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  1. Oct 21, 2016
    Este album é fantastico , estilos misturados , fico feliz por ela ter chegado a onde chegou , tem Country , Pop e Rock . Joanne é um album totalmente diferente de tudo o que ela fez .
  2. Oct 21, 2016
    it has something for everyone. pop, rock, country, funk, folk. the album is lyrically good. and Gaga literally slays with her powerful vocals. every song is good enough to be a single. this album is different from any of gaga's previous albums. and every song is unique.
  3. Oct 21, 2016
    Greatest album of all time i love how she has changed her music for this album, this will me her a legend. No other artist would ever change their music, she did and does a great job on it. Im surprised at the critic review, no matter what this album is gold. i see and taste the grammys,
  4. Oct 21, 2016
    Amazing!!! fantastic compositions, wonderful sound and references grandiose. gaga nailed this change, and highlighted a new and beautiful way. she has shown a new chameleon of pop!!!!
  5. Oct 21, 2016
    I love this album, its so powerful and very beautiful, all the songs are fantastic and personal. Thank you Gaga for making a great album... Hope that Joanne (song) has a video!
  6. Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga is evolving and showing us the kind of artist she always wanted to be. Every song in the album is in it's place. Lady Gaga can be so much more than the typical popstar.
  7. Oct 21, 2016
    Her best album to date. Anyone who says this is bad needs to get their ears checked. Also, can other fandoms get the f*** out of here and focus on their own artist? Giving it negative reviews just because you want her to look "bad" is pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourself. Anyways, BUY JOANNE ON ITUNES XOXO
  8. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is amazing! the best album of 2016! All songs can be a single, a-yo , sinner's prayer, hey girl, diamond heart...i love joanne, its the best album of lady gaga
  9. Oct 21, 2016
    With the critical success of anti and lemonade, gaga attempts to joins the trend of pushing past catchy pop hooks and stepping into music with more substance. Unfortunately for Gaga completely misses the mark and ends up sounding her most disconnected and uninspired yet.
  10. Oct 21, 2016
    This is the best album in Gaga's career. I love everything about it, from the lyrics to the music and the story every song has to tell us!
    It's the classic stories of our lives that always help us return to who we are when we're lost! JOANNE
  11. Oct 21, 2016
    This Lady Gaga's album is a modern masterpiece. It gathers all of the influences that she's been into from the past years and brings them in a fresh way, in a very Gaga style. The album is so vocal, music-focused and has raw voices. This is her best album so far.
  12. Oct 21, 2016
    A normatização de Lady Gaga soa-nos como um atrevimento retrógrado, de fato, mas ouvindo o álbum, onde ela tenta firmar raízes de um típico americano hétero e branco, a gente se depara com a convidativa "Come to Mama". Dentre outras coisas, a canção intimida o ouvinte a amar o seu próximo e suplica para pararmos de atirar pedras uns nos outro - talvez, e só talvez, uma referência ao ataqueA normatização de Lady Gaga soa-nos como um atrevimento retrógrado, de fato, mas ouvindo o álbum, onde ela tenta firmar raízes de um típico americano hétero e branco, a gente se depara com a convidativa "Come to Mama". Dentre outras coisas, a canção intimida o ouvinte a amar o seu próximo e suplica para pararmos de atirar pedras uns nos outro - talvez, e só talvez, uma referência ao ataque de Orlando. Penso que Joanne reflete o intenso Born This Way, onde Gaga coloca-se como um monstro materno que abraça seus estranhos e rejeitados filhos. Talvez agora ela tente ser uma mãe comum e ensinar novos filhos, que não puderam/conseguiram entender sua mensagem em BTW, a aceitar o jeito torto, porém legítimo, de cada um ser. Expand
  13. Oct 21, 2016
    Of course monsters would give this a 10/10, cos they know the general public won't be so kind. This album is just.. bland. After listening to it twice, it leaves no impression. I can't remember the lyrics, any tunes, I can't even remember the names of the songs. And, boy, is that a strange feeling for anything Gaga-related. I am all for changing up image, and if she wants to get rid of theOf course monsters would give this a 10/10, cos they know the general public won't be so kind. This album is just.. bland. After listening to it twice, it leaves no impression. I can't remember the lyrics, any tunes, I can't even remember the names of the songs. And, boy, is that a strange feeling for anything Gaga-related. I am all for changing up image, and if she wants to get rid of the theatrics and costumes, I'm not complaining (tho I'm sad). But, if her 'real self' is this boring mess, then maybe she should keep that meat dress on. Funny thing is, the only song on this album I liked was the Angel Down work tape. And guesss who wrote/produced it? Yeah, Red One. So maybe Gaga is better off working with those who made her who she is, and who perhaps understand her the most. Was it mistake dropping Red One? Most probably. Was this album a mistake? Hell yes. Expand
  14. Oct 21, 2016
    Beautiful album, full of beautiful messages, music to dance and cry. Congratulations Lady Gaga for being a single artist, risking and putting your heart into the music.
