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Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
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  1. Nov 17, 2018
    This album is one of the finest concept albums ever created, up there with Dark Side of the Moon. It chronicles a bitter breakup in excruciating detail and is not for the faint of heart. Contains the flawless "Drive." Marissa's unique brand of fingerpicking is a delight to hear, even if the mood is so devastatingly bleak.
  2. Apr 23, 2014
    Perhaps her least gripping effort since her debut record in '09. Very unexciting. Bland vocals, melodies and instrumentation and way too faint. No swells or boldness either in the vocals or the tempo. meh.
  3. Mar 15, 2014
    My first review of this album a week ago was a "8." Since then, I had a chat with one of the guys who works at a record store here in Chicago, and he recommended Marissa's albums. Since then, I went to her back catalogue on iTunes and fell in love with most of the songs on "Ballads of Living and Dying." But the song "Bird On Your Grave" on her "Song III: Bird On The Water" EP is whatMy first review of this album a week ago was a "8." Since then, I had a chat with one of the guys who works at a record store here in Chicago, and he recommended Marissa's albums. Since then, I went to her back catalogue on iTunes and fell in love with most of the songs on "Ballads of Living and Dying." But the song "Bird On Your Grave" on her "Song III: Bird On The Water" EP is what clinched it for me. My mom died a couple of months ago, and I sometimes sing the songs she used to love to feel closer to her. Well, it just so happens, In that song, this is exactly what Marissa puts in her lyrics: "...been dead a couple of months, my friend;" "..and I still have your songs in my head, and your face engraved into the glass of me;" and lastly, "Tomorrow I'm going to leave a bird on your grave, and say a little prayer for you." Well, it just so happens - yet again - that I found a beautiful stone bird carved and painted in Mexico at a thrift store awhile back, and I've been looking at it and how I would have shown it to my mother who was Mexican. Now I have wrote "I love U Mom" on the bird and am going to place it on her grave, and of course, say a prayer. If this isn't the most sad but one of the most beautiful songs Marissa has written. So you can see why I also love her album "Ballads of Living and Dying" as well. I'm giving this album a "10" because I think it's an "8," but I have added an extra "2" points for the "Bird On Your Grave" song from 2007, and the connection I feel with Marissa's music is amazing! Love you, Marissa! Collapse
  4. Feb 10, 2014
    July is an absolute triumph. Nadler's smooth, elegant voice washes over atmospheric acoustic guitars, waves of strings, and plentiful, yet tactful, reverberation. The style never shifts, but the dynamics and songwriting is mixed up well enough that this album never gets boring, nor does it drop in quality. A great record - one of the best of 2014 so far and a strong contender for one ofJuly is an absolute triumph. Nadler's smooth, elegant voice washes over atmospheric acoustic guitars, waves of strings, and plentiful, yet tactful, reverberation. The style never shifts, but the dynamics and songwriting is mixed up well enough that this album never gets boring, nor does it drop in quality. A great record - one of the best of 2014 so far and a strong contender for one of the best of the year. Expand
  5. Feb 6, 2014
    an artist who just keeps getting better. the production here does everything right. a perfect album of atmosphere and soul, front to back. here, being done wrong sounds so good.
  6. Feb 4, 2014
    Marissa continues to give us that ghostly ballads with atmospheric echoes, but now her lyricism is going into a darkness place , where i feel so comfortable, once again after The Sister , this woman crafted a special and beautiful album.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Mar 31, 2014
    Melodically bewitching throughout, Nadler’s vocals are as nuanced and strong as Dunn’s production.
  2. Mar 18, 2014
    This is a break-up album, a cohesive work embodying a singular mood, and Nadler, like any great artist, sets the scene with such careful, immersive depth that it can be difficult to the seams in her work until you explore every inch.
  3. Mar 10, 2014
    Yes, fine songs. But in part, though, a little of the success of July should be attributed to producer Randall Dunn.