• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 14, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 170 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 170

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  1. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  2. Mar 23, 2021
  3. Feb 6, 2021
    In Your Honor was never supposed to be anything more than a loud introduction, but it's by far the weakest introduction to any Foo Fighters album. 5/10
    No Way Back is a completely unremarkable single. I can't pinpoint anything wrong with it, but I've never actively wanted to listen to it. 6/10
    Best of You is great, but you already know that. 8/10 DOA is one of my favourites; it might
    In Your Honor was never supposed to be anything more than a loud introduction, but it's by far the weakest introduction to any Foo Fighters album. 5/10
    No Way Back is a completely unremarkable single. I can't pinpoint anything wrong with it, but I've never actively wanted to listen to it. 6/10
    Best of You is great, but you already know that. 8/10
    DOA is one of my favourites; it might just be because of the music video, but the chaotic atmosphere all throughout is fantastic, and the riffs all blend together perfectly. 8/10
    Hell might have some worth to some people, but this is obviously the Foo Fighters taking the gimmick of loud guitars and screaming to its limits. Otherwise, completely unremarkable and honestly hurts to listen to. 3/10
    The Last Song isn't even mediocre. It has the most bland collection of riffs of any Foo Fighters song, the lyrics are completely nothing, it's too bland to even be considered middle-of-the-road. 4/10
    Free Me is bad. The riffs are much better than the last two, which bumps it up a lot, but again the screaming does nothing for me. It's listenable, but I definitely do not care for it. 6/10
    Resolve is good. I have no real opinions on it; it's kind of Foo Fighters standard in quality, with no real noteworthy improvements, but it's worth a listen and maybe even worth adding to your playlist. 7/10
    The Deepest Blues are Black is an underrated gem. It's my favourite song on the album, and it gets hardly any recognition, which is a massive shame. Go listen to it if you haven't already. 8/10
    End Over End is the dampest way to end this half of the album. Completely unmemorable, it feels like they were burnt out from writing so many songs and just whipped this up in an afternoon to make a round number of tracks.

    Still is acoustic to the nth degree. It was clearly made to be the epitome of serenity and peace, which it succeeds in, but otherwise, it doesn't grab me at all. The only time I would play this is if I were in a flower field with an acoustic guitar, which doesn't happen very often. 5/10
    What If I Do? perfectly paints a picture of what there is to come in the acoustic half, which is to say completely unmemorable and makes me fidget in my seat. I can't even remember the verse as I'm writing this, and I can remember every other moment on the album. 4/10
    Miracle was a single? Really? Granted it was only digital, and I understand that it has a notable guest performance, but it's one of the worst songs on the album. All sense of rhythm and cohesion is completely missing in the riffs, and Dave Grohl is singing way too loud for this song to work. 3/10
    Another Round is actually a song I like quite a bit. It still feels a little asymmetric sometimes, but the riffs and energy are enough so that I play this one quite often. 7/10
    Friend Of a Friend is embarrassing. For context, it was originally produced in 1992, before Dave Grohl had any idea on how to write a song, and it shows. It really shows. This song is awful. Avoid at all costs. 1/10
    Over and Out does exactly what this album set out to do. It uses the acoustic setting to its advantage to provide a genuinely unsettling atmosphere. It doesn't really do much with it, though, and the riffs are fairly mediocre. 7/10
    On the Mend is a song that I will never want to listen to. Not once in my life. It's structurally sound, I guess, but it has zero appeal to me. 4/10
    Virginia Moon is sweet and nice, and I recommend checking it out; however, it's not a tonal fit for the album, the backing vocals go to some really strange and displaced chord progressions, and the production doesn't really do it for me. Definitely enjoyable, but not spectacularly made. 6/10
    Cold Day in the Sun is a song. It's sung by Taylor Hawkins, which is novel, and also a little ironic because it has the most drums of any acoustic song, but otherwise it's completely nothing. The lyrics are completely nothing, the instrumentation is completely nothing, the vocals are unique but completely nothing substance-wise. 5/10
    Razor is a great way to end the album. It's as quiet as Still, but the riffs are much better, and the tone is much darker. Easy recommendation. 8/10

    That was bad. Evidently. But the frustrating part is how much better it could have been. The B-sides are genuinely incredible. If you don't believe me, may I remind you of the most noteworthy B-side: Skin and Bones. That didn't make the cut, but Friend of a Friend did. Think about that.