  15. Oct 21, 2016
    This new album show's a whole new side to gaga where the focus is on her music and her voice. There is no fillers on the album and in terms of music quality this is most likely gaga's best album yet. Personal favorites on the album is the beautiful ballads Joanne, Angel down and Million reasons along with the upbeat rock/pop track Diamond heart and dancin in circles, the alejandro of this album.
  16. Oct 21, 2016
    Three words: Gaga pushes boundaries! Joanne is something fresh, something new, and definitely something good. What I really appreciate about this album is how personal and raw it is. Songs like Perfect Illusion and Million Reasons really showcase Gaga's vocal talent and capability. At this stage in her career, Lady Gaga has nothing left to prove because she has accomplished so much andThree words: Gaga pushes boundaries! Joanne is something fresh, something new, and definitely something good. What I really appreciate about this album is how personal and raw it is. Songs like Perfect Illusion and Million Reasons really showcase Gaga's vocal talent and capability. At this stage in her career, Lady Gaga has nothing left to prove because she has accomplished so much and continues to release amazing music. Joanne's highlights include songs like Diamond Heart, John Wayne, Sinner's Prayer, A-YO, and Dancin' In Circles. This is unarguably the best album of 2016. 10/10! Expand
  17. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is pure gold.
    It´s a masterpiece,i loved the Lady Gaga´s powerful voice.
    In this album,Gaga showed one more time that she is an artist, that´s why the world must admit that she is one of the biggest music icons in our generation.
    yasss mama!!
  18. Oct 21, 2016
    Spectacular album! Gaga is slaying my existence with Joanne. Hope she will keep doing this type of music cause it suits her so well and she cam make great songs.
  19. Oct 21, 2016
    Perhaps the greatest musical reinvention ever witnessed, Joanne is a trilling, colorful, tasteful masterpiece that takes listeners on a sonic and emotional journey of everything Gaga. This is an album for the ages, and has something that listeners of all ages can enjoy. Highly recommended.
  20. Oct 21, 2016
    What an unexpected album from Lady Gaga. Never was a fan of her earlier stuff, seemed too shallow. But I feel like with "Joanne" she's showing her true self as a musician, an I can dig that. Plus, the Mark Ronson and BloodPop production on every track is killing it. "Sinner's Prayer" is an album highlight, mostly thanks to the Father John Misty involvement and great lyrics. Also, bonusWhat an unexpected album from Lady Gaga. Never was a fan of her earlier stuff, seemed too shallow. But I feel like with "Joanne" she's showing her true self as a musician, an I can dig that. Plus, the Mark Ronson and BloodPop production on every track is killing it. "Sinner's Prayer" is an album highlight, mostly thanks to the Father John Misty involvement and great lyrics. Also, bonus tracks "Grigio Girls" and "Just Another Day" are even better than some tracks on the standard version. Definitely worth your money. Expand
  21. Oct 21, 2016
    ALBUM OF THE YEAR! It's everything I wanted it to be! I love every song equally, can't even chose my favorite, they're all so good! Plus she's slaying the live performances! Can't wait for the tour!
  22. Oct 21, 2016
    First and foremost, this is amazing music. And, quite possibly, this is Gaga's best album to date. Raw and intense, with powerful vocals and catchy lyrics, travelling through genres in a way only Gaga could do, and sounding completely different from what everyone's doing, it's truly an achievement; a breath of fresh air in modern day pop music scenario -- just do yourself a favor and goFirst and foremost, this is amazing music. And, quite possibly, this is Gaga's best album to date. Raw and intense, with powerful vocals and catchy lyrics, travelling through genres in a way only Gaga could do, and sounding completely different from what everyone's doing, it's truly an achievement; a breath of fresh air in modern day pop music scenario -- just do yourself a favor and go get Joanne! Expand
  23. Oct 21, 2016
    Lady Gaga strips her sound down for her 5th album "Joanne". Joanne was inspired both by her late Aunt (who the album is named after) as well her new mainstream image after her over-saturated oddness from her ARTPOP era was ridiculed and heavily critized by the media and general public.

    Joanne is definitely different for Gaga, even if it doesn't bring anything new the table. Sounding
    Lady Gaga strips her sound down for her 5th album "Joanne". Joanne was inspired both by her late Aunt (who the album is named after) as well her new mainstream image after her over-saturated oddness from her ARTPOP era was ridiculed and heavily critized by the media and general public.

    Joanne is definitely different for Gaga, even if it doesn't bring anything new the table. Sounding like a mix between Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams and Lana Del Rey, Gaga taps into her inner country diva and though there is her signature oddness it doesn't push the envelope enough.

    Gaga has a big rock/pop type voice that deserves a level of lyrical and melodically complexity. Tracks such as "Dancin' in Circles", which sounds No Doubt influenced, or "Come to Mama" just don't really showcase her talent.

    Download: Sinner's Prayer, Angel Down
  24. Oct 21, 2016
    This album shows how much she was grown as an artist, her best body of work to date, a cohesive album with a mature songwriting and her most compelling production. The album doesn't have any fillers and it almost feel like every track on this album is a highlight.

