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Universal acclaim- based on 2281 Ratings

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  1. MW.
    Oct 24, 2007
    This album is their best since OK Computer.
  2. RX
    Oct 19, 2008
    For a while I was with a lot of the people giving this 5's and 6's, thinking it seems a little bland and easy-going. But something clicked at one point, and In Rainbows just started flowing like silk. For me, despite it's high reviews, Hail to the Thief was a real letdown. A lot of it sounded disjointed, angry and cynical... a band that was exhausted of ideas and not For a while I was with a lot of the people giving this 5's and 6's, thinking it seems a little bland and easy-going. But something clicked at one point, and In Rainbows just started flowing like silk. For me, despite it's high reviews, Hail to the Thief was a real letdown. A lot of it sounded disjointed, angry and cynical... a band that was exhausted of ideas and not particularly enjoying music-making anymore. I was worried Thom Yorke was getting a bit far up his arse about the environment and all that before this release. Thankfully, In Rainbows largely avoids all this political bollux, and they have concentrated on making music (as lame as this sounds) 'from the heart'. In Rainbows does not have any soaring guitar solos or dark electronic noodlings. It seems well textured and multi-layered instead and, though it's hard to explain why, I think lyrically this is one of the band's best yet. I can still see why some deem it average, but for me the album eventually broke through. I'm not a Radiohead nut by any means but many bands that go this long seem to slowly shrivel up and die after a while. I thought this would happen here after Hail to The Thief but it hasn't. The whole point in this lame, corny message is just to say if you are disappointed by this release on first few impressions... there is something much deeper here that's worth sticking around for. Expand
  3. TerenceB
    Feb 26, 2008
    Bodysnatchers and nude best songs.
  4. TomH.
    Apr 10, 2008
    Best album since OK Computer, top ten of 2007.
  5. DB.
    May 14, 2008
    To my ears, this is the best Radiohead album yet. This is where the ability to experiment and the ability to write a great melody intertwine to create a masterpiece that is not only ahead of its time, but is a classic that will hold up when all is said an done. This album makes you wonder how these guys can possibly get any better?
  6. TomW.
    May 5, 2008
    I only started liking Radiohead after hearing this one. Fantastic. Am now getting into their earlier stuff that I previously didn't care for.
  7. MarhadiashaK.
    Jun 13, 2008
    Best album since OK Computer. Very recommended.
  8. BMV.
    Jul 20, 2008
    Great music from a (not always) great band, it follows the red line from The Bends, trough OK Computer and now In Rainbows
  9. StefanoP.
    Nov 11, 2007
    This album is wonderful! I am a great fan of "Kid A" and this sounds sooo different... (maybe someone could find it more related to "The Bends" or "OK Computer") I definitely love it and it keeps growing. It's so warm, so real, so full of energy and of emotions...
  10. MokaB.
    Nov 2, 2007
    The songs, are layered and beautiful, unique and blend magnificently together. I've listened to this album 200 times, and some of its best moments come in the form of reckoner and 15 step. Best album of the decade, by radiohead, of all time! Yes. Oh yes. I'd put this one between Kid A and Amnesiac. Holds a candle next to OK Computer, Bends, or Hail to the Thief. And 15 step is The songs, are layered and beautiful, unique and blend magnificently together. I've listened to this album 200 times, and some of its best moments come in the form of reckoner and 15 step. Best album of the decade, by radiohead, of all time! Yes. Oh yes. I'd put this one between Kid A and Amnesiac. Holds a candle next to OK Computer, Bends, or Hail to the Thief. And 15 step is one of the best album opener Radiohead's ever written. Expand
  11. tonys
    Oct 12, 2007
    i really enjoyed it
  12. AlexB
    Oct 12, 2007
    All of the hoople over the unconventional release method may overshadow this album's true brilliance. Radiohead's songwriting has returned to Ok Computer-Kid A era strength, but their style continues to evolve. Given enough time, this album may rank amongst not only Radiohead's greatest, but the greatest of the decade.
  13. adolfog
    Oct 12, 2007
    Se siente que el miedo despues de OK Computer empieza a ceder. Tienen el toque para las grandes canciones y otra vez se animan.
  14. cdub
    Oct 13, 2007
    You never know quite what to expect from this band, but it always ends up being just really amazing.
  15. jon
    Oct 14, 2007
  16. Chris
    Oct 14, 2007
    More like 9.5 (10 is only given to Kid A and OK Computer), though this nearly has the potential to make it there. My review will be short and sweet. Behind the National's Boxer, this is the best album of the year. Radiohead continues to prove that they are the best band in the world today, and should be considered one of the best bands of all time. If you download this album, donate More like 9.5 (10 is only given to Kid A and OK Computer), though this nearly has the potential to make it there. My review will be short and sweet. Behind the National's Boxer, this is the best album of the year. Radiohead continues to prove that they are the best band in the world today, and should be considered one of the best bands of all time. If you download this album, donate something, they deserve it. Expand
    Oct 15, 2007
  18. alexj.
