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  1. Oct 21, 2016
    Somehow, she just keeps getting better. Bloodpop does a wonderful job of making some of the more retro-sounding songs sounds modern, and Gaga's vocals are more powerful than ever. This album is going to be on repeat for quite awhile.
  2. Oct 21, 2016
    It's Amazing, best Lady Gaga album since the perfect 'Born This Way', but I think that the time will make 'Joanne' even better, after the fail that was 'ARTPOP' she finally finds inspirations to write lyrics that mean something to the listeners. Must Listen: Diamond Heart, Dancin' in Circles, Million Reasons, Come to Mama, Joanne and Angel Down.
  3. Oct 21, 2016
    Heartfelt raw cohesive record. Lady Gaga is one of the few pop stars of her generation who really puts her heart and soul into her music. Polarizing and sometimes underrated she's the one with the talent, and Joanne proves that.
  4. Jun 13, 2017
    Hands down Gaga's best record to date in my personal opinion. Everyone's is different.
    With this album, we see a side of Gaga we've never really seen before. Though Joanne still has glam and is here to party, we hear a more genuine, rootsy live instrumentation with soul punching lyrics. With themes of female empowerment, kindness, loss, pain, politics, family, lust, sex, etc; Some songs
    Hands down Gaga's best record to date in my personal opinion. Everyone's is different.
    With this album, we see a side of Gaga we've never really seen before. Though Joanne still has glam and is here to party, we hear a more genuine, rootsy live instrumentation with soul punching lyrics. With themes of female empowerment, kindness, loss, pain, politics, family, lust, sex, etc; Some songs stronger than others, but still somehow Gaga' strongest.
    Gaga cries "Girl, where do you think your going?" over and over as she grieves the loss of a woman whom she never met but still felt extremely connected with n the album's title track. What could be Gaga's most stripped back and unplugged moment yet. It's something of a rarity in the pop world for an album to go as deep as Joanne. But with Gaga, it was sure to come.
    In the depth of this album, I sensed strong David Bowie and Elton John influences as well as Gaga's essential Springsteen-esque sound in songs like "Diamond Heart" and "Angel Down." To commemorate this style Gaga sought collaborations from alternative/indie royalty Kevin Parker, Josh Homme, Father John Misty and the divine Florence Welch.; Jazz musician, Brian Newman; As well as the soulful, doo-wop addition of the Gaga's main co-producer, the legendary Mark Ronson. This album to me, was the highlight of 2016. An album that set a new standard in the pop world that artists like Miley Cyrus and Harry Styles followed through with stylistically in 2017.
    Joanne is the album I've been waiting for from a pop artist. Deep down though, I knew only Gaga could pull it off in a way that could speak to me. For I'm not one for modern pop music. However, with this album, it feels almost as if you're going through a time machine with all of it's diverse and soulful energy. A time machine you can visit over and over again, loving and more and more with each listen.
  5. Oct 21, 2016
    Perhaps the greatest musical reinvention ever witnessed, Joanne is a trilling, colorful, tasteful masterpiece that takes listeners on a sonic and emotional journey of everything Gaga. This is an album for the ages, and has something that listeners of all ages can enjoy. Highly recommended.
  6. Oct 21, 2016
    You might dislike this album at first listen, but if you listen to it again and open yourself up to a new style and different genres, Joanne will be your record of the year.

    It's amazingly crafted, with great melodies, lyrics and heart.
  7. Oct 21, 2016
    This is a fantastic album. Most artists nowadays churn out songs meant for top 40 after songs meant for top 40, but Gaga took a huge risk and went in the other direction and released what is quite possibly her most personal album yet. On top of being personal and different, it's also rather versatile, from rock (Perfect Illusion) to the country (Million Reasons), etc. Imagine, just IMAGINEThis is a fantastic album. Most artists nowadays churn out songs meant for top 40 after songs meant for top 40, but Gaga took a huge risk and went in the other direction and released what is quite possibly her most personal album yet. On top of being personal and different, it's also rather versatile, from rock (Perfect Illusion) to the country (Million Reasons), etc. Imagine, just IMAGINE if Gaga had saved You and I for this album instead of putting it on Born This Way. Expand
  8. Oct 21, 2016
    Finally a good album from her, the other ones don't pleases me but this 'Joanne' give me a million reasons to love. Thanks, Lady Gaga, to make good songs (the others songs that she have are great but no my alternative style)
  9. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is her most sensitive and personal album so far, all the songs are really deep and full of passion. She embrace the tragedy family and built something new, beautiful, a record full of diferent feelings.
