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Universal acclaim- based on 2281 Ratings

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  1. TedR
    Nov 17, 2007
    The more I listen to Radiohead, and it is no different with In Rainbows, the more I appreciate their classical and baroque approach to composition and song strucutre. Thom Yorke might as well be humming the phone book. His voice is the flute, floating above, the cello grounding below. Like classical music, RH can sound deceptively simple one moment, messy and noisy the next. Then the The more I listen to Radiohead, and it is no different with In Rainbows, the more I appreciate their classical and baroque approach to composition and song strucutre. Thom Yorke might as well be humming the phone book. His voice is the flute, floating above, the cello grounding below. Like classical music, RH can sound deceptively simple one moment, messy and noisy the next. Then the subtle melodies, and bonus quirks, beeps, and hums sink in. No other music is so layered, so discovered in waves. Expand
  2. MarkP.
    Nov 17, 2007
    Miles above everyone else.
  3. BrennanL.
    Nov 16, 2007
    Great marketing idea, but at the end of the day it is really just another Radiohead album. Thats okay though. I do like the more minimal approach here though. A solid listen and I approve.
  4. HT
    Nov 16, 2007
    The album has 4, maybe 5 great songs, but, beeing honest, no more. That leaves more of the half of the album in the point of view of your fast-forward button. It´s a pity, Radiohead is a band that really cans doing much more better than this.
  5. ErichF.
    Nov 15, 2007
    Radiohead's best album. A true master piece. What else can I say? Please guys, keep doing music. You're the best at it.
  6. MuSauce
    Nov 15, 2007
    I instantly fell in love with this cd. Its brilliantly simple, and relaxed. 10!
  7. PeterH
    Nov 12, 2007
    Brilliant and beautiful.
  8. JonathanC
    Nov 12, 2007
    Without a doubt the most amazing album i've ever heard.
  9. JavierR.
    Nov 11, 2007
    One masterpiece = rare (OK Computer) Two masterpieces = extremely rare (Kid A) Three masterpieces = impossible...but true. In Rainbows is it.
  10. BiancaH.
    Nov 11, 2007
    In Rainbows is another proof for the thesis that you have to listen - and I mean to REALLY listen - to Radiohead artwork. Maybe there has never been any other band except RH that builds a huge iron gate in front of its music and hides the key to it deeply in people's minds.
  11. ChrisB.
    Nov 11, 2007
    Every Radiohead album since OK Computer has been vastly overrated, overhyped, and over dissected by music critics, this one isnt any different. This time though, half the songs dont seem to lead to anywhere except some sort of hungover dream state.
  12. StefanoP.
    Nov 11, 2007
    This album is wonderful! I am a great fan of "Kid A" and this sounds sooo different... (maybe someone could find it more related to "The Bends" or "OK Computer") I definitely love it and it keeps growing. It's so warm, so real, so full of energy and of emotions...
  13. TheRimRider
    Nov 9, 2007
    For those very few musically backward people who just dont get them, you're really missing out on probably the best band since the Beatles. There have been other great albums by Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Led Zepplin, Nirvana etc. but In Rainbows has reaffirmed that they were not just a great band with a two year magical peak (96, 97). If your frustrated trying to decipher For those very few musically backward people who just dont get them, you're really missing out on probably the best band since the Beatles. There have been other great albums by Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Led Zepplin, Nirvana etc. but In Rainbows has reaffirmed that they were not just a great band with a two year magical peak (96, 97). If your frustrated trying to decipher Yorke's lyrics youre missing the point. Be carried away by his vocals and the music instead. Far and beyond anything anyone else has done for decades. Expand
  14. ZachJ.
    Nov 9, 2007
    maybe rolling stone has never heard "roygbiv" from the boards of canada's 1998 release "Music has the right to children" before they heard the song "all i need". i guess 9 years is long enough that when radiohead uses the same beat it doesn't sound like any other band on earth. boards of canada = other worldly
  15. DarenW
    Nov 9, 2007
    The first listen, it's OK. But after about the 10th listening, I realized this CD is still growing on me. I'm addicted, I have to now have a daily listen! It's one of Radiohead's best, right now 2nd to OK Computer!