    Highlights: Diamond Heart, Joanne, Dancin' In Circles, Million Reasons, Come To Mama, Hey Girl and Angel Down
  25. Oct 21, 2016
    A brand new Lady GaGa gives us an album that is really different from her previous works, with songs full of influences (rock,soul,country,...) and more classic melodies. She showed once again that, in addition to releasing great EDM tracks, she is an incredible artist, who can move us through simpler songs thanks to her amaziong voice.
  26. Oct 21, 2016
    Another great and consistent record by Lady Gaga. After the underrated EDM-pop heaven ARTPOP, Gaga took a break to reinvent her sound once again and came out with one of the most interesting pop albums of the year. Every song on this album has its own soul in a way and none feels like a filler. Highlights include John Wayne, Million Reasons and the Florence Welch duet Hey Girl.
  27. Oct 21, 2016
    Omg, 3 years waiting for Gaga. I love her so much, omG... I missed her! I love all her albuns and Joanne is so so cute! All songs are amazing! Thank you so much Gaga, always by your side, queen!
  28. Oct 21, 2016
    I really love this album, it's probably her best album to date. I just feel like she has been waiting her whole life for doing this. Every song brings a diferent feeling, but all of them are conected by the honesty in Gaga's voice and the intimate lyrics.
  29. Oct 21, 2016
    Another iconic album from Lady Gaga, pushing the envelope of pop music. One half classic Gaga pop with a twist, one half raw emotional songs from the heart. A game changer in the music industry.
  30. Oct 21, 2016
    Her most beautiful album to date. It's worth waiting for 3 years. Its diversity is also very fascinating. Some killer pop songs, amazing ballads, chill country songs...they all make this album complete and honest. This is the true Stefani we all love.
  31. Oct 21, 2016
    Stepping away from the intent, the inspiration, the hype, and the general rooting for her to succeed and focusing instead on the quality of the songs alone, Joanne is just not very good.
  32. Oct 21, 2016
    While your average popstar is fighting to get a few seconds of Max Martin in their album, Lady Gaga assembled an astonishing group of talented people to craft her most beautiful and personal album yet. Definitely unexpected, the singer delivers the best vocal performances of her career.
  33. Oct 21, 2016
    More than experimentatio, this album has tried and succeeded to reveal a more raw and intimate side of Gaga. Known for creativity, this album is not exception and shows that Gaga is not your regular pop star, but an artist.
  34. Oct 21, 2016
    An artist has to get out of his comfort zone and explore new lands. What Gaga does with Joanne it's exactly this travel: She is avoiding to continue with the same shapes and images. Joanne is a beautiful effort to create something real, unique and true. I love every single part of it.
  35. Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga delivered as usual by being an ice breaker. Gaga went back to her roots and the music she really loved without leaving the pop scene entirely. Diamond Heart is a great opener with really amazing lyrics tackling her life before fame and surviving sexual assault. A-yo is a club banger just waiting to happen, it is definitely a grower like the title track, Joanne. Joanne capture theGaga delivered as usual by being an ice breaker. Gaga went back to her roots and the music she really loved without leaving the pop scene entirely. Diamond Heart is a great opener with really amazing lyrics tackling her life before fame and surviving sexual assault. A-yo is a club banger just waiting to happen, it is definitely a grower like the title track, Joanne. Joanne capture the emotion of a beloved who died. John Wayne is a crossover between the soul of a Lana del Rey song with Gaga's passion. John Wayne, Dancin In Circles and Perfect Illusion is the rock dance trifecta of this album. Dancin In Circles could be the next Bad Romance with proper promotion. Million Reasons and Angel Down are just examples of how Gaga can tell a heartbreaking story with such amazing and catchy lyrics. Come To Mama sounds like a song The Beatles would've record for a Broadway show and Hey Girl is 2016's best feminist anthem. It is not a shock that Britney's retarded fans are giving this album 0 for this album is a pinnacle of Gaga's peers would have wanted
    A cohesive, innovative, ambitious album without even lifting its feet from the ground.
  36. Oct 21, 2016
    You know. Lady Gaga really did it this time. This album has everything we need. It's like we can live with it. Her vocal is so raw and the songs are so soulful and funky. We can easily emotionals in this album, but also can dance like crazy, we can get high, we can free our soul thanks to it. I can sit here and give this album compliments all day long. But words cannot describe how GREAT -You know. Lady Gaga really did it this time. This album has everything we need. It's like we can live with it. Her vocal is so raw and the songs are so soulful and funky. We can easily emotionals in this album, but also can dance like crazy, we can get high, we can free our soul thanks to it. I can sit here and give this album compliments all day long. But words cannot describe how GREAT - how AMAZING - how REAL - how CREATIVE - how CATCHY this album is. This is it. This is the album that the world needs. It's not only about herself, her life, it's about people's life, it's about the reality of the world right now, it's about the tragedy, she brought it all into this album. We can feel it. And one last words: THIS ALBUM IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, AND IT'S NOT AN ILLUSION! Make The World Gaga Again! Expand
  37. Oct 21, 2016
    Emotional and natural. This album should be rated highly. "Perfect Illusion", "Million Reasons", "Diamond Heart", "Joanne", "Sinner's Prayer", "Hey Girl" the best songs
  38. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is life-changing and I feel so deeply connected to it on a personal human level. Joanne is so relatable and Gaga's best album yet. There are so many genres at play here with only one simple message: Celebrate life & appreciate the air we breathe. Life is too short. Believe in something greater than yourself. Faith.