  10. MPB
    Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga's fifth commercial solo effort titled 'Joanne' may be her most personal, most authentic and most inspiring yet. With help from A-list musicians such as Mark Ronson, Kevin Parker, BloodPop, Father John MIsty, Beck and Florence Welch, Gaga was able to create an unsual record for a radio pop star, with songs full of heart and soul. Highlights of the album include the opening trackGaga's fifth commercial solo effort titled 'Joanne' may be her most personal, most authentic and most inspiring yet. With help from A-list musicians such as Mark Ronson, Kevin Parker, BloodPop, Father John MIsty, Beck and Florence Welch, Gaga was able to create an unsual record for a radio pop star, with songs full of heart and soul. Highlights of the album include the opening track 'Diamond Heart,' which teases Gaga's personal life from years ago over the heaviest isntrumental in her career. The chorus is rock'n'roll heaven while never losing the catchiness of a typical Gaga hook. Another high point from the album is the title track, which serves not overly emotional lyrics about Gaga's aunt who passed year ago. The simple folky instrumental is accompanied with Gaga's strong vocals and the chorus while being very simple is one of the best on the album. Another songs worth mentioning are the country-inspired 'Sinner's Prayer' and 'Grigio Girls,' which definitely belong to 'The Best' part of Gaga's discography. Overall 'Joanne' is probably Gaga's best record to date (maybe behind the pop masterpiece The Fame Monster) and everyone, not just Gaga's fanbase, shoud give it a listen. Expand
  11. Nov 27, 2020
    Amazing, show stopping, never been done before, totally unique, vomit on it, **** on it, give birth to it!
  12. Oct 21, 2016
    While your average popstar is fighting to get a few seconds of Max Martin in their album, Lady Gaga assembled an astonishing group of talented people to craft her most beautiful and personal album yet. Definitely unexpected, the singer delivers the best vocal performances of her career.
  13. Oct 23, 2016
    I love this album. Overall I consider it her best work to date. While its highest high is not Bad Romance or Poker Face the whole package can surely rival the Fame Monster in my opinion. The length is perfect; there's a healthy balance between ballads and bops and production often gives way for her vocals to shine through (both a good and bad thing sometimes) Artpop was too messy; the factI love this album. Overall I consider it her best work to date. While its highest high is not Bad Romance or Poker Face the whole package can surely rival the Fame Monster in my opinion. The length is perfect; there's a healthy balance between ballads and bops and production often gives way for her vocals to shine through (both a good and bad thing sometimes) Artpop was too messy; the fact that half the tracks on there were slapped on produced demos and the whole asinine pretentious promo campaign were super cringy. But this one, this is a true work of passion and authenticity (not gonna say art, we all know how that went). The critics can suck my disco stick, for all I know this would receive much more acclaim if it had been done by Rihanna Beyonce or Adele. Expand
  14. Oct 24, 2016
    This album has a lot of heart and shows Gaga at her most vulnerable yet. Mark Ronson's production highlights Gaga's unedited vocals in perfect harmony and brings a magical element to the record. Lyrically, this is her best work–particularly with the track "Angel Down," which may be her best writing thus far. Gaga continues to evolve as as artist, and this album puts her two steps forwardThis album has a lot of heart and shows Gaga at her most vulnerable yet. Mark Ronson's production highlights Gaga's unedited vocals in perfect harmony and brings a magical element to the record. Lyrically, this is her best work–particularly with the track "Angel Down," which may be her best writing thus far. Gaga continues to evolve as as artist, and this album puts her two steps forward from the back step of ARTPOP. This album lays the groundwork for a future of wonderful music and creative experimentation. Expand
  15. Oct 21, 2016
    I've been a fan of Gaga ever since Just Dance, and I love the fact that she constantly evolves herself and I am absolutely loving the style of this album. Mark Ronson and the crew are amazing!
  16. Oct 21, 2016
    An artist has to get out of his comfort zone and explore new lands. What Gaga does with Joanne it's exactly this travel: She is avoiding to continue with the same shapes and images. Joanne is a beautiful effort to create something real, unique and true. I love every single part of it.
  17. Sep 3, 2021
    Gaga nos muestra su album mas familiar y personal, muestra su talento vocal y se aleja de su sonido clasico demostrando que tiene versatilidad.
  18. Oct 21, 2016
    When it comes about great pop records Lady Gaga knows how to do it. "Joanne" shows it in a incredble way, it is easy to realize that she is the real deal, a real and passionate musician who take risks to make her visions appear through her work.

    Good job Lady Gaga!
  19. Oct 21, 2016
    Such a stunning and beautiful album!
    Best song hands down has to be Dancin' In Circles
    She did an amazing job with this masterpiece!
    I honestly could not be any more happy to dance to this!