    Oct 15, 2007
    Awesome album - this band has assimilated its stylistic meanderings of the last ten years in a multi-layered, warm and lush collection of songs. In Rainbows may sound like Radiohead-lite at low volume but as soon as you crank it up (in your headphones, preferably) its mean core is revealed, which is why this is no The Eraser - The Sequel. Yorke is great, no doubt about it, but Radiohead Awesome album - this band has assimilated its stylistic meanderings of the last ten years in a multi-layered, warm and lush collection of songs. In Rainbows may sound like Radiohead-lite at low volume but as soon as you crank it up (in your headphones, preferably) its mean core is revealed, which is why this is no The Eraser - The Sequel. Yorke is great, no doubt about it, but Radiohead is a five-headed monster. Expand
  19. ShanilS.
    Oct 15, 2007
    For me "In Rainbows" is an apt title as this album mixes the "weirdness" and "innovation" from the past with a refreshing boldness and accessibility that has arguably been lacking in their more recent albums. We see many shades of the band on this album. The lyrics are often poignant, drifting from the direct "I don't want to be your friend/ I just want to be your lover - House of For me "In Rainbows" is an apt title as this album mixes the "weirdness" and "innovation" from the past with a refreshing boldness and accessibility that has arguably been lacking in their more recent albums. We see many shades of the band on this album. The lyrics are often poignant, drifting from the direct "I don't want to be your friend/ I just want to be your lover - House of Cards" to more abstract thoughts "I get eaten by the worms...when fishing- Weird Fishes/Appregi". The tracks are layered, they often build...burst and fade away into another great track(catchy riffs and weird electronic beats included). It's the sort of album that gets better upon each listen. For me."Body Snatchers", "Reckoner" and "Jigsaw Falling into Place" are my favorites though like many great albums, each track has a statement and purpose.. The most solid, immediate compilation I've come across on a Radiohead album. ..fantastic stuff...they've still got it. Expand
  20. coryB.
    Oct 15, 2007
    From soaring symphonies to incredible harmonies it doesn't get any better than this. It is the best piece of music i have heard in a long long time. So what were the boys from "Dusted Magazine" listening to?
  21. BrandonDouglas
    Oct 15, 2007
    Brilliance wrapped in complexity, wrapped in simplicity. Not until you start to know the album do you realize its beauty. Phil's drums are better than ever on this album, and other than that, there's too many great things to say about it,
  22. ARAM
    Oct 15, 2007
    Best Radiohead album since OK Computer. While the albums in between were leaps and bounds above their peers, this one will prove radiohead to be in the league of the Beatles and Pink Floyd. Listening to this masterpiece makes you realize how mediocre most popular music is out there today.
  23. mt
    Oct 15, 2007
  24. thiagot.
    Oct 16, 2007
    What kind of acid people from Dusted Magazine are getting? Still prefer Hail to the Thief but I can say that In Rainbows is fantastic! Thanks you Jesus, Mephistopheles, Faust and Satan. Later.
  25. PeterL.
    Oct 16, 2007
    It's definitely up there with the big 3: The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A. Definitely different, but that's not a bad thing.
  26. Nick
    Nov 6, 2007
    By far the best Radiohead since OK Computer, and thats saying something. Like most Radiohead albums i wasnt that impressed by the first listens, but as i gave it time it grew on me. There are some not so great songs, but when it has its moments In Rainbows is up there with The Bends and OK Computer as Radioheads best.
  27. KahronS.
    Oct 16, 2007
    It's the best album I've heard in the last few years.
  28. CharlesS.
    Nov 6, 2007
    When I first listened to the record, it seemed to start well (tracks 1,2,4) but it finish kind of weak (7,8,9). However when I slowed down and actually listened.... I saw how well constructed the album is from music to verse. The craftmanship that Yorke and Greenwood display is uncanny. This is a very quiet and introspective record. It never ceases to amaze me that some of the people who When I first listened to the record, it seemed to start well (tracks 1,2,4) but it finish kind of weak (7,8,9). However when I slowed down and actually listened.... I saw how well constructed the album is from music to verse. The craftmanship that Yorke and Greenwood display is uncanny. This is a very quiet and introspective record. It never ceases to amaze me that some of the people who now criticize this record are enamered with Fall out boy and Artic monkey .....and they were still in @#%$! diapers when Pablo Honey came out. Please go back to your cookie cutter pop Junior, and leave the real music to the adults. Expand
  29. TravisW.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Amazing record. Their most consistently great set of songs since OK Computer.
  30. booms.
    Oct 18, 2007
    as been said before - this is class... at good price - you like

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.