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  1. LindsayD
    Oct 17, 2007
    Radiohead are nothing if not amazing and inventive. In Rainbows is yet another masterpiece. It has certainly been a grower album for me -- with each listen, it gets more and more personal. This record is so beautifully minimalistic, so sweetly haunting. I can't say enough good things about it (especially that haven't already been said) so suffice it to say they've created Radiohead are nothing if not amazing and inventive. In Rainbows is yet another masterpiece. It has certainly been a grower album for me -- with each listen, it gets more and more personal. This record is so beautifully minimalistic, so sweetly haunting. I can't say enough good things about it (especially that haven't already been said) so suffice it to say they've created another masterpiece, and I won't take it off repeat anytime soon! Expand
  2. cw
    Oct 17, 2007
    wow. i think this may well be the best album of the year.
  3. JoshM.
    Oct 17, 2007
    all i need
  4. Lachlan
    Oct 17, 2007
    'In Rainbows' is easily the best album of the year. While not as groundbreaking like 'OK Computer' or 'Kid A' (marketing scheme aside), 'In Rainbows' is definitely an improvement over the slightly disappointing 'Hail to the Thief'. There is not a single weak moment or a single track that could be considered as filler. Radiohead has crafted 'In Rainbows' is easily the best album of the year. While not as groundbreaking like 'OK Computer' or 'Kid A' (marketing scheme aside), 'In Rainbows' is definitely an improvement over the slightly disappointing 'Hail to the Thief'. There is not a single weak moment or a single track that could be considered as filler. Radiohead has crafted one of their most confident, coherent, and complex albums I have ever heard. Stand out tracks include 'Bodysnatchers', 'Videotape' and 'All I Need'. Of particular note is the stunning 'Weird Fishes / Arpeggi', which is one of Radiohead's most haunting, disturbing tracks of all time. 'Weird Fishes / Arpeggi' is up there with 'Let Down', 'Everything In Its Right Place' and 'Street Spirit'. Overall, I would recommend Radiohead's 'In Rainbows' to anyone who wants to listen to a band at its most assured. Expand
  5. Esther
    Oct 17, 2007
    Simply Amazing!! I'm still in awe that this is a Radiohead Album, they took their musicianship to a whole new level. It is definitely their best album to date and deserves a 10.
  6. Michael
    Oct 17, 2007
    strong tracks: 15 step nude faust arp jigsaw falling into place videotape. arpeggi is ruined by a stupid drum beat, check out the orchestral version on youtube. that's quality right there. bodysnatchers sucks for the first half. all i need is good but the ending is super corny and lame. reckoner starts out well but turns completely generic and the breakdown sounds just like I Will, strong tracks: 15 step nude faust arp jigsaw falling into place videotape. arpeggi is ruined by a stupid drum beat, check out the orchestral version on youtube. that's quality right there. bodysnatchers sucks for the first half. all i need is good but the ending is super corny and lame. reckoner starts out well but turns completely generic and the breakdown sounds just like I Will, like just like it, shockingly apparently so. House of cards is boring and goes nowhere. That's all. in general, phil selway brings the album down a lot, and could've been improved by taking some of the more exemplary tracks off the eraser and fleshing them out a bit. because cymbal rush, analyse, and harrowdown hill are a whole lot better than a lot of the stuff here. Radiohead ooze potential and talent, but they make choices that I find disappointing. Expand
  7. TylerD.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Radiohead's best? Very possible.
  8. JackS.
    Oct 17, 2007
    The only "great" song on this album was written 10 years ago (while the band was busy making it's only "great" album). Let's face it folks, Kid A has not aged well. It sounds dated, pompous and self-important. How anyone with functioning ears can stand the bleeps and blips is beyond me. You get much of the same bleeps and blips that pass for music progress on this record. The The only "great" song on this album was written 10 years ago (while the band was busy making it's only "great" album). Let's face it folks, Kid A has not aged well. It sounds dated, pompous and self-important. How anyone with functioning ears can stand the bleeps and blips is beyond me. You get much of the same bleeps and blips that pass for music progress on this record. The first 2 tracks are typical of this album and of what Radiohead has become - poorly produces electro-turd music. In Rainbows is mediocre at best. I would hate to see the music collections of all the sheep rating it a 10. Expand
  9. OtmS.
    Oct 17, 2007
    best Radiohead outing since "Kid A", maybe since "OK Computer" - what a relief.