    My personal favourite B-side is The Sign, but Spill is definitely a contender. The Sign would have been the best song on the album, but was left out.

    This stands out to me as the worst Foo Fighters album, and likely always will. Go listen to the 7/10s and 8/10s, and also listen to the B-sides, but don't bother with anything else.
  4. Nov 9, 2013
    I thought this was a superior record to One By One, which was so boring I can't remember most of the songs. On here, tracks like "In Your Honor", "No Way Back", and "DOA" actually succeed in taking off and shaking the floor, while the new acoustic section boasts a lovely little surprise in "Miracle" which has actually become one of my favourites by this group. As with any Foos releaseI thought this was a superior record to One By One, which was so boring I can't remember most of the songs. On here, tracks like "In Your Honor", "No Way Back", and "DOA" actually succeed in taking off and shaking the floor, while the new acoustic section boasts a lovely little surprise in "Miracle" which has actually become one of my favourites by this group. As with any Foos release though, inconsistency is a major problem. A couple of the mellower tracks on the second half fall completely flat, and "Best of You" is one of the most irritating and anti-climactic big-release singles I've heard, sadly. Still, not a bad effort just could have done with some generous editing and quality control. Expand
  5. Dec 21, 2011
    A double album was always going to be an ambitious project from a band who generally have 2 types of songs - rockalongs and the occasional acoustic love song. Although there are some shakey moments, overall it's a success. Some of their best tracks are on this and the acoustic disc has some excellent tracks on it.
  6. j30
    Sep 28, 2011
    Half of the songs are great and the other half feels filler and a bit boring. A really ambitious project and I applaud them for that.
  7. Jan 28, 2011
    While it has a number of enjoyable tracks the problem with In Your Honor is the way it's twenty tracks are arranged. Rather then having a blend of hard and soft It groups all the "loud" songs onto the same disc and the "quiet" tracks onto a separate disc. While it's an interesting idea it doesn't work so well in practice and the end result is that both discs lack any kind of flow, both endWhile it has a number of enjoyable tracks the problem with In Your Honor is the way it's twenty tracks are arranged. Rather then having a blend of hard and soft It groups all the "loud" songs onto the same disc and the "quiet" tracks onto a separate disc. While it's an interesting idea it doesn't work so well in practice and the end result is that both discs lack any kind of flow, both end up sounding the same from beginning to end. Of the two the acoustic disc fares better then the rock when listened to on it's own. About half the tracks feel unnecessary and if they had blended the best tracks from both discs we would have had a great album with a half decent b-sides release to boot. Expand
  8. Lisa
    Aug 15, 2007
    I Love This Album. I Didn't Love the Foo's till This Album. It Showed they Were Willing To Do Things To There Music And Experiment! It Makes Them Better Than Half These Other Bands and Groups Who Are topping The Charts! There Music's the Smae all the Time. the Foos Deffinetly Produced One Of There Greatest CD's.
  9. VidM
    Aug 13, 2007
    Excellent album. Could have done without the 2nd disc. The first five tracks are a whirlwind tour de force that carry the weaker tracks.
  10. BernS
    Jul 16, 2007
    I'm one of the people who prefers the second CD (very good hangover music) to the first; parts of which are forgettable. If you could take the best songs from both sides and make one album out of them it would easily get a 9,5 out of 10 from me.
  11. AndrewL.
    Jun 29, 2007
    I have to agree with Tom B. I like their older albums but I'm disappointed with "In your hornor".
