• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 25, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Oct 29, 2010
    Like Skin Deep before it, Living Proof is distinguished by these bold, clenched blasts of sonic fury, but here the production has just enough grit to make the entire enterprise feel feral, and that's a greater testament to Guy's enduring vitality than any one song could ever be.
  2. Nov 29, 2010
    Seventy-four years on, he has recorded what is surely the blues album of the year.
  3. Oct 26, 2010
    The guitar legend still plays with the energy of a teenager-albeit a highly talented one-just starting out. And when he gets his dander up on such tracks as "Too Soon" and "Let the Door Knob Hit Ya," Guy can still diss like a street gangsta
  4. Oct 26, 2010
    Amid the album's stolid, sometimes plodding traditionalism, Guy's shrapnel-tossing tone brings some much-needed tension and surprise.
  5. Mojo
    Dec 20, 2010
    There is no nostalgia about Living Proof. [Dec 2010, p.96]
  6. Dec 22, 2010
    Whilst Living Proof is very much the blues, Buddy Guy's solos give this a rawness that swells with discord, and the result feels more akin to the avant-garde guitar days of Sonic Youth and Shellac.
  7. Q Magazine
    Jan 6, 2011
    Even if the songs aren't much more than workmanlike, they're good enough to showcase the man's still mighty roar and shattering guitar playing. [Jan 2011, p.142]
  8. Oct 29, 2010
    From the Stratocaster sizzle of "Key Don't Fit" to the piercing Telecaster sting of the title track, it's the best batch of blues Guy's cooked up in years.
  9. 60
    What's wrong with the record is plain. The lyrics' first-person mythmaking gets trite. The guest appearances sound fainthearted, tailored to the ears of Grammy voters. But the heart of the record is deeply, honorably misbehaved.
  10. Uncut
    Dec 20, 2010
    There are lots of martial bust-ups and squalls of fretboard fury that show that Buddy may be old but he's still wild. [Jan 2011, p.88]
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Nov 7, 2010
    wow, what a disc... this old guy, creates a great bluesy album. The Song "Where the Blues begin" feature Santana and the song "Stay around awow, what a disc... this old guy, creates a great bluesy album. The Song "Where the Blues begin" feature Santana and the song "Stay around a little longer" with the King of Blues BB King are the i-point for this tasty album. thanks and ...everybody's got to go... I hope you don't Full Review »