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Summary: Bella Novela pounce out of the gate with a new record titled, Incinerate. The new album elucidates the changes bubbling up in the current political climate, brought to light by the #metoo movement, and embodies the 'lady rage' generated by the lack of parity for women. The band's work on this record is a musical call to arms to incinerate the patriarchy. Bella Novela is Jackie Laws on vocals and keyboards; Jacob Heath on guitars and bass; Jannea McClure on drums and percussion. The ten tracks on Incinerate are: 1. "The Reckoning," 2. "Incinerate," 3. "Darkest Hour," 4. "Loved Ones," 5. "Dreams," 6. "War Woman," 7. "Tides," 8. "Haunted," 9. "Faster Than Lightning," and 10. "Battlelines."
Record Label: Hive Mind Music
Genre(s): Rock
Name: Bella Novela
Credit: Primary Artist
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