• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Apr 12, 2019
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 112 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 112
  2. Negative: 8 out of 112
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  1. Apr 17, 2019
    LSD portrays the perfect match between three talented artists. The album is psychedelic, ecstatic, cheerful and very well planned. The productions of Diplo are very technical and bring a novelty air, while the super vocals of Sia and Labrinth refer us to true powerful vocalists and even addictive. It's amazing. It's dancing. Its addicting. It's LSD.
  2. Jun 1, 2019
    The sounds of this album are the best.... Congratulations to Labrinth, Sia and Diplo
  3. Oct 1, 2020
    The best supergroup and the best álbum!!! The beats and the melody are perfect
  4. Aug 29, 2020
    An album bring happiness and joy into your heart An album make you sing and dance
  5. Sep 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lo amo, es como tomar RedBull después de haber tomado 5 RedBull, eso es efervescente, genial, tan único, fantástico. Expand
  6. Nov 8, 2020
    Esse é um álbum que faz você explorar experiências diferentes, quase letárgicas, com altos e baixos que te levam da euforia a um estado de questionamento
  7. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um grupo que entregou todo um ótimo conceito, as músicas nos fazem viajar para outro lugar, um mundo paralelo. Expand
  8. Apr 19, 2019
    Many people hate this album, but it's good for me. The album cannot be considered as any artist's single project of LSD. It's experimental, in a good way. Vocals are great, most of the production are interesting. The only problem for me is that they release so many singles before the album release, which makes my expectations really high but disappoints me finally.
    Personal Rating:
    Many people hate this album, but it's good for me. The album cannot be considered as any artist's single project of LSD. It's experimental, in a good way. Vocals are great, most of the production are interesting. The only problem for me is that they release so many singles before the album release, which makes my expectations really high but disappoints me finally.
    Personal Rating:
    Welcome to the wonderful world of: 9/10(A listenable track, the structure is special and unexpected, but the "Diplo" at the end is annoying)
    Angel in your eyes: 9.5/10(the production is really interesting. It may be too much for others, but it's a bop for me)
    Genius: 10/10(best song)
    Audio: 10/10(the chorus is good)
    Thunderclouds: 9.5/10(Sia's vocal is very intriguing in this track)
    Mountains: 7.5/10(a bit flat and underwhelming)
    No New Friends: 8.5/10(a listenable song, but nothing stands out)
    Heaven Can Wait: 9/10(an ok track)
    It's Time:8.5/10(Labrinth's voice is really great in this track)
  9. Apr 17, 2019
    My only complain about this album is delaying the album for 6 months. the sounds on the album are good and interesting. Though Diplo said the album is psychedelic pop, it is more pop and rock than psychedelic. Labrinth and Sia's voices go together very well and Diplo and Labrinth's production shows some interesting mixes. my fav tracks are thunderclouds,heaven can wait (sia killed it onMy only complain about this album is delaying the album for 6 months. the sounds on the album are good and interesting. Though Diplo said the album is psychedelic pop, it is more pop and rock than psychedelic. Labrinth and Sia's voices go together very well and Diplo and Labrinth's production shows some interesting mixes. my fav tracks are thunderclouds,heaven can wait (sia killed it on this one),and the intro defines what type of songs can be expected from the album perfectly Expand
  10. Apr 20, 2019
    Apesar de parecer muito "robotizado" é um álbum com ótimas composições e boas melodias. Traz um estilo único, algo planejado para esse estilo psicodélico.
  11. Sep 22, 2019
    Uma combinação que ninguém pediu, nem imaginou, mas que deu super certo.
  12. Aug 29, 2020
    Estranho e animado como a gente gosta. Não é o melhor álbum do mundo mas tem seus acertos
  13. Dec 10, 2020
    Es bueno para bailar y disfrutar. No se me hace aburrido, es divertido. Los sonidos son cheveres
  14. Jun 28, 2019
    Weird in a good way, the three artists collaborate to create this interesting album. Most of the songs are addicting and easy to listen to. A pleasant surprise!
  15. Apr 21, 2019
    This debut album was really unexpected to sound like it sounds. Here Diplo, Labrinth & Sia demonstrate they are still essential pieces of music industry. The production simplicity is the key (we might be used to the very "over-produced" tracks, with new strange sounds) because LSD had as aim to stand out the lyrics and the voices, important part of all the content. Also the topic ofThis debut album was really unexpected to sound like it sounds. Here Diplo, Labrinth & Sia demonstrate they are still essential pieces of music industry. The production simplicity is the key (we might be used to the very "over-produced" tracks, with new strange sounds) because LSD had as aim to stand out the lyrics and the voices, important part of all the content. Also the topic of delusion in love, the time, the loneliness and the overcome of the relationship issues were loyal to the reality. Every song has represented every phase of the process. 79/100 Expand
  16. May 18, 2019
    Some people have been very critical about this album and said it is the worst one of the year but I think otherwise. Yes, there are one or two tracks that could have been worked on a little more, but I think that overall, this album is better than the public and critics are saying. In my opinion, the best tracks are Genius, Thunderclouds and Welcome to the Wonderful World of. I do admitSome people have been very critical about this album and said it is the worst one of the year but I think otherwise. Yes, there are one or two tracks that could have been worked on a little more, but I think that overall, this album is better than the public and critics are saying. In my opinion, the best tracks are Genius, Thunderclouds and Welcome to the Wonderful World of. I do admit it's not Sia's best work but it is still worth a listen. I actually give this an 8.4 but I can't do that sooo... Expand
  17. May 7, 2019
    LSD has just released what could be the greatest house-pop album to ever be released. But at this point in music, that isn't saying much. Similar to being the ring-leader at a traveling circus.
  18. Apr 16, 2019
    Very strange album. Many consider LSD the worst in the whole year, but I disagree with that. LSD was very good and memorable, each song is original and interesting. This is an interesting mix of several genres, which makes you wonder and interlude while listening. I love the creativity of Sia, she is very talented and she really has a talent. Blowing along with Labyrinth and Diplo is veryVery strange album. Many consider LSD the worst in the whole year, but I disagree with that. LSD was very good and memorable, each song is original and interesting. This is an interesting mix of several genres, which makes you wonder and interlude while listening. I love the creativity of Sia, she is very talented and she really has a talent. Blowing along with Labyrinth and Diplo is very pleasant to the ears. I can praise such songs as >, >, >, >, >. Probably these are the best songs of the whole album, in which there are a lot of interesting beats and, of course, vocals. There are no very bad songs in the whole album, but there are mediocre ones. For example >. This song at the same time has very original and cool sounds but is a bit dull and strange, it does not have the normal text and compositional integrity, but this principle does not matter when the album is called LSD. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Apr 23, 2019
    Considering the combination of such talents, it's a wonder that LSD is so good and so fun. While it might be too relentless for some, it's an experience to embrace and enjoy.
  2. Apr 17, 2019
    LSD sound like an algorithmic midden of pop music. ... More than anything, this album is both tired and wired, like drinking Red Bull after a fifth Red Bull.
  3. Apr 15, 2019
    What’s remarkable is how smoothly they work together, and how much genuine pleasure the three seem to take in this collaboration.