  20. Oct 21, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lady Gaga conseguiu mais uma vez se reinventar com o album Joanne. As cançoes são memoráveis, quase hinos, a sutiliza das melodias contrasta com a voz crua, mas infinitamente afinada, traz paixão e sobretudo nos faz refletir a cerca dos novos tempos, mesmo que a musica expressem balatas com batidas mais convencionais. o álbum é uma cartase ambulante. Expand
  21. Oct 21, 2016
    Tenía mis dudas al respecto. Perfect Ilusion sonaba bien, pero no era del todo convincente para mí. Después de todo, terminó siendo la peor canción del album (y no por eso mala). El disco es fantástico, los sonidos que utiliza Lady Gaga aquí son muy interesantes y variados (nada para sorprenderse porque Lady Gaga siempre se ha caracterizado por experimentar). Su voz está apenas retocada enTenía mis dudas al respecto. Perfect Ilusion sonaba bien, pero no era del todo convincente para mí. Después de todo, terminó siendo la peor canción del album (y no por eso mala). El disco es fantástico, los sonidos que utiliza Lady Gaga aquí son muy interesantes y variados (nada para sorprenderse porque Lady Gaga siempre se ha caracterizado por experimentar). Su voz está apenas retocada en ciertos tracks, lo que nos ofrece una voz auténtica y limpia. Lo que hace a Joanne tan bueno es que es diferente de sus predecesores, y sin embargo,tiene algo de la clásica Gaga. Sin exagerar, el mejor album del año. Expand
  22. Oct 22, 2016
    Bastante sorprendente para las tendencias del momento, increíbles letras, buena producción e instrumentación. Definitivamente una propuesta que se agradece y que puede nutrir la industria musical e invitar a realizar producciones más orgánicas en las cuales sea posible disfrutar la interpretación de instrumentos, percibir mejor la letra de las canciones y por ende introducirse en suBastante sorprendente para las tendencias del momento, increíbles letras, buena producción e instrumentación. Definitivamente una propuesta que se agradece y que puede nutrir la industria musical e invitar a realizar producciones más orgánicas en las cuales sea posible disfrutar la interpretación de instrumentos, percibir mejor la letra de las canciones y por ende introducirse en su contenido y mensaje. Bravo. Expand
  23. Oct 24, 2016
    An incredible record by an extremely talent woman, Joanne may be her best work yet! Infectious hooks and a sense of party combined with an undeniable expression of pain and rage conveyed through a voice so comforting, you almost feel as if she is giving you a great big hug through the music.
  24. Jun 9, 2017
    Thank You GaGa for this amazing album. this is the best, you need to promote this album as ever this is the best so far thank you my dear i just love you
  25. Oct 22, 2016
    Joanne is all about music. Incredible work by Lady Gaga in her most personal album to date. This album combines pop, country, rock, funk and lot of ballads. Million Reasons is one of the best songs in the album. I'm ready to see how she'll perform these songs during the era.
  26. Oct 21, 2016
    Very solid and beautiful album, with gorgeous melodies and a very nice production. I hope gaga will continue to this path on the next years. I'm a little Joanner.
  27. Oct 21, 2016
    Lady Gaga conseguiu reinventar e fazer um álbum com diferentes estilos. O álbum é ótimo e todo o planeta terra estava com saudades desses hinos, para dançar ou chorar. Obrigado rainha.
  28. Oct 24, 2016
    I dont know what this woman cant do.She's done it all:jazz,rock,pop,dance.This album shows her musical maturity and also shows a much personal side of her.From the rock in your face opener "Diamond heart" to the heartfelt lyrics of "Angel down" ,this album shows her rebellious side as well as her soft side and im very excited to see what she does next.!!!!!!!
  29. Oct 21, 2016
    A really beautiful album full of songs with depth and meaning. Gaga is more mature now and it shows through the excellent writing on Joanne. Produced by Mark Ronson, Bloodpop and a handful of others, the album is extremely well made and cements Lady Gaga as a force to be reckoned with.
  30. Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga is evolving and showing us the kind of artist she always wanted to be. Every song in the album is in it's place. Lady Gaga can be so much more than the typical popstar.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 15, 2016
    Flawed though it is, this brave and canny album hits the reset button and buys her a future. [Jan 2017, p.105]
  2. Nov 11, 2016
    Unfortunately, therein lies the biggest problem with Joanne: for every time that Gaga seemingly breaks free of her shackles and embraces something more “real,” she quickly scuttles back into her comfort zone and hides behind glistening production. This probably isn’t quite the sound of the real Stefani Germanotta, but if you squint hard enough there’s a semblance of a real person in amongst the pop haze.
  3. Nov 9, 2016
    Joanne is certainly not the all-conquering opus it was intended to be and will prove divisive, but it remains a daring and exciting record, delivered from one of modern pop’s most unique and singular voices.