  10. Eddie
    Oct 17, 2007
    Beautifully dark and brooding. It has great potential, and may even top OK Computer, which God knows that's gonna be hard to do. Great effort.
  11. L.D.
    Oct 17, 2007
    mystically mellow...
  12. MikeS.
    Oct 17, 2007
    More user friendly than Kid A, Amnesiac, or Hail to the Thief (all of which were great in their own way none the less) and more of a stylistic mix than previous outings, Radiohead give way to a warmer, more melodic, and less synthetic record - this is "the sound of Radiohead coming back down to Earth" - Fantastic
  13. MichaelG
    Oct 17, 2007
    "In/Rainbows" has been an interesting experience for me already. The only thing I can compare it to is my impressions of "Paranoid Android" ten years ago. The first time I heard it I thought it was unique and interesting, but I wasn't completely sold. After about my third listen something about it grabbed me. I don't know if that was how long it took me to catch lyrics, the "In/Rainbows" has been an interesting experience for me already. The only thing I can compare it to is my impressions of "Paranoid Android" ten years ago. The first time I heard it I thought it was unique and interesting, but I wasn't completely sold. After about my third listen something about it grabbed me. I don't know if that was how long it took me to catch lyrics, the brilliant structure or if it was a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless (I know - different song). But from then on it was a completely different song than it had been before. I had the same happen with this whole album. My attitude towards it was very lukewarm for the first two or three listens. I don't know when it changed. I think "Nude" and "Reckoner" were where it started. But now, when I play "15 Steps" I cannot stop until it completes. When "Videotape" winds down breathless and beautiful, I want to begin again. And that kind of obsessive listening to an entire album is a privilege few discs have enjoyed. There is something very special here. Dusted Mag needs to give it a few more listens. They will regret the score given, much as I would have regretted the 7 I would have given it a week ago after only two perusals. Expand
  14. Jeremy
    Oct 17, 2007
    The songs here, as songs, are pretty good. They are made well and the instrumentation is top-notch. Skittish beats, whirring guitars, and soothing dream-like haziness litter this album with superbness. The production is also surprisingly good for a non-record-label release. I could say, with faith, that 15 STEP, NUDE, and VIDEOTAPE are three of the best songs in the past few months. The songs here, as songs, are pretty good. They are made well and the instrumentation is top-notch. Skittish beats, whirring guitars, and soothing dream-like haziness litter this album with superbness. The production is also surprisingly good for a non-record-label release. I could say, with faith, that 15 STEP, NUDE, and VIDEOTAPE are three of the best songs in the past few months. However, when I sit down and listen to this record as a whole, I find it to be quite plodding. While each song has a different feel, the general, overall effect doesn't drift too far from the same base. In other words: as a whole, this album tends to bore me. I see this as a mood piece. A nice album to play and sit down and relax, or a nice night-time car ride cd. But, I [usually] cannot sit and listen to the whole thing without stopping around FAUST ARP (not that it's a bad song, just 'cause I lose interest by then.) I admire Radiohead's musical ability, and they sure do have musical ability, but I have to say that, while not bad, at all, this album fails to please me completely. Far from perfect. Expand
  15. MarkD
    Oct 17, 2007
    Not content with changing the way music sounds every few albums, Radiohead now change the way we buy music and solidify their status as the most important band since The Beatles.
  16. jeremy
    Oct 17, 2007
    I've never been a huge a fan of Radiohead, but this album blew me away. It flows smoothly, and every song is fantastic. And, it's fun to listen to! My one complaint? A lot of the songs sound similar. But hey, it makes for a superb album.
  17. chris
    Oct 17, 2007
    People are fucking stupid if they think radiohead sucks. I mean come on, they are the best thing since the beatles. This is their best work. I surpasses any of their other work, and in a close second is Kid A. What the fuck are people who say it's sucks, thinking? It is their first beautiful album. From start to finish, there is no ok song or some what good song, they are all People are fucking stupid if they think radiohead sucks. I mean come on, they are the best thing since the beatles. This is their best work. I surpasses any of their other work, and in a close second is Kid A. What the fuck are people who say it's sucks, thinking? It is their first beautiful album. From start to finish, there is no ok song or some what good song, they are all amazing. In Rainbows is a fucking masterpiece, any one who says otherwise are fucking retarded. And for those people who say it suck, how bout you start listening to good music. I'm sure the ones who say it suck probably listens to some bull shit like the kottonmouth kings. Great job radiohead. Expand
  18. Jamess.
    Oct 17, 2007
    I agree with the critic that said it had no climax. A good album that would have been excellent if it contained even one obvious single. I was left waiting for something to happen most of the album.