  39. Oct 21, 2016
    omg!!!! i loved this album, lady gaga is amazing!!! Dancin In Circles, Sinners Prayer... amazing songs!!! Hey Girl, Duo of the year, grammy 2017 please!!!!
  40. Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga has done pop, jazz and now this. This complete new route that is absolutely beautiful. It's filled with pain and resolutions, I honestly felt connected to Gaga in every way listening to this and it may just be my favorite masterpiece of hers. She is a plethora of talent, an epic songwriter and a marvelous singer. This album is GOLD.
  41. Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga really did something we haven't seen for a while in the music world. Each song on this album is a masterpiece, with deep lyrics and great music. My favourite song is John Wayne, but I love all the other songs as well. If you really want to listen to one of the greatest album of this, with things you can't hear on the radio, listen to Joanne.
  42. Oct 21, 2016
    Awesome album by gaga. It's very raw, her voice, the instruments, everything. It's a very personal album, very different from the others.You can dance, cry, think about the things in your life.
    It's an album that you can relate with every situation in your life.
  43. Oct 21, 2016
    It's an absolute blast! This is what other artists should be concentrated on! Writing real music not just for the charts and the radios. I'm not saying this to defend her not so far "successful" start with Joanne, I'm saying it for real - She is an artist who wants to be radical and give the people the maximum she can give. That's why she is changing genres. This particular album is aIt's an absolute blast! This is what other artists should be concentrated on! Writing real music not just for the charts and the radios. I'm not saying this to defend her not so far "successful" start with Joanne, I'm saying it for real - She is an artist who wants to be radical and give the people the maximum she can give. That's why she is changing genres. This particular album is a compilation of heart-aching ballads and adrenaline-rushing anthems! Her vocals are raw and real, not processed, the instruments is real - everything is real. You can really hear a whole story about an artist who is explicitly sharing it with you!
    In my opinion this album together with Cheek to Cheek is where we actually see and hear the real Gaga - Stefani JOANNE Germanotta. I give a great big shout-out to Lady Gaga for this bold step she made!
  44. Oct 21, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Gaga is being Gaga but not all the clothes, and without filter, very talented!
    All the songs seem to be a new document that they created, Joanne is not a hungry drive, it is already powered on, it is the kind of album to be felt. Lady Gaga is the best!
  45. Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga is back with one of the best albums of her career, the album contains songs which brings us a message personal. The album contains a good production, wonderful music and a nice cover and booklet.
  46. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is Lady Gaga's album. Period. After eight years in the music industry she has finally released what is her best album yet, the album she was meant to release. Her voice is the most notorious feature on this masterpiece. Gaga in all her glory.
  47. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is so amazing, i'm not fan of Lady Gaga, but i love this album and listen all day. Her vocal is powerful.
    I'm hope Lady Gaga will win Grammy 2018!
  48. Oct 21, 2016
    This is Lady Gaga's most personal album to date! This is her real self, She said: "JOANNE is like.. if you erase all the fame." and this is how I feel about it! A true album, one of the best album release in 2016!
  49. Oct 21, 2016
    Excellent album! Really sets her apart from the algorithms in the charts nowadays. This showcases her vocal ability with a subtly genre-bending tone..
  50. Oct 21, 2016
    'The more that this industry tries to make me like everybody else, the more I like to f**k it up.' She said that almost two years ago, and this album is proof of that. It goes on the opposite direction of today's mainstream songs. Production is amazing. Her vocals are gold. Songwriting is incredible.
    Her most personal record to date.
    Also, the best.
  51. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is Gaga's most cohesive by far, and whilst it is a VERY different sound for the Lady, it still keeps the Gaga charm. From start to finish, the album serves perfection - there isn't a dud song on it. Standout tracks for me are Sinner's Prayer, Dancin' in Circles, A-Yo, Just Another Day, Diamond Heart... what the heck, every track is a standout and holds its own whilst stillThis album is Gaga's most cohesive by far, and whilst it is a VERY different sound for the Lady, it still keeps the Gaga charm. From start to finish, the album serves perfection - there isn't a dud song on it. Standout tracks for me are Sinner's Prayer, Dancin' in Circles, A-Yo, Just Another Day, Diamond Heart... what the heck, every track is a standout and holds its own whilst still perfectly blending into one another. Truly Lady Gaga's best album to date (and that is a bold statement to make!). 10/10 from me. Expand
  52. Oct 21, 2016
    It is definitely not what I was expecting from Lady Gaga with this album, but it has outdone my expectations. The production in this album is her best so far.
