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Universal acclaim- based on 2281 Ratings

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  1. FelipeP.
    Oct 15, 2007
    Their best album, beautiful!
  2. SeanP.
    Oct 15, 2007
    ...and so Radiohead keeps the mantle of being my favorite contemporary band. How they do it, I don't know.
  3. BenW
    Nov 5, 2007
    I thought Spoon Ga*5 had album of the year nailed for sure - but this has blown my mind out. Best album since Funeral (2004). But lets wait for Grizzly bear's new one
  4. JohnS
    Oct 15, 2007
    Proves yet again that Radiohead are incapable of producing a bad album. Though not quite on par "Kid A", "In Rainbows" is a terrific album that is all killer.
  5. pumpucco
    Oct 15, 2007
    Easily the best album of the year so far. Melodic, enchanting and surprisingly very very romantic.
  6. mt
    Oct 15, 2007
  7. AnonA
    Oct 15, 2007
    This is one of the most beautiful, thick, and lush albums I have ever heard. It haunts me me more with each listen. This is truly a masterpiece.
  8. seanm
    Oct 15, 2007
    Without a doubt this next to only OKcomputer as Radioheads most consistent and earnest album.
  9. MrE
    Oct 15, 2007
    regresando el espacio vacio que siempre le has pertenecido..
  10. KarthikJ
    Oct 15, 2007
    probably their best album since OK Computer
  11. ToddC
    Oct 15, 2007
    Simply brilliant! Wonderfully layered and unique. Simultaneously glum and hopeful throughout. Can't wait till the physical CD comes out!
  12. JonathanW.
    Oct 15, 2007
    from release to listen and to listen simply is a wonderful gift and a time when such gifts are hard to come by.
  13. PatricioC.
    Oct 16, 2007
    Great album! Bye bye recording industry!
  14. AndrewC
    Oct 16, 2007
    Best Radiohead album since Kid A. What kind of crack was the reviewer from Dusted smoking?
  15. AdamW
    Oct 16, 2007
    I can only liken this album to a perfect game in baseball. There might only be 28 or so EVER that are even close to this good. It's the masterpeice of the decade so far. Anyone that gives this album anything less than perfect, should seriously question the health of their ears. I'd say it's worth at least $13.
  16. NelsonB.
    Oct 16, 2007
  17. StevenM.
    Oct 16, 2007
    Consistently good all throughout. Radiohead at their best and this is only the first half. From the songs I've heard from the 2nd half of the album we are all in for another treat.
  18. EricS.
    Oct 16, 2007
    I think that whoever gave this album 40/100 needs to be assassinated.
  19. yofredm.
    Oct 16, 2007
    This is the least abrasive and most ear-friendly album since the bends. Very accessible. It almost seems like the challenge of listening to radiohead is missing, but its not, because I doubt any other band can deliver music of this caliber.
  20. Anonymous
    Oct 16, 2007
    Wow. This album was amazing. From the fun 15 step to the beautiful Videotape, this album progressed smoothly containing some of the best radiohead songs i've heard. I wanted more songs after Videotape. I guess i'll just have to wait until december third when the second half comes out.
  21. Richard
    Oct 16, 2007
    An amazingly beautiful album. So far my favorite songs are Reckoner, Wierd Fishes/Arpeggi, Jigsaw Falling into Place, and Bodysnatchers. I would say the weakest song on the album is either Faust Arp or House of Cards, but I will have to listen to those some more.
  22. Aaron
    Oct 16, 2007
    best Radiohead album since Kid A
  23. GlenG
    Oct 16, 2007
    A shimmery, glittering, diaphanous masterpiece, layer upon subtle layer building into an incredible endproduct that I just can't get my ears off of. Everything that Radiohead ever has been, synthesized into something new and nothing short of gorgeous to listen to... again, and again, and again. Personally, it's already supplanted Kid A as my favorite of theirs.
  24. Dan
    Oct 16, 2007
    Absolutely gorgeous. I can't stop listening to it! They are on such a higher level of musical talent than any other band I've heard.
  25. carld.
    Oct 16, 2007
    Best since OK Computer ,heart warming
  26. DanL
    Oct 16, 2007
    My expectations for this album were sky-high, and I can't say that they weren't met. In Rainbows contains several tracks that practically brought me to tears upon listening to them, and I really can't say that often. There isn't one weak track on this album, and as great as Amnesiac or Hail to the Thief are, In Rainbows absolutely dwarves both of those albums. My expectations for this album were sky-high, and I can't say that they weren't met. In Rainbows contains several tracks that practically brought me to tears upon listening to them, and I really can't say that often. There isn't one weak track on this album, and as great as Amnesiac or Hail to the Thief are, In Rainbows absolutely dwarves both of those albums. Personally, my favorite tracks are: "Nude," "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi," "Reckoner," and "Jigsaw Falling into Place." However, in order to fully appreciate any of the tracks, you need to listen to the album from start to finish, as it flows better than any Radiohead album since OK Computer. I can't wait to hear the bonus tracks that come with the discbox. The only thing keeping In Rainbows from becoming a masterpiece is the fact that it was only released one week ago... time will tell. Expand
  27. Sam
    Oct 16, 2007
  28. ElvisP.
    Oct 16, 2007
    In Rainbows and Kid A are the best albuns of the decade!!!
  29. AaronS.
    Oct 16, 2007
    Best album since 'Kid A'. I liked 'Hail to the Thief' and 'Amnesiac', but have to say that Radiohead haven't sounded this alive as a band in years. Compulsively listenable.
  30. GuyH
    Oct 16, 2007
    Falls slightly short of The Bends and Ok Computer but possibly only due to the trifling matter of having two less tracks than those two colossi! They finally nail a few ideas they've been experimenting with on the last 3 albums - 'Jigsaw' and 'Weird Fish' completely destroy 'I Might be Wrong', 'In Limbo', 'Where I End', etc. The intro Falls slightly short of The Bends and Ok Computer but possibly only due to the trifling matter of having two less tracks than those two colossi! They finally nail a few ideas they've been experimenting with on the last 3 albums - 'Jigsaw' and 'Weird Fish' completely destroy 'I Might be Wrong', 'In Limbo', 'Where I End', etc. The intro to '15 Step' conjures up nightmares of electro skit hell but the song develops well and turns into a really addictive opener. 'Bodysnatchers' is their best rocker since The Bends. 'Reckoner', 'Nude' and 'Videotape' are right up there with 'Fake plastic Trees', 'Exit Music' and 'How to Disappear Completely'. 'Faust Arp' is completely fresh and offers up a very different vocal performance from Thom. 'All I Need' and 'House of Cards' are mood pieces but infinitely more satisfying than 'The Gloaming', 'Spinning Plates', 'Hunting Bears' and the like. This is the first Radiohead album since 'Kid A' where the songs complement each other and add up to a satisfying whole. There is also a lightness to this album that is unique and stands it in good stead. Whisper it but in time 'Rainbows' could slowly, but surely, become the Radiohead album you feel like listening to most often. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.