  19. LeonH.
    Oct 17, 2007
    The musical equivalent of heroin.
  20. MarkR.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Yes you know, I like the record, but sometimes I just want a damn distorted electric guitar. That's what I feel sometimes Radiohead has lost, angriness.
  21. ToddW.
    Oct 17, 2007
    In Rainbows is a perfect amalgam of all that came before from the best band on the planet. While not groundbreaking like O.K. Computer or Kid A, Yorke, Greenwood, Selway, et al. show the pretenders just how to construct a melody quite unlike anything you've ever heard before. That's what keeps the fanatics, like me, coming back for more. A strong contender for album of the year.
  22. GraemeW.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Unlike many people, I thought Kid A and Amnesiac were a wonderful departure from OK Computer/Bends era, showcasing the band's varied talents, courage in experimentation, and wealth of influences, from Bjork and Aphex Twin to Charles Mingus and various Classical composers. This album is the most cohesive of their efforts since Kid A, and yet it has some of melodic brilliance, passion Unlike many people, I thought Kid A and Amnesiac were a wonderful departure from OK Computer/Bends era, showcasing the band's varied talents, courage in experimentation, and wealth of influences, from Bjork and Aphex Twin to Charles Mingus and various Classical composers. This album is the most cohesive of their efforts since Kid A, and yet it has some of melodic brilliance, passion and gravitas of their earlier works. The songs work well together, and there is a brilliant mix of sounds, overlapping layers of instruments and electronics, and, for good measure, a lot of soul. Well worth the listen of any music fan, let alone a Radiohead one. Expand
  23. OctavianI.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Great album !
  24. PaulJ.
    Oct 17, 2007
    I would actually give this a 9.5 if I could, but I could not rank it a 10 since that would be in the territory of OK Computer and Amnesiac- albums which were a little more streamlined than this effort. However, this is still one of their best albums and definitely shows the ongoing effort of the band to be avant-garde. Fantastic listen!
  25. Jones
    Oct 17, 2007
    Sounds like Moby mixed with Amnesiac. Highly overrated and lacking contrast.
  26. E
    Oct 17, 2007
    It's not as good as Kid A, but what could be? All in all, I'd probably place it 3rd in Radiohead's catalogue, which automatically puts it above most other music. It's great to finally hear some of these songs that have been circulating for so long, although I still prefer the live bootlegged version of Videotape (seriously, go check that out). Overall, an album that It's not as good as Kid A, but what could be? All in all, I'd probably place it 3rd in Radiohead's catalogue, which automatically puts it above most other music. It's great to finally hear some of these songs that have been circulating for so long, although I still prefer the live bootlegged version of Videotape (seriously, go check that out). Overall, an album that manages to be simultaneously lush and sparse, and sounds like nothing else out there, despite its conventional instrumentation. Thank God for Radiohead. Expand
  27. AndreiT.
    Oct 17, 2007
    "In Rainbows" is not only a semi-stripped down version of their complicated production but a wonder to listen, filled with Thom Yorke's aching and emotional singing and soft instrumentation.
  28. PatrickD
    Oct 17, 2007
    a lot looser and dare i say it, a lot funkier than anything theyve done. that said does it stand to their pinnacle as the greatest guitar rock band in the world: no. its a pleasure to listne to as radiohead sounds like theyre having fun. hopefully this leads to a warmer more emotive music in the future versus the cold rather boring stuff of the kid a-amnesiac-httf era
  29. herberth.
    Oct 17, 2007
    This new uplifting and radient album seems to be remnants of The Bends, Ok Computer and Hail to the Theif. It is a great way to pull all 6 studio albums together. This album ranks up there with the best of Radiohead!!!!!
  30. HasbroM.
    Oct 17, 2007
    The tightest and most grippingly beautiful thing they have ever recorded. While it does not upstage their other work, it does add yet another new piece to their growing collection of outstanding albums and makes their older work sound that much more right.

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.