  53. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is probably the album Lady Gaga waited very long to make. The album is so raw and honest, and every song will stir up a different emotion. Joanne brings every listener on a journey of Lady Gaga's life and her legacy. There are no filler songs; every song has a meaning. Have a listen to it!
  54. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is trying so hard to be something , but spends most of the time trying to figure out what that "something" is. Most of the production sounds flat, the vocals sound quite awful and the narrative does not tell a consistent story nor stick to a consistent theme. Nice try but nowhere near what you would expect from someone like Gaga.
  55. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is by far Gaga's utmost best & most emotionally raw work. Every song is my favourite in a different way and they're ALL relatable. Gaga is putting experiences and feelings into words like never before. From fiery rock-inspired 'Diamond Heart', to 'Angel Down' written for Trayvon Martin & Black Lives Matter - it's her most cohesive and mature album. This is the real Lady Gaga inThis album is by far Gaga's utmost best & most emotionally raw work. Every song is my favourite in a different way and they're ALL relatable. Gaga is putting experiences and feelings into words like never before. From fiery rock-inspired 'Diamond Heart', to 'Angel Down' written for Trayvon Martin & Black Lives Matter - it's her most cohesive and mature album. This is the real Lady Gaga in all her glory. Expand
  56. Oct 21, 2016
    Much anticipated album finally came after 3 years haul and it's undoubtedly musically the best of Mother Monster. All songs on record are single material, and real instruments used in production make it even more natural than ever .Thanks for the fresh music Gaga!
  57. Oct 21, 2016
    An amazing album.
    All his songs are wonderful, especially Hey Girl, Sinner's Prayer, Dancin 'In Circles and Million Reasons.
    It's probably the best production of Gaga.
  58. Oct 21, 2016
    Lady Gaga came back with something totally different and unexpected after her other 3 electropop solo albums. She decided to create something more mature and less "pop". Did she handle that? Unfortunately, not really. Her 5th studio album titled Joanne after her dead aunt lacks everything that could make it a very good, personal and mature record. From the dated, not very inspirationalLady Gaga came back with something totally different and unexpected after her other 3 electropop solo albums. She decided to create something more mature and less "pop". Did she handle that? Unfortunately, not really. Her 5th studio album titled Joanne after her dead aunt lacks everything that could make it a very good, personal and mature record. From the dated, not very inspirational instrumental productions, through quite repetitive lyrics to horribly unpleasant vocals. It's definitely her most consistent album, but unlike her other pop records, this one doesn't even have any standouts that would make it more special. Expand
  59. Oct 21, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lady Gaga viaja por diferentes estilos nesse álbum incrível. Depois da confusão que foi ARTPOP, é maravilhoso ter um álbum honesto, simplista e totalmente fresco. Acertou em cheio. Expand
  60. Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga has really surprised me with this highly mature album. The album moved me through so many emotions and the rawness and authenticity shines through. Its such a fresh sound compared to what we hear on the radio today! The uplifting Angel Down and banger Diamond Heart are instant stand outs! John Wayne and Dancin' In Circles also make sure you remember this album after its first play.Gaga has really surprised me with this highly mature album. The album moved me through so many emotions and the rawness and authenticity shines through. Its such a fresh sound compared to what we hear on the radio today! The uplifting Angel Down and banger Diamond Heart are instant stand outs! John Wayne and Dancin' In Circles also make sure you remember this album after its first play. Other easily overlooked tracks such as the Florence Welch collaboration "Hey Girl" and the waiting-to-be-a-hit "A-YO" easily scream pop perfection. Compared to what I've heard of Gaga before (a few songs from Born This Way and the entire ARTPOP) this is her best yet! She pushes such boundaries! The album is such a reflection of maturity. Gaga I remember in 2008 debuted pushing radio into this glam pop stage and now it seems as if she's taking us out. I am so grateful that the album neglects the overused, tired EDM songs on the radio today. She really shows she's ahead of her time. This album shines out above its peers! Expand
  61. Oct 21, 2016
    This is the most authentic album by lady gaga, exudes a mature and safe artist of his work.
    Congratulations to gaga, which provesin every album how unique it is. Enjoy the work of art that is called Joanne
  62. Oct 21, 2016
    Having heard the album, my initial thought was that I had to get used to this "new" Gaga. Now, after hearing the album at least five times, I get it. There is no new Gaga and no old Gaga. This is an artist who toiled for years and reached the top. This is a woman who is no longer interested in the grandeur of her art, and is more concerned with its authenticity. This is a woman who hasHaving heard the album, my initial thought was that I had to get used to this "new" Gaga. Now, after hearing the album at least five times, I get it. There is no new Gaga and no old Gaga. This is an artist who toiled for years and reached the top. This is a woman who is no longer interested in the grandeur of her art, and is more concerned with its authenticity. This is a woman who has danced between the extreme and come out seasoned and ready to pour her heart into what she knows best: music. And boy she knows music! Gaga is a phenomenal talent, and she puts it in good use on Joanne. Her vocals are better than ever, the composition of the songs, the hybrid of genres and styles are better than ever.