  12. ElleS
    Mar 26, 2007
    Honestly did you all not listen to this? It is a fantastic album in every aspect. The rock (CD1)and ballads (CD2) are a great balance to suit your mood. I guess you would need an IQ of more than 20 to understand CD2 but the guitar playing is great, musically it is far more interesting than CD1. The words are even pretty deep and certainly helped me find hope during a dark period when I Honestly did you all not listen to this? It is a fantastic album in every aspect. The rock (CD1)and ballads (CD2) are a great balance to suit your mood. I guess you would need an IQ of more than 20 to understand CD2 but the guitar playing is great, musically it is far more interesting than CD1. The words are even pretty deep and certainly helped me find hope during a dark period when I thought my friend was all but lost. Expand
  13. TimL
    Jan 26, 2007
    Honestly, this is one of the worst albums I have ever bought/heard. It's Dave Grohl trying to imitate the rest of the industry, and honestly it's just a waste of time. The first album tries to rock it out, and can only pull it off in the best of you, the rest is just simply horrible, and you are saying to yourself "how could this possibly get any worst" well pop in the acoustic Honestly, this is one of the worst albums I have ever bought/heard. It's Dave Grohl trying to imitate the rest of the industry, and honestly it's just a waste of time. The first album tries to rock it out, and can only pull it off in the best of you, the rest is just simply horrible, and you are saying to yourself "how could this possibly get any worst" well pop in the acoustic cd and find out. I am a sucker for acoustic music, and I have never heard anything acoustic I hated... well until this cd. It's just absolutely boring, same rhythym through out the whole cd with very weak lyrics. I gave this cd a 3/10 simply because best of you is one of my favorite foo songs, but other then that single song, this album is to be completely avoided by self respecting music fans. Expand
  14. farvelf
    Nov 6, 2006
    This is what rock 'n roll is about. Simple, cathcy and loud. You can't invent the wheel in every song you write, because it has already been invented time and time again. And in my opinion Grohl is the best rock singer of the present. Excellent stuff. The ayatollah of rock 'n rollah.
  15. kylef
    Jul 19, 2006
    In your honour is probably 1 of the best albums that the foo fighters have brought out. the rock disc i love because of the songs they have on it like "DOA" "iN YOUR HONOUR" AND "NO WAY BACK". The acoustic disc contains some of the best 1s i have heard ( i also own all the foos albums and acoustic songs) from tracks like "cold day in the sun" and many others. I dont think in your honour In your honour is probably 1 of the best albums that the foo fighters have brought out. the rock disc i love because of the songs they have on it like "DOA" "iN YOUR HONOUR" AND "NO WAY BACK". The acoustic disc contains some of the best 1s i have heard ( i also own all the foos albums and acoustic songs) from tracks like "cold day in the sun" and many others. I dont think in your honour is the best album that they have done. Expand
  16. ILOVEFooFIghters
    Jul 5, 2006
    Great album, as ever from foo fighters!
  17. AndrewG
    Jun 29, 2006
    Really this album should be looked at as two seperate albums. The first disc is easily thier greatest, every song fires and really a 10/10 success. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the acoustic disc. None of the songs really stick in the mind for very long and, unusually for the Foos its all a bit...dull. So advice when buying this album: listen to the first disc constantly then Really this album should be looked at as two seperate albums. The first disc is easily thier greatest, every song fires and really a 10/10 success. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the acoustic disc. None of the songs really stick in the mind for very long and, unusually for the Foos its all a bit...dull. So advice when buying this album: listen to the first disc constantly then just...throw away the second disc and act like it never existed Expand
  18. JohnN
    May 16, 2006
    3 great songs on this album all on the Rock part which simply cannot justify a double album. The Acoustic album is pathetically awful and this album was meant to define their careers if you want to hear a career defining album listen to American Idiot by Green Day. This is by the numbers in comparison does not leap out at you and unfortunately it has been a long time since the Foos have 3 great songs on this album all on the Rock part which simply cannot justify a double album. The Acoustic album is pathetically awful and this album was meant to define their careers if you want to hear a career defining album listen to American Idiot by Green Day. This is by the numbers in comparison does not leap out at you and unfortunately it has been a long time since the Foos have produced that kind of music remember Everlong and Monkey Wrench its been a while since we heard anything that good. Expand
  19. MattA
    May 14, 2006
    In Your Honour is some of the Foo Fighters best work, the rock disc is great and takes their sounds to a new level with hard hitting rock songs like "No Way Back" to the speaker blowing anthem-like tunes of "Hell" and "Free Me". While the acoustic disc shows Foo Fighters' soft side that we have all seen in songs like "Next Year" and "Aurora". All together it shows the versatility of In Your Honour is some of the Foo Fighters best work, the rock disc is great and takes their sounds to a new level with hard hitting rock songs like "No Way Back" to the speaker blowing anthem-like tunes of "Hell" and "Free Me". While the acoustic disc shows Foo Fighters' soft side that we have all seen in songs like "Next Year" and "Aurora". All together it shows the versatility of Foo Fighters while not straying too far from the stuff that we've all grown to love, I can't wait to see what they do next. Expand
  20. MartinL
    May 13, 2006
    The rock disc is great with classics such as "Best of You", "The Last Song", "DOA", "Resolve", and "End Over End". The acoustic dist is also great with classics such as "What If I Do", "Friend of A Friend", "Miracle", "Another Round", and "Cold Day in The Sun".
