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Mixed or average reviews- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 81
  2. Negative: 40 out of 81
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  1. Jan 4, 2022
    I really loved Jordi don't know why on YouTube everyone's hating this album but I really enjoyed/loved this album
  2. Nov 25, 2021
    An awesome record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Nov 25, 2021
    My least favorite album by Maroon 5 but Adam Levine's voice is still so so amazing!
  4. Nov 24, 2021
    This abum is as good as their last one, Adam Levine's voice is wonderfuuuul
  5. Nov 12, 2021
    Moderno, con toques de hip-hop. Maroon 5 opta por experimentar con lo que está de moda ahora, invitando a una serie de artistas del momento. Es plano, sencillo pero está bien para lo que Maroon 5 es ahora.
  6. Sep 6, 2021
    The "critics" have given an average score of below average ie 48.. I found it pleasantly listenable and in some places quite interesting.. of course "memories" is well known and I song I like.. any song with a Pachabell undertone i will like :-) Give it a try and give it a like :+1
  7. Jun 21, 2021
    Sadly people are still butthurt they don't create rock like they used to back in the 2000s. I really love Maroon 5 and the biggest reason behind it is they are versatile, you can listen to them all day long without getting bored, becouse they don't stick to one genre.
    This album is fenomenal. There are two songs that I don't find that appealing, otherwise I couldn't be happier with Jordi.
    Sadly people are still butthurt they don't create rock like they used to back in the 2000s. I really love Maroon 5 and the biggest reason behind it is they are versatile, you can listen to them all day long without getting bored, becouse they don't stick to one genre.
    This album is fenomenal. There are two songs that I don't find that appealing, otherwise I couldn't be happier with Jordi. Lost just became my favourite out of the album, Beautiful mistake is another killer, Nobody's love is the band's hidden, underrated gem, sadly I didn't get caught by memories that much as people rate it. Other favourite songs I'd like to point out are Remedy (super catchy), Can't leave you alone (very beautiful and catchy) and Seasons (yet again another catchy hip-pop style song) .
  8. Jun 15, 2021
    This album is SO PERFECT! Every song is a magic piece!
    My favorite song is Lost or Beautiful Mistake… uhm maybe Sick love i don’t know but i know that this album is art ! Maroon 5 make a great work
    I love it
  9. Jun 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really love this album, one of the best bands ever.
    My favorite track from this new album is Lost and Remedy
  10. Jun 15, 2021
    Is the Best!! I love Remedy, Lovesick, lost, Nobody's love, Convince me otherwise and Echo
  11. Jun 14, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s good. Should try it. Maroon 5 still in the hall of fame. Expand
  12. Jun 12, 2021
    He actually raps in seasons. A combination of pop, Tropical sounds and hip hop at its best possible form. Their versatility is amazing and dedicating the album to their late manager. Such a beautiful thing to do
  13. Jun 12, 2021
  14. Jun 12, 2021
    Um álbum totalmente trazendo a raiz de que sempre foi e sempre será o Maroon 5, com feat e gênero totalmente completo, o álbum vai da balada ao pop 2021 com fluidez.
  15. Jun 11, 2021

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. Jun 30, 2021
    Levine and company aren't the focus here, they're the connective tissue on a softly amorphous album that sounds entirely like latter-day Maroon 5 without ever quite seeming to belong to them.
  2. Jun 17, 2021
    A flaccid smattering of pop trends that have long since passed and melodies so transparently halfhearted, it barely sounds like a person even made them.
  3. Jun 16, 2021
    Jordi bounces between smeary electropop haze, wobbles of tropical house, a forgettable Stevie Nicks appearance. It’s too cluttered to sink into, too limp for catharsis.