    Is Joanne worth my money? It definitely is. Is it a smash Pop record? I do not know, but then again, what IS Pop? Gaga once rewrote the genre, she most definitely is entitled to either breakaway from it, or transform it once again.
  63. Oct 21, 2016
    I really loved how she put together different parts of every era of hers. This album is clearly an evolution, both musical and personal. Congratulations on this one Gaga!!!
  64. MPB
    Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga's fifth commercial solo effort titled 'Joanne' may be her most personal, most authentic and most inspiring yet. With help from A-list musicians such as Mark Ronson, Kevin Parker, BloodPop, Father John MIsty, Beck and Florence Welch, Gaga was able to create an unsual record for a radio pop star, with songs full of heart and soul. Highlights of the album include the opening trackGaga's fifth commercial solo effort titled 'Joanne' may be her most personal, most authentic and most inspiring yet. With help from A-list musicians such as Mark Ronson, Kevin Parker, BloodPop, Father John MIsty, Beck and Florence Welch, Gaga was able to create an unsual record for a radio pop star, with songs full of heart and soul. Highlights of the album include the opening track 'Diamond Heart,' which teases Gaga's personal life from years ago over the heaviest isntrumental in her career. The chorus is rock'n'roll heaven while never losing the catchiness of a typical Gaga hook. Another high point from the album is the title track, which serves not overly emotional lyrics about Gaga's aunt who passed year ago. The simple folky instrumental is accompanied with Gaga's strong vocals and the chorus while being very simple is one of the best on the album. Another songs worth mentioning are the country-inspired 'Sinner's Prayer' and 'Grigio Girls,' which definitely belong to 'The Best' part of Gaga's discography. Overall 'Joanne' is probably Gaga's best record to date (maybe behind the pop masterpiece The Fame Monster) and everyone, not just Gaga's fanbase, shoud give it a listen. Expand
  65. Oct 21, 2016
    It's not an usual album for what we've heard from Gaga, but it's amazing in so many ways.
    Joanne is that kind of album that could be used in a movie soundtrack and the feelings on this album are so real, you can't feel the pain, the good vibes or the sensation of freedom in each music. There's no track alike any other on the album. For me it's the best album on 2016!
  66. Oct 21, 2016
    I've been following her since her debut, and I can say that this is her best album to date. It just feels more genuine and organic. Loved it from first listen !
  67. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne marks a new departure for Gaga, venturing into as-of-yet uncharted grounds of Country-Rock-Pop music. This record distances from her previous works by featuring Gaga's voice completely unfiltered, showcasing raw emotion with lyrics ranging from heartbreak (Perfect Illusion, Million Reasons), love (Joanne), sex (Dancing In Circles, John Wayne), self-empowerment (Hey Girl, GrigioJoanne marks a new departure for Gaga, venturing into as-of-yet uncharted grounds of Country-Rock-Pop music. This record distances from her previous works by featuring Gaga's voice completely unfiltered, showcasing raw emotion with lyrics ranging from heartbreak (Perfect Illusion, Million Reasons), love (Joanne), sex (Dancing In Circles, John Wayne), self-empowerment (Hey Girl, Grigio Girls) and political statements (Angel Down). Overall, this might be considered one of Gaga's best projects, so far. Expand
  68. Oct 21, 2016
    Maybe a let down for some electronic dance fans but a direction towards the opposite of the trend that rules the top 40 right now. Every song is personal and raw.
  69. Oct 21, 2016
    'John Wayne' offers a small glimpse of good music on Joanne. The rest of the album is disappointingly mediocre. If she were any other artist, I would not have even heard past the third track 'Joanne'.
  70. Oct 21, 2016
    Esse é o trabalho mais rico e diversificado musicalmente de Lady Gaga. A cantora resgata nesse álbum sua alma musical de antes da fama, porém, de forma madura e contagiante.
  71. Oct 21, 2016
    Emotional and natural. This album should be rated highly. "Perfect Illusion", "Million Reasons", "Diamond Heart", "Joanne", "Sinner's Prayer", "Hey Girl" the best songs
  72. Oct 21, 2016
    ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ... ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ...⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ... ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ...⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ... ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ...⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ... ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ...⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ... ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ...⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ... ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
  73. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is the most authentic, soulful and powerful Lady Gaga's album yet. It may sound a lil bit too much country for me, but it has a great pop and rock records on it as well. Dancin' In The Circles and A-Yo are LP's definite highlights, but heartbreaking ballads (Joanne, Million Reasons) are also worth attention. I have to underline that the album is such different that the majority ofJoanne is the most authentic, soulful and powerful Lady Gaga's album yet. It may sound a lil bit too much country for me, but it has a great pop and rock records on it as well. Dancin' In The Circles and A-Yo are LP's definite highlights, but heartbreaking ballads (Joanne, Million Reasons) are also worth attention. I have to underline that the album is such different that the majority of the records on current music market which is soaked with EDM and autotune. Here we have lot of instruments, raw, strong Gaga's vocals and great lyrics. Every song on it is different story and everyone should get familiar with these stories. My rate: 9.5/10 Expand
  74. Oct 21, 2016
    Her best album to date, very different to her previous work yet still delivering great pop tunes. Much more authentic and some great meaningful highlights such as Angel Down.