  21. BrennanB
    May 7, 2006
    Great great album. The songs on the rock CD are amazing, particularly End Over End. Dave Grohl is the one of the best rock music artists ever.
  22. KerrehW
    May 6, 2006
    On the rock side of things, I would have to say that There Is Nothing Left To Lose and The Colour and The Shape are better. There are no particularly stand-out songs on this album; I love it anyway. This is definitely a good album. All of the Foo Fighters work has been good overall. The acoustic side is something else altogether, it is amazing. The Foos are definitely still one of music`s On the rock side of things, I would have to say that There Is Nothing Left To Lose and The Colour and The Shape are better. There are no particularly stand-out songs on this album; I love it anyway. This is definitely a good album. All of the Foo Fighters work has been good overall. The acoustic side is something else altogether, it is amazing. The Foos are definitely still one of music`s miracles. You would have expected Dave`s voice to have gone downhill, but still he excels at what he does. Expand
  23. SteveM
    Mar 22, 2006
    Overall good Album. The Accustic disk had some great songs. The rock disk had a mixture of OK, good, and great songs. "Resolve", and "Friend of a Friend" are awsome.
  24. amandap
    Mar 4, 2006
    this album is good. the acoustic side is awesome but the rock side is something you listen to and think yeh they've done it before. not their best work. a lot of the b-sides they released should have made the final album cut cos they are a lot better than some of the really plain things that are on there
  25. DanR
    Feb 9, 2006
    Anything done by Dave Grohl is bound to be Great, including In Your Honor. The intro IN YOUR HONOR is great, and it really Pumps you up for the rest of the album!
  26. DavidS
    Jan 21, 2006
    In Your Honor is freaking awesome!
  27. JD
    Jan 4, 2006
    this is an exceptionaly good album and im glad these guys do what they do.
  28. PatrickM
    Dec 20, 2005
    Sadly, the Foos have completely plummeted ever since the release of One by One. The second CD is actually pretty good, but their rock sound, which is found on the first CD is nothing like it used to be. It completely lacks memorable songs... Dave has stuck a cheesy dragged out yelling chorus in every song which doesn't suit his voice at all. I'll just cling to the first three Sadly, the Foos have completely plummeted ever since the release of One by One. The second CD is actually pretty good, but their rock sound, which is found on the first CD is nothing like it used to be. It completely lacks memorable songs... Dave has stuck a cheesy dragged out yelling chorus in every song which doesn't suit his voice at all. I'll just cling to the first three releases and try to forget that the last two ever came out. Expand
  29. JeffF
    Oct 11, 2005
    The 1st CD is just great.
  30. BaxterB
    Oct 1, 2005
    both CDs fucking suck

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. The New York Times
    The rock CD overpowers the acoustic one. Yet among the quieter songs, there are enough supple melodies and hypnotic guitar patterns to suggest fine prospects for a follow-through album that would dare to mix plugged-in and unplugged. [12 Jun 2005]
  2. Los Angeles Times
    Loud, anthemic, joyous and bitter, it's easily the best Foo Fighters album in a decade. [12 Jun 2005]
  3. It is clean, polished rock with a vaguely punk edge that stays within a clear set of boundaries but in doing so manages to appeal to indie-kids and metal-lovers alike.