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Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 1 out of 7
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  1. Apr 5, 2019
    What a powerhouse of an album! Starting with the end, how refreshing it is to hear a re-done Battlelines, Bella Novela's classic "finishing" song. Always love it, and it's now in even better form. Back to the start, I love the flow from The Reckoning into Incinerate. Darkest Hour may be my favorite song on the album. It's definitely a showcase for Jackie's vocals, and Jannea's drums.What a powerhouse of an album! Starting with the end, how refreshing it is to hear a re-done Battlelines, Bella Novela's classic "finishing" song. Always love it, and it's now in even better form. Back to the start, I love the flow from The Reckoning into Incinerate. Darkest Hour may be my favorite song on the album. It's definitely a showcase for Jackie's vocals, and Jannea's drums. And then you switch over from the tense power of the first three and exhale with the major key of Loved Ones, I personally love the 50's style cadence that transitions into Jacob's heavy guitar riffs. Then on the flip side, you get Tides, which is unlike any Bella Novela song I've ever heard, and Faster Than Lightening, which is just plain bad-ass. Great collection of songs - absolutely a Bella Novela album. And I should mention that the production in general is uniformly excellent. I'm fired up to see the first video and to see them live again soon! - easily one of the best live acts on the West Coast. Expand
  2. Apr 7, 2019
    This band always delivers the goods, and I was not surprised in the least that Incinerate is so good.. It's what I love in a Bella Novela album (if you know the band, you know what I'm talking about), but I really like what they bring to the table with both Tides and Loved Ones - they sound like nothing they've ever done, but they're refreshingly different. Four albums in, and there's noThis band always delivers the goods, and I was not surprised in the least that Incinerate is so good.. It's what I love in a Bella Novela album (if you know the band, you know what I'm talking about), but I really like what they bring to the table with both Tides and Loved Ones - they sound like nothing they've ever done, but they're refreshingly different. Four albums in, and there's no slowing down with this crew - can't wait to hear what they come up with next! Expand
  3. Jul 10, 2019
    Saw this band at the Queen Mary a couple of years back with Rival Sons, and they just floored me with their sound and their energy in general. Picked up their first two albums at the time, but I think they've come a long way with this latest record. Seems like the music industry doesn't put out material like this any more. This is straight-ahead guitar rock - have to see this crew again soon!
  4. Jul 10, 2019
    I absolutely love their sound - feels like a mix of two very different genres - hard rock/metal and what I call microphone rock, a la Pat Benatar. They're amazing live - if you haven't seen them and you live in the Southwest, definitely seek them out. I'm so glad they re-did "Battlelines" for the coda to this album. It's a bad-ass anthem.
  5. Apr 11, 2019
    I love this band - they keep churning out the great rock songs that I though were dead and buried around 1994... Great variety of tunes (am I hearing an Abba "Winner Takes it All" influence on Tides??), and I'm glad they re-did Battlelines after all these years - sounds perfect!
  6. Jul 15, 2019
    This album is definitely not for me. Way too over the top for me to listen to.

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