  75. Oct 21, 2016
    Not the sound I was expecting or care to hear from Gaga. She was a dance pop artist. This sudden radical change of sound is not what I am into. I find most of the production just flat and not memorable. Her vocals don't quite fit in with the genre perfectly. I can only keep A-Yo, Dancing In Circles and Sinner's Prayer.
  76. Oct 21, 2016
    Though the intention is good, it sounds like she was trying to sound more like classic US artists like Dolly Parton or Johnny Cash rather than herself.

    She doesn't sound genuine or original, most of the songs sound like unfinished demos and doesn't bring nothing new on the table. There are indeed enjoyable songs, but this album is only good for a fan of her. One way to put this in a
    Though the intention is good, it sounds like she was trying to sound more like classic US artists like Dolly Parton or Johnny Cash rather than herself.

    She doesn't sound genuine or original, most of the songs sound like unfinished demos and doesn't bring nothing new on the table. There are indeed enjoyable songs, but this album is only good for a fan of her.

    One way to put this in a short way is that she has stop trying to impress the mainstream media with pop music (filled with pretentiousness) and now she tried to make something "classic" and raw that hasn't ended up being that good.
  77. Oct 21, 2016
    I love this album, powerful and very beautiful. Thank You Gaga for Joanne. Amazing, every song is different. My favourites: Dancin' In Circles, Hey Girl and Angel Down
  78. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is the most mature album of Lady Gaga. Joanne is fantastic and the vocals... wow. The music, the instrumental, real music... real voice.

    I love Lady Gaga but I love so much Joanne.

    Thank you, Stefani. Thank you, Lady Gaga. A legend. A queen. Goddess.
  79. Oct 21, 2016
    Such a beautiful album with incredible, emotional vocals. The only reason people are giving this negative reviews is because it's not typical EDM top 40 club music or they're pressed stans who do not appreciate good music. Quite sad that they cannot respect other artists work. Joanne, Angel Down and Diamond Heart are very strong points in this album, very powerful with catchy hooks.
  80. Oct 21, 2016
    Where's the Gaga that I loved years ago? I can't believe what i've just listened... this style doesn't fit her voice in any way... i'm so disapointed that I can't believe it. The worst album i've heard in years.
  81. Oct 21, 2016
    You might dislike this album at first listen, but if you listen to it again and open yourself up to a new style and different genres, Joanne will be your record of the year.

    It's amazingly crafted, with great melodies, lyrics and heart.
  82. Oct 21, 2016
    Fan since The Fame. Gaga delivered with this album. Every song has something different. My personal favourites: John Wayne, Dancin' in Circles & Angel Down.
  83. Oct 21, 2016
    Ten years and four studio albums into her career, this is where Mother Monster shows a complete new, versatile side of her. Joanne isn't the type of pop record you'd expect Gaga to make, and that's what makes this album so phenomenal. Lady Gaga is the One - Unpredictable and always changing.
  84. Oct 21, 2016
    i never recognized her voice ... this is the first im impressed with her she got amazing voice really luv this side of GAG her voice is like amazing what a talented vocalist no auto tune this is pure Lady gaga every song on this album is like powerful & ofcourse im gonna buy This album ))
  85. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is giving me life, with powerful vocals and catchy choruses is definitely one of the best albums of the year. All tracks are powerful and potential singles. But the calm music fulfill their role brilliantly leaving you with tears and wanting another dose. Gaga is back with personal lyrics that convey all that is expected when it comes to a new release of her art.
  86. Oct 21, 2016
    If you want to enjoy this album, play it on a drive in your car!
    A very interesting sound.
    Not boring.
    Amazing vocals.
    Lyrical masterpiece!
    I believe this album appeals to many music lovers no matter the genre you are interested in.
  87. Oct 21, 2016
    A new album by Lady Gaga with loads of Gaga stuff in it but also loads of new and not so Gaga stuff too. Love th album, it is fun, catchy, serious, sad and everything combined. The only thing and the reason i am not giving it a 10 is that the songs could have been a bit longer and more "fancy", but Gaga chose this simple way and i like it, good job.
  88. Oct 21, 2016
    Most mature album. All songs have their own capacity to capture listener's attention. I love the way keep this album simple but shines brightly through it!
  89. Oct 21, 2016
    i honestly think this is her best album, so much better than the edm stuff she was doing, it sounds like she finally found her sound and voice, a bit country, folk, rock and pop. it feels like one of those albums most most music lovers can appreciate
  90. Oct 21, 2016
    This is an incredible album, evertything is nice in Joanne.
