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Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. May 10, 2020
    ( 79/100 )

    Esta joven banda de Queensland, Australia, comenzó su carrera de energía Punk y Rock en el 2016 con canciones en las que se admira la comodidad que tienen para expresar todo su discurso y expresión instrumental en menos de 2 min. La juventud amigos, y ellos lo demuestran. Tocan con la energía con la que depende el futuro y su pasión, fervor y éxtasis por su música se siente
    ( 79/100 )

    Esta joven banda de Queensland, Australia, comenzó su carrera de energía Punk y Rock en el 2016 con canciones en las que se admira la comodidad que tienen para expresar todo su discurso y expresión instrumental en menos de 2 min. La juventud amigos, y ellos lo demuestran. Tocan con la energía con la que depende el futuro y su pasión, fervor y éxtasis por su música se siente tan rápidamente como suena la batería, tocan las cuerdas o se lanza un grito de emoción. A pesar de que su Punk se recarga en el estilo de sus ídolos y por eso no es precisamente muy autentico, con la ayuda de Mikey Young, la producción no carece de la esencia y poder que se puede esperar de un buen Punk.
    This young band of Queensland, Australia, started their career of Punk and Rock energy in 2016 with fast songs in which can be admired the comfort they have to express all their message and instrumental expression in less than 2 min. That's youth my friends, and they show it. They play with the energy that the future depends on and their passion, zeal, and extasis for their music can be felt as fast as the drums sound, the chords are played and a scream of emotion is thrown. Even if their Punk is a lot relied on their idol's style and, therefore is not precisely very authentic, with Mikey Young's help, the production doesn't lack the essence and power that can be expected from a good Punk.
  2. Apr 14, 2020
    Funny and a joyous romp. Uniquely Australian. Gets under your skin more every time you play it.
  3. Mar 29, 2020
    Very fun punk-rock-esq album that doesn't take itself seriously at all, but for this, thats a good thing. It's pretty short so it doesn't take much to listen to, but nevertheless it is very fun all the way through.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Apr 27, 2020
    High Risk Behavior is so full of hooks, personality, and humour that you might find yourself, wanting to play that 28-minute record again. It's a rare thing to want to hear a record on repeat, but rarer still is a record that you feel like you know having just heard it just once, and this is particularly true of the singles, which sound closer to 'classic' Chats than a lot of the album.
  2. Apr 2, 2020
    In classic punk rock tradition, many of the songs on High Risk Behaviour clock in at well under two minutes; meaning that it never drags.
  3. Apr 2, 2020
    If you’re looking for a short, fun thrill from a gang of likeable oiks with all the grace of a one-legged camel, talk to The Chats.