it is more "Here WeAlthough not as amazing as "Costello Music", this album makes its own mark. Rather than being The Fratellis second album, it is more "Here We Stand", The Fratellis latest bite at the fame apple. It has a slightly different sound to the debut abum, with the more kind of laid back and deep acoustic sounds which are summed up by "Baby Doll", one of the highlights of the album. Similar to the Arctic Monkeys first and second abums, the first sets itself more on having a good time. The music is playful, fast, and also something one can dance to. The second albums, however, take a step forward, and try to create the lasting effect of more emotional yet still brilliant sounds. Unlike the Arctic Monkeys though, The Fratellis second album falls short of their debut. But not drastically; like I mentioned before, it is its own album, not just a sequel. It has its highlights, which are so fantastic, that the less amazing (but still extremely good) songs (such as Straggler's Moon and Jesus Stole My Baby) are noticably worse, and this affects the entire album, thus lowering my overall score. The album is a worthwhile buy, as songs like "A Heady Tale", "Look Out Sunshine!", "Mistress Mabel" and "Lupe Brown" are worth hearing, and stand out as songs worthy of an album as great as their first. This album is a great piece of modern indie rock, and is severely underrated.
    8/10. Why? Because, unlike "Costello Music", it has some songs that are less enthralling.
    Full Review »
  3. Stew
    Aug 20, 2008
    Costello Music was a great album, this one severely disappoints.