    All the songs could make you happy, could make you sad, could make you alive. Could make you feel good.
  91. Oct 21, 2016
    The album is amazing. Her vocals are excellent, the songs are very personal and the songwriting is catchy.
    "Perfect Illusion", the lead single, is a very good pop-rock track. Well done!
  92. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne represents Gaga's most personal record yet not because it reveals the "real" her—each of her releases reflects a different side of her self, and should be read as authentic reflections of who she was when she made them—but rather because it relies most heavily on her own experiences: her pain and her suffering and her growth as not only a musician but a human being.
    Her best album
    Joanne represents Gaga's most personal record yet not because it reveals the "real" her—each of her releases reflects a different side of her self, and should be read as authentic reflections of who she was when she made them—but rather because it relies most heavily on her own experiences: her pain and her suffering and her growth as not only a musician but a human being.
    Her best album so far..
  93. Oct 21, 2016
    I think this may just be Gaga's Best album yet. She is totally right it’s about balance, hence the title of Joanne, half way between are rebellious side and her father's daughter. Every song on the album has its own personal touch, while still reminding us the real why we love gaga, and most likely we always will. Bloodpop and Mark are the main producers of this album and can be heard.I think this may just be Gaga's Best album yet. She is totally right it’s about balance, hence the title of Joanne, half way between are rebellious side and her father's daughter. Every song on the album has its own personal touch, while still reminding us the real why we love gaga, and most likely we always will. Bloodpop and Mark are the main producers of this album and can be heard. Mark brings the more Authentic sound, and Bloodpop brings it more up into the modern era with his sounds, with songs such as Dancin in Circles and John Wayne. This Album also has Million Reasons, as well as Joanne and Angel Down, what are really touching and beautiful songs. It is a very pure and authentic pop album at heart and Gaga has delivered, it may just be the best album released this year. Expand
  94. Oct 21, 2016
    Lady gaga did it again. This is her best album to date. This album shows a new side of her. She sounds good as never before. Everytime she is doing something different!
  95. Oct 21, 2016
    This album is just horrible. Gaga sells an image "pure" without "pretense" but ends up being her worst attempt as a musician. The concept is just unbearable and the music nowhere near to amazing.
  96. Oct 21, 2016
    The album's production is quite patchy at some parts, though I'm not sure if they were intentionally done to enhance the soundscape of the tracks. The songwriting could have been worded more effectively, her vocals could've been more rounded, and the structure of the songs is a little awkward, if not abrupt, at parts. These are just basic songs with nothing new to offer. ... I still likeThe album's production is quite patchy at some parts, though I'm not sure if they were intentionally done to enhance the soundscape of the tracks. The songwriting could have been worded more effectively, her vocals could've been more rounded, and the structure of the songs is a little awkward, if not abrupt, at parts. These are just basic songs with nothing new to offer. ... I still like the album for what it is, but I can't pretend it's not a huge disappointment. Expand
  97. Oct 21, 2016
    This album caught me by surprise, I'm not a Lady Gaga fan, saw someone tweeted about this album coming out so I gave it a try. Good lord, what an album, it's raw, authentic, unique and brilliant, not the kind of music I would expect from a pop singer like Gaga, but I love it!
  98. Oct 21, 2016
    "Joanne" is probably Lady Gaga's most personal album. The vocals are raw, the music is stripped down, but the album is still full of influences, from rock to dance, country to pop.
  99. Oct 21, 2016
    8 years into her career, she has never had a sound that's stronger than this. With a completely new approach to this album than anything she has ever done before, Joanne comes off as heartfelt while still maintaining that Pop grittiness that she's known for. The sonic journey this album takes you on is incredible, from the rock-pop element within the album's opening track 'Diamond Heart'8 years into her career, she has never had a sound that's stronger than this. With a completely new approach to this album than anything she has ever done before, Joanne comes off as heartfelt while still maintaining that Pop grittiness that she's known for. The sonic journey this album takes you on is incredible, from the rock-pop element within the album's opening track 'Diamond Heart' to exploration of country sounds in 'Sinner's Prayer', Gaga has mastered a true all-American sound. Expand
  100. Oct 21, 2016
    I've been a fan of Gaga ever since Just Dance, and I love the fact that she constantly evolves herself and I am absolutely loving the style of this album. Mark Ronson and the crew are amazing!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 15, 2016
    Flawed though it is, this brave and canny album hits the reset button and buys her a future. [Jan 2017, p.105]
  2. Nov 11, 2016
    Unfortunately, therein lies the biggest problem with Joanne: for every time that Gaga seemingly breaks free of her shackles and embraces something more “real,” she quickly scuttles back into her comfort zone and hides behind glistening production. This probably isn’t quite the sound of the real Stefani Germanotta, but if you squint hard enough there’s a semblance of a real person in amongst the pop haze.
  3. Nov 9, 2016
    Joanne is certainly not the all-conquering opus it was intended to be and will prove divisive, but it remains a daring and exciting record, delivered from one of modern pop’s most unique and singular voices.