  16. ChrisM.
    Nov 9, 2007
    Far and away the best album of 2007. RJ M. , if you hate Radiohead so much, stop fucking listening to them. That sounds like a personal problem, and one that I'm not sure why you keep handling by listening to music you can't stand. And yet you claim to have such an extensive knowledge of their catalogue! How odd. Anyway, Phil Selway's never sounded better (this is coming Far and away the best album of 2007. RJ M. , if you hate Radiohead so much, stop fucking listening to them. That sounds like a personal problem, and one that I'm not sure why you keep handling by listening to music you can't stand. And yet you claim to have such an extensive knowledge of their catalogue! How odd. Anyway, Phil Selway's never sounded better (this is coming from a drummer) and Thom Yorke's usually cryptic lyrics are surpisingly lucid. I am no minion--I resisted Radiohead for 10 years before I finally came around. I don't listen to music because everyone else tells me to; that's for people who listen to Nickelback...or any other completely insipid, uninspired, cookie-cutter band that is constantly played by MTV and on the radio. Radiohead challenges every facet of the mainstream rock audience by telling them it doesn't have to be similar to be popular. Thank God for bands like them. Otherwise I would be stuck listening to condescending pseudo-critics such as yourself who believe that by dismissing a critically-acclaimed band they are doing everyone else a favor. I appreciate it buddy. Oh, and yes, I do take this personally. Expand
  17. Vin
    Nov 8, 2007
    Beautiful record! Gives me a head rush for the first half then puts me in harmony for the last of it. This record is one of their best to date, worth it to pick it up. If your have been a Radiohead fan you won't be disappointed.
  18. joelC.
    Nov 8, 2007
    Something to enjoy for a long long time, Videotape is one going straight to the top 3 of radiohead
  19. renen.
    Nov 8, 2007
    first, RJM, shut up! second, this is by far their most confident piece of work since ok computer. a truly truly nice surpise.
  20. NemoM.
    Nov 8, 2007
    A great Album. Every track is quality.
  21. AlexF
    Nov 8, 2007
    It's a good album, but I expected more from Radiohead. It lacks that certain something that makes you realise that this is Radiohead.
  22. reckoner
    Nov 7, 2007
    ha ha ha ha... RJ M. what a wanker. This album rocks.
  23. Ha
    Nov 7, 2007
    RJ M, stop crying. I know its hard coming to grip with the fact that your taste in music blows. This album is pure genius!
  24. RR
    Nov 7, 2007
    Beautiful, haunting, moving, incredible, totally impressive musicianship, fantastic ideas, at home between the avantgarde and pop, multi-layered, peaceful, gorgeous, heart-breaking - did I cover it all? Radiohead do it again. Thank you for enriching our lives with this, your best record. @RJ M.: you obviously forgot that one needs to be able to FEEL in order to appreciate music. rest Beautiful, haunting, moving, incredible, totally impressive musicianship, fantastic ideas, at home between the avantgarde and pop, multi-layered, peaceful, gorgeous, heart-breaking - did I cover it all? Radiohead do it again. Thank you for enriching our lives with this, your best record. @RJ M.: you obviously forgot that one needs to be able to FEEL in order to appreciate music. rest assured: we all know why we love this band. we understand what they do, we know what they're about. sad for you if you don't. now crawl back into your spiteful little hole. Expand
  25. CharlesS.
    Nov 6, 2007
    When I first listened to the record, it seemed to start well (tracks 1,2,4) but it finish kind of weak (7,8,9). However when I slowed down and actually listened.... I saw how well constructed the album is from music to verse. The craftmanship that Yorke and Greenwood display is uncanny. This is a very quiet and introspective record. It never ceases to amaze me that some of the people who When I first listened to the record, it seemed to start well (tracks 1,2,4) but it finish kind of weak (7,8,9). However when I slowed down and actually listened.... I saw how well constructed the album is from music to verse. The craftmanship that Yorke and Greenwood display is uncanny. This is a very quiet and introspective record. It never ceases to amaze me that some of the people who now criticize this record are enamered with Fall out boy and Artic monkey .....and they were still in @#%$! diapers when Pablo Honey came out. Please go back to your cookie cutter pop Junior, and leave the real music to the adults. Expand
  26. Nick
    Nov 6, 2007
    By far the best Radiohead since OK Computer, and thats saying something. Like most Radiohead albums i wasnt that impressed by the first listens, but as i gave it time it grew on me. There are some not so great songs, but when it has its moments In Rainbows is up there with The Bends and OK Computer as Radioheads best.
  27. UncleDougBigelow
    Nov 6, 2007
    Over processed garbage. C'mon people, you're better than that.
  28. sethisawesome
    Nov 5, 2007
    Not only the best album I've heard all year, its one of the best albums I've heard ever. Even better than Kid A. And I loves me some Kid A. My heart rate actually quickened during parts.
  29. Grant
    Nov 5, 2007
    The first time I listened to this album, I admit I was slightly underwhelmed. But after repeated listening, this is may be their finest work to date
  30. BenW
    Nov 5, 2007
    I thought Spoon Ga*5 had album of the year nailed for sure - but this has blown my mind out. Best album since Funeral (2004). But lets wait for Grizzly